Who is Woden / Odin / Wotanaz?

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humph warden is the dankest of God's one stack the pagan religions of our forebears you must combine historicity with indo-european syncretism and radical tourism I Sofia perennis and some kind of understanding of metaphysics otherwise you're just looking at the surface so to just bring the dream of Roden or Walden as you've called the anglo-saxons if want to look at the wanna understand Walden the anglo-saxon God Woden looking three main bodies of literature the first in the Roman that's basically just Tacitus there's a little bit of mention by Caesar as well of Germanic practices but mainly times does 2,000 years ago then you have the whole the next body is the whole anglo-saxon mystery corpus which is mostly it's all Christian it's all Christian literature but there's lots of references to the pagan stuff of all their wolf has portrayed the pagan culture to some extent then you have beads literary beads ecclesiastical history of the English people written in fact before England existed as a nation in seven 30s so that was a time when the pagans had only recently been converted I'm sure in fact while bead was writing they were probably a few pagans stragglers left but it was almost the conversion process was almost done but he was trying to unite the English people based on a common identity which previously been you know pagan tribes but now they were Roman Catholic with a more orthodox form of Christianity than was practiced by the Celts and also they had in common with each other their Germanic heritage which meant that he had to reference that pagan religion that United these tribes to invent this new identity of Englishness and he talks a bit about world and there as an ancestral an ancestral bigger for all from several royal lines among the anglo-saxons the anglo-saxon Chronicle has more of these and it shows again that a rodent emerges this he is this figure but anglo-saxon Christian Kings still used as a means to justify their their rule as kinks and then much later in the 10th century we have Booker spells bugs leech book and Latin Hunger it has some references to anglo-saxon paganism as well as Irish paganism and other kind of things and Christian spells as well and it's significant because even though it's 900s that was written down so a long time after the last you know after the English conversion it refers to and it refers to Woden and it was very importantly it specifically mentioned that he is hanging God and that's a lot and that's a you know it also association with the number nine and it basically the way it refers to him in this in this spell is such that we can easily and confidently associate him he was as linguist of already established walden is the same as norse odin and the third body of literature is the norse literature mostly Icelandic almost entirely is Icelandic Wasaga theatres and that comes from our 13th century 12 century you know it's also after the conversion of the Icelandic people's but there are a few other Norse text Nordic pest texts not necessarily in North and Latin written by people like Saxon grammatical for example the Danish Christian author and they talked about like pagan practices in Scandinavia also Adam of Bremen the German monk talks about pagan practices here in Sweden and the Arabs Allah the pagan temple was here now these historical sources are all also backed up by things such as linguists who do some really important work like we like I said before they know that words in a node in that connected we also can see that there are call centers of worship in England because as I said in my farm from runes to ruins and you can watch it if you click the link up there there are many places in England named after worden and there are places in a few places in Scandinavia named after Odin but in Scandinavia there are many more places named after Thor and Odin is not as common you know like as a name as well people don't name their children after him so there's something weird about this God is not like the other gods that's why I'm making this video I have to establish this people have to understand some things was he really the most important god well in the Norse literature the sagas and the editors he is far more enigmatic and interesting God and he's clearly made shown to be a the most important deity in the pantheon so people have hundreds of years who studied this thing I've assumed that the case then if you look at the anglo-saxon literature from before they're talking about him as the bra progenitor so you can then that backs it all up right we also see quite a lot of artifacts that we tend to associate with Odin or Walden for example the horned man motif which is found not only in pagan anglo-saxon England and Vendela era Sweden but it goes right up into the Viking Age and it's found across the Germanic world right I mean that they found from Viking era examples in latigo which is in Russia and so that's over hundred and hundreds of years this motif is used of what is a man wearing a kind of headdress which has two horns on it terminals which end in their heads of birds and this has been seen as like representing what the Icelandic literature this talks about Odin having two Ravens called Falk and memory so they're kind of emerging from the head and it seems to be some kind of shamanic perhaps practices being depicted in these figurines and these press Plex and other depictions of the horned man motif that's interesting because there are office who have speculated on the shamanic elements of Odin's behavior in the Norse sources which would perhaps indicate an influence from the silently people or some semanek people who practice shamanic with the form of religion because Simon isn't really part of the indo-european religion normally so it seems to indicate an outside influence so you could say oh maybe Odin came from contact with Sally but that doesn't make sense because the word Odin related to Walden and England English and Wotan and German comes from proto-germanic Walter nods and if we establish it as a German name at a Germanic name then its origin comes from further south than any Sami ever went and also if we look at attitudes he's talking about the practice 2,000 years ago of Germanic pagans the swear beat were right in the South so you know the southern parts of Germany in the Roman Empire and he says he equates them chief God has been mercury who is widely widely believed when he's talking about Odin well they didn't have any contact with Sami so that doesn't make any sense