Who is WORTH pulling? (1.0 Wuthering Waves Value Analysis)

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the initial two banners and the drip marketing for 1.1 have been announced for weathering wave and for every new gotta game it is crucial that you spend your pulls right so you don't end up with characters that you don't want or don't use I had a chance to play the Clos beta test 2 quite a bit and I've also done a fair bit of research into the game to hopefully tell you who is the most worth it out of these original banners to help you decide who you want to summon for and build so we recently had the dev live stream so there's a lot of considerations first of all look at this art holy crap yunin is absolutely Peak character design I wish so badly that she was going to be the first character on the banner it's not that I think that it's not that I hate Gian I actually think Gian is really cool I think his dragon is epic he reminds me a lot of Dan hung and Biber Lun I don't think that they either one of these companies copied each other at these designs they were definitely very well in production and you know it's cool guy with dragon with a with a teal Motif like they're not really that similar except they both have like a teal dragon and I think teal dragon are dope as hell so no complaints that they've also got the tear Dragon to te teal dragon as far as who did it better I don't know I like them both I kind of like gian's face a little bit more I think I kind of like the dragon of Dan hung and maybe the outfit of den hung but I kind of like gian's hair and like his overall Vibe and his arm is really cool I don't know it's tough they're both really really cool um the two first two banners is going to be Gian and yinin so it's starting off with Gian and he's going to be with chiia don't remember her name name and mor Tey the girl I don't remember her name is was really really good although I think there's been rumors that she's being nerfed so don't pull for goodness of four stars because yes that character let me find her all right this girl here Dan Jin um she basically like consumes her own HP and Deals more damage that way she's really really cool very nice design very good DPS and she was so good in the beta that I think some people were actually considering like summoning on the banner for her and I just want you to not do that just in case they did Nerf her we'll know after a few days did they Nerf her or did they not so yeah be careful off the get-go U Mory Buffs charge attacks and so how gon's kit works is he basically is I'm going to call it an elemental burst or it's his ultimate we'll call it his ultimate and in his ultimate form all his attacks are considered heavy attacks which is kind of like charge attack and Mory this guy on the banner the redhead Banner he Buffs heavy attacks with his outro skill so they'll probably want to be used together and then you'll probably use another DPS of some kind on the team I think that's the meta earlier on is kind of two DPS and One support if you can swing it or you could use him and Gian and a Healer depends if you're playing healer or healer lless maybe you'll run I think her name is baiji is the as the Healer um I I I ran a Healer cuz I'm kind of skill issue so if you're like me and you're kind of skill issue then you'll probably want a Healer and by is given for free and she's great at least she was given for free in the beta I think she's probably free here so this is the first banner and I'm going to say that I know that I I know that uh some people aren't going to want to hear this but I Gian is a skip if you're looking for value and the reason it's very clearly a Skip and the reason why is because he is just a straight DPS character and DPS characters are very liable to power creep in gacha games so even if you were going to pick him up for meta reasons you would wait until his rerun to see if he's still op obviously he's going to be the best or one of the best DPSS at launch obviously if he wasn't the best DPS like that basically garbage so he's going to be the best DPS at launch how long will he stay that way I doubt it that that long elements are like not that important like having a wind character like there is some weakness but like mostly it's just about doing damage and having good play so you'll mostly want a character that can deal damage now that being said he's very easy he's very fun he's very satisfying to play so if you like this guy and you want to get a character that's going to help carry you through the early game um I I do think you should pick up gon like the most this is a game right the most most important thing is for you to have fun so uh the big thing is you might not actually get enough currency if you're playing casually obviously if you're grinding you probably will by the end of His Banner have enough currency to pull for him but if you're playing like medium casual to you might not have enough wishes to get him depending on how on how much you play I didn't quite have enough to get the guarantee and I got unlucky and I lost my 50/50 and I didn't I didn't get him so you know that that might turn out for the best for some people now yilan will be the second half of the 1.0 patch she is an electro character and she is a bit of a different story because she can be played as a DPS but she's also a sub DPS and buffer so she's meant to be played alongside an electro DPS and for that reason I think that elen will be a lot more future proof characters that have supportive capabilities are always the ones that last longer in these gotcha games uh that's not to say that she'll always be met relevant like we I don't know like she very well might be power crept as well but if you were to choose from the two you want to get a new five star character I do think that yinin is the better pickup it just makes sense now there is only one other character that's actually a lightning type and that is ccho he's the only other lightning DPS so you do have the chance for a five star selector so if you're kind of in like meta brain you could be thinking I'll get calaro for my ad80 pull five star selector and I'll use him alongside Yin Lin you should be pretty set with a pretty good team because you can just put b or a different buffing support character whatever as your third slot that's the route that I plan taking um as you guys probably if you know me well I don't often go for male characters but Karo is really really cool so I wouldn't mind getting a copy