Who is the Strongest Spider-Man? | Spider-Man: No Way Home

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what's up key issues garrick here today and i've got a pretty cool video for you guys it's going to be a little bit of a conversation between myself and my guest here crisis what's up everybody we are going to be talking about who the superior spider-man is out of the three spider-man from the live-action movie universes that being the famous raimi trilogy the not as famous amazing spider-man films and of course the world famous marvel cinematic universe that being tobey maguire's spider-man versus andrew garfield spider-man vs tom holland spider-man who would win in a no holds barred just brutal spider-man death match taking place in of course new york city yep we're gonna look at just sort of objectively you know who who's stronger who's faster who'd win in a fight and then as well take a look at who's sort of the best spider-man pound for pound do they take more advantage of their intellect of their of their webs of their techniques of their spider sense and who sort of who holds a train together the best who can hold a fairy together the best and i don't think yeah andrew ever does anything that cool with his webs i mean certainly in terms of keeping their relationships even alive literally the battlefield is clear the worst unfortunately for that guy i mean toby went ahead and saved mary jane multiple times he went ahead and saved gwen stacy you know tom hasn't had as many heroics with saving love interests he kind of ruined one's life and the other one yeah you know he saved her a couple times so i guess we can start fair to start with the guy who started it all toby mcguire spider-man um so his ap and durability um there's a there's a couple of key things uh there's the pumpkin bombs which can vaporize people like a crowd of people six people that's calc to like small buildings well he turns them to skeletons first and then they vaporize after that right i don't know what setting i don't what chemical process that's the spooky setting yeah halloween spirit he's got missiles he's got bombs he got he's got knives i don't know what military application necessitates vaporizing you and then vaporizing your skeleton but he's got it and that's uh that's small building i feel like you take one of those bombs into a the field of war you're gonna get arrested for war crimes immediately yeah that's definitely breaking some pieces of the geneva convention i don't i don't think that's standard green goblin is like i probably couldn't even he said he's saying to himself he's all but invincible he doesn't really think he can stand up to spider-man outright after he gets like kicked through multiple walls and has all of his razor bats like pretty much dodged um so he like attacks peters like the people he cares about and then makes this big you know choose you know just trying to crush his spirits green goblins probably wouldn't put down spider-man most likely and then we have sandman who's this big building-sized dude this is a big sad guy just a big depressed and he's doing it for his daughter you know we've all been there very relatable of course um he becomes this big sand monster spider-man withstands multiple over you know behind the head strikes from him before getting like momentarily knocked out he's not even conked for that long harry pulls up and he's he's ready to fight venom again so so there's that so pretty pretty consistently in that small building to to building um level most consistently i'd say right and we can talk about a little bit higher scaling that the character has that you've recently gotten some calculations for which is pretty interesting but if we take a look at raimi spider-man versus like mcu spider-man at a glance of course i think most people would say mcu spider-man is stronger just based on what we've seen visually it looks more impressive like holding the ferry together um stopping an attack from call obsidian who's out here ragdolling iron man kicking thanos in the face uh etc etc but you know there are high outliers for the character and then there are low outliers for the character and he's pretty consistently within that building to large building range just because he fights against captain america who is weaker than winter soldiers bionic arm at least and spider-man just casually catches that and like tosses it away of course captain america being a much more skilled combatant was able to beat spider-man in that specific instance but you know the spider-man we have from far from home not really any stronger than the one we saw in civil war just has a lot more experience i think he would absolutely destroy captain america uh yeah until that point like you have to consider that you know he is he's like 15 years old he's he's probably never had to he's probably never punished anyone in his life yeah he's stopping cars up to this point and then you have him against you know the greatest soldier in history there's not it's not really many other ways yeah no there's not many other ways that fight could have gone so you know unfortunate for him to lose that fight but i think the character is pretty much confirmed to be stronger than captain america at this point especially based on how he was able to just completely embarrass bucky cocking