WHO KILLED THE IRANIAN PRESIDENT, Ebrahim Raisi? | Prophet Uebert Angel

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praise the Lord praise the Lord praise the Lord praise the Lord praise the Lord praise the Lord praise the Lord praise the [Applause] Lord welcome welcome to this broadcast and of course we have got a A Generous year as usual Pastor Felix is here and prophet Isaiah is here and Pastor Patrick is here thank you praise the Lord and I just want to pray for you before we go any further just let's just pray raise your hands so we pray father in the name of Jesus I pray the hearts of these people be ready in the name of Jesus so they know you are a God who keeps his word and keeps his promises we decree and declare that right this minute in this studio and around the world and people watching from all over the world on all platforms be glued to your Revelation and to your prophetic word so they know the intentions of our hearts in you in Jesus mighty name we pray and that also they understand that there is a world to go to and the world to shine in Jesus name amen and amen praise the Lord and of course whenever we we come out with uh our adverts for for our messages it always buffers many because many people wonder what are we going to say in this these messages but it's not even a surprise because God is able to know in advance what will take place but this broadcast will be different I wish someone was there yes sir are you hearing me everybody yes sir we are flowing flowing are you hearing me now hear this hear this I want you to understand something um that happens in the prophetic the prophetic is so many dimensions that if you are not careful you will miss the prophetic see imagine how is it that to this day we still reading this book to this day we're still reading this book and it holds so many dimensions and so many facets of Revelation one book you can read one scripture and still be able to preach 79,000 million whatever messages why because the prophetic is loaded as a matter of fact the Hebrew and the Greek do not have one meaning for any word they carry two or three meanings and above wow these are languages loaded with meaning I don't know if you're getting this yes sir why is it that we still want to interpret the book of The Book of the Revelation because prophecy is not easily ju out there the ability of a prophet or rather what makes a prophet Prophet a prophet is an office of the prophetic and the office of the prophetic main duty is to decode God interpret him and bring him as a matter of fact if you are in the media it is to edit God's script WOWT so we edit him and then we bring it to you in layman terms are you getting this now yes sir sir yes sir are you getting this yes sir sir now hear this I want to start from Ezekiel chapter number 38 Ezekiel chapter number 38 and let me start from verse number one so that you understand here it is we are starting so don't be left behind because you can be left behind don't be don't be it's necessary that you won't be and the message is simple who killed the president of Iran Ibrahim RI and we got the answers as usual we have the answers yes sir m one of these meetings we went under the pop sket and we came up with what was there they had to beg us people had to send us messages and say no let's discuss this even priests were saying let's discuss so we said we'll wait until we discuss it we come back with another version another another session on the pop but at the moment let's deal with this and the word of the Lord came to me saying are you getting this yes sir son of man son of man set thy face against his Gog and the land of MH you were talking about Russia now all right you you will get it the chief Prince of mesek how do we know because if you read the scriptures you understand where the Bible says it is northwards of the land Israel far north that means we're looking for the furthest country above Israel then we get to Russia so we know we're talking about Russia okay that that's just one of the ways to know but they are easier ones to know no but are easier ways the chief Prince of mesek to Barrow and prophesy against him are you still here yes sir say thus says the Lord behold behold what I am against oh God the chief Prince of Meek and to B uhhuh verse number four and I turn thee back and put hooks into thy jaws and I'll bring thee forth and all thine Army horses and Horsemen all of them clothed with all sorts of armor yes even a great company with bucklers and Shields and all of them handling swords now I want you to say something here uh this is very very important and please please please it's important that you notice something let's go back to three 4 five so you see it and say thus say says the Lord God behold I'm against thee oh go and chief Prince of mesek and to Bow MH and I will turn thee back so I'm going to do something against you I'll turn you back and put hooks in your Jo and I'll bring when he says hooks in your Jo it means I'll control you I'll bring the forth all thine Army horses and Horsemen and them clothed with all s of armor even a great company with bucklers I'll turn you back and shoes and all of are you getting this now yes sir sir but number five is where I want you to check number five Pia which is Iran that's more than Day Iran Persia Iran Ethiopia Libya mhm are you getting this with them with them all of them with shield and helmet if you go to 67 you you'll find that we're talking about about Kush we're talking about Persia we're talking about put which is Ethiopia we're talking about Sudan we're talking about Russia we're talking about um uh Russia and and turkey turkey all right verse six GMA mhm that's not Russia Northern Russia GMA and all his BS the house of togama that's tury we talking about so now hear this we go to verse number five hope you are listening and you're really watching because it's about about to get deeper now because if you miss this this intro you miss everything so we know there is Russia we know there is turkey we know there is Ethiopia we know there is Sudan we know there are these countries Libya we know there is libia notice he said they will come against his people isn't it a wonder that when eek WR this listen when eek WR this ladies and gentlemen listen when e WR this from the time of Ezekiel we're talking about maybe 463 BC to 490 something BC MH to this day it's around 2,520 Years yet not one country mentioned here ever attacked Israel no they they're missing it wow wow wow so imagine Ezekiel is dead no proph ezekiel's prophecy never come came to pass for over 2,500 not one country written there ever attacked Israel w wow so Ezekiel if he was alive he would be a false prophet for sure but for 2520 years Ezekiel never attacked the people that were mentioned by the prophet Ezekiel never attacked anyone except on the 13th of April no you didn't get what I just said yes sir so so so you see it's it's it's okay if these countries that were mentioned in Ezekiel and we were waiting for us to say Jesus is coming back this prophecy has to come to pass for sure so everyone who was telling you Jesus was coming back Jesus was coming back without this prophecy was talking about something different God so Iran attacks Israel on the 13th of April mhm the first time to even fulfill Ezekiel 38 wow wow wow yes sir n so while you see just a normal War the Bible and the angels are celebrating the angels are celebrating the creatures on the throne of God are celebrating and saying wa a minute God's word has come to pass Our God says it and it happens wow but for over 2,500 nothing happened zero now the fulfill so when you see it happen when people with the prophetic eye begins to see begin to see it they look at in and go wait a minute what just happened ezekiel's prophecy is coming to pass the the I feel like you not getting what I'm trying to to achieve by this this is just our beginning how is it that from the beginning of Ezekiel is's writing this book for almost 20 years he's writing this book all right and it's almost 500 years before the coming of Christ and Ezekiel is standing there writing this thing and is being shown the actual countries that will fight Israel cing and looking at it and saying these are the countries that will come up Ethiopia is coming Iran but it's under cush all right so you can't directly go Ethiopia so so you've got Libya Sudan uh turkey Russia Ethiopia all of these are mentioned as if they're going to you know some of these countries just support a little bit maybe by by putting the bases of the enemy in that same location I don't know if you're getting this yes sir getting itting we're getting now I want you to notice something very very profound yes sir um if I can get to to Daniel 10 if you go to Daniel 10 I want you to start from verse rather verse number 10 and behold and hand touched me are you getting this yes yes sir and we set me upon the knees and upon the palms of my hands mhm mhm and he said unto me oh Daniel greatly beloved understand the words that I speak unto thee and stand upright For unto thee I'm now sent and when he had spoken his words unto me I stood trembling then he said unto me fear not Daniel from the first day that thou this set your to understand what happened a demon came and stopped me it is what is called the sah Mar Paras the word marut is Kingdom Paras is pure and S simply means a chief a prince or a king or rather a president so he's simply saying the president over the kingdom of Iran no they did not get hear this we get it we get it so behind the leader is a demon but the demon is not coming to do anything but to prevent you from understanding The Words of the prophecy and the words of the prophecy have to do with the coming of Christ so the demon was there to prevent Jesus from coming inter so the attacks being done on Israel the enemies of Israel think we are just enemies of [Music] Israel whereas no God knows the demon is controlling you so you attack Israel and kill it so that the Messiah will not be revealed maybe you're missing the point wow wow you're missing that I wish you could understand understand that he said from the day you sought to understand the words of the prophecy have been sent to stop the the angel the the demon has been s to stop he been trying to stop this understanding so the whole book of Daniel is a man who is understanding the prophecy of the coming of the Messiah and a demonic entity Kingdom sent to prevent him from understanding when Christ might be coming back so it is there to disturb timelines now you're missing that yes sir I think we need to do part two because uh I've got a slow class today I really have a slow class are you getting this yes sir are you getting this we are getting it we are flowing we are flowing are we flowing it seems as if we are flowing we flowing it seems as if we are flowing yes sir now here