Who is Stealing the Cake? | Catch Cake Thief | Animation For Babies | BabyBus

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baby bus hi Kiki hi hello Kiki what are you doing I'm having a picnic I have a delicious cake yummy [Music] can I see what else is in your basket oh I also have milk and an apple what happened my cake Kiki don't be sad let's look for it kids have you seen the cake it's behind the cake is moving no way it has feet hi [Music] Kiki things falling off the dish you scared them away aunt ah huh there's one but he keeps hiding do you have an idea [Music] Kiki wants to share the cake with him come have some the aunt really likes cake [Music] Wow he's really strong yes although the aunt is so tiny he can lift things much heavier than himself [Music] I want to have a picnic with the N hey here's your milk [Music] you think the milk will make him even stronger [Music] he doesn't seem to like it the ant-like sweet cakes I want to give him half of my cake oh he can carry everything that's still too much Jimin aunt is in trouble his friends for help they're helping each other together they are even stronger they're going home [Music] by oh there's Kiki hi Kiki hi hello what are you doing I'm watering oh you're watering your favorite bamboo shoots yeah Kiki what's wrong there's a hole a hole what happened [Music] did anyone take a bite out of it Kiki is anybody there it's Momo did you eat my bamboo shoot but Kiki rabbits love carrots and other vegetables instead of bamboo shoes I'm sorry it's okay I want you to care it's fine by Momo if it's not Momo then who made the hole in the bamboo shoots [Music] he's a really good dancer are you calling me did you bite my bamboo shoot' [Music] rudolph fishes your favorite isn't it how about bamboo I don't eat those he doesn't seem to eat them either let's dance together keke why aren't you dance if Momo eats carrots and Rudolf eats fish who ate Kiki's favorite bamboo shoots Kiki what do you see [Music] [Music] you think the hen pecked at your bamboo shoots wait you've been wrong twice already haven't you let's ask her politely you don't want to be wrong again do you miss Henny did you happen to eat my bamboo shoot miss Han doesn't seem to eat them either then who ate my bamboo shoots keiki follow her she's trying to help you [Music] caterpillars made the hole this hen is really good at catching worms she'll catch them all well she ate all the caterpillars great now Vicky's favorite bamboo shoot' will grow healthy again [Music] Kiki is singing he's a good singer hi [Music] by what's that it's a sunflower seed hold on Kiki let's plant the seed and something amazing will happen [Music] Kiki what's wrong nothing's happening oh-ho Kiki be patient did you forget to do something kids tell them what to do what's next after planting the seed water the seed Kiki you have to water the steam that's right you have to water the seed after planting it's spreading [Music] Kiki what's wrong why is the Sun here Kiki mistakes the sunflower for the Sun Kiki look up the Sun is up in the sky Kiki still seems confused kids you know what it is it's the sunflower excellent that's right Kiki this is what's grown from the seed you planted it's the sunflower Oh Kiki what are you going to do oh you want to draw the sunflower why does the sunflower turn away from me uh-huh Kiki that's because the sunflower always faces the Sun face the Sun face the Sun it's true that's why it is called the sunflower yes the sunflower seeds are fruits of sunflowers flower seeds one for the bird count one for me oh that looks yummy let's do together thanks for sharing Kiki [Music] hi Kiki hi what's that in your hand it's a gift from Newtown it looks like a wooden sword but I don't think so take a close look at it [Music] [Music] wait don't rush you can take shelter under the leaf to tell you something [Music] he wants to give you his umbrella [Music] whoa thank you [Music] it is too small for you [Music] [Applause] Thank You Ann but I think I need something bigger he says there's some place you can get out of the rain [Music] [Applause] [Music] it's a hedgehog hi he is also stranded because of the rain but he seems to have found a safe place I felt so I can stand till the rain stops yay [Music] no wait he didn't mean to hurt you [Music] it's fine he wants you to stay beside him baby bill Franck your song is very beautiful brother he's asking why you are staying in the rain hmm I'm looking for shelter from the rain [Music] where are you going wow he wants to give you an umbrella be careful don't be sad Kiki let's find another way Kiki where do you think umbrella I gave you it's Miu Miu so this umbrella can be used to get out of the rain don't forget to play an umbrella on rainy day Kiki