that [ __ ] back and swinging it at him so yeah you know the call obsidian feat i think it's just an outlier that that can basically just be ignored as it makes no sense within the context of the universe and what we've seen spider-man be able to accomplish up to this point so i think he's pretty solidly you know around that same level that remy spider-man is so that makes those two going up against each other at least at a glance pretty interesting uh and then when you take a look at garfield spider-man the amazing spider-man unfortunately for the guy he's just not that impressive um he does have feats of him fighting and going back and forth against lizard who was also able to you know tear apart a pressurized sealed lab door that is supposed to you know keep chemicals in and or out to keep people safe which is pretty impressive and then lizard throws him through walls and stuff but he's just he's weaker than the lizard is we see not only him who is stronger than spider-man but spider-man himself they're both able to get pierced by bullets you know lizard had to regen from you know a barrage of assault uh fire and then peter himself is kind of put down and kind of nearly crippled by a a stray bullet to like the shin or something yeah and then you take a look at like raimi spider-man who we already talked about tanking pumpkin bombs to the face which turned people into skeletons and then ash after that and then you have mcu spider-man who literally is tanking like shotgun explosive rounds to the face from a super advanced stark tech that mysterio is using and just gets up right after that not to mention he's taken pummelings from sonic cannons that mysterio had as well uh and these were like causing significant damage to major city structures and things like that yeah and probably shouldn't be too far off you know hulk get stronger from incredible hulk is the most fodder version of hulk but even like you know i even just looking at it from the most like at a glance these sonic cannons did hinder a version of the hulk to some degree right and then we have you know amazing spider-man getting shot by you know new york city police officers so there's a you don't have to do much digging to see that there's a there's a pretty big discrepancy between those two and at one point the amazing spider-man struggles to break through rhino's windshield by punching it so toby maguire spider-man and tom spider-man i think are pretty close to each other in terms of just like base stats unfortunately the amazing spider-man just he's just not there and if we want to take a look at even that raimi scaling that's a little bit higher tier and then talk about like the iron spider suit than the amazing spider-man's just kind of not even not even in the conversation at all like there would be no point to even mention it essentially you have this the star that doc ox created and it clearly functions a little differently than like a a star would it's you know it's a sci-fi you kind of just have to kind of have to make a couple concessions in terms of how it functions but what we do see it do it's pulling everything in the city um essentially and peter can you know halt a wall being pulled with that much force and then chuck it away from it's like a desired like the pull that the star is doing he's able to overpower that to some degree and that feat in and of itself is around you know city block if we take a look at you know the iron spider because we're getting into more higher tier scaling i think it's a little absurd to consider it i mean it is iron man level same nanites were used in both iron man suit as well as spider-man suit you can conceivably say that he could cause that same sort of cut on thanos that iron man did obviously we've seen spider-man stagger thanos which is would be far and away more impressive than anything the other two spider-men have but if we want to put it in something a little bit easier to digest if we take a look at the feet of thor tanking the power from the neutron star you can scale that somewhere around island to small country level i.e enough force to destroy a large island or destroy a small country and that's about the attack potency that thanos has he punches thor he's able to make him bleed and bloody and bruised just like the star was able to do and then also thanos is able to punch those nanite suits and sort of chip away at them an even stronger thor he's able to to pummel and kind of no diff and even stronger thor end game without any stones so you know that's definitely definitely within his realm of power to output energy around that star and the most powerful version of thor as stated by the russos the directors of the film themselves is the endgame version and that guy bats mjolnir using stormbreaker at thanos who uses iron man in a nanite suit as a shield and the suit just sort of takes the entire brunt of that force so using that scaling it it's kind of not fair for the mcu spider-man i mean he came into a universe that already had like gods in it so it's a little unfair to the other two spider-men so taking that away and ignoring that and using the high tier scaling for raymie then you say sure raymie wins in the durability and attack potency categories against the other two spider-men but give iron spider to the mcu version and then it's sort of