it is the biggest problem we first when we deal with the president of Iran mhm we are dealing with Iran and we are dealing with Israel I don't know if you're getting this let's go Ezekiel 38 verse number 10 Ezekiel 38310 Ezekiel 38: number 10 that says the Lord it shall come to pass that at the same time shall things come into your mind this is Persia attacking Israel let me just go back a little bit so that you understand Persia was once a friend of Israel Iran was once a friend of [Music] Israel wow to the extent that they were the biggest supplier of oil to Israel now the Bible tells us that at the time it shall happen something will come into your mind and you will think an evil thought against my people wow so notice that means Iran will not be even thinking it's an evil thought that came up so when scripture is pronouncing it it says that there is a spirit that will come to you as a thought let's go wow and thou sht say I will go up to the land of onew villages do you remember how it happened with Hamas how they went to The Villages M the ks that's why they attacked first and the Bible says it shall be with unor villages wowow and those people will be addressed they're not attacking the kibuts is not the Army wow so you go to The Villages facing attack the civilian wow and they think they are dwelling safely all of them are not trying to fight you so they are in the region of Gaza you getting me so they are staying almost neighborly to each other having neither bars nors to take a spoiler and to take a prey and to turn your hand upon the desolate places that are in habited and upon the people that are gathered about of the Nations which have gotten Kettle Goods that dwell in the midst of the land noce there there is whatever you call Palestine the regions and then you have Israel call so have the Israel then you have the middle the Gaza Street then you have Palestine yes sir and says they will be in the middle the all right you didn't get that so let's go let's go back maybe you're not getting what I'm trying to say now let's go to the president when you see his photos he's wearing a black tabon and that black tabon signifies that his claim is that he is a descendant of Muhammad himself okay wow so now immediately you have found the chief enemy of the Jews m m not only is he a president he is linked spiritually to the chief enemy and the chief enemy of Israel which is Muhammad but I don't want to go there I want you to understand something he declared himself the biggest enemy of Israel to the point that when if Israel he said if Israel revenges or rather if Israel shoots his missiles towards us and even lens one there will be nothing left of Israel those were his words as a matter of fact that's his main International speech before he died should I keep talking yes sir yes sir yes sir now that means he's the greatest enemy to Israel because he's threatening the annihilation of Israel immediately he telling you when Israel is going to be finished wow maybe you're not getting it we getting the problem is this he is the chief enemy of Israel yet he carries the name of Israel's Father Abraham he called ibraim [Music] R wow so immediately he's called immediately you begin to see see something it's called ibraim which is Abraham then rais means chief of meaning to say he's he's saying I'm the chief of Abraham so blasphemy is already engaged immediately his name so we're now looking at whosoever becomes the enemy of Israel by looking at a person who claims to have the action of Abraham just by name uh because according to God the Bible says no sound is without signification yes sir in other words whatever even if I cough here right now if I cough here right now there is a demonic entity or a angel that responds to that cough there's no sound you're going to make that don't mean nothing as they say in the in the American streets in English we would say that doesn't mean nothing now if you notice if you notice this is why music is d dangerous just just because you go it doesn't mean say it doesn't mean nothing go clubbing go clubbing I I once went clubbing you know evangelist Lee Angel took me there that man was not anointed at all he wanted to be wanted be killed by the demons there I went with him one day I looked at it people were just dancing no no words that if you come out and begin to explain what you were hearing You' be thinking there is no sin what the sin was being done on the dance floor but the music is okay where is that that one is a sound that the spiritual realm will say it was a signal for demons to come was a signal my this is the reason why in the club you can drink uh one Coca-Cola a bottle of Coca-Cola you know drink up a whole thing and and and and two will be enough but getting to alcohol you can go to 18 you wonder where were you putting this 18 just keep going there is a sound that caused you to open up other avenues in you to contain this much liquor that normally your stomach will not be able to contain ah hey you you getting you're getting it some people getting it now are you are you hearing what I'm trying to say now yes sir sir we're getting so so so nothing just happens that's what I'm trying to say nothing just happens the president is called Abrahim rahis now his main intention is simple he says I want Israel to come to nothing that there will be nothing left of Israel after we done with it if it tries anything but that's before we read the book of Genesis 12 ver number one Genesis 12 verse number oneis 12 vers number one now the Lord had said unto Abraham get thee out of thy country and thy kind raid and from thy Father's House unto a land that I will show you and I will make of thee a great nation and I'll bless thee and make thy name great and thou shal be a blessing and I'll bless them that bless thee and I will ciss them that ciss you in other words if somebody blesses you I'm blessing you if somebody attacks you I attack them if somebody shouts at you I shout at them so whatever happens to you Abraham I'll do the same today oh so if you if if someone blesses you I bless them yes if somebody shouts at you I shouted them if somebody shoots at you I shoot at them so now you are carrying the word Abraham who is Abraham who carries the case on his life as the dispenser of the case the whatever you do to his children M I'll also do to you let me explain to you something what the Bible says yes sir it says shall the lawful shall the lawful captives be delivered from this Sunday I have a series called lawful captives n n watch this that means you can literally be a captive and you can be delivered but there is such a thing as a legal captive legal captive that the devil can claim legal right over you to say I'm killing him because I have legal right in Jesus you have nothing to say they miss that this is why the demon said to Jesus sh are you about to destroy us before the time they knew legally they should be here they cannot be destroyed even Jesus did not argue he said wait a minute um you got into the pigs wow they knew that time was not ready so it was legal yes yes sir I know you're you're missing it but anyway so there are some people who are suffering under the burden of a case not because it's a case I'm talking about a case s c a e of a case that falls under legal with legal ramifications that there is no way you can be delivered even if I say in the name of Jesus you cannot Del because you are a legal captive you are supposed to be arrested by by the devil It Is by law it is by law anyway that will be Sunday so let's deal with that on Sunday hey we can't wait for Sunday so Sunday I'm delivering legal captives yes sir uh you know you know when you get into a situation and you definitely know I got myself here but I just don't know how to come out ah but you got to come out and the devil says no no no no no no according to the Rules of Engagement in the Realms of the spirit this one is mine you're supposed to be there wow and Jesus goes yeah yeah you you're right there have you forgotten the time when they were on top of the summit and the devil said it is written Jesus never said he said this all thing belongs to me it is given into my hands I'll give to you Jesus never said no no no no no the The World Is Mine no no no he knew legally the devil was speaking the truth what happens when a liar begins to tell the truth anyway don't worry that'll be that's not what we're dealing with today leg of captives now hear this Sunday now hear this so I don't want to take time now let's deal with this now let's deal with this so we have a case upon anyone who attacks the children of God the problem is not ibraim rahisi the problem he became a candidate of a 2520 year old prophecy wow he became the example maybe because of his from you know he was called The Bu of Teran they called him The Bu of Teran I don't know the the U the the whole thing that happened they and I'm not interested I'm just interested what he says all right true or false whether it was whether it wasn't doesn't matter but there is a prophecy here that he fell into there has nothing to do with my hatred of him I don't know nothing that he has done or not done except what I'm about to say M now so so you understand now that here we go Saddam wasin is last words where Palestine is Arab what he meant that Palestine is a country that should mean the annihilation of Israel and he died those were his last words Adolf Hitler's last word was Jew and he died Joseph staline was talking about Jews and short while died R's last speech in the National speech was if Israel attacks that will be the end of Israel and you don't need me to tell you he died the list goes on now the problem now is how did he die he said I'm sting missiles he sent missiles which were called the Shad to Israel number one sends missiles that's an airborn missile yes so he wanted to annihilate Israel using weapons that flew and we found him in his own death trip that was flying and in order for Israel to Die the weapon that was airborn needed to crash in order to kill Israelis and God said since you want to kill my people by sending an Airborne weapon that can only kill my people after it crashes I'm also sending you on an Airborne mission M and you also Crush so everything you are intending to do to my people I'll do to you maybe you're not getting me yes sir the problem is this when you look at these things they look like they just coincidental notice here that they are called the shim the shim is is the word that is means matter so he is saying these weapons I'm sending to Israel are matter wow and the day he fell and died the Iranian National Television came out and say he has become a shadin a matter same weapon was called a matter he become a matter according to their religion you you get it in a few minutes because you're missing it you'll get into in a few minutes you'll be getting it in a