WHO IS THE BEST TETRIS 99 PLAYER?! (Tetris 99 | Friends & Fans)

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oh my god I'm good I'm so bad right now I got a KO is that you that you do it good luck everybody wait so are we on the same team no oh it is also spree from foe you guys been practicing your a your teaspoons no here comes Tom Wacka Wacka all right well it's nitendo games of course he's gonna be good I'm gonna be out already it's gonna be quick oh my god I'm - doesn't matter right now let y'all get worse well so far I have zero Kos oh yeah I don't have the kids either it's just it's a matter of surviving at the moment I'm already halfway up the board probably shouldn't display there oh wow how's the great news routes we live in Texas of course we're getting drills yeah it's been a little wet the goddamn double-click I dipped myself yeah I've been doing that the entire time Duke Duke do you have it do you have the dick bull I found the nickel in my soup honestly of all things I'm gonna find in my soup there's meat in Marsh soup remind me of that guy who he was like he's like a really like well-spoken dude he's being arrested he's like I do say my sale in Chinese to remove your head from my penis here's a man have a succulent Chinese meal see you know your judo sir you must be proud we've made the 50 boys I think one thing to do is long the chaos are just they're coming in oh my succulent Chinese food oh I got a KO z was that Z nope I'm alive okay keep it up don't die don't stop for the heat is on come on secretly feels like darn I thought I got him Oh another K oh no Jesus this is just one of those days where people are dying left and right knockout Jesus or you want to wake up everybody sucks [Laughter] I got a KO is that you just check it in and see how people were doing Oh somebody's dropping dicks on me blows on me well this is gonna be the end of my succulent Chinese meal 99 number number for remember that the team ranking oh yeah you I'm a four I got three no Z I'm Frank fourteen are you out of the game I'm out of the game you can't be on forty of nineteen still in the game fourteen of 99 there's what le different game you there are seeking post-acute oh so it's ranking him out of human players I think so yeah oh then I was number three I was number 14 Oh Lord absolutely get amazing then item let's go play I'm right now I'm 12th at 10 let's go going I'm still going to was I not in the game with I did the password thing so you see me a fix oh yeah well I'm still alive Oh God please get a little stressful thing I'm 999 999 899 Oh God Oh John Lucas Batman let's go real [ __ ] fist I need more Chinese succulent meows oh my gosh okay way you're yeah I thought we were doing the team thing I joined the wrong how many people were in there I don't know oh no no I'm seven right now so I was doing really well oh [ __ ] let me know when you're done Oh God I'm currently a fourth place I guess everybody now I retire oh wow Zig really good number three is out five people were in my layout for everybody is this for me but somebody who's got a lot of garbage blocks and somebody who has none so I think I think we'd kind of yeah that's what I see right now that guy's dying top right top left I got a fan who is very active in my community he took number three good for him nice jump it just ended yummy okay I'm gonna try and join you guys all right 300 start in two seconds does children fighting I could sell this I always forget the buttons like you're right here about 30 seconds yes you're not ready for HD double hockey sticks yeah come on man what are you oh my god we're getting a beautiful setup here are you cuz I'm ready I'm ready make this thing pop a beautiful mind and a beautiful setup you're not with me right now you that was an xbox game [Laughter] triangulate where you were no I'm gonna K on somebody no you dope freaking Wow look at everyone's about the dice there's eating a lot of chaos right now everyone's gonna die hey I'm just trying to be positive your tongue Oh something I don't like to think about it hi I got all these cameos but no I remember when I was like 14 years old I had really like bad thoughts of a head like oh my god what if I die before halo 3 comes out I still think about that so excited for the game where halo 3 comes out proper remaster my hands my head is tingling I have numbness in my head oh I didn't mean to do that can we reinstall halo 2 Vista Network you know you have to have Windows Vista man it's a Windows Vista but you heard it's the it's an exclusive about that I think I think I think Billy mode what if you were to make what if you were to do like run a run like boot camp through us for Windows to make a Vista I think you can be you and I used to people playing halo oh you're right I forgot that can take down the almond my hands going them a good time memories of having a heart attack - is my my fingers are you stroking out right now oh my god no I'm 26 right now he said what's done the game in the game yeah awesome kind of like yeah life support here leave I've been in danger for a while but someone just [ __ ] on my chest oh wow [Laughter] my god he was so nice than an instant mess yes I'm fighting back and fighting thank you that's right you never get you gotta clean my shut up if you're [ __ ] on me all this round I'm still alive