awash for the other two yeah amazing spider-man he's solidly um at the bottom there's no real avenue for him to to even secure a victory i mean electro is stated stronger than him anyway uh and he has some like kind of hype statements about like oh he's got all the power in new york city but we don't know can't he expend all of that energy at once obviously not because the character still needs energies you know stored within him to do other actions so it would be completely ridiculous to say that any of the lightning attacks that spider-man was hit by in the amazing spider-man 2 were the full power that electro could output because obviously that's all the power that he had absorbed and from that point he would be expelling it and it would be you know gone he as far as we know he is he is the energy he has so if he's using it all up he wouldn't he that he'd be gone like he wouldn't exist anymore he'd either be reduced to like you know how he was when he became electro which is he'd be like starving which we never see him in that state um in the final fight so yeah there's not there's not even anything to really say he'd be using that full power against andrew right so now that we've talked about the attack potency and durability pretty thoroughly we can get into speed a little bit and i i'll just say right off the bat it's another situation where two of the spider-men are in the conversation and the other one's sort of left out so if you take a look at the mcu i'm sure if you're watching this video you've seen my other marvel cinematic universe scaling videos we scale all of them off of captain marvel and thanos pretty much every single character in the marvel cinematic universe that has any significance to the power scale at all which of course spider-man does scales to captain marvel and thanos captain marvel is massively hypersonic moving at speeds over 750 000 miles per hour and then the amazing spider-man just blatantly dodges electricity throughout his entire second film and at one point he's moving at regular speed while the electricity is seen moving in slow motion so you can argue that he's even faster than that but electricity typically moves from 50 percent to the speed of light so it's it's pretty impressive uh for the amazing spider-man to move that quickly unfortunate reality of at least the mainline uh raymie movies he just wasn't lucky enough to get electro in his series um he just deals with you know people who are firing bullets at them or you know maybe people who scale to rockets and and and things like that you know if you look at that um you get toby around high hypersonic um based on doc ock reacting to uh the they're not solar flares they're solar prominences um that are being fired from his star we see his arms like containing them that's the whole plot point um how rosie gets killed is the he fails to keep up with all of the emerging prominences so um obviously spider-man skills to dock so you have you know high hypersonic and massively hypersonic and obviously the high hypersonic there's no other feats within the main raimi movies that you know are anywhere near that so and even if that's the case even if you want to get them to high hypersonic if you want to use that there's still that's still a whole tier higher upper sonic and massively hypersonic there's at least like a 10 times difference um so you know either the other two spider-men would be able to do they'd be able to hit him 10 times before he'd be able to to react essentially like at a low end and then at that point you're taking a look at okay speed durability attack potency put all of it together what's gonna happen i think 10 times out of 10 you you're gonna end up with the marvel cinematic universe spider-man finding a way to win even if you do use the higher tier power scaling for toby mcguire's character and use like the building level for the marvel cinematic universe character he has such a speed advantage that he would eventually figure out a way to win it would be like um in the flash where he he goes he's so fast that he can just sort of stop time and figure out how to defuse a bomb before it goes off it would be like that it would be tom is super smart he'd eventually realize okay maybe i can use my electric webbing and he wouldn't be there he just wouldn't be able to get tagged is the problem there'd be no pressure on tom from toby um in terms of a speed perspective um that tom would eventually just you know he's got even without the iron spider i think it's he said there's like hundreds of different web combinations and then there's also instant kill in his you know base presumably in his far from home suit as well as you know as we see in his homecoming suit and iron spider suit seems to just be a standard function um so we have no freaking clue what that does who knows that could do any number of things to kill someone he could have poisons in that suit i mean we don't want to get into speculation but he'd eventually figure out a way to win even if he did have to break his code and end up killing uh the other spider-man if it's between him and his life as far as we've seen he'll he'll he will kill at least you know the outriders which arguably are sentient you know whatever but he will definitely draw that line if he if he's pressured enough it seems at the end of the