Who is the Man with the Egg in Deltarune

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Doot doot, just gonna pull this Egg Script out for the next video.... Wait... I thought I only wrote one of these. OH DEAR GO- Before we get started, Spoilers for Undertale and Deltarune, Don't hassle people for using TTS, and be nice to your fellow theorists when you disagree in the comments. That wasn't a joke I've been trying to write this script since December. But every time I try to touch it. it just keeps spiralling further and further out of control. Because seriously. what is going on with this egg?! Can you drop it? Can you eat it?! Can you kill it?! Well first things first, to get the egg in Chapter 1, the players must walk back and forth in this loading zone to the right of the Starwalker's bell. Every time you re-enter this room there's a 1/50 chance you will warp into The Room Inbetween, unless you've already been there in which case... uhhh you may be out of luck unless you know how to reset the flag in your save file. (Psst it's this line right here by the way, line 1227 corresponds with Flag 910, which you should set to 0 if you messed up and need to get the egg). Anyway! Once you reach this room. talk to the man behind the tree and tell him that he *is* happy to see you, to receive the egg. What can you do with the egg? Well remember how Asgore is kinda uh... facing eviction and apparently starvation? If you put the egg in his fridge, it will multiply... and... nobody really knows why. The current running theory is that this is some kind of Quantum egg, as even if you throw the egg away it still ends up in the fridge somehow but... now there's only one of them??? Wait a second, why does this part happen even if you never met the man with the egg? Is.. is this a programming error? Or intentional? This gets even weirder in chapter 2, because throwing the egg away here actually doesn't cause it to get removed from your dark world inventory, meaning you could throw the egg away in the light world, head back to the dark world, and your egg will return to you like you never dropped it in the first place. So technically you can keep throwing away this egg again and again forever. Is this an obscure glitch too low priority for Toby to patch? *OR* is it a reference to the Pumpkin in Homestuck, which disappears and reappears seemingly at random in nearly every one of Hussie's webcomics? Yoooou be the judge! Actually, secretly, I like to imagine it's a reference to Where's an Egg from Homestarrunner.com since, y'know Toby already referenced homestarrunner with Sweet Cappin' Cakes... Anyway! Since you can keep dropping the egg like this you *might* think that this egg is indestructible, and thus you have nothing to worry about, but there *is* still a way to lose this egg... When you enter san's conbini, you can put the egg in this basket of eggs here, prompting Susie to ask if you just, "reverse stole an egg." But Toby seems to have messed up when he set the hitbox for this interaction, because if you interact with the bell, it can put the egg in the basket while skipping Susie's dialogue, which.... is.. probably a mistake? Unless Toby is trying to punish players for antagonizing sans. That or he's maybe making a callback to the Bell near the first egg? I honestly don't know. You can *also* lose the egg by examining this snack stand here. And... alright hold up, can I just talk about this snack stand for a second because this drives me nuts. With OR without the egg, interacting with this snack stand prompts Susie to say "See? Jerky is candy" almost like she's referencing an argument she had about it. But... Susie never mentioned Jerky to Kris, so why the hell is she saying this? Well waaaaay back in chapter 1, there was originally going to be a tree in this room with the following cut dialogue: (It's a candy tree.) * (All the ripe candy has been picked.) * Let's not take any more, Kris. * Unripe candy is sour. * What? Sour, sweet, meaty, bitter... if it's candy, it's good! * Well, that's accepting of you... * ... Wait, "meaty?" * What kind of candy is meaty? * Y'know. * Whatever it's called. * Uhhh, jerky. * That's not candy... * Then why is it next to it in the store!? So it seems like this conversation in chapter 2 is referencing a conversation that was cut from the game, probably because putting a tree here breaks the path finding on this enemy. Is this snackstand breaking the egg, secretly part of Toby's elaborate inside joke, regarding the eggs weird glitchy nature? Or.... is it purely a coincidence based on random happenstance? The coding itself seems to imply it's just a bug related to the unbound X coordinates and slightly overlapping Y coordinates, but people have been submitting bug reports since chapter 2 first dropped, and as of time of this video, it still hasn't been fixed. Why would toby leave this in...? Unless the bug reports are getting