few minutes you'll be getting it now I want you to see something that the case was was now in motion mhm when you see the case in motion you realize that also in Daniel chapter number 5 we find channel chapter number 10 we read it chapter number five and then you look at the writing on the wall yeah I don't know if I can get it Daniel 5:25 so that you can see it cuz I'm trying by to to get something so that it becomes so simple for you but it's going to be a little bit complicated I'm sorry but it's it's it's okay you you know you you guys are very intelligent you know I'm I'm sure you know I'm sure we are we are together here uh my are you there yes sir this happened in Iran because Persia covered even Iraq cuz the Persian Empire spread into Iraq all right so he says this is the writing that was written many manyin verse number 26 ah this is the interpretation of the thing man God has numbered thy kingdom and finished it take thou way in the balances and ound all right all right all right Perez uh the kingdom is divided and given to the medes and the patients wow that's what we know it means but let me tell you what it means tell us we are flowing does it mean this yes it means that this is the condensed division of the meaning but let me give you the words they mean the word many all right means 50 shkel oh they didn't get this yes the word man means 50 sh 50 Shel are you still with me or you've gone on so you're saying 50 + 50 plus one shekele tle means one shekele oasin means dividing so divide a many 25 no they didn't get that mhm all right man means 50 right 50 right yes sir the second man is 50 the third man te means one because it's a it's a measurement of weight all right which means what one shle then aasin means half a minute 25 maybe they didn't get that now you're getting what 126 sheel but inside a shle are TW G mhm all right let's say you've got a kg then you've got GS so inside the sh you have what 20 gas if you say 20 times that 126 you come back to you're getting it now they didn't get that okay go to Daniel go to Ezekiel 4512 so that you see it cuz I know you're not getting this Ezekiel 40 all right and the sh shall be weighed shall be what 20 G now now you are believing right there yes you make the calculation you come back to 2520 gas wow no they still missing that no you missed it you missed it already I know you they missed it so if you have 2520 gas from the time of Ezekiel to the time of the attack of Israel 5, 2,520 years wow no you see I don't know so what we did was to get to should did I repeat I like I need to repeat this because some people are like yes you can repeat it sir definitely huh it's sinking now you can repeat it say is it singing or you want me to repeat for you I I I qu it I CAU it I C the mathematics you C the mathematics yeah I got it I got it but for our viewers around the world I can see on Zoom I can see the viewers around the world look at the signs look at the signs they saying you see repeat that the all right what we are trying to say is let's go many many take remember one thing I told you I told you from the time of the writing of the Book of Ezekiel to the coming of Christ almost five 496 500 years yes sir then we get to two to to uh um to 2020 years 25 years that we are 24 you know years is 2520 years yes sir we get it are you getting this sir then we are reading the prophecy that was given by Daniel M to a King that will come because the Bible when it reads this scripture especially in the Book of Daniel it says seal this prophecy for the prophecy is for a time to come not now that means he saying the prophecy is not going to happen in your time on or around your time it will be in the years to come so we know the prophecy was not then so we're looking at what Daniel 5 says here then we're looking at Ezekiel 38 that will talk about the attack of Israel then we go like okay when the we was writing this to the time Israel was attacked approximately how many years 2520 years then we go to we get to to Daniel 5 to look at the prophecy that happened that night MH but it was prophesying about a kingdom that will come to take over later on so we look at what the meaning was because he didn't know the meaning he was going to look for people to interpret and this is a prophet interpreting in a certain way to just tell them a condensed Vision because the person was dying that night are you getting this now so we go to many 50 then we go to another many 50 now we are on 100 m then ofin means half a many mhm that's the way to divide half m is what 25 but tle is a measurement of weight and one shekele was the measurement of weight so we have 126 what 126 what sh God help our people God help them God help them 126 and according to the Bible we said what is contained in one Sho how many gets 20 20 is that true yes sir so if 20 gas are contained in a she what are we saying now that's Ezekiel 4512 Pastor Felix read it so that our people will be uh a little bit uh on the enlightened side yes sir it's taking time but it will happen we believe God we believe God vers number 12 and the sh shall be 20 20 sh five and 20 shekels 15 shekels shall be your money all right that means now 20 G are in a sh so you say 20 times 126 you come to 2520 yet there are 2,520 years to the attack of Israel Israel wow so all the prophecies are linking by the time then if we go to to Daniel 4 we find that Nebuchadnezzar was given a total of seven times of punishment is that not true yes sir seven times of what of punishment are you getting this now yes sir so a time remember a time is a year 360 are think you get yes sir are they so three and a half would be then 42 what 42 months of 1,200 and what 60 days seven times of that therefore equals 2520 days again so so we have three confirmations of 2520 linging meting wow so if we're looking if we calculate from the day if we calculate from the day Israel was attacked it's approximately 2520 days as much as the months are different when we find the prophet writing it are you getting this yes sir when we find the prophet writing it we realize something here when Bazar SC Regent in the you know was was controlling this es SC Regent we look at that and the night of that death will be around 13 October there um 539 BC somewhere there or 540 550 this is but the the de is not mistaken it's 13 and they were attacked on the 13th of April anyway don't worry about that we'll deal with it another time now are we still here because we have not gone anywhere yes sir we here are we still do you think they here they here s all right are some people still in the G us yeah yeah there still hey where would we go where shall we go behold if we are hiding here mathematics is there are you getting this sir yes sir now imagine the scriptures in Daniel 5 are you getting this yes sir sir they saying this is the writing you have been weighed and the measurement of weight is tle and the dam he he had just opened the D and just away from another Dam called Aras and the word Aras means weighing no no didn't get it I'm talking now about the president R we getting it we getting it wow his death was close to the dam called Aras and the word Aras means weight balance putting on the scales wow and lining with Daniel lining up with Daniel maybe you you're missing this every time you see God there is always see what people call coincidence coincidence is when God chooses to remain anonymous M When God says you will not know it's me but if you look closely you will know it's me MH wow they miss they're missing that I wish they could they could get it but you you seem to be missing it but I it is are you are you there yes sir sir is some is someone there yeah yeah viewers all over the world are you there sir are you there yes sir yes sir we and it's amazing it's amazing are you there it's amazing how the word c is the word AR Aras weighing the C as it appears in the Book of Genesis is arh no no no no no he's next to a dam that means you have been weighed yet he carries the name of a man Abrahim but is Abraham who God says whosoever cures you you will ciss and the word c is AR maybe they didn't get it oh yeah are you getting this yes sir now so April 13 he attacks Israel MH April 19 a month before his own death mhm they are sitting planning on what Israel might do to them and he makes a concious decision to prepare a speech and it is said from that 19 they were dealing with it until April 23 he came out and says Israel there will be nothing left of Israel if it attacks yet Israel attacked and there was nothing left of him [Music] M wow wow wow nothing left of of anything you do to my people I do to you and I just want you to understand people around the world the support of Israel that Christians give some doesn't mean to say we are saying Israel is not guilty let me let me stay here for a few minutes yes sir they were chosen by Grace not by works if you are chosen by Grace it means you are an evil worker by God's election of Grace he just chose you that's it listen I was in grade one at the age of seven going to school I had not prayed I don't even know the previous night if I had prayed and I had a voice from from a African custard apple tree M what did I do climb on top of a mountain to get the prophetic no Grace the Bible says Mary was highly favored that means she highly did not deserve so Christians have a mistake have mistaken view that if God says I love Israel Israel is going to be nice no they're evil people try to go there try to go there as a black man try to go there now is right now and say I support you I support you they speakit to your face in your [Music] face wow who said they good they don't even believe in Jesus you see this is the test of obedience When God says I've chosen them they an apple my eye you know what it means by Apple of of your God's eye if I go like this into your into your eye like this like this you will close you blink so he says when you attack Israel my respon will be automatic and Swift and it has nothing to do with anything it is as though I took Israel and made it my Iris so if you touch Israel you're touching the inner Center core of my eye I will blink fast reaction so is Israel Guiltless never look from the whole Bible from Genesis to Revelation they just being castigated you Israel you did this to me you did this to me I will kill all of you there's nothing to do with Israel being good my god let's stay let's stay there yes sir this is why you can't do nothing about you angel I was chosen before you were even born some of you can't do nothing yes sir you can't no matter what you do you can try you can bring one or two problems and we there's a pain here pain there pain here and then that's it we are back again what can you do that's it won't fall you see our statement that she it will never fall we will not go down is based on scripture yes sir how many how many Bishops Apostles teach