day he just webs up all breathing orifices for toby spiderman like he'd eventually figure out a way to win and then andrew spider-man of course is much faster um than the tobey maguire spider-man so he'd be slinging around maybe dodging some attacks eventually he would go to hit somebody or somebody would hit him and he would just fold like a cheap yeah he'd get twisted up like a pretzel and it would be if he pulled up to toby toby might not know what happened he might have been too fast but you know he'll blink and he'll see andrew on the ground it'd be like a bug hitting a windshield like think of the scene from the boys where huey's first girlfriend gets killed that's what would happen i totally would be like what what happened there was a spider-man here a second ago splattered in in blood um but yeah he doesn't have any chance so from this point i think what would be most interesting would be to talk about okay forget stats forget that these characters are all in separate universes because obviously they're all going to show up in no way home and they're all going to be relative to each other despite the scaling from the previous films right it's it's just the superhero tradition watch avengers one you know iron man thor and cap are all at each other's throats the first time they meet uh there's a whole movie about them all fighting you know whatever superheroes get together and they never met before they we gotta see them fight so yeah we're gonna see they're all gonna be relative to each other not to mention that the villains from the prior movies are going to fight tom holland and so they're certainly not just gonna get stomped you know there has to be a movie there so no matter how you look at it what's most likely going to happen is they're all just going to end up being right and you know you had that situation with black widow and hawkeye moving massively hypersonic 750 000 miles per hour reaction times just because they have to move that fast for the universe to make any sense and you know of course the writers are taking all of that into account the best they can it's a concession you have to you know oh well yeah these jewels aren't there's not a relative amount of jewels present between these two characters you know that's just not stories would be we wouldn't get this movie you know right and as people who like to take a look at how powerful various characters are from different universes of course we don't have any problem with the characters just showing up and now all of a sudden being relative to each other without any explanation at all just because we're more interested in a cool story than we are exactly perfect power scaling like at the end of the day that doesn't really matter so all these characters are going to be relative prior to seeing them together in the movie all fighting because that's going to be completely different how do these characters stack up against each other you have toby spider-man who's been far more active for far longer than the other two we have andrew spider-man who has gone through two adventures and at one dead girlfriend and we have the marvel cinematic universe spider-man who started out by himself making his own web shooters making his own web fluid getting recruited by iron man receiving a suit that is way beyond anything he could ever imagine and then receiving another suit that's even crazier than that one fighting a literal god thanos with reality warping powers and then going back to fighting a guy with um some vr so i think toby spider-man and tom holland spider-man are probably the closest to each other in terms of experience just because obviously they've had more films to work within and honestly i would say i would say andrew might be the more emotionally experienced you know i think taking a look at these three i think toby has a lot of advantages going into this just based on the versatility of opponents that he's gone up against because he's gone up against goblin who has all this advanced tech he's gone up against a doc ock with these arms that are able to move autonomously and he has to figure it out he's gone up against venom a alien symbiote plus sandman simultaneously and another goblin in his third movie which now that i think about it toby has a distinct advantage in terms of experience because he's actually fought somebody with his exact same powers but stronger you know he fought against venom who had all of his memories um had all of his abilities and he was still able to you know combat him and eventually you know get the win which is pretty relevant to the fight at hand and something that neither tom nor andrews had right and that's a great point to bring up with the whole beating venom because he had to think of a unique way to defeat an opponent that was much stronger than him so the ability to think on his feet i think toby is great at that but i also think the other two spider-man are not so bad i mean andrew does get a little bit of help with captain stacy kind of nudging him toward the solution in the first movie with getting the you know nitrogen to freeze a lizard and then taking him down and that way and then in the second movie i mean he didn't realize that maybe he should insulate his suit until he was told to do so and then had to google how batteries worked which isn't that great