overlooked because the egg already has such unusual behavior? If this happens to you by the way, you can fix it by opening your save, heading to line 992 which codes for Global Flag 439, and setting that to 0, and then plugging your save file into Spamtons' save editor to get the egg back. But is it worth the trouble? I mean the egg itself seems to be a reference to an Easter Egg right? The description even says it's "Not too important." And indeed, people have been debating the significance of this egg for years. The room-inbetween is pretty easy to miss and seems to have all lot of the hallmarks of a secret optional room, similar to the Starwalker found nearby. On the other hand, the game also says the egg is "not unimportant" and has a lot more hints and references to it in Chapter 2, including this grafiti which explicitly tells you how to find it, an updated script for Tem which lets you track how many you've found, and a special bit of bonus text here should you find the egg in chapter 1. Toby also locks the Egg off from the Snowgrave route, something he did not do for any of the fun events in Undertale, as even when the player was on a genocide run, they could still encounter things like the gaster events, and the wrong number song. Why lock off the egg from the Snowgrave Route if it's not important? For a while now the thing that's had me the most on edge regarding the egg has been this line here with lancer, where he says that "You won't make it through your teen years without at least one egg." Why include this warning, and all these extra hints, if the egg isn't important?" Then again, this line of dialogue is *very* easy to miss, and on further examination, it's also a reference to Earthbound, as in Earthbound there's an NPC who offers to sell the player eggs, and, should the player refuse, he has the exact same line of dialogue warning us that we won't make it through our teen years without at least one egg. Does the fact that this is a reference, invalidate the warning? After all, there are plenty of other cases in which Toby references another game as part of a serious plotbeat, "But nobody came" being one of the more unsettling Earthbound examples. In general, both of Toby's games references eggs quite a lot, especially in connection to responsibility. In chapter 2 if you arrive here with no eggs, the flavor text says "Loose eggs, it's too much responsibility for an egg." In Tem Village, Tem associates raising the egg with Parenthood, and laments that she can't leave the underground even after the barrier is broken because she has to stay and watch the egg. In a neutral route Spamton says "KRIS!! THINK! WHAT ARE MY [Eggs] GOING TO DO!?" and compares himself to being a family man by saying "I'VE ALWAYS BEEN A MAN OF THE [PIPIS]. A REAL [PIPIS] PERSON!" Or wait... are pipis eggs or clams...? The in-game check says they're clams, but the code and toby keep referring to them as eggs. Hmmm.... Also there's the quiche also known as a, "Spinach egg pie." I kinda don't want to open up the door to reading deeply into every single food item that contains an egg though... All that said, I think by far the most common theory I see regarding the egg relates to it's apparent ties to Gaster. The way you find the egg is very reminiscent of the fun events in Undertale, y'know, walking back and forth in a specific loading zone until you randomly teleport into said event room... The narration also refuses to describe this "mystery man" or even to speak his name, possibly referencing the way the game crashes if you try to type Gaster into the name select. There's also the "egg," in the unused "favorite food" prompt, for the Survey segment near the beginning, and the reference to the "man," and, the "tree," in Undertale's Truelab, but to be honest, it's hard to find any *direct* links, between Gaster and this man, aside from the name "The Room Inbetween" which, seems to be a pretty literal reference to this room in Waterfall. Despite Gaster's tendency to creepy into literally every Deltarune theory, there are a lot of opportunities to call back to him, that go by the wayside regarding the egg. The theme here doesn't contain Gasters theme or the entry 17 sounds, a extremely rare occurance, given Gaster's infamy for sneaking his motif into literally every song. Despite being named "a man" none of the files take this opportunity to refer to this character as "him," nor are any of the related variables or percentages ever set to the number 6, despite there being ample opportunity to do so. And *this* is what has been holding up the video, because for months now I've been waiting for something to clear this up, because surely with all these new hints and references, there's got to be *something* more to this egg, but if it's not Gaster, who is this?! Who is the MAN behind the tree?!?! So here I have dwelt, quietly compiling every instance of every egg in both games, but I