and uh and so-called uh people have tried everything they've tried everything using all kind of ways all kinds of ways yes we're still here bigger than them so what do you think was happening is because when God says I've chosen You by grace and do nothing cuz now my gifting does not rely on my works the gra of it relies on the grace of God wow wow you said something wow where sin abounds Grace abounds even the more so when you say someone has got mistakes God says yeah that's why I need to increase my grace now I not saying go and commit more sin some people are like I need more grace I need more grace now I always knew I needed more Grace I'm missing that so isn't it amazing how the attack happened around hear this hear this now around 150 140 to 150 a.m. and yet there were two ranges of missiles fired 800 miles from Iran you have 1 hour traveling then others travel for 10 minutes so the attack happened around 1:30 a.m. and RI the the the plane crashed 1:30 p.m. and his body was found 1:30 a.m. no you see if you if you're not seeing 1:30 there I don't know where you are looking it seems as if God knew exactly when to find you what time said oh so you attacked my people around 1:30 I'll make your plane one for 1:30 the difference will be on the amm and p.m. but your body will not be found at that time your body will be found in the am just like you shot my people the wow you some of you are waking up a little bit but we're going we're going there we're going there in a few minutes we'll be there sir are they getting there yes sir sir they getting it are you getting this yes sir yes sir praise the Lord praise the Lord praise the Lord praise the Lord praise the Lord huj Hallelujah to Jesus are you flowing or you've gone home we here we're flowing sir flowing now now I want you to see a month later from the time he devised to come out to in the open they did their meeting on what to do if Israel gives a response ail 19 May 19 exactly a month M Boom the man is dead isn't it amazing how he died in the Mesopotamian region Mesopotamia region okay acts 7 verse number two listen to this are you hearing everyone yes sir where did he die near the Mesopotamia region meso what Mesopotamia what was his name Abrahim meaning Abraham verse number two of Acts chapter number 7 and he said men Brethren and fathers hecken the the Lord of God who appeared to Our Father Abraham when he was in mesop all right you didn't get that he died in the same [Music] region I think it take it takes let me see my people there it's taking a little bit of time taking a little bit of time but it's okay now if this was the en enemy of God if he dies where does he go love please tell me to heaven or to hell I did not say he went to hell but it's amazing that the mountain range is called Zagros the mountain range yes it is the Zagros Mountain range and it means entrance to the underworld no you didn't get that wow this is [Music] coincidence every time the Jews read two or three scriptures every day like we have our good news daily right our good news daily we read it um and at the end we have a prayer or a declaration a prophetic Declaration of the day these good news dailies are written well in advance with the prophetic insight for the day so you're not going getting them when I write them no even months before I write them the prophec is already set for the day yeah it is he died on May 19 and the book that they were reading exod is Exodus 19 they didn't get it m no no no no you see see I I I I know right now you didn't get what I just said are are you getting this or you're getting this we getting it you're getting it right yes yes sir now when they were getting when it was happening it was in a month that was called shavat shot it's it's where they celebrate the Festival of weeks shavat the Festival of weeks where they light candles because God comes down on the mountain hear me well he comes down on the mountain and stands there it is the day they received the what the Torah so they saying God comes and stands on the mountain MH hear me are you are you still hearing yes sir yes sir it's called shabot MH and they light candles and they think or they say or they claim oh let me say it it so happens that when God lands on the mountain Lightnings and Mist covers the mountains and his helicopter fell because of miste to mist no they didn't get that Wow and his last words were our situation is not good we have now crashed into the valley and this one is called the gway or the Valley of the underworld so he says I know where we are going anyway not like he knew like that Exodus 19 verse number 18 smoke and Mist was there and Mount Si was all together on a smoke okay this is the day that R died that's the scripture that was already prepared years prior to the day yes maybe you're not getting this wow wow are you flowing or you've gone home flowing we flowing and it is 2 kilometers from a location called ooze and the word oo means the Lord is my strength did I just say that yes what is the meaning of who theeng the Lord is what my strength guess what the other scripture that they read because they were reading two verses is Jeremiah 16 verse number what 19 they read Exodus what 19 and Jeremiah 16 what 19 and he died on May 19 and they were reading Jeremiah 16 19 and reading Exodus 19 and they went 2 km from the place called o which means God is my strength let's read Jeremiah 16 verse number 19 oh Lord my strength oh okay that's it but they didn't they missed that wow wow we haven't said anything so [Music] far it's only you who thinks you're life is so complicated God doesn't know it have you forgotten me God no my brother who got me to Christ God Dr Ben used to say to me that God is so dramatic he will lift an 18b Hammer just to strike a house fly that is about to land on [Music] you wow 18 for a little thing like that's how dramatic he is when the children of Israel are going across they want to go to the promised land he says by the blast of his nostrils he parted the sea removing SN from his nost that's dramatic why doesn't God just talk he said okay this one wait wait wait and the angels are look I say wait I just want to remove not you see what happens you are protected in the name of Jesus am heavily guarded heavily defended God protected in the name of Jesus they're not getting this is anybody hearing is anybody hearing yes sir yes sir now hear this hear this whenever you know I'm I'm a I'm a helicopter pilot for those who don't know um I know a little bit about flying helicopters now you need to understand something visibility is important any plane anywhere but for helicopters is important because some of these machines then under the recent one I believe there is now uh the the hero uh x50 or rather the new one that just came in UK here that deals with a with a little bit of uh uh it can actually see even at you know zero visibility they can use their equipment to try and see something mhm most of you don't know that all these many of the most of these helicopters when you are flying them you are actually using the rod to know where you're going yes so the rod meanders like this that's why if you're driving normally you can't see helicopter you you know just kind of the as if they're following the road yes is they're actually following the road so it may Enders like this and the helicopter will be taking a straight route but the the the the the the pilot actually notices okay there that is ah that is that road and goes like this then he goes like that yeah so hear me well we still on Exodus 19 now want you to understand this is the scripture that they read on the day right but hear this there are three helicopters flying two one on this side one on this side the president one here and the president's one is said you have given a signal that there is no visibility we need to go up so that we can have a clean gaze or rather clear clear view and when he gave that everyone followed and they went up when they came up the two remained and they realized they not seeing the presence so who gave the order that we should go up because there is no more view is who the presence and when the other two went up they thought they were going to imagees three and realized they couldn't see the other one so they C around around and they landed let's go verse number 20 of Exodus 19 I don't have time Exodus 19 verse number 20 and the Lord came down upon Mount Si on the top of the mount and the Lord Called Moses up to the top of the mount and Moses went up mhm and the Lord said unto Moses go down charge the people that they do not come up in order for visibility or they will perish oh anyway don't worry about it this is the scripture that they were reading all right I tell they not getting this we just wanted to do this part one then we come to part two because it can be a problem now now now are you getting this yes sir and this is just a few miles from the river Euphrates wow and the ible says there were Angels death Angels put in the river Euphrates and then it dried up is the Book of Revelation when it dried up what happens the angels were exposed that were in Chains you see see the devil is not a problem at all trust me the angel the devil is not a problem at all there were angels that were arrested by God he said these bad boys we need to they need to be in Chains in chain they can't be in the world with my people they need to be in Chains M arrested them and put them in river Euphrates wow and they run off because in Iraq you understand tiges and all that and and there's a meeting place there are you getting this now yes yes sir are you getting this yes so river Euphrates dries up and then the angels from the underworld are exposed people have gone there and if you look at there videos of people that have actually put recorders and sounds are coming from the caves that were under River eup says is dried up and exposes the ground there never dried up to that level and here the Bible says when you see that happens it will be the end time the drying up will show you there was a drying up before but this dry up is really really huge says then angels will be exposed and when they are exposed that's the end time that you're living in and this one has just taken place and he's in the region with fallen angels that were bound and put in river Euphrates have now come up and he's carrying a name Abraham and he's in the region where Abraham say is called Mesopotamia I don't know if you getting this so you are you getting this yes sir yes sir and he this man is called The Butcher of Teran yet he was born in a place called mashad or mazra ma Mazar Mazar which means mosum mosum is a building created to keep the bones or the remains of the dead he was born there grew up there carried the name of a person who carries the the power or rather the prosity to push a case that if you punish my people I'll punish you