Unveiling The Mystery Of Mona Lisa ?

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[Music] it is the most famous most expensive and most mysterious painting in the world each year millions of people visit the portrait in the louvre the mona lisa has remained a star among works of art for centuries because fanatics attempted to destroy the painting it can now only be admired from behind armored glass but what makes the mona lisa so special the small painting shows nothing more than a portrait of a woman or does it reveal something more [Music] it was painted by one of the greatest geniuses who ever lived leonardo da vinci and with mona lisa he left behind more than just an image of a woman her gaze appears to wander off yet always meets the viewer she wears no jewelry her clothing is dark as if she were in mourning and yet she smiles mysteriously leonardo didn't leave behind any sketches of the portrait [Music] no visible brushstrokes mona lisa appears to be made out of flesh and blood yet her biggest secret remains who was she whose portrait is leonardo showing us to solve this puzzle the louvre placed its most famous painting under scientific scrutiny using the most modern techniques the painting was examined using x-rays raman spectroscopy ultraviolet and infrared pictures among other techniques to uncover its secrets [Music] the masters painting technique was examined beyond the surface were corrections made to the painting was anything over painted did leonardo paint the piece in one session or did he work on it for decades [Music] these questions must be answered in order to resolve the most puzzling question of them all who is the woman behind the smiling yet melancholy face who was leonardo's mona lisa or is this not a portrait but rather an imaginary image of an ideal beauty experts have been wondering this for centuries there seems to be proof of only two explanations but each cancels the other out documentation comes from two different chroniclers but these written records are not compatible with one another the most accepted theory is based on biographer giorgio vasari according to him the portrait depicts lisa del giacondo the wife of the florentine silk merchant francesco del giacondo who commissioned the piece in 1503 [Music] this contradicts a note by the chronicler antonio de piatis from 1517 in which leonardo da vinci claims to have been commissioned by giuliano de medici just like the two chroniclers contemporary leonardo scholars also have divergent theories giuseppe palanti an art historian from florence believes the officially recognized theory that the painting depicts lisa del giacondo i believe that leonardo actually painted lisa garadini the wife of francesco del giocondo roman historian roberto zapperi considers a new and revolutionary theory in which the portrayed woman is an entirely different person i think the painting is connected with randani it has nothing to do with mona lisa the first clue leads to florence the majority of the great renaissance artists lived and worked here as did leonardo da vinci giorgio vasari also worked in florence he chronicled the biographies of many italian artists [Music] next to his work as an architect vasari documented the biographies of great italian artists today these make up one of the most important foundations of art history le vite de piuelente archeteti pittori esculturi italiani was first published in 1550 and revised in 1568 [Music] today the original manuscripts are housed in the affitsi library most of the artists whose lives visari chronicled were already dead at the time but vasari researched very carefully so too with leonardo da vinci on just a few pages vasari wrote down his whole life story in it he also mentions that leonardo painted the portrait of mona lisa for francesco del giocondo her husband and it's in the possession of king francis the first to france he labored on it for four years and ultimately left it unfinished [Music] these words gave the painting its name mona lisa who was this mona lisa of whom vasari wrote and who was her husband francesco del giacondo [Music] francesco was a silk merchant who had acquired some wealth but wasn't part of florence's elite he was a nouveau riche businessman was it really possible that a renowned painter like leonardo accepted a commission by an ordinary businessman or did francesco del giocondo and his wife climb the ranks of society he wasn't just an ordinary merchant he was also a public and charismatic figure [Music] lisa was very young and vasari defines her as very beautiful too her husband also spoke very highly of her in his testament francesco refers to her as a fide woman this is an unusual description for a woman i have yet to find a similar description in other testaments a noble woman with high principles who works hard and has personality [Music] lisa del giocondo was francesco's third wife the birth of their second child a move into a new home could have been the occasion for the commissioned portrait and yet up until then leonardo only portrayed men and women of nobility these people were interesting to him a star such as himself could choose his own subjects why did he paint lisa del giocondo leonardo returned to florence around 1500 from milan he was 48 years old restless without family and didn't have any large commissions on the horizon when leonardo came to florence he didn't have any commissions or work and we know that portraits are the bread and butter of painters that is to say they are the simplest commissions and also the best paid so it is easily possible that francesco del giocondo commissions leonardo to portray his wife but doubts arise the jacondo family trade register resides in the la kevia historical del instituto de linocenti and it is the basis of their tax report florence had a highly advanced tax system the so-called catastro as part of this