seemed to hit a deadend... until one magical day, when Toby released... a SKIRT! I... can we just take a minute here to appreciate Toby blowing our minds with the most mundane sounding pieces of merchandise? Like.. first the Stickers, now a Skirt? This skirt isn't even Deltarune merch! It's just an Undertale skirt, which seems to be a mish-mash of The Ruins and Waterfall, as it features water falls' echo flowers, blue mushrooms, grass, some of those golden flowers, and the Red trees we see in the ruins. Seems straight forward enough, except uhhhhh. Toby. Why is Papyrus hiding behind a red tree? And that blue egg... is that a PIPIS?!?! Wait... maybe it's a firefly? Uh? Oh geeze, okay. Let's start with the obvious question, do we have anything tying papyrus to eggs? Uhhh yes. Yes we do. When we date him and open up the Dating Hub, one of the items on the display is an egg. Now, you might think that doesn't prove anything, after all, Susie has an egg in her room, and temmy has an egg in the classroom, AND in tem village, so isn't it more likely that Tem gave us the egg? Or hell, why not Spamton, he produces eggs more quickly than a queen bee, and that's.. true. But here's the thing, our egg doesn't look like these. Our egg is a normal white chicken-egg. We know this, because when we put it in the basket of eggs, Susie doesn't say something like, "where the hell did you get that," she's just confused as to why we would put another egg here, meaning it must look similar to the other eggs in the basket. This is the only other egg that matches that description. Also tem doesn't use 'he/him' pronouns, so she can't be "the man" behind the tree. "Okay," you might say, "But isn't papyrus favorite food spaghetti? Why in the world is he giving us eggs?" Well no, actually, it turns out Papyrus only makes us spaghetti in Undertale because Undyne gave him those cooking lessons, and the people around him were so supportive of his new hobby, that he assumed people just loved spaghetti, and kept making it for everyone. But Deltarune is a differnet universe, in which the personalities of character remain roughly the same, but the circumstances of their lives turned out different. So in this universe, Papyrus actually probably never learned to make spaghetti, because the circumstances that led him to that decision, namely wanting to join the royal guard, and undyne wanting to protect him from the dangers of serving, no longer apply. Perhaps Papyrus still wants to give people food-related presents, but being unable to cook, he chose a different gift that doesnt' require any cullinary skills, but does still have some connection to his real favorite food, oatmeal with dinosaur eggs. Alright, but why the tree, aren't red tree's Toriel's thing? Ehhh sort of. In the ruins there is a tree in front of Toriel's house that seems to symbolize Toriel's inability to keep her children with her, as it reads "Every time this old tree grows any leaves, they fall right off." Toriel's theme of loneliness does seem to be carrying over into Deltarune, but as a motif, this would actually work for Papyrus too, as in both games it's stated that, although he tries very hard, he doesn't seem to be able to hold onto any friends. There is also a precedent for Papyrus hiding things behind trees, as should you fail this puzzle in snowdin and beg papyrus for a hint, he'll inform you that he hid a switch behind the tree here. It's also possible that he's the one who hid Alphy's cameras here but, that's pretty much just speculation. Which finally brings me to... this car. Yes I'm serious. For Papyrus a car is actually of *great* symbolic note, as in Undertale the Car is the symbol of Freedom for Papyrus. Examining his car-themed bed prompts Papyrus to describe his hopes of one day driving a car down a lone highway, before relenting that it's just a dream, and so now he "snoozes" while he "cruises." The fact that he describes it as, "his dream," is *very* interesting indeed, given the great symbolic importance undertale, and ESPECIALLY Deltarune place on dreams. The Dark World itself is actually compared to a dream multiple times, especially on repeat playthroughs, where you can literally warp into the dark world by taking a nap in the bed at the start of each chapter. Actually wait a second... in the True Pacifist credits... is that... is that a Cungadero?!?! Wait! Hold up! Is that why Spamton became a car salesman?! Uhhh that would line up with Papyrus interests wouldn't it... and this would explain how the Knight might have obtained the keys to lock us in the first dark world... y'know since his brother is apparently 'the janitor.' And it would explain why sans wanted someone to hang out with papyrus to keep him out of trouble. And it would explain why our hang out with him had to be cancelled, if he's running around doing god-knows-what in the dark world. Y'know.. when I said I wanted to talk about the egg