Who is the Best Fashion Designer?

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oh hi i didn't see you there my name is bliss foster sharks i won't take up too much of your time let's start here iris van gerpen firstly just look at this stuff iris's work is like if the rich people from hunger games had excellent taste this stuff is wild and it looks gorgeous not only does she pass my personal tests for what makes a good brand by keeping concept first and going into an enormous amount of detail on her website about those concepts but she also is pushing fashion forward in a massive way that by the way is how i will be defending my position of best designer currently living how are they pushing fashion forward in the case of iris it's with technology fashion is benefited an enormous amount from technology i've heard it said before that textiles are one of the first pieces of technology that was ever developed by humans but usually advances in technology in fashion have been used for industrial design purposes meaning that they simply make our lives easier things like rain gear and moisture wicking properties and socks very rarely do advances in technology result in furthering fashion as an art form and that's where iris comes in and that is why she is heading up this video i was lucky enough to go to an exhibition of iris's work a few years ago and my biggest takeaway was a quote from iris where she said and i'm paraphrasing here if something looks hand finished it's probably 3d printed and if something looks 3d printed then i likely found a way to hand sew it with the team and okay look i'm just going to read you a little section of her show notes quote the symbiotic volumes are made from gradient-dyed silks that are multi-layered into sculptural shapes by a fine 3d laser-cut frame of p-e-t-g to create hybrid bird shapes in dimensional color gradations that hover in symbiosis with the body like mythological creatures your favorite could literally never let's let's just be honest iris is often pretty shy about writing out the specifics of her process but she's certainly not shy about showing it and it's just hit after hit after hit this is concept driven art that pushes the art medium itself outward robert geller has this incredible quote where he says women's wear is a big circle wherein you're trying to figure out your place within that little circle and menswear is a small circle and your goal is to increase the size of that circle just slightly okay well iris flips the damn script on that and takes the big circle of women's wear and pushes that outward and then in the new territory that she has discovered she stands alone iris van harpen is the best fashion designer currently living prove me wrong okay okay part two i'm gonna pitch you another one and you're also you're building a rebuttal right like you need to be building a case for your submission for the best designer currently living so that you can defend that down in the comments i don't know if you knew what was going on here that's what's happening i would like to see some disagreement in the comments build your case reply to others reply to replies of your comment reset your brain let's start again ray kawakubo is the best fashion designer currently living the struggle with many fashion designers is to find a way to express their art in a pure way and also to make money com de garcon is the single best example of this balance in fashion history it's obviously a very cool take to hate on the cdg play line but i don't know if if selling high quality basics is able to support i have to read this off cdg shirt cdg om that's a real diffusion line it's called song comedy song and it's really good the five different lines entrusted to junior watanabe noir kai nino mia gorilla pop-up shops a full line of department stores that support upcoming avant-garde designers and the most uncompromising fashion runway art in the history of mankind if some high quality basics can pay for that like i'll take the trade off and honestly you if you've ever made fun of some kid for wearing the heart shoes like that high schooler gave grandma ray 150 of their own dollars so that she could then make her runway art how much money have you given grandma ray cool guy respect the heart shoe let's move on but yeah from a business perspective alone this is an incredible feat i i honestly don't understand how this is financially possible and beyond all of that come to garcon's body of work is unbelievable even if we ignore that grandma ray founded a whole genre of fashion just watching these shows is like looking at satellite footage of a solar storm just awe-inspiring in its massive brooding intensity and the final product isn't watered down anyone who's looked into buying anything from one of the main lines of comb has seen that this brand is not only making incredible presentations they're manufacturing and selling product that lives up to the other worldly runway shows and there are lots of brands in the history of fashion that show up do something really special and innovative for five years and then they're gone grandma ray has been plunging the depths of new fashion for 39 years get the out 39 years that is insane reikao akubo is the best fashion designer currently living prove me wrong uh-oh the light's getting weird in here i had to move one of the cushions from right here so it wouldn't shine like directly into my eye okay okay back it up let's wipe the slate clean we're gonna do one more buckle in martin marzella was born on april 9th 1952. hi my name is bliss foster and i think that martin margello is the best fashion designer currently living you thought we were getting out of here without doing this out of here if you think there is a better designer than martin marzella you can leave the only definitive way that you can measure quality of art is its influence and there is no one more influential in modern fashion than marzella oh but bliss cristobal balenciaga and christian dior are far more influential that is patently untrue and i don't appreciate you lying true you can talk about designers who might have better technique in some way or someone who ran a more financially successful maison but the real genius is the one who makes everything before them obsolete and then everything after them looked strangely familiar martin marzilla brought us into the modern world of fashion and he changed the priceless commodity of fashion the x factor of fashion he shifted that from beauty to coolness one time marc jacobs got accused of stealing an idea from martin marzella and his response to that was yeah so everyone steals from martin marzella and it's true the impact of martin's 20 years in the industry were so fundamental to our current definition of good design that it's kind of not theft anymore it's barely even an homage martin's work has become so wildly influential that direct references to his work are just like i don't know they're just good design and of course we're just talking about marzella's actual clothes here i haven't even gotten into how his radical views on transparency recycling and upcycling were so ahead of their time that most fashion houses are just now putting the finishing touches on their ad campaigns so they can start imitating what martin did 31 years ago martin made it cool to show backstage footage he was the first one in a high fashion context to alter and reuse antique clothing he popularized gorilla runway shows and i i don't know if this would actually hold up in a court of law but i'm the one with the microphone so martin marzella is the best fashion designer currently living prove me wrong and if it means anything martin margello's work has been so incredibly moving to me that i've dedicated years of time to making a series where i analyze every single runway show that he did he did 40 women's wear shows and we're about 23 episodes in at this point about six and a half hours worth of content and i mean if you haven't checked out that series before i obviously strongly recommend it martin margello's work is so good that in my case it has literally been life-changing please check out the margella series today i really want to get some discussions surrounding this to start up we've had a lot of fun here i've been like a total goofball and have like acted super like aggressively defensive of my positions but i think as this video demonstrates there really can't be a single best absolute best designer it's just people who do things in a certain way that is a very changing challenging whatever to the industry so who's the best defend your position in the comments reply to other people's comments ask them questions challenge their position politely and hey if you aren't on the patreon you're really missing out there's exclusive episodes on there there's extended versions of my interviews there's extended versions of the marzella series there's extended versions of some rick owens episodes lots of exclusives you get to watch all of the live streams back it's it's really a party in there oh and you also you get to join the private discord server we're wherein a bunch of fashion people who are way smarter than me just talk about clothes all day it's brilliant like as soon as i hit off on this i'm just gonna open the discord and start talking to people again it starts at three bucks a month if you can afford it please select a higher tier so this channel can continue to run there's also a nine dollar tier and a thirty dollar tier for people who really really believe in this project i love you all a lot i'll talk to you soon peace
Channel: Bliss Foster
Views: 42,023
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: HLgmwnl5WFg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 1sec (541 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 07 2022
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