dude I didn't even realize that was doing really well because then I can't hear any of the sounds in the game I was just casually playing and I guess the music was changing and everything just turn the volume up that way you don't get the intensity I can write no oh isn't its own this guy should be dead I am i hammered him with the entire [ __ ] game okay I don't know how he didn't die game Sykes yeah I agree oh it's psychological okay oh here comes the music yeah Tom's in top-10 whose is Tom are you you're hurting me maybe are you [ __ ] my clothes with you no no but someone's getting real aggressive real fast meal I killed splicers aqui ace hero con man again like 55 or something no I wasn't drunk pretty good oh oh oh yeah that's right did you [ __ ] on me huh let's say [ __ ] rowdy I'm good just the boy Oh dare you kill me Oh God or opening up this one my very first white cloth Tom take his top three Tom we can get in top come on Chuck who killed Tom if it was you I swear the gun what was it Wendy so it's who was it oh my god believing you are you in the holler - oh my god we're moving up above us Oh what happened we touched like Mario Kart no time I took top five I thought you killed me I was so happy for you we were sewing it together until the guard okay Oh jump me that time that was my line how dare you that's also some of the same in the bedroom my god all these quotes can be using the bedroom this is what we prepared a nice tour hub training hey beat we're adults if I can just speak with support then maybe maybe I'll get like I'm not gonna win because I got no chaos don't kill anybody yet I'm a wanted milled immediately to win target you more will go after someone with the most kills yeah but if I see you they also generally go for people who are who had like my brother died yeah that's why I usually try to aim for everyone's freaking targeting me right now he's going to badges you got knocked out the bastard is stronger though right yeah the badge is the badge liver give you the multipliers it doesn't kill you only makes you upset for people hell yes I killed someone was anybody I know also something you probably shouldn't say in the bedroom open up like an airplane be aware of the [ __ ] she's not interested unless I say here comes the dignity not the king shape maybe some people like that wait which one this like like airplane in it incident it getting like I know like I need her she needs you to say those words North turn on T spin there but I lost it I hope you'll find it somebody call the police Tom what please let me know the place no I think I just picked up some but I hey I had a lot of people targeting me so I think they he'll just jump to you trying to go another way same here I've heard a little bit and I was like now piss off dude we'll talk more about my succulent Chinese meal I was doing good when we were talking about that meal get your hands off my succulent Chinese meal like talking so like play you know oh well Mandarin hands off my peanuts well if it ever grabs you by the piece I think it's gonna take you right as a moment yeah I think I may have cooked you oh you're still in I think it was me but you just gave me a lot of things [Music] [Laughter] go with me do oh no viola I like to split I like a black shirt I like the mango one - it was a mango flavor that was pretty good I don't remember exactly which flavors I've tried so far the first time I tried a white claw was over Christmas all about the applause sandy close that's all I was gonna just say that effects Santos hit yet a costume Santa Claus you dressed as Santa and you was handing out free white Claus out of Halloween [Music] [Music] creative costume I love it I'm still in I'm crying on the inside myself yeah I got Z hobo dragon no no can you individually target people yes you gotta use the stick oh you can do that you know if you use the touch screen on the switch when you're playing that way you can actually just tap the one you want to target you don't know who exactly you're targeting yeah but yeah you can be a little bit more precise and quicker when you're playing with the touch screen I got a blend no pieces in so I look like somebody else's screen yeah ignore that want to fall the garbage blocks again cuz I'm not exactly sure I understand you're playing here I have to make it so my screen looks just like everybody else's today nothing odd on my screen otherwise they'll pick me out of the lineup and shoot me okay chill tell me is how they do it hey no no let's go let's go like helicopter look at idols I wanna I love that short want to shank a [ __ ] let's go so good yeah black I'm just google it okay class like a classic good old-fashioned graffiti Jordan from their first season when other shorts were no offense to anybody currently working were my favorite no offense to anybody who currently works there but I like I haven't they were my childhood trudeau Cheetos back out goddamn you hate to see it I'm I'm working my way up the world very very not I've created a cage of my own design I can't escape that's how I'm playing right now I'm having the broadcast only my setup stupid I need to fix that protect us oh wait we just no need to start attack you like I do oh god wait there's no way to tell him your audio issues in conjunction with me yelling stop that right now I said I'll stop