and you know yeah they they tried to make him more you know relatable i mean even in the in the creative process of the movie they tried to remove him less so from the like you know nerd archetype that arguably the other two kind of fall into uh they decided to make him less of like a geek but more so just an outsider and so within that you sacrifice his that level of uber brilliance he's like hearing in on like the actual nerds on you know how how he would go about designing web shooters as opposed to tom tom just developed the technology seemingly just just just out of thin air just thought he built it himself from scratch made it out of materials who knows where the hell he got it and he's making his own web fluid yeah he's making a web fluid in chemistry class using like spare chemicals that you can get in a high school chemistry lab so that's absolutely insane in term in terms of like an intelligence fee you know he's able to escape that high security facility using like a calculator and then of course he does a lot of very intelligent things as far as adapting to his opponents especially in far from home where he's able to build a bomb on the fly and he's able to you know using his spider sense finally out with mysterio and if we want to talk about spider sense i think all three of the characters are are pretty relative in terms of that although i think the mcu spider-man has the best just showcase of spider-sense what do you think toby has an advantage in the sense that like we see when flash pulls up on him with with the punch just the first time having his spider since activated he takes in the whole room on such a micro and macro level he sees a spit ball flying he sees a fly like so detailed he can see the wings of it you know this is how it's conveyed to the audience and it's all in this like small fragment of time he's able to get a snapshot of his environment in 3d almost completely um so it in terms of you know maybe if it's um if if holland is getting jumped by the other two he'd probably have an advantage in the sense that he his spider senses dealt with more things coming at him at a given time but i think toby more so holistically his battlefield awareness would generally be much higher but you know via his spider sense um and much more detailed in my opinion um andrew they don't really showcase his spider sense i think i think would you argue maybe the scene with electro where he's on the stairs i think that's probably his best sort of showcase of his spider sense where he's able to take in the environment sort of slow things down in his own head like internally and figure out a solution or figure out who needs saved what are the priorities and then going about doing those things in the proper order so i think that's the best showcase that he's had and like i said at the beginning uh i think all three of these characters are pretty relative in terms of how their spider sense functions and how they're able to use it pretty effectively all three characters of course they're not gods you know they do get hit they do get tagged eventually but i think they're all pretty high tier in sort of the spider sense realm now if we take a look at equipment you know it's not really close for the other two spider-men that aren't tom holland spider-man of course he's got the iron man tech they're in their pjs he you know he's wearing iron man hand-me-downs there's going to be there's a disadvantage yeah so he has not only all these various web combinations from bombs to like high impact web grenades which of course toby can just make out of his own natural web fluid we've never seen andrew do anything like that but he has been able to like split his webs into like a wide arc by putting his thumb over his web shooter which is pretty cool but of course tom is just he's got everything you could ever want he's got the taser webs he's got instant kill mode not to mention he's got his own ai that can help him figure out situations on the fly and it is an iron man created ai so i would imagine that it would have the ability to scan and dissect fighting styles so maybe he could use that to his advantage to sort of figure out toby or andrew if he's having trouble kind of reading them because all three spider-man it's it's spider-man's sort of thing to be a fluid unpredictable acrobatic combatant so being like that moving so inconsistently and all over the place i think would be hard for any of the others to read so maybe that could give tom an advantage in an equal stat scenario so taking a look at it holistically i think i would be rooting for the rainy spider-man to win i'm not going to act like i'm not a little bit biased those are my favorite spider-man movies but being realistic about everything i think yeah most of the time even if you just want to say six times out of ten i think the mcu spider-man is gonna end up on top just because he has an overwhelming advantage with his suit and i'd say he's relative to toby spider-man in terms of experience probably not on the same level but his overwhelming advantages with the suit just make it so unfair if you want to take him out of the suit put him in his homecoming suit everyone's in their own homemade suit then i think toby probably gets the w um and then you know andrew in this case gets a lot more shine he does do a lot more