Who is the Strongest Magic Knight Captain in Black Clover? | Tier List

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welcome back to anime hour I'm your host the anime   guy and today we're jumping  into the world of Black Clover in this world of magic magic Knight captains  are the best of the best and for good reason   they are the Protectors of the Clover Kingdom  but today we're gonna be ranking all nine of   the magic Knight captains and seeing which one  is the best of the best so let's get started   with our first Captain there's no better place to  start than the fiery leader of the Crimson lion   Squad we have played golion Vermilion aside from  being a magic Knight Captain he does come from a   royal family bloodline he has a trusted reputation  he's a grand magic Knight in the eldest son of the   Royal House Vermillion way golion has the magical  power of Fire magic this allows the user to wield   fire at the user's command now Foy golion is by  far one of the most charismatic leaders who can   really Inspire his Squad to give it their all in  battle there isn't any shame in being weak girl shame is in staying week oh   despite losing one of his hands in battle he's  learned to tame the powerful salamander Fire   Spirit with royal blood flowing through his veins  and the determination of growing stronger flick   Golian Vermilion ranks in the b-tier category in  today's video not all magic Knight captains come   from royal bloodlines one of them comes from the  witch Forest yes our next Captain is none other   than Dorothy unsworth the leader of the coral  peacock Dorothy is an interesting character   no seriously like interesting in majority  of the anime you see her character asleep   I knew would you quit sleeping all the damn time  okay what is this okay you're talking with your   snores but when you do see her in battle she can  really blow you away as a wielder of Dream Magic   Dorothy has the ability to manipulate a dreamlike  world in which she can create anything using her   imagination lastly being awake in this dream world  causes the victim to become drowsy and sleepy   this immediately gives Dorothy the upper hand  creating anything with her imagination and using   it against her victim really drains their magical  ability only putting that much more stress on her   victim's body as you can tell Dream Magic can be  really deadly and if the victim doesn't have a   magical ability to escape that's lights out for  them but with that being said it is not uncommon   to escape this dreamlike state here we can see the  captain of the black Bulls escaping before falling   victim to the Dream Magic for today's video  Dorothy unsworth ranks in the a-tier category   now not all magic Knight captains are adults  up next we have real boys mortar the captain of   the aqua deer and the youngest of all the magic  Knight captains real is only 19 years old real   has the magical ability of painting magic this  allows the user to use a palette and paintbrush   to create paintings that come to life similar to  Dream Magic the sky's the limit when it comes to   painting magic which can only be Amplified by  the user's creativity this doesn't even take   into account the user's emotional state enjoyment  and happiness can only fuel the user's imagination but with anger and frustration this can stifle  and hinder their abilities which is essentially   taking a page out of real life when you have  an artist that is filled with enjoyment and   happiness they have the ability to create some  of the most amazing artwork several things can   be said about Real's age with being the  youngest magic Knight Captain this does   mean that he's extremely powerful it's also a  massive drawback real lacks a lot of experience   that other captains have especially in the  leadership role at this state in the anime   real finds a place in the D tier category with  massive amounts of room to surpass many others on   today's list up next we have the captain of the  blue rose Charlotte Rosalie her magical ability   is Briar magic for those wondering what that is  Breyer is a number of prickly scrambling shrubs   most notably roses with thorns hence why her magic  can be mistaken for plant magic Charlotte's Powers   allow her to control and manipulate various Briar  plants to attack and defend when it comes to all   the magic Knight captains Charlotte can come  off as serious and strict especially in front   of her Squad this is because she's a captain of an  all-girl Squad with one thing in mind they don't   need any men to help them out given her time as  a captain an experience she can be easily ranked   in the sea tier category a prime example of how  powerful Charlotte can be is during the elf arc   when she was possessed by an elf her powers  were Amplified and she gave one of our magic   Knight captains a run for his money but don't  be fooled she can be easily overtaken by real   with more time and experience in the future our  next Captain is not only a fan favorite but he   probably spends about 50 percent of his screen  time on the toilet the bathroom you're dead Yami tsuki hero is the captain of the black  bulls and a wielder of dark magic dark magic   allows Yami to manipulate Dark Energy allowing  him to shape it into powerful attacks aside from   being a welder of dark magic yummy has a lot of  attributes focused towards his speed agility and   precision he may be a bigger character but rest  assured that's pure muscle we're looking at now   Yami does have the ability to activate a monozone  Yami is one of the few characters who can do this   this allows the user to activate the mono that's  around them which can