so he carries the name and he begins to do exactly what the cas is doing is saying you shouldn't do all these years and then he lines up with Ezekiel and lines up with Daniel to the debt to the to the year wow and of all the prophecies that were done and given by Ezekiel we have one problem no Nation as I said before it never attacked Israel and here a man comes out to attack and he's called a mat yet a few days a month before that he send almost 300 of course he has got there's a combination of these missiles and the Shahid and this Shahid three 300 a combination of the Shah and the M 300 he sent them to attack Israel and they came as a carpet because guess what he wanted to do guess what he wanted to do he wanted for the raer to have a problem in locating for the machines rather to to locate because they were they were coming as a carpet to fall let's go Ezekiel 38 verse number 10 let's go quickly that thus says the Lord God it shall come to pass let's read Pastor F thus says the Lord God it shall also come to pass that at the same time shall things come into thy mind and thou shall think an evil thought verse number 11 and thou shalt say I'll go up to the land of unwed Villages I'll go to them that are at rest that dwell safely all of them dwelling without woles and having neither bars nor gu verse number 12 to take a spoil and to take a prey to turn thine hand upon the desolate places that are now inhabited and upon the people that are gathered out of the Nations which have gotten cattle and goods that dwell in the midsts of the land verse number let's go let's go verse number 13 shba andan and the men of tashes with all the Young Lions thereof shall say unto thee Art Thou come to take a spoil yes thou G thy company to take a prey to carry away silver and gold to take away Kettle and goods to take a great spoil verse number 14 therefore son of man prophesy and say unto God thus says the Lord God in that day when in that day when my people of Israel dwell safely will you not know it and thou shall come from a place out of the North path uhuh now see you missing that this if you if you don't know where North is please don't I won't help you getting it now and some say okay but he seems as if it's not East is this is it has been say that the weapons that they were using they got them from Russia we still not in Russia is not wow riding upon horses a great company in a mighty Army and thou sh come against my people of Israel as a cloud okay now you I think we we get it you get it now right yes wow that's a now what it says to cover the land and it shall be in the later days not now all right that's all right wow oh you're not getting this wow are you getting what I'm trying to say yes sir you're getting it sir So it's talking about a certain time wow wow wow are you getting this we are getting it sir we are getting it so we looking at a time when something will will begin to take place we don't need a scripture right uh when when something is moving and we get to a point where God is saying you will come like a cloud and they say weapons like this they were just saying one will fall somewhere but the Lord said I will be Sanctified in them they will know I'm god wow check what the iron D did it came as a cloud and they found another Cloud covering it's called the Iron Dome covering Israel and notice when you would go up Mount Si at that time you were going to meet lightning and thunder something that is not human you encounter that's what you encounter that when you die they say we don't know what killed you oh how come the other two helicopters did not experience disaster only yours sir only Abraham sir wow it seems as if whatever it was whether it's bad weather or miss or whatever smoke was there it seems as if it targeted only one [Music] helicopter wow so did I even mention what killed the president have I mentioned this yeah you said something Ezekiel 38 verse number 21 and 22 and I'll call for a sword I what I'll ring a bell but a sword against is throughout the land I'll ring a what it's like I'm putting an alarm I will make a call I ring a bell I have a call MH says the Lord Every Man's SW shall be against his brother and I'll plead against him in the pestilence and with blood and I will reign upon Him upon his BS and upon the many people that are with him okay so it's not going to be you that die only there are people with you that will also die and it's on verse number 21 and 22 and I ring a bell and the helicopter was Bel 212 anyway don't don't even listen to what I just said you missing wow they're missing that but wow wow I'll put a call out a signal will go out but in that signal to be 21 and 22 are I can see your some of you are searching what is he saying don't worry you'll get it when you get home it'll be all right it'll be all right are you are you getting this yes sir yes sir now so what is Iran s maras it is the kingdom a chief Kingdom of Persia that is responsible for slowing down or disturbing timelines of the coming of the Messiah but they will start as a friend and end as an enemy that's why the Bible says a thought will get into your mind it was not there it wasn't there you were a friend but a thought will get into your mind at the same time it shall come to pass that at the same time shall things not just a thought things will influence your mind MH and you shall think an evil thought so it's not a thought that is coming there are things that will come M grab his mind and make him an enemy for no reason the issue of Israel and the Arab world is not an issue of good ofen against good or good against is evil because the Jews are evil the Muslims also are evil so it's not issue of favoring this one over this one is an issue of looking at it going like what does God say he loves Israel why he just chose them for what reason Grace oh it's not fair yes I know Grace has never been fair grace is never fair if Grace becomes fair then it's no longer Grace no longer if Grace is bested on works then it's no longer so whenever you pit yourself as the enemy of Israel you are a candidate for Genesis Cur I'll c those those who kiss you I'll bless those who bless you and in you shall the families of the earth be blessed whosoever lines up with you I'll bless whosoever blesses them and ciss those who guess you question time we are coming to part two but question time right now question time wow wow we really thank God for the Prophet to Christianity Our Father Prophet you angel you see some of these subjects it's not something that you just get into you actually need the spirit of the Lord to reveal these things to you I like it when the men of God was saying these are just simple things I I think in his realm [Laughter] there there that simple you understand because of where he's operating from because who are just trying to catch up where are these garas and the Shel how are they lining with 2,500 years you see after you broke it down that's when you realize okay now this is 2,500 years but now it makes sense just have the scriptures man of God I was just thinking having these scriptures in my Bible all this while without interpretation and maybe the interpretation that we had was way off and now we are not just having a prophecy or a prophetic word we are being opened our eyes to know what God is doing now and I'm I'm amazed I'm amazed and we're blessed to Beav the prophet Christianity you see some of the things that we think is coincidence it's not yeah it's not coincidence it's not it's just God choosing to be anonymous anonymous God choosing to be anonymous God is anonymous but just imagine this I was just say thinking when when when the prophet was saying that God is hiding but the prophet is revealing is's revealing he revealing is like this is God this is God this is God so we are getting to see what God is doing in our age I think 2,500 years and we are seeing it now we are seeing it now and which means we have spoken of in about we are spoken of it's being fulfilled in spoken of we are spoken of and the prophet of God is decoding decoding remember what the prophet said that God doesn't speak English or sh he speaking his language then you need a vessel or a career that would decode that language and bring it to the language that we all understand like what is happening now so thank God we have Prophet yber Angel decoding that voice amen and break it down to the realm to our realm where we understand it we we have got questions which are now coming in and continue to send uh more questions around the world this is an opportunity this is an opportunity to hear from the prophet Christianity we've got a question which is coming from deeper Realms someone is saying what is the prophetic update on the red haers sir you said when they sacrificed the Lord Jesus will come and upate on the red no I think people have no idea you know it's the same thing as someone said Pastor said in 2030 Jesus is coming 2025 Jesus is coming I said you need to learn to listen right to us we don't need the raid haers to us Jesus needs to come whether red ha blue ha black ha Jesus will come yes sir but to the Jews they use the Ashes to cleanse the temple so they can get their Messiah I missed this point that when they are welcoming their Messiah they are actually welcoming the Antichrist oh see see so the red havers don't welcome Jesus MH MH it will wel comes their form of Messiah called what the Antichrist that's the one they will think is the Messiah but Jesus is not coming for Christians let me repeat Jesus is not [Music] coming we won't see him here we shall be caught in the clouds he's not coming here no one is seeing him the paria is after s years in Heaven that's when he will come and people can see his face so we are not waiting for the coming of Jesus we are waiting for the going to Jesus wow we shall meet him in the clouds ah then we which are alive and remain shall what shall be caught up together with them in the clouds so Jesus will be in the clouds not outside the clouds inside we're going to the Lord is here in the clouds the ones underneath beneath below below below us in the earth don't even know what just happened they would say is the aliens uh some GS there was a you know black whatever wh that collapsed imploded and then some people they will say all kind of that's why they are now accepting this alien firus to really be dis Declassified why do you think they are now declassifying it because they know the time is at hand so they want to find a way to explain where we would have gone Imagine by Rapture and they have no other theory of where we went to except one Theory the Rapture has taken place no science can explain it so the only thing that they know is science replaces religion to them so what they're trying to achieve is to find a loophole by which they can explain our whereabouts so they now saying UFOs yeah it now open yes the virus are