and his friends are having a picnic I brought brave rice [Music] it's yummy I want try some too they're eating they're finished Kiki where are you going to get more french fries this is the last one what am I going to do don't worry Kiki let's get some french fries together what do you see [Music] french fries Kiki are they really french fries [Music] they're the carrots that I chopped carrots kiki french fries are made of potatoes so if you find potatoes you can make french fries too potatoes that's right potatoes are round with yellow skins [Music] [Music] round yellow skins [Music] potato huh-huh Kiki its round with yellow skin but it's not a potato that's an orange a potato grows underground [Music] round yellow skin and underground potato what's this Oh Kiki those are potato sprouts they're poisonous so you can't eat them hot poisonous another Kiki it'll be fine unless you eat them what's this wow it's a potato farm potato farm [Music] potatoes potatoes potatoes were are you that's weird [Music] kiki has found the potato so potatoes grow under the ground there are a lot more underground [Music] [Applause] oh there's Kiki hi Kiki it's a tire Oh a tire a round and round tire Kiki seems to have a good idea one tire and one sees Oh Kiki's making a unicycle Wow that's a great idea the unicycle is not so steady Kiki seems to have another good idea one tire one more tired [Music] Kiki is making a bicycle the bicycle is more steady than a unicycle Kiki is really having fun Kiki watch out uh-oh there's a caterpillar bring your bound hit me watch out you're going to wish the caterpillar take it use your brake [Applause] Oh phew that was close I'm sorry I was riding too fast you can go first [Music] kiki is pedaling his way up the slope keep it up Keke's this isn't easy what happened oh thanks helping him Hank is really strong Kiki waves Hank looks unhappy Hank what's wrong Kiki Hank you want to ride the bike don't you but this bike is lonely for one person what can we do I got it Wow Kiki's got another good idea one bike and one more seat now we have a Chandon bike Wow Kiki you are so clever it's more fun to ride with a good friend [Music] it's snowy and the world has turned white there sounds like they're having fun oh it's keiki egg mo mo [Music] what did you make let me guess mo mo you made a carrot and Kiki made a caterpillar fish Oh Kiki made a very special bamboo shoot oh thank you slave that's a really big snow hole yes Kiki's bamboo shoot collapsed wow it really looks like a snowman why don't we build a snowman together build it a snowman has a big body and what else a round head oh that's true fast comet has a rims head just like you round and round now the snowman has a big body and a round head that's it we have to give him eyes and a mouth - what does Kiki bring and what do you have Momo I brought a curvy but where do we put the nose huh that's right it's so funny that a nose is above the eyes [Music] now you're right you're the best the nose is below the eyes misuse but the Snowman looks so sad hello why does he look so sad because you put his mouth upside down no man he has a big smile wait I think he needs something else what is it he has no arms [Music] that's right snowman with wow he looks great you are the best now we can play with the snowman I've made a house key key you know what it is no I don't where did that come from [Music] it must be the hen's egg look they're all round oops the egg is cracked their cheeks yay but nothing's happened to this one I know what to do you want to brood the egg like the hen Kiki the chick is still not coming out why is this one so fuzzy maybe it's sick I should take it to the hospital [Music] [Applause] [Music] Kiki seems to look the egg on your hand looks like the ones on the tree Nicki that's not an egg but a Kiwi it's a kind of fruit a Kiwi ha ha how can I eat a kiwi fruit I'll show you you have to peel it first look there's three flesh inside and want to try it sweet and sour [Music] [Laughter] [Music] you should try this too you
Channel: BabyBus - Kids Songs & Nursery Rhymes
Views: 2,602,613
Rating: 3.589462 out of 5
Keywords: Who is Stealing the Cake, cake, steal, ant, Catch Cake Thief, milk, kids cartoon, kids animation, babybus, baby bus, original cartoon, official, official animation, official Channel, cartoon for kids, cartoon for children, animation for kids, official collection, panda, baby panda, little panda, animation collection, baby, kids, education, babies, children, BabyBus cartoon, babybus animation, official songs, recognition
Id: KUrnQD8tq9U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 3sec (2223 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 10 2017
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