I did not expect it to become a 'papyrus is the knight" theory video but I can't deny there's a lot of little illusions to this being the case. I've mentioned his potential connections to Gaster, and how his motives might align with this game's theme of lonliness and his own desire to 'make' friends. But if we want to dig REALLY deep, there's also the super secret Undertale Christmas Alarmclock App, which... seems to have a LOT of foreshadowing for Deltarune, including Toriel getting drunk on eggnog, Asgore foreshadowing the potential death of Rudy, and several other things you might find *very very interesting*. But what catches my eye is the segment here, where Papyrus discusses cleaning up the after-party, and laments that he has to pick up all these empty bottles, confetti, broken eggs, spears on the floor... Future me: "Wait what was that last one?" Me: "The spears?" FM: "No the eggs." Me: "What eggs?" FM: "..." *bap* Me: "Augh!" Anyway while he cleans he mentions that he wants to wake up sans, but he's reluctant to do so because sans seems happy. Papyrus then says that he thinks sans was, "happy to celebrate the holidays with so many friends" and the he, "can't remember when the last time he was able to do that," was. This *really* seems to tie in to san's cryptic statements about being 'unable to go back,' and 'never seeing them again,' which... really seem to tie into Sans and Papyrus allegedly being from Deltarune, since they apparently just showed up one day out of nowhere... ... wait then... does that make the badge in San's workshop Asgore's old police badge? Uhhhhhhhh anyway! It seems like having so many friends around again is giving sans nice dreams, so Papyrus decides not to wake him up, stating that, "that good dream was [his] present to him." In the self contained context of this phone app, that's a super adorable statement. In the wider context of Deltarune, where Dark Worlds are likened to dreams in which you can live out your wildest fantasies, that's... a little bit concerning. It's not the only allusion to Papyrus potentially creating dark worlds either, as at the beginning of the party, Papyrus makes a huge labrinth out of snow to "baffle and confuse his friends with holiday cheer!" Mettaton calls this labyrinth "the mind maze." That's... also a fair way to describe a dark world. They do have a sort of Persona-mind-palace sort of vibe, expanding and twisting the geometry of the space they occupy, and reflecting pieces of the Lightner's memories and perceptions through the characters and items... And once again, there's also the fact that you can enter the Lightworld by sleeping in the bed, and the fact that the characters seem to experience the closing of a dark fountain, as being like waking from a dream, as all three (verbal) characters so far have dialogue alluding to this sentiment. This could all be a red herring of course, but I have to say, the timing with which this merch dropped *does* align pretty nicely with the anniversary of the "Papyrus is the Knight" theory, and I find that coincidence to be very... very... interesting. Ah well, I doubt we'll get any more information on this until the other chapters drop, so no use wondering... about... uhhh why did all the eggs just turn blue...? OH GEEZUM! Oh wow, okay, so Toby just dropped a TON of info on us in the form of his weird and terrifying Spamton Charity ARG, and... l-listen there's a lot to cover here so let's just talk about the parts that apply here, okay? First, the snowglobe. Could this be yet another hint about Papyrus? It *does* say it's of a "skeleton." What's that? It's actually a Nightmare Before Christmas snowglobe? Well that's fair, but y'know... the game *has* already likened December Holiday's name to Christmas. And "The Nightmare Before December Holiday," would be the kind of crazy bigbrain foreshadowing puns that have become pretty on-brand for Toby Fox... It also says the snowglobe itself will be modified in some way so, we may want to keep an eye on that to see if the winner has some epic new clues in store for us. But we're here to talk about eggs so let's go ahead and take a crack at that. If you click on some of the prize links, you can find Noelle's blog, which contains several anecdotes from her childhood, including quite a few pertaining to the games, Dragonblazers, and Catpetterz. Catpetterz is a pet-raising simulator which seems to draw inspiration from several different real life games, possibly including Petz5, Sonic Adventure's chao world, and/or pokemon, although... I.. I didn't ask Toby okay? That's just speculation, try not to treat it as fact. None-the-less, she describes this game as having a deep animation and breeding system, which allows clever players to mod the game to create brand new non-cat animals, or even meme characters. However, apparently breeding modded creatures together can lead to some very strange and unsettling pets, or