anymore so my professor at University he thought that actually the world encode is coming from South from wrote from the Romans and it emerges from a kind of internalization of the mercury cult of Rome changed into a demonic form and then it spreads up into Scandinavia later and then perhaps through influence of the Sami that cat this God becomes different and becomes more somatic which raises the question if the anglo-saxons were worshipping worldin perhaps he didn't have any shamanic elements at that point because he the anglo-saxons were Germanic tribes from Saxony and Denmark who did not have any contact with Sami Eva don't know because there's not really any very specific anglo-saxon sources talking about how Walden was worshipped there's another thing there are other there are elements my professor at university was convinced that the originally Frey was the chief god not what the ingre Frey who is fair and most of all sources was the chief God among the North long anglo-saxons and that the prominence of Woden came from Christians who used him as a royal figure to legitimize kingship even though we know from some sources that that was what Freight was useful and in fact here in Sweden the England dynasty they were justified this right by the temple of apps Allah that they were justified from descent from fray and they were were meant to be the people around here descendants of the god frame there's also the fact that in kennings in the north sources in these north Sasa to make odin this most important god they always refer to God's killings with the suffix of either tear or fray or English great so they're talking about God that when you're talking about a God like the the go-to word when you're referring to a deity is either tear or prayer never Odin you don't refer to other gods by with a kenning referring with Odin or you do refer to Odin and killings of other gods so that indicates finding from linguistic perspective that these are older and it's well established that here must have been at some point the Germanic day principal Germanic deity now I've begun to metaphysics this was talking about you need to have some understanding radical traditionalism you need to understand Saphir perennis because just because something changes in a pagan village it doesn't make it wrong then I was like they they went away from the right way to the wrong way the common understandings are paganism among materialists it's their other thinking of it is in the Carl Jung psychologists conception of the Damier archetypes you know these are like just representations of types of human being types of being but the humans experience then you have Newham Buress is not only Homer ization which of the Christians have taken a long long long way but actually was humorous himself was pagan he's from long before Christian times and that was a belief that the gods were actually once great men who simply exalted to the status of godhood and then hundreds of years later Christians all over Europe used the same narrative to explain why paganism was fought because they were merely superstitiously worshiping what were once great men and in fact you you see at the beginning of the Eddas the snow headed and also sacks achromatic as they talked about Odin as having been once been a man a king of Turkey or something like that he came from Asia so the third perspective which is the purely superstitious point is that a deity is a anthropomorphised being that exists purely externally to your perception that is almost that's like kind of like where monotheists that use the argument of a dolla tree so that's just it's pure superstition so like when people say oh I can see Holden talking to me and like they think it's a man with a beard and Ravens and whatever but that is just a way of representing something that is real and true so these three different ways are all wrong these are in a metaphysical sense and this is why you have to understand for religion how things can change because neither the memorization nor the archetypes would cancel out the metaphysical truth of a deity now to go into deeper about this you hammer is Asian name so Odin is it is an essay by : clearing which i think is good called what go got what God did over the worship and he talks there about it's good for you to understand because everyone watching this from the West your I becoming usually from a rationalist his historian perspective or from a Christian perspective and both come with prejudices that prevent you from understanding this properly Hinduism is a good way for you to come get your head into the indo-european mindset now clearly wrote about Rudra which is an Aryan indo-european God brought into India and Shiva which was one that preceded him and how these two were conflated into one day at they are the one they're one thing but they were originally two separate deities and he thinks something similar may be the case of Odin as well but Odin may be a combination of different things and I can talk again about other indo-european stuff like juice is automatically related to tear and use and Jupiter's the same thing do Peter mean like sky father that original in the European deity proto-indo-european deity from which days are all derived their name in sky father and the role of this God as a paternal figure and a sky a figure is still present in the deity of Jupiter or Zeus and presumably it was originally in tear but in the way that the Germanic tradition is passed down to us in historical sources it's very different because here is a minor God in just a battle God and the father role is seen by Odin but the sky deity role is really assumed by Thor in fact Thor is the god that most resembles this archetypal role and Thor was probably a very important deity for a long time like this archetype of the sky dirty the thunder of the Lightning the sky and a storm god well that's the sky father that's thought but then it's been divided in different ways does that mean it's a confusion then it's a false religion it's corruption of the true indo-european religion no because it isn't like that it isn't a case of being a doctrine that is true and cannot be corrupted like the Koran or something the truth is true and the way you portray the true for the way you come to the truth through ritual and right and myth is only it's flexible as as far as it still pertains to that truth therefore any innovation can be accepted in a traditionalist society providing that innovation is in no way a deviation from metaphysical truth so now you can see how something like a brand new deity might come about as