but i think being less experienced and receiving so much help from other people outside of himself in almost every single fight makes it a little hard for me to say yeah this character is going to come up with a way to win especially with him being not as savvy in a combat sense being able to figure out how to beat his opponents on his own or just being as intelligent i think the other two are just way smarter in terms of like book smarts and way smarter on the battlefield yeah i completely agree i think going from from least effective fighter to most effective it's honestly andrew at the bottom like you said he gets help in nearly every single one of his fights against his super villains and he uses his abilities in less creative ways than the other two in less effective ways in a combat scenario whereas toby does have you know various ways of using his webs you know like you said he fires web bullets in spider-man 3 he makes a trip wire and he does explore creative ways to defeat his villains and uses the environment against many of his adversaries um doc ock he takes advantage of the cables on the ground gets him to stab through it venom obviously is able to use sound waves against sandman he uses the water in the sewer so he definitely has more of that sort of combat intelligence and then for any bit of raw combat skill combat intelligence intuition that tom might have he can literally just say something and it'll happen he can just say hey i want to shock this guy or hey i want to throw a bomb at this guy or you know any any number of of thing he just has such a raw advantage in terms of the variety of attack he can use and it's just a matter of time it's it's stark tech it's iron man we're talking about his nearly inexhaustible options here and it's just a matter of time before one of those gets gets catches toby lacking you have vulture whose spider-man in homecoming is able to ultimately he doesn't even really beat him honestly he kind of vulture beats himself his wings are just you know distraught and destroyed from the battle and he kind of just you know spider-man is is ultimately defeated in that fight green goblin i think is more of a varied opponent in the air or on the ground than the vulture spider-man is able to beat him um at multiple points he's able to attack his glider he beats him in the burning building essentially kicks him aside and then he ultimately defeats him in the what does that would even call that place in that derelict building um and then you know i keep stressing it venom with the same memories of spider-man um but again it's just the fact of the matter is tom has a nearly inexhaustible arsenal um in any of his armors outside from his literal pajamas he's going to pick something or find something to pretty securely grant him the dub yeah and i mean i think tom does pretty well against his foes for the most part you know vulture being the one example where maybe he didn't do as well but he did end up coming up with the plan to beat or to eventually kill ebony maw he did go up against mysterio and and beat him one-on-one using very very limited amounts of you know stark tech it wasn't like he was in his iron spider suit or anything like that and i got i do have to hand it to to andrew we've been a little tough on him but he does come up with interesting ways to possibly beat his villains i mean he sets a spiderweb trap for lizard down in the sewer he does end up losing that fight and pretty stupidly leaves his camera there with his full name peter parker on it for the lizard to find later but he tries he does he does try all right so that's all we've got to say about these three spider-men we've been here a decent amount of time and i think we've gotten out everything that we could possibly mention about all through the spider-man who would win a fight who's the most effective spider-man and i think we came up with a pretty solid answer to both of those questions and a pretty good consensus let us know down in the comments who you think would win in a fight and let's try to keep it as civil as possible also be sure to leave a comment down below letting us know what you're most excited to see in spider-man no way home thanks to crisis for joining me on this video it was a lot of fun be sure to check out his channel where he has a video on the sam raimi trilogy toby maguire spider-man talking all about how powerful that character is from strength durability speed as well as all of his other unique abilities so that's it for us thanks again for watching everybody and remember the motto it's spiderman over everything and i'll see you guys next time [Music] you
Channel: Key Issues
Views: 115,014
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: spiderman, spider man no way home trailer, spider man, spider man no way home, no way home, no way home trailer, doc ock, doc ock hello peter, green goblin, electro, jamie foxx, tom holland, zendaya, venom, lizard, willem dafoe, alfred molina, vulture, mysterio, spiderman vs spiderman, andrew garfield, tobey maguire, sandman, let there be carnage, doctor strange, spiderman no way home, spider-man no way home
Id: zr098ot3014
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 59sec (2159 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 16 2021
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