even cause the game to glitch out completely, which apparently scared Noelle quite badly and, uhhh I have to admit... I can definitely relate. The game also apparently has a chance to randomly spawn rare eggs, and if you click the link near the bottom, Noelle tells us of a time the game gave her a, "special," pure white egg, which seemingly did nothing except make a "weird sound." Because she couldn't seem to hatch it, or throw it away, she thought it must be haunted, or corrupted, but even when she completely re-installed the game, the egg remained. After a while, she began just raising the egg as if it had already hatched, which caused it to "leave home due to happiness." The idea of someone you love leaving because you tried too hard to make them happy, does seem to be one of the recurring themes in Undertale and Deltarune, and it's another reference to the Man Behind the Tree, although, if you need more concrete proof of that, you can also reach this page by just typing deltarune.com/man and... oh hay what's that behind the tree? Bam, link back to Noelle's egg story. But what's *really* interesting, is the fact that she can't remember this egg's name. But why....? Is it our mysterious friend in the goner-code? Gaster? Spamton? Actually, before we get too carried away with the, "Noelle is Spamton's mom theory," Toby did actually address this directly in the Spamton Q&A, in which he says: YOU THINK THAT [Hochi mama]] IS MY [Mama Hochi]!? NO!!! SHE'S JUST THE ONLY ONE THAT EVER READ MY... THAT EVER READ MY... THAT'S WHY I GAVE HER A [Little Blue Gift]!!! IT WAS THE WORLD'S FIRST [Charity] This seems to be a reference to the final blog entry, Blue Circles, in which Noelle confesses that she actually reads the emails in her Spam-box, and tried plugging some of that garbage data into her game as a modded pet. The resulting pet was apparently a single, floating blue circle, heavily implied to be a Pipis, and her description of it is very reminiscent of the Bad Egg from pokemon, as it apparent had glitchy bad stats, a low friendliness with most her other pets, and a tendency to multiply out of control. This last part is almost certainly a direct reference to the Bad Egg, as they were pretty famous for their tendency to corrupt the pokemon around them in much the same way as the glitch, or "missingno" pokemon from the first two generations, which I actually joked about a little in my Missingno video (which you should totally watch if you want me to make a video about Bad-Eggs and pokemon merge glitches, but shhhh no pressure). In generation 2, you can actually use glitch pokemon to corrupt one of your pokemon eggs *so hard* it hatches into the otherwise unobtainable Celebi. And uhhh did... did one of my Sneasels just try to turn into me? Oh wow it has payday now. Oh wow it even looks like a person, I wonder if I can breed it with a ditto? Holy cangadero it worked! I've never seen a glitch pokemon actually produce eggs before! Do they hatch? Haha, yes! That's epic! I wonder what my egg group is- oh! Uh oh! I... uh... think we may have to stop. A-anyway! What do you guys think? Is papyrus the man with the egg? Or do you think he's a vermilion herring and some other characters is filling those roles? What do you think is going on with the White Egg raised by Noelle? Is it the same egg we get from The Man? Or did it finally hatch into some exciting future character? Lemme know your thoughts down in the comments! Special thanks to Everude for, once again, providing the voice of Spamton G Spamton. And to Cycoriot from Hell in a Handbasket for providing the voice of Susie, if you liked their voice work, you can check out more of their epic Lets Plays on their respective channels here! Thanks as well to Hollarity for providing the voice of Ralsei, Spacecore for all the help with the Chapter 2 Egg glitch, and to Gibby for the awesome footage of their Chao Garden. Gibby's actually doing an epic Spamton livestream in December, so make sure to check that out. Thank you as well to all of my editors, patreons, and even just my casual viewers who- oh goodness, did we just jump up to 40,000k? Holy cungadero thank you so much! Sorry the channels seemed a bit hectic lately. Between fighting youtube demonetization over my Lets Play, learning to coordinate a team, the Sweepstakes, and the podcast, I've been spread a bit thinner than normal lately, but I'm super excited to cover all this fun new stuff! So thank you all for sticking with me. And until next time! 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Channel: HalfBreadChaos
Views: 218,086
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Keywords: halfbreadchaos, eggs in deltarune, halfbredchaos, halfbreedchaos, deltarune eggs
Id: W5HSjiNJEtc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 56sec (1556 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 21 2022
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