I said what in ours is the reconstruction project Domanick root of Boden and we presume it comes somewhere around Germany and that it was if catalyst is writing about it then it was already well-established 2,000 years ago my belief is that the original origin of this deity is something like brhaspati in Hinduism brhaspati is like a divine priest he's a means for he's like it can be a conduit to pray to other higher deities the importance of the priesthood in this earthly existence is reflected by a divine priest the priest that is still worships the gods but is himself somehow a god and I think Cleary was getting at this in his essay what what God did out in worship because his quest for knowledge in the north sources that's depicted he makes a sacrifice to himself I know I hung on that windy tree for nine nights myself to myself it kind of references in himself they're like he's two things he's himself as a god that he's himself as a practitioner a priest a sacred priest showing mankind the way to the divine he is the one who reveals the runes to mankind he is the one who reveals the method of self set of sacrifice of hanging sacrifice so you can worship Him as a god but he himself is a fact away to God that that is the function of him and I think that's why the you hammer ization narrative was very quick to be taken up by Christians of early Christian converts because they already had that understanding of Odin as being in some way a man and the God at the same time so Roden may in fact have actually being a real king because the most important aspect of Woden in the anglo-saxon conception was that he was a king and therefore his he in he was the first royal blood and he gives rise to all royal blood this is taken actually literally among the Christians and when they have the Christian anglo-saxon genealogies they believe Vodun is a real human being and that his blood is essential for kingship but the pagans who they inherited this rod genealogy from I doubt they for that because they a nuanced and metaphysical understanding of royal genealogies and that the early at least the first nine figures in the genealogies are symbolic of the divine blood which is not from a man in the literal sense like it comes from a member you know what I mean it's it comes from its divinely inspired now always you can show that every single what time they're working is in royal technology Flambeau Saxons he's nine removes from the progenitor of that tribe that people that royal house so the nine is a good number of Woden it's a number of the dead so you can see that it has a symbolic function and the pagans probably understood this and they may also have had fray for the same reason I mean frame means Lord like and I actually think that yeah like he took on some of the roles this deity at some point assumed some of the roles of the sky the sky father that was previously pure and eventually you stop him it's like the chief God in the pantheon because his this type of debt he was so useful for the pagan of the practice of paganism because it helped people to connect with the divine because it showed them in the figure of a divine priest and another thing that I think demonstrates is indeed ecclesiastical history of the English there is a narrative of the conversion and a pagan priest called the coif II I think throws a spear into the temple the pagan temple and clearly in the priests although he's here being used as a way to demonstrate the folly of paganism and why we all need to convert to Christianity the priest himself is Odin like he represents that and I expect that pagan priests were in some respect considered to be Odin because they were the conduit by which people reached the divinity and certain external think symbols represent this like but the headdress on the world and helmets spears hood the hooded God so you can see now why I'm talking about how Odin could be more than one thing at the same time yes he is an archetype represented in things like Merlin or or in even more recently you have Gandalf who token-based openly based it on Odin this archetype of the wise figure but also he is God he is an external reality here representing metaphysical truth which all the gods represent and all the gods pertain to the one truth he is an external reality as a god but he is a man like us and therefore he is a mean for us to realize the divinity externally and internally because you can only understand the divinity within if you first understand it without so I believe that walden has emerged maybe as recently as 2500 years ago perhaps longer and that his a combination of things he may have been influenced by at first by the Roman god mercury and he may have been influenced later by shamanic practices among the Sami in Scandinavia but principally this was an indo-european deity but the not one that was passed down from ancient indo-european peoples it was one that emerged among the early Germanic peoples and it filled a need in their society which was for a divine priest figure just like brhaspati in Hinduism and he took on he was a god of wisdom and he was a God of knowledge from the realm of the divine to the realm of men and I think it's important to recognize this when we talk about runes that they were the rune literally means esoteric knowledge people think I mean it refers to these inscription symbols but it was the use of the word rune which means see it can be secret as well in anglo-saxon in all demonic languages run as the root word from it it means esoteric hidden knowledge knowledge and the fact that they applied this to the scratch symbols indicates the association of these symbols with esoteric knowledge but when we talk about Odin whose name means spirit or frenzy or it refers to the divine ecstasy revealing esoteric knowledge to mankind then it you can see what my argument here that this is a divine priest a revealer and you know Muslim people when you they have difficulty understanding Christians when the Christians talk of the Holy Trinity how can God be the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit how can he one be three doesn't correspond with with Semitic theology at all but it was fine among Europeans they could understand Mary Trinity and Hindus when they first introduced to Christianity have no issues with it at all because this is quite common in the indo-european for one God to be many things for a God to be another God at the same time for different gods to combine to be a new God and for a God to be man a man God is very indo-european anyway that might be why Christ was so he quickly adopted by Europeans