Who Is the Holy Spirit: Early Childhood Lesson

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hey friends I'm ila what you doing oh um I'm looking at pictures in the Internet of Roly parents I'm not finding any though could you help me maybe type it in my fingers aren't working very well Roley parents oh yeah yep Roly parents you know that's what we're talking about today oh my I think that you might have misunderstood because today we're actually talking about the Holy Spirit who's he what's it yeah the Holy Spirit you know the Spirit of God oh what's it well it's actually not a what but a who when the Bible talks about the Holy Spirit it says he because the Holy Spirit is a person oh so it's like one of God's good friends well Milo the Holy Spirit is God what I thought Jesus was good yeah that's right it might seem a little confusing at first but God has three persons God the Father God the Son and God the Holy Spirit they're all completely God but they have different roles actually I think we should call dr. Lichtenstein for this one okay Oh dr. L are you there oh hello yeah I was just making some eggs what can I do for you miss Emily hey dr. L I was hoping that you can help us answer the question who is the Holy Spirit oh yes the Holy Spirit I love the Holy Spirit Phil as a matter of fact I think I can do that wimzie's eggs I have made some eggs of different ways I've scrambled some eggs and fried some eggs but my favorite kind of all is the hard-boiled like this one yes I would just take this hard-boiled egg and I will take it apart to show you what's inside the first part is the shell on the outside as we see here there it is it's hard we crack it open then we put the shell in a little pile right here unzip it now a little more shell I think the commotion yes we put that in the pile right there next part is the white the white is the gooey pod it's right we put that in a pile right here and the third part is right here is this pretty yellow part in the middle now I'll put that in the pile right there now let me ask you how many eggs did I start with what is just one that is right and how many eggs do I have now we're still just one you just separated it now that's right our God is a Trinity tri means three he is one God but there are three persons the Father the Son and the Holy Spirit they are all equally God so it is important that we get to know each of them and the Holy Spirit is very special because that is the bottle lives in us Jesus gave us a gift of the Holy Spirit God living in us it's for everyone all the time I hope that helps I'm going to eat my eggs now bye-bye YUM Wow he had a lot of eggs you don't think he's gonna eat all those eggs right now do you oh gosh I hope not yeah me too I so so the Holy Spirit is God and he lives in me can you tell me some more about the Holy Spirit oh sure Milo I think a great place to start would be our memory verse for this week oh hey kids this week our memory verse is from first Corinthians 6:19 stand up and try repeating it after me do you not know that your bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit who is in you whom you received from God first Corinthians 6:19 good job when you believe in Jesus he fills you with God's Spirit the Holy Spirit let's try it again all together do not know that your bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit who is in you whom you have received from God 1st Corinthians 6:19 nice work if you need more reps feel free to rewind and do it again we worship one God but because he's three persons the Father the Son in the Holy Spirit we should spend some time getting to know our God in all three ways that the Bible talks about him in Matthew 3 we see an awesome story about how Jesus received the Holy Spirit Jesus traveled to the Jordan River to where his cousin John was baptizing people in the water he asked John to baptize him - and at first John said no because he knew that Jesus was perfect and wanted Jesus to instead baptize him but Jesus insisted that it was important to obey what his father had said for him to do then when Jesus came out of the water the Bible says that the Holy Spirit came down out of heaven like a dove and rested on Jesus weight Jesus needed the Holy Spirit yep even Jesus our perfect Savior needed the Holy Spirit it was only after Jesus received the Holy Spirit from God that he began his ministry and started performing miracles Wow well if Jesus needed the Holy Spirit I definitely need him me too Milo I'm so thankful that God has given us such a wonderful gift the Holy Spirit you know boys and girls before we go let's pray and thank God for the Holy Spirit God we thank you so much for the gift of the Holy Spirit thank you that you are one God with three persons we love you so much it's in Jesus name we pray amen there was so great Miss Emily um so I know that God is the Holy Spirit and and then he lives in me because I believe in Jesus but what does he do ooh that's a great question Milo and one that we'll have to answer in another video oh man I was really hoping we were gonna find out this week
Channel: CCC KIDS
Views: 21,669
Rating: 4.8895707 out of 5
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Length: 6min 14sec (374 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 27 2020
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