allow them to utilize more   magic than they normally would Yami is one of  the few captains who has a lot of faith in his   Squad always pushing them to become better and  surpass their limits but when times get tough   Yami is no stranger to step in and show his  Squad how it's really done this easily puts   Yami shukihiro in the S tier category our next  Captain comes from yet another royal family   we have the captain of the silver eagle nozel  Silva nozel is a wielder of mercury magic this   allows the user to manipulate Mercury essentially  allowing ozell to shape mercury into any form the   user desires keep in mind that this can be used  in both offensive and defensive abilities when   it comes to being captain of the silver eagle  nozzell has some really big shoes to fill with   his mother asier Silva as the previous captain  and several members of his family as magic   Knights which includes Noel Silva this puts the  pressure on the eldest son of the Silva family   magic Knight Captain is by far the easiest to  rank on today's list we have the captain of the   purple Orca Kaiser Grand vorka now several times  throughout the anime we've seen Kaiser struggle in   battle against the other captains a especially  in the elf Arc in which he was possessed by an   elf and had his Vortex Powers Amplified he was  easily defeated by the captain of the Crimson   Lions vigolion his strength is really noticeable  in the magic Knight Captain's battle in which he   combined forces with nozel Silva and were stopped  by the captain of the Crimson lines for golion   overall Kaiser Grand borka lands in the d-tier  category and I can easily predict that he will not   get any higher than the d-tier category up next  we have the captain of the green mantis Jack the   Ripper he wields slash magic this allows Jack to  create monoblades which can be used for both close   range combat and also mid to long range battles  Jack is known for his aggressive style of combat   and his ability to act first and adjust his game  plan afterwards to fully understand Jack's full   power just take a look at the episode where all  the magic Knight captains fight in the very end   you see salamander with a giant fire blast and  it was easily destroyed by Jack's slash abilities   given his combat abilities and his prowness Jack  is limited to his physical abilities and his   overall endurance in battle unlike other magic  Knight captains kugel physically exhausted by   utilizing Magic Jack the Ripper becomes physically  exhausted because of his combat style it's on the   more aggressive side this easily puts Jack in the  sea tier category our final captain on today's   list is the captain of the Golden Dawn William  bondens his magical ability is world tree magic   this allows William to manipulate gigantic World  trees and use them to his will in both offense and   defensive manners a prime example of how powerful  William is is when he was going up against the   knights from the diamond Kingdom this is the first  glimpse of world tree magic we get William vangens   is not only a powerful magic Knight Captain  William is also well respected throughout   the entire Clover Kingdom as the captain of the  Golden Dawn when it comes to completed missions   the Golden Dawn holds the most stars out of all  the squads in the Clover Kingdom as much as I want   to put William in the S tier category I feel like  other members of the Golden Dawn might be able   to take his spot in no time for today's video  William Vines ranks in the a-tier category now   this wouldn't be a tier list if I didn't include  Mary Leona Vermillion who at one point was the   captain of the Crimson lines after her brother  Frey golion was injured in battle Mary Leona has   shown how powerful she is many times throughout  this entire series from fighting countless magic   Knights who've had their powers Amplified by Elf  Magic to even taking on former wizard Kings such   as Princess funny bunny ultimately can mariliona  become a magic Knight captain on her own yes but   she has no interest in becoming a captain of the  Crimson lines or any other Squad she would rather   train and hone her abilities ranking Mary Leona  is as easy as ranking Kaiser she easily ranks in   the S tier category and some might even say she  has potential to become wizard King and there   you have it all the current magic Knight captains  ranked I can only say that I'm excited to see the   future of Black Clover and to see some of these  amazing Vice captains and Magic Knights later be   promoted to Squad captains if you'd like to see  other types of anime or anime characters ranked   in the tier list comment Down Below on which you'd  like to see if you enjoyed today's video a like is   greatly appreciated and it shows us that you want  to see more videos similar to this thank you so   much for stopping by and watching today's video  now go out there and watch some anime foreign
Channel: Anime Hour
Views: 31,278
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: black clover anime, sword of the wizard king, black clover sword of the wizard king, sword of the wizard king review, asta wizard king, best asta moments, black clover best moments, black clover best moments dub, black clover best fights, asta best moments, magic knight captains ranked, black clover tier list, black clover magic knight captains tier list, black clover magic knight captains ranked, magic knight captains tier list, the strongest character in black clover
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 1sec (661 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 08 2023
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