being reducted bit by bit in America yes it really happens and now they've an open shop in New York there where you can walk in and they will tell you about UFOs the government is doing it then you have Prince Charles now King Charles was actually the patron for the organization that deals with extraterrestrials imagine a kinging they said now you you a patron you mean you mean you are now accepting that there is this this this green man and look at how many movies are now being given out there chained out by Hollywood talking about uh aliens they've had zombies they want you to be aware there is something coming look at the end of the world even whatever you you look atga is acting as a cyborg as a as a machine and there's always end of the world but notice every time there's an end of the world they the hero changes the course of history at the end and the world doesn't end MH so they're trying to find a way of moving this let me tell you something let me show you something Proverbs 25 verse number one and I want you to write it one and two just just mark it in your Bible Proverbs 25 vers number one and two these are also Proverbs of Solomon which the men of Hezekiah king of Judah copied out here it is it is the glory of God the wealth the power of God to hide matters and the honor of us Kings and Priests to reveal it God takes it as an honor when God is writing prophecies he is hiding stuff inside he hid he hid this belt to want to he hide the 2520 years you hide and says now you are Kings and Priests is it's your honor to say it out and show these people who are not Kings what is happening are you getting this it is the glory of God to conceal a matter but the honor of Kings is to search it out amen and bring it to the open and show you that's what we are doing wow so people say now it's too coincidental yes it's too coincidental because you don't know how to search out a metal m M as a matter of fact you're not a king so you wouldn't understand how we we came about with all this how these things are matching by part two of this you will be opening your mouth like this like wondering what what happened how how did we get here all right wow thank you there's another question Prophet NIS plans is asking Prophet my question is based on the helicopter does it go around the world and is the world flat or is a a sphere no it's a box what can I what do I need to do they need Insight Isaiah 40 ver number 22 it is it is he that sth upon the circle of the earth now you heard it it's spherical in the Bible anyway wow thank you sir wow that's why what read it's in the Bible so should I should I argue now I can't argue is in the Bible it's there yes wow thank you so much wow it's really amazing the prophet of God has got answers to everything spiritual answers geographical answers look at that thank you and I like what Thunder is saying Thunder is saying it's actually let's go to let's go to to job 6 26 ver number 7 and you read it or maybe King James is not the best um okay mhm job 26 verse number 7 mhm he stretched out the north over the empty place and HTH the Earth upon nothing so he takes the north C it around nothing and joins it so it's spherical they miss it wow they didn't get it we're just dealing with the Bible here guys this is no signs verse number 10 verse number 10 he had compassed the waters with bombs until the day and night come to an end number 11 read read verse number 10 again John 26 10 uhhuh 2610 he the waters B and the day and night come to an end so if you go put it in ESV put in ESV if you have it ESV he has inscribed a circle on the face of the wat at the boundary between light and darkness wow ea6 ESV eclesiastes one one verse number six mhm the wind blows to the South and goes around to the north around and around goes the wind and on it second the wind is it C or is it flat second okay second wow so I I don't think you you need to know uh whether it is SE or not now you know all right all right all right wow thank you so much prophet and uh I like what Thunder was saying Thunder was saying to so if you want to go again to the issue of um it's EES Ecclesiastes 15 then you go ther and let's do with that yes Ecclesiastes 1 verse number five mhm the sun rises and the sun goes down down and has to the place where it rises m that means it's going secular secular yeah all right don't worry scripture because if it's moving like let's say they're saying the sun is the one moving and it's moving like this although we know it's the Earth according to sign so if it's moving like this would have seen it come like this that means the Bible is saying it goes like that back cular way anyway we've already talked about the circle of the earth anyway you were saying thunderus oh Thunder was just commenting that that today's subject is actually difficult to ask [Laughter] questions I think that's why some of the people are now asking you about the shape of the Earth the helicopters but thank God thank God we've got the prophet with all the answers coming from the Bible and we've got someone who is called Fabian auka who is saying I would like to ask what if I sin more will I get Grace more if you get Grace more that means you stop sinning okay grace is the empowerment to stop sin so when God met a woman caught in the act of a daughter what happened you know the people took the woman in the very act took care of Jesus and Jesus said woman go sin no more people think it was an instruction it wasn't an instruction all right it was an empowerment to stop sin so she was given power to stop it was she was empowered because Grace was given more more grace came they caught her in the very Act of adultery not not some no very act life took care to Jesus mhm and and Jesus says where are thine accusers he calls them accusers yet they were Witnesses of the very so that means if you go with Jesus to Jesus with accusations with with witness having witnessed the crime the moment you take someone to Jesus to accuse them you become an accuser you're no longer a witness you do not see it because my blood covered it because remember anything that Jesus covers with his blood even Jesus becomes blind to the them M oh they didn't get this so the blood of Jesus is not useful for you it is useful to Jesus wow not to you let me try to explain this you know I'm not talking about some comrades who say I plead the blood there's nothing like that that's nonsense the only time to plead the blood of Jesus is when you're doing communion when you're taking communion don't listen to nonsense there is no scripture to plead the blood I plead the blood I plead the blood over my children I plead it's nonsense it's nonsense the blood was already pleaded by on the cross it already happened so when you're doing your communion is your only time you are bleeding the blood seeing that you crucify him and you what do you want to do with the blood wow where did the blood go the blood was used to purchase you you go to a shop with $20 you purchase bread you want to say where I still have the $20 are you are you a robber are you a thief you use the blood to purchase the people of the blood so it's has been used wow now hear me anyway I go in death deeper with that lesson it's there on YouTube you can find it so you can explain everything that I'm talking about now but but so anything that comes behind the blood Jesus becomes blind to it God becomes blind to it so the blood is mainly to prevent God from being angry with you they missing it so he send his he sent he sent angels to kill everyone inside houses with no blood on their doers M so the angel would walk and see Doos not that the angel would see the blood as much as the scripture language of scripture seems to be so but what the Bible is trying to tell you is when the angel would walk and see the blood in the real of the spirit the angel was not seeing the blood God was seeing the blood and when he sees the blood nothing inside that house would be evil wow so he would see his own blood and see himself so maybe in those houses people were divorcing maybe the father of datan and Kora was in there the very seed of datan and Kora was inside there and God was not angry did not kill them gossipers were in there as a matter of fact the Jews had just stolen money from the from from the Egyptians at the instruction of God go borrow from your servant from your your your Master's gold earrings everything borrow while is there I don't know what they said maybe they said my brother's party is tomorrow I just want to wear your earrings and say here here and then early in the the day God said now run with the wealth I gave you you wed for it they already stolen the blood came and God looked and could not see the robbers and God said yeah now you are free run now that's it M so the blood is the thing that blinds God on the cross he was pierced on the side and pulled the water and blood covered the tip of the in Jesus SP but he had already died at that time but remember every time they were whooping him and whooping him and whooping him and whooping him and whooping him and whooping him and blood was there they pulled his beard blood came out and their hands had blood their weapons had blood and say forgive them they know not what they doing in other words he was now blind to whatever they did to the point said they don't know what they doing yet they knew blood is more for God than for you wow anyway we were talking about something wow we have got more questions which are coming in prophet and we've got maranga we saying Prophet I've got a question concerning what killed the vice president of Malawi because it seems like familiar to the president of Iran what is God saying oh that's what [Laughter] happened as for the Malawi president I am waiting for you my what's her name Mary I'm waiting for your broadcast mainly what I deal with unless it's the prophetic direction mainly what I deal with is anything with a connection to Israel because Israel is God's poers is God's timetable what he's doing in the Earth today so for me it's not that I don't want to touch areas like that areas like this areas like that someone said to me angel is an ambassador so so you will never say anything about Zimbabwe I told you was winning elections you did not like me when I said it so I've learned you people are crooked you Wicked people when you say prophesy you want me to prophesy evil when God has not told me evil you think I'm so afraid and scared to say what God says if he says something about Zimbabwe to me I will speak it I'm no problem with that but if he hasn't said anything if he says something good I will speak that something good and you H it again I remember one one of my sons who is watching right now I told him leave that church they will fire you there go there preach there start your own there but put it maybe as an IND don't you're not rebelling you're just