in certain parts of Europe because the man goddess is a an archetype that they're familiar with but I'm going to finish soon with this long talk about Holden the dank God by referencing and a proof of my before I'm trying to say about the many fold aspects of one deity and this is an excerpt from a book that I've been writing for years now and take me ages I have it published in Vinci I promise so to understand Odin and the initiative process of spiritual transformation one must understand him as threefold engulf eginning King goofy disguised as gangly meets Odin in his threefold form as the high as high and the third who is most high first one the hi this is Odin in his earthly form as the hooded one the wandering peasant called Grimm who is a deceiver of men he visits the world in his form to test us it is in this worldly form that Odin assumes all the human roles of his identity he is an ancestral figure to the Royal bloodlines and also a questing Godman seeking enlightenment this man who is also God is a precursor of Jesus Christ it is the god man that sacrifices himself as a man to himself as God this is the sacred priests and god of the hand who hangs on a little four nine nine in order to understand the secret of the roots but hanging as a metaphor for runic meditation by which the altered consciousness of Earth may be achieved it is by following the example of the high that we made to come to understand the roots this is also Odin in his your hemorrhoid form the man who becomes God the England Wasaga confusedly related to Odin was a great but mortal warrior and a leader who was always victorious in battle the wizard warrior could use magic to control others and defeat to the dead according to that source those accounts gives in some ways and means to defame the text revision but is not based on lies alone just as Muslims seek to denounce Christianity by saying the crisis million Christians sought to reduce the European idea of the Godman through the narrative of new memorization Odin in his earthly form as the wanderer appears as a man just might see this Christ hence Gleaner says that Odin the man was able to change his complexion among other things in other words if appear as many different men penciler also relates how because thinking all of us was visited by a mysterious guest who he believed have been Odin in disguise attempting to trick him indicating heathen sacrificial meat I talked about that in one of my former videos my way this shows that even Christians believed in Odin's power to manifest in Cuba for Odin comes to us in many human guises as too high any great man may be OD it is first for the heart if Odin in his second form as high mean for spit it inspires him to be sir Odin is an archetypal role as identified by Carl Jung which great men leaders poet warriors Brahmans assume when it is ordained by weird but the existence of great men called Odin does not detract from the power of Odin in his third form as the king of the gods the most high supreme which is divinity itself so the second as high which is Odin in his incorporeal form as spirit the little meaning of his name the word is related to offer which means fury poetry mind or ecstasy which comes from Greek ecstatic by the way we seen standing outside of oneself if we're at high is the divine spirit and the other neck frenzy which bestows teeth experiences on poets and artists it is this state that we seek during ritual meditation as the god of altered state of consciousness as high is also Odin as the god of the secret of the rules Maria Quahog you've got a great YouTube channel the Lady of the labyrinth she translates Odin a spirit due to his role as the giver of thorns to mankind and burned refers to the energy of life which Odin breathes in to mankind Visser energy currently congratulated a spirit and breath as high is the spirit which animates all matter in the form of energy it is also the ecstasy of higher consciousness and deep experiences the same heightened perception can be experienced as a tranquil state of peace when achieved through meditation or conversely as it's a buying frenzy when experience as a result of strenuous physical activities such as combat the spirit of our time is the divine inspiration which influences for great poets authors and artists it is an external force experienced internally which is why creative people sometimes describe unexpected birth of inspiration and energy which they are desperate to release in form of the arts and they most prefer and the final the most high is appeared the gang curry he reveals the gang curry the nature of Odin in his supreme form he's the one that revealed the third third reveals a third as the frightful creator of the universe in the guild beginning the Most High said that the world was created in the primordial board goon and gap by Odin and his brothers viele and Zeke who edits awesome and colon query identified his three variants of one deity the three variants resemble the three aspects is identified here their roles identified through etymological analysis to the names Odin meaning spirit which I've said it hissing at high and Vili meaning will which is equivalent to the high and dreaming sacred which is equivalent to the most time the third thus the creation of the cosmos is attributed to all three aspects of Odin and revealed through the third which is the most high the most high represents supernatural legality sacral kingship and divinity itself the high is man as God as high is the divine spirit which animates Mountain manifesting as life and energy but the most high is the source of spirit and also the progenitor of man this is Odin as a paternal god akin to those worshiped by monotheists he is a chooser of the slain deciding on matters of life and death stir up a strife a God of War the most time is the source of all aristocratic and Noble feeling in mankind is obviously apparent how this resembles the Holy Trinity of Christianity and that's nervous chants this game before and yes this is my own interpretation of it but I've given you the sources and an explanation so now I hope you'll appreciate my reasoning thanks for watching
Channel: Survive the Jive
Views: 254,509
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: wotan, woden, odin, norse mythology, radical traditionalism, eddas, anglo-saxon, paganism, asatru, heathen, Nordic, grimm, indo-european, odinn, Germanic, Teutonic, all father
Id: 3C9yvEOT45I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 53sec (1853 seconds)
Published: Sat May 06 2017
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