of him and trying out that duo for hor for for hor for her four stars her four stars I combine those two words H uh she's got pink girl the fan favorite let me find her so this is toui TA Kei I know for a fact a lot of people will be wishing um on the banner just for this character because she is um she has heavy duty assets yeah that is an impressive kit she has right so people are are definitely a fan of this character I don't know that she's especially strong but I think that this is definitely she's she has a really cool Parry mechanic like an extra kind of Shield Parry kind of thing she's really really cool um I would never risk four star just like in genin just like in hawkey style just like in a bunch of other games four stars don't have a Pity so you can't guarantee yourself a four-star character un personally I would have loved to see CR games step up and add that as a quality feature but I guess you know most people don't expect that and we've just all come to accept it at this point so it is what it is um then we've got blueh haired guy who you get for free so probably not that good value on here and I honestly don't really remember what he did he's oh he's an electro character so and he's okay okay okay so maybe he's a character that you use if you don't have uh Karo um I didn't get very he wasn't free when I played and or maybe he was actually you know what I did get him and I just didn't play him very much so I'm sorry I can't offer uh very much insight into him and this guy I just didn't get a copy of so I didn't play I didn't play with him I also don't know what he does rest assured by the time this Banner gets closer I'll know what he does I'll look into it more so yeah out of those two that's what you I want you to consider um the weapon Banners are going to be alongside them the weapon banners is nice there is no 50/50 on the weapon Banner so if you do go for the weapon Banner you are guaranteed to get the weapon um I do not recommend going for the weapon in the beginning of the game the I really really don't I really really advise you to skip the weapon Banner for now you can always here's what I always say you can get the weapon Banner on the rerun there's a five-star there's a five-star weapon selector based on the game's goals and everyone will have access to that when they reach the right Adventure rank or Rover rank or whatever it whatever it is everyone will get access to a free five-star weapon there's four star weapons and even if the the five star weapon is a must pull down the line you're not going to need it early game you can wait until late game and if it turns out you should have gotten them you can always get them on the rerun getting more characters in the beginning especially as you're going to want to be fleshing out your teams you need a lot of characters for the endgame mode like the tower one will require you to have a bunch of characters so it's definitely more worth it to get more and different synergies than it is going to be getting their best weapon and then when the characters rerun after you've got your characters then we can talk about which five star weapons are most worth it who knows maybe even the weapons get power crapped we just don't know at this point in gacha games in the beginning it's always better to save you can always get the characters later on when they rerun um but there's two other considerations one is the five-star standard Banner selector and the other is the 1.1 characters so they've showed us changle and gingi so changle and gyi both of these designs look really really good I'm definitely more excited about Chang Le the the redhaired one she kind of gives me yiko Vibes I love her red arm they showed a screenshot of her in the live stream it's like this red lava it looks so sick uh I definitely think she's a like a fire type character that just how could that be anything else other than fire so I think she looks amazing I definitely want to get Yan Lin and then get her those are going to be my priorities if I decide to fully cover the game which I'm not sure if I will or not yet depends on how much I enjoy it realistically then I'll obviously get the other characters as well but those are my two like mus haves to play to just play through the game I don't know why she's wearing a couch as you can see she's definitely got she definitely couldn't come up with enough materials for clothes and she stripped her couch it was a nice couch though so not complaining too much this girl people are saying that she has like she looks like ice if you look at her here but when you look at her or maybe maybe wind but if you look at her in the animations she kind of looked a bit Electro uh it's really hard to say what element she's going to be and unfortunately unlike the other characters they didn't actually reveal what element they were they said they said Electro for one of the other girls but it says Hong long which is the city and so they're both from Hong long the city but that doesn't tell us what element there so we don't know nothing about them um but to me it feels like ice right just looks ice but who knows maybe maybe CR will surprise us and it won't be like color equals element and maybe there'll be some more variety in that but I expect her to be Arrow or ice based on that color scheme um there's really no way to tell who is going to be better out of these two who's going to be better value I looked up I tried to look up leaks for you guys and try and do a little bit digging but as far as I can tell there's really nothing on these two characters um I can tell you that gingi the white one in the story quest uh she was very strong she was clearly a very prominent very powerful character so I would expect her to be very very strong if I had to make like a big brain prediction I would guess that she is the powerful one and this is the sex appeal one and she's going to maybe a little bit weaker but that's like a total nothing based prediction it's just like a gut feeling all my favorite characters generally feel work weaker that's why I'm so happy that y ly seems like she's going to be really good so I just wish she was on the first Banner so anyways the other consideration is of course the standard Banner units you're going to get a standard Banner selector after 80 pulls which is fantastic um it's not like the star rail one where you get 300 pulls and then you get an additional five star this is like your your 80th W you get an early pity right so you get a beginner's wish