it and suddenly looking at your stuff again Alexa play Alexa game audio please please Jeff Bezos now if I get play again again it's not just gonna keep me up for the next game or do I think just start I actually I have no idea you'll probably start another one-on-one for seven or something won't you the places how are we doing here we're surviving survivors go through everyone who's been joining up see if any I recognize any game any names metal there yeah me too for killing the guy I didn't think they awarded me like that but this is the oh really you get all the medals that they uh that they have yeah well eat greens got knocked out it no no no I kicked myself I know what's gonna Lots out out of 1200 you did good thanks are you in it Tom papers killed number 13 yeah sorry that's been eliminated come on come on Tom go for top five Tom oh I see one left oh god there he goes when it gets the last of you I wish there was a way to like spectate it this effect eight people and just see that battle right to see them particularly Tom you got top five wolf man 98 where what do you mean are you look pretty good or unless are you the guy with the giant Tower yeah they're fighting back somebody's fighting back you gotta open that up Tom I see it just drop it right and just open it up I was look at the wrong guy all right okay not bad not bad number five not bad all right play again buddy yeah this one now oh you're right we should see Dustin with this tetris champion thing that guy's dead up top that guy's totally dead there any reason why you got a bunch of white claws time I saw they were taking over the yeah I bought a 12-pack of them and just like it just popped in the fridge yeah I still up 39 years now you know it's a funny video it's a video of like this British man being arrested at a restaurant a Chinese restaurant no I haven't seen it it's crucial it's crucial thank you well who supposed to be people already come on guys calm down oh oh off the wrong people attacking me already seems oh no I just [ __ ] sounds like a party right now oh I don't want to be invited to this party [Music] it's your party you can cry if you want feels good though cry he's like all right so I think a [ __ ] yeah you can cry a little bit I mean I am so hey I think I'll join you race to fight back oh I killed somebody who is oh [ __ ] I need a freakin I need to do this me and they don't get y'all gonna kill them all just stop attacking me I'm talking about the break into song oh god no I'm okay I came back it pops out I came back we're all going at it didn't kind of kick that at the beginning honestly Tom's Oh Lord he gave me gave me hope getting help with something else out there you know it that'd be a great start of a rap song like that girl motion that would be the the Japanese game show I'm frustrated and flustered it would be the one where it's the silly Japanese game show where they're trying to fit humans in Tetris that's a silly one oh the walls the Americanized version of it yeah yeah Oh was Japanese and see what is it do you know the story behind why soos was even created that it was a friend of Alex hirtius in college that he was a question mark on this desert because they didn't know anything about him he always like showed up randomly I don't worry around 36 of 99 you're still alive yeah I can't kill me like you're about doing really well right the comeback unfortunately your comeback when I gonna last very long your thought I'm Way ahead of you I'm gonna fill them that energy out there yep gimme take back your voodoo why do you know all this stuff Suze why my wisdom is both a gift and a curse oh this is bad use your time wish on us yeah also this infinite slice of pizza pretty hurts on it take pictures of laka clapping through all the cameras three of them like oh my god this is so good open up this pic Alan first like voices majority of the characters nights go to just just how much of a connection they had with like the homestar runner guys [Music] wait really yeah oh wow I couldn't even notice that there's a this is a Halloween special recent Halloween special for a homestar runner where where Bob's is dressed up as grunkle Stan nikka man thinks is it here comes the nikah Stan and bugs goes yeah shut up Seuss's Abuelita are you still going I'm still in them twenty at the moment we have a lot of contenders backwards I'm Benjamin Button it's getting faster I'm gonna go back inside the vajayjay I was doing good until Z ASMR my face oh oh [ __ ] this is bad you're a [ __ ] dad stop you're a [ __ ] mr. Grinch you keep trying to destroy Christmas and you're kind of a slob mr. Grinch mr. green mr. god damn Doug dimmadome Latin words like I can give to advice I would give you get a job soon and are a jerk have a few choice lettuce freak Jew
Channel: ChilledChaosGAME
Views: 69,293
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ChilledChaos, ChilledChaosGame, Chilled, CriousGamers, ZeRoyalViking, AphexArcade, GaLm, Tom Fawkes, Victory Royale, Domino's Pizza, Weight Watchers, Battle Royale, Fortnite, Ninja, Twitch, Mixer, Tetris Effect, Tetris 99, Battle Royal Tetris, Free Games, Nintendo, Switch
Id: X9FMAHmcMh4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 36sec (1836 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 18 2020
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