starting something in until this person makes his mind he did not listen then they removed him from there so now when I was talking to him he said if God speaks to me I said God spoke to you now but you wanted a certain level of Prophecy you wanted a certain there was a way you wanted God to speak God is a very disappointing he's an ultimate Heartbreaker God ultimate Heartbreaker the ultimate Heartbreaker is God hey you you you think okay I'm going to I'm going to today when I with the prayer I did today I will see Angels moving around this is where you dream you know eating ice cream nothing spiritual the whole night towards the end you see light approaching then ah you think it's an angel no it's nothing it's someone with a torch in the dream it's like come on God the way we prayed tonight why can't you just give me a small Vision that God does not operate like that thank you sir we've got another question from deeper Realms is asking what is what is Israel's role in the millennial will they demonstrate the holy ghost power like us Christians Hallelujah I have a message it's called the millennial Reign it's there on YouTube I have a tendence of not wanting to repeat my messages thank you it's there it's definitely is it not there sir there oh my God it's there powerful it's there and one of the most powerful messages right there there all right thank you so much we've got Pastor David I'm very sorry my my is it a sister it's uh de Life TV oh Mr or Miss deif TV we love you so much and is it a TV or he just call TV it's just WR TV we love you so let me go deeper with you it's on YouTube yes wow thank you so much Prophet this is Pastor David uh from Uganda who saying thank you Prophet Angel for the prophetic teaching my question is for you how do you see these things in the same Bible that I think Pastor David is troubled he's now thinking am I not a king or something because he's seeing these things from the same Bible I think there are many things that God does to a person uh and pushes them to a higher realm remember I was with Pastor Chris in in um in London at the world evangelism conference uh that was done I believe it was at the O2 and we finish the service he finished ministering and we he called us and we to go to the uh backstage meet him in his uh place you know that they prepared for him there when we got there remember I remember um they were he he was talking to someone praying for someone and we had a time to talk to Pastor Ben hin and Pastor Ben said you know Prophet Angel what God has put on my hand with the prophetic Ministry over your life God is bringing a certain level of relevance in the international and international and National matters to the point that Global issues will become your burden so you'll be one of the most relevant prophets on Earth I was giving prophetic utterances concerning Nations but when Pastor Ben hin said that and Pastor Chris then alluded to the same fact after we we met him and he talked about International this International that interational that and because of impartations and movements and and also what God had put upon my heart and God confirming it with pastor benhin and and then Pastor Chris cementing it uh these things I sometimes I look at it and go like is there a country like this I just it just comes up like what is there a country like this and the president's name like this who is going to win elections and he's going to win like this and I just have to write it down and sometimes it happens while is I'm standing here and then I just say it and then after I finish I go like what just happened and then tell me you say this you then said that you then said that I'm like whatow even me I don't believe it you just say yeah I just say what he said I should say yeah so I said it's not like me and God we in agreement here I'm just a vessel he say something I go like okay I'm going to tell them about myma now m m then I say it then I say Zuma then I say relax Zuma in malma and then because I say another thing you know there will be coalition like Coalition in South Africa where there ISC what Coalition this is this is not correct God but I'm going to say what you just said you know and I just leave and then elections happen don't think I'm not if if if I'm if um I'm not I'm not saying I'm not cognizant of the things when they happen I'm actually in there with you but I'm as shocked as you are in fact more shocked because I'm the vessel so I kind of hear him say say it and now I'm trying to find a way of saying it in nice way safer for me you know so when you hear me stuttering and repeating myself I'm trying to find a way that I'm I'm safe with what I'm saying now because I really don't believe what he's saying now you know when I say I don't believe I don't mean I don't believe leave him it's like come on God I say this ANC but you know ANC is going to win this winning is going to win but son tell them it's going to be coalition ah Coalition with who exactly with the da the white people the way they did that thing there there was racism already in South Africa when there was no white person in in power whites were still moved in South Africa and white people are still racist against me and sometimes if you get to South Africa you will H all white people not knowing that they are beautiful brilliant white people out there and now you're hearing thatc in da tell people Mal will relax this one will relax be like never I don't know how you're going to do it God but if you were going to talk to me alone just the two of us we were not going to agree on this one I was going to have a problem asking you several times are you sure I know what you think Jonah did it oh what type of prophet is this Jonah did it he was start go tell the people you're dying he went and they repented and didn't die and Jonah got angry he said down he said God I knew it I knew you were going to change your mind so he even doubted the word he was given mm go tell them I'll kill them he said this guy he's just saying he will change you understand you can't when the master speaks you listen and I do it but because of the knowledge I have of politics in South Africa I wouldn't I would not have believed that that was going to happen one time I believe I called um some scoes football and then everyone waited I don't know few minutes oh I think it was like like two Z or something two Z yes against the team I had said was winning I said the score will be 3-2 now it's 20 and I wasn't watching the thing I just called called by one of the footballers is saying Prophet are you sure is 32 ah now that's when I realize something is wrong somewhere with what is being said here are you sure at 32 I don't know whether it's 5 minutes or 3 minutes or 2 minutes I don't know what minutes they were left and in those few minutes the team that God said was going to win scored three scores became 3-2 that guy called me screaming no no no God is God is wonderful I said what happened he said in the last few minutes they've scored three there were two Z and the guy was like oh my God hey Prophet said ah this is dangerous oh this is bad I was feeling sorry for me now imagine if I watch football I don't watch football I actually get to be told that oh it won oh that team played and exactly as you said I don't watch but imagine if I would watch football I be going I know God is going to do it but why is he delaying this thing now this should just happen the way he said he should happen you know I'm just like you guys but I believed now that what he tells me happens but imagine when the evidence is not agreeing with what the word said what he said and it's now 5 minutes the end of the match and is two- Z against the team that you said will scor three for you to think in 5 minutes this something will happen no very dangerous look at World Cup was an example the team I said was not the one maybe performing the best seemed as if it was going to be B and it seems as if people just loved France I don't know why maybe we are close to France there a lot of black people there so Africans just felt like yeah there's our brothers in France our brothers I was so it's not easy it's not easy it's not easy if I loved football I would be crying so I'm not doing that I just believe God will produce what he says he's going to produce but the process of waiting for what he says is a painful process because the devil will be trying to fight it and there are so many things in the Bible where God changed his mind now just imagine if he changes his mind after you say it's 32 then it becomes two Z then God God doesn't come to the world he doesn't come on TV and say forgive my Prophet I changed no he comes now when I'm now in my room in prayer said son I changed because of 1 2 3 and I have to say praise the Lord Praise I praise you father I praise you thank you I'm thinking but after this prayer no one knows you changed and if I go and say you visited me and you told me you changed there will be trouble ah you like the spotlight you don't like what happens behind the scenes and then go home otherwise I love these people I might stay here until tomorrow we love you too Prophet thank you so much uh this is Brother taanda on Zoom we saying good news to you Dad thank you for this opportunity uh Tawanda here when will you give us something about China especially a new president who accept Christianity oh so he knows good is revealed to him that there's a new president who accept Christianity is that what he is I think in that context are you or maybe you fail I said I just answer thank you sir thank you sir there's another one from Fabian he's asking I have another question if the president is a Christian and is doing things against the rights of of his people can I consider that Christian president is chosen by Grace everyone who sits and on the seat of power power is chosen the anointing is on the [Music] seat wow what is Anointed the gift that is on the altar or the altar the alar thank you so the presidency is Anointed just imagine in Zimbabwe 14 million people and yet president mangag is ruling what are the odds of one person ruling 14 million how was he born how was he directed to the power SE of power you think it's coincidence there people send to se I come from zaka deep down how is it that you look plethora of people the the the the amount the the differences of nationalities and Nations we have covered GI uh India they white people they Indians they are black everyone is there how come from Z how did God make me the greatest take holder in the prophetic it doesn't make sense it is to be Grace there's no way I could be have been I could have been chosen no way Grace if you understand Grace you will not be jealous you just leave people alone and go like yeah it's okay that's what God chosen whatever you see some people are beautiful some are ugly it's also gra yeah it's based yes sir