which gives you one of these randomly and then on the standard Banner that one's 50 and then on the standard Banner another 80 then you get the one you selected like a path sort of thing so it could be I'm not I don't think anyone's exactly sure how it works I did try and look it up and figure it out it seems to me it's going to be 130 wishes though until you get one of these characters which is going to be a while probably a couple like a few months realistically I didn't get wishes super super fast you get a bunch in the beginning and we're going to have a bunch of rewards so that's going to be good but it's unclear so um but out of these ones I'll make a new video on who you should pick um I had Ling yangang and I did not have fun with him um he felt really really bad in the beta and I wasn't the only person that felt that way like he's cool but he doesn't do very much damage and he's hard to play and he's kind of annoying to play at least for me he was annoying to play he's cool how he goes up in the air and does his little thing on his drums but not not not super good um I play I had Encore she's not my favorite design I really like her in the splasher she looks really cool but her ultimate animation eh was a little bit cringey to me um so I wasn't a big fan of her but she felt pretty cool to play she was much stronger than the other DPSS that I had on my account I didn't have that other girl that was op that I told you about the fourstar so that she was my strongest DPS by far and she was fun to play through with I'm hearing that Vina is very very strong she's like uh she's like healer and buffer so I'm hearing that she's going to be very very good although other people are saying that she's overrated so who the heck knows right this point and then I know that people are really liking ccho he has really really overtuned multipliers he's really really good but I'm hearing that in certain types of content he's not as good so it's like pros and cons this is classic standard Banner stuff right and then Jing Shin I'm hearing that she's just bad and I hope that that's wrong because she's definitely my favorite out of these out of these five it's between her and cultro I actually think cultro is really really sick I like I like them all I got to say their Splash Arts are magnificent they look really really amazing I would say in game they don't look as I think Jain and cro look really really good the other three in game don't look as good as the splash art to me H Lan looks pretty much the same but I don't really like him to begin with okay enough hating on your favorite characters apologies apologies I would like to say as well somewhere in this video that yes we're talking about value and we're tring of speculate what's the best value it is a gotcha game it is in the beginning of the game especially early game the most important thing is you're having fun right this is a game so if you don't have fun based on figuring out what's good value then you probably shouldn't be watching this video but you don't need me to tell you to pull for who you like like you don't need me to tell you you know if you really want Yin Lin don't worry about whether she's meta and same with Gian but I know I have gotten swept up in the meta and felt like oh I should get this character because they're so strong and I just want you to know that even though Gian will be the strongest character at launch he is the most liable to be power CP just because you're the strongest at launch cuz you're like the only good DPS doesn't mean he won't be DP power CP by every single other DPS I'm not saying that he for sure will be but it's just the way that the games often go and if he isn't can always get him on the rerun but if you love him don't miss him that's basically sums it up right so uh they also announced some other stuff I did want to oh yeah I wanted to talk about one other thing the Rover female and male Rover these characters are good and they're fun so use them and enjoy them I picked male Rover cuz I picked male genin character and I picked male star character I kind of regretted it because the female Rover design is really really good I realized that if I picked female Rover she would have been my favorite design character that I had for a long time because she's got a really really good design and I really really like it and they're pretty flashy they're pretty fun and they're actually quite strong they're one of the stronger characters that you can use um like literally out of all the four stars out of all the five stars Rover is exceptionally strong so uh and they're fun to play so I definitely recommend choosing the Rover that you want to play as right um and that you want to look at for a long long time and I and and play as them until I I'm I'm going to be happy playing with Rover until I can get my hands on Yin Lin and then Chang Lee I don't know who else go for but we're going to and we're getting all sorts of cool rewards I don't really think there's too much point in covering all of the rewards like you're getting yeah you're getting this guy for free you're getting a bunch of pulls you're getting a festar weapon selector we're getting this like other the ones other than the ones I've already covered I don't think there's a point in covering anything more for the launch of the game this is basically the plan I'm going to be playing the game a bunch I don't think I'll do I might do like a before you play weathering waves kind of video but I'm not sure that I will cuz I kind of just feel like you should just enjoy the game and the pull is really the only thing you can mess up like as long as you don't mess up your PS like you know spend your resin right what else am I going to say right spend your resin it's not that big a deal you're not going to be spending meaningful resin until like a couple weeks into the game anyways so I'm not going to do I don't know if I'll be doing character guides right away I think I just want to play the game and fall in love with the game first and and we'll look into character guides after I really like the game but for now we're we're going to stick to wishing recommend pulling recommendations and keep hype for the Inland stay strong my friends take care bye for now
Channel: Jello Zone Zero
Views: 61,949
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: S_2e9JpbviU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 30sec (990 seconds)
Published: Mon May 20 2024
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