how do you how do you how do you how do you explain this of course remember on the issue of ugly and beautiful it just depends with what what you're using you know what yard stick you're using because there is a sense of beauty in a sense of ugly depending on who is measuring all right or Nation some Nations if you are big you are beautiful some Nations if you're slim you're beautiful yeah but we have a certain kind of standard on the ugly part of it we already know we we are we kind of agree you know it's also what Grace also so Grace so so Grace yeah so yeah last question all us we have anyone there everyone is good uh like you you answered them there is Minister ayanda Minister ayanda Zoom Pastor B and normally yeah we we saw Jesus together with p b and the question then was why did he see gra if he goes home and goes like yeah I'm so holy this thing happened to me because I'm so holy why were you not seeing every day all right yes Yes Minister hello brother good news to you good news to you no remember remember they are saying nothing I did not say Israel attacked Iran if they know the address of God let him send the Messiah there but but if but I've given you Daniel 5 I've given you Daniel 10 and I've given you Ezekiel see this are just beginnings of the main War so it's not the real thing this is just an introduction to what will happen later all right and one time they will go to Israel and when they go to Israel to attack the Bible says and there shall be an earthquake in the land and Nations will shake so when when they go heavy duty on Israel Nations will Quake for I will cause an earthquake to happen even in Israel and Nations will shake so we already know they are going to fight they are going to fire again but we already know if they put a full on war blown war against Israel what God said I'm going to do are you getting this thank you so much thank you thank you so so I know your question but I wanted to to reiterate that I did not say Israel killed the president yes I said what will happen if somebody does then I Pro to you by the number of years and the timeline of Ibrahim at the time of Ezekiel writing this book and the number of years written in the Book of Daniel in the Book of Ezekiel and also many many te and calculations that took place there and brought it to you and boom what did you see so the real thing all right are you getting this yes sir yes sir we're getting getting is there anyone there with with with a question um mishak Hey Brother Shaka isaka we are waiting for you to talk are you unmuted are you hearing us mishak I can he yes yes yes speak to us what's happening yes I just saw I watched in YouTube The Prophet called RAB no no no no I I'm not going to doal with other prophets I I only I'm I'm the only Prophet that matters right now I would never answer anything again even if you say Isaiah s he said I will not [Laughter] answer and he's my son he's here but I will never answer if you say bushiri said I will not answer that one so it's not just uh uh other the prophets um whether fake or real I because you see one thing if I if you had not given me the name I was going to answer your question uh I don't even know the guy all right I I'm mainly acquainted with the main ones I I don't I didn't hear the actual name of the the guy did you hear the name the actual name huh what's the name again of the Prophet huh I have no idea where where is the person from he is late now but he was from Israel I don't remember where he was located in okay if he's dead we can talk about the dead ones what did the dead guy say okay he said to he met with prime minister Ben Benjamin nanu before he can be the president he said to him you will be the president and uh you will cause Messiah to come so my question was uh which Messiah are they talking about is it Jesus or the Antichrist um since I don't know brother rabai um but that Rabbi was not complicated if he gave that prophecy because if you look at what we are saying right now we are saying what the Jews are expecting is a messiah mhm but when our Messiah comes to take us that's the time the Antichrist also comes so we know since they say Jesus is not the Messiah we know they are ready to receive the Antichrist an we also know that the Muslims are waiting for the Messiah Jesus Christ to come back and kill the Jews but we all know by the scriptures that the Antichrist is the one who will try to do it so we know the Messiah of the Muslims is the Antichrist to Christians yes and the Messiah to the to the Jews is the Antichrist to us because our Christ is not coming we will meet him in the [Music] clouds yeah so all they think they are waiting for is a fake one that would be political but Jesus needed to fulfill both political and spiritual son of David that's why he accepted the term son of David because by accepting the term son of David he was saying I will sit on David's throne and Rule as king yes yeah so Son of God Miracles son of David I will come to Israel and sit and rule in the order of my great grandfather M that's why he was called son of David and he would accept it and come and heal because the moment the Jew would say son of David he had accepted the authority of the Jesus that is a king he can control that's why Jesus would say okay the men said Son of David let's hear him yes anyway because of time thank you so very much raise your hands wherever you are thank you so much brother I nearly said brother Rabbi what's the name again of what's your name m Misha thank you Rabbi m we talk love you may God protect you father in the name of Jesus I decree and declare for these that are here children of mine as you have given daughters and sons fellow Christian brothers and sisters around the world well meaning Christians who might not subscribe to the good news world but are part and pel of this broadcast I pray father give them a new heart a change so that they know the time is at hand I pray from the crown of their head to the souls of their feet let healing happen now by the authority of the spirit healing heal in the name of Jesus heal in the name of Jesus heal in the mighty name of Jesus heal in the mighty name of Jesus it Healing Heart The Name of Jesus the name of Jesus and I pray also father that financially you bless them you increase them you show them your mercy that they are not caught unawares by the drought that is coming well you showed me that drought is coming I decree and declare these will not participate yes I speak protection heavily guarded heavily defended God protected in the name of Jesus Amen I speak that you speak in their lives that you will not be silent when they pray they get answers right now as they give their seed their offering and their tithing and the sacrificial seed I decree and declare by the authority of the spirit that you bless their seed that it is not taken here in vain but it builds an account in the heavenlies where they can withdraw times of need Jesus name go and give wherever you are just go and give the promptings are on your screen go and give it is important that you do so go and give and everyone should be part and parcel of our giving sometimes your giving proves to us how you appreciate what God is doing it gets us more and more into the depth of God and getting to the depth to uncover hidden truth as you have seen already in the Book of Proverbs 25 that it is the glory of God to conceal a matter but the own of Kings to reveal it will SE out A matter I want you to understand when we do these searches and we go down and we begin to look at what God is saying it blesses the B of Christ and Christians realize that our God is still speaking and was not ignorant of these things imagine 2,500 years plus no country ever Israel IM 194 comes they are a nation no one over 100 years boom most 100 years now nothing no country ever then it happens exactly the same time coinciding with Daniel Ezekiel 38 Daniel 5 is really it is by your giving that we are able to send these things around the world this message and right now we have started a move of pushing I think you have seen a lot of videos of our videos out there we are pushing messages out there pushing messages out there in draws we are putting them out there why because the time is short the Lord is coming very soon but at the same time there are also other partners who are sowing into this vision and they're doing it nonstop you know selflessly doing it so that we may be able to push the message out we also have our good news good news what special right yes sir daily are you are you here good news daily special from Monday right yes sir yes sir am I am I the only one excited from when from Monday this from Monday good news daily special from when Monday and a lot will be taking place place we're going to be excited is it's going to be exciting and we're going to be excited this is not our missions week but this is a time where we talk about the Miracles that are taking place the spread the Hostile takeover we are doing and we'll be praying for you to also do the same since we are having a hosle takeover mandate M you're also taking out there since we having the violent taking we're going to do that we are record- breaking breing you understand yes sir you understand we are record-breaking everything yes sir everything in this year it is amazing so Monday we're going to have a lot of people some people going to be talking about what they are doing in their countries and and remember Sunday we're starting a series lawful captives can the lawful captives be delivered can you be delivered when the devil says if you look at the rules this one is mine what can you do all right thank you so very much thank youself very much go and give wherever you you are um tithing um promptings are on your screen father in the name of Jesus they are protected at their houses at work when they go out when they come in in Jesus might name amen and amen love you so very much love you so very much thank you for being part in pastor of what we're doing we'll see you again on Sunday lawful captives delivering the lawful captives see you on Sunday the online prophetic seminar with our man of God Prophet Hubert angel from July 8th to [Music] 10th do you know by God I have the ability to shift [Applause] it in this seminar you will explore the profound Mysteries of the prophetic realm and enhance your spiritual gifts but I saw as it were it was Nairobi I'm from Kenya she from Kenya Prophet don't miss this Divine opportunity register now and secure your place in the online prophetic seminar major professor [Music] [Music]
Channel: Uebert Angel
Views: 75,470
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Id: 1PERq8Tl778
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Length: 125min 55sec (7555 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 20 2024
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