its citizens had to claim all of their incomes and expenditures in this trade register all movement of money and assets were meticulously recorded vasari mentions that leonardo received the commission in 1503 so a record of the expensive portrait must certainly have been made [Music] but in 1503 there is no reference to the expense of a painting there is no record of a commission to leonardo in the entire trade register there is also no mention of such a valuable painting in the inheritance you can imagine how desperately i searched for clues of a commission or payments not even in the testament is their mention that this painting existed i think francesco would have certainly claimed it since it was a painting with a rising and secure value the whole thing is incomprehensible francesco would have most likely shown the portrait by the famous painter publicly and would not have risked eventual tax evasion in leonardo's records there is also no trace of a commission by francesco money apparently didn't change hands francesco's testament is archived in florence's archivio distato therein there is also no mention of the great masters valuable artwork leonardo apparently never delivered the painting to francesco vasari writes about an incomplete portrait the mona lisa and the louvre however is completed down to the very last detail he accepted the commission at a time in which he had no work he introduced himself to the merchant who wanted a painting of his wife and simply agreed then he there are no traces of this painting in florence traces left by the merchant couple must be available in the archives in documents or testaments yet this painting by leonardo a painting by a famous artist like leonardo was a very valuable commodity we know absolutely nothing about it a has it really been lost was the mona lisa as described by vasari lost is the painting in the louvre a different one [Music] much about leonardo seems unexplainable today very few artists have captivated people's imaginations as he has one reason for this is that he started so many paintings that he never finished like that of saint jerome in the wilderness [Music] yet these works count among art history's most famous [Music] as with the adoration of the magi leonardo often lost interest in his paintings after he solved challenges of figuration and composition finishing the pieces became too tedious this was also the case with the fresco for the council hall of palazzo vecchio it was to become his largest work commissioned by the city government leonardo chose the battle of angiari as his motif leonardo received the commission in 1503 the same period during which he worked on lisa delgado's portrait [Music] restless as he was leonardo left even the biggest project that florence commissioned incomplete is it plausible that he behaved similarly with mona lisa abandoning it only to finish it later moto probimente it is very likely that leonardo puts the painting aside he didn't finish it and never delivered it it was most likely completed at a later time so i think that's this theory in which the painting was begun in 1503 and finished later is the most plausible and it's also the one i personally believe when did leonardo finish the painting let's assume in old age long after he started it then leonardo must have carried the painting with him throughout much of his life [Music] if there was such a time span between the start and the completion of the painting then we can determine that with today's modern methods and again modern technology has a go at the mona lisa the results show that the color pigments were applied without significant interruption using infrared technology historians searched for over-painted areas or corrections the genius leonardo made hardly a single correction from the first brushstroke to the finished piece the only overpainting occurred on mona lisa's left hand here leonardo corrected the gesture of her finger aside from that the painting was made in one session an unbelievable achievement by the master according to art historian alexander perrig these discoveries further confound the mona lisa theory the entire study confirms the absurdity of the identity of the louvre painting or louvre painting depicting mona it was lisa that the painterly process was fairly continuous he would have had to paint it in two completely separate stages which would clearly be identified with today's methods and tools the landscape would have had to have been new since vasari didn't mention one at all the great biographer airs in another aspect as well in describing the mona lisa he talks about her eyelashes which could be rendered only by the most delicate of brushes on her brows you witness them at their fullest and sparsest and how they emerge from the pores of her skin and arch as naturally as one can only imagine [Music] but the mona lisa that hangs in the louvre today has neither eyelashes nor eyebrows these are also not detectable using relief imaging for sari one of the main attesters to the mona lisa theory never saw the painting himself vasari didn't have any written sources his biography is based on mere oral accounts that circulated in florence this means he wrote part of the history of drakonda's portrait he himself never saw the painting he described what he invented [Music] but from where does the painting in the louvre stem are there two portraits one of them lost this new idea takes us to the amboise on the loire france [Music] leonardo died here in 1519 at the advanced age of 67. [Music] the chapel in which he was entombed is located directly next to the king's chateau leonardo came to amboise by invitation of the french king francis the first by then the artistic genius had already achieved cut status [Music] leonardo lived in a manner next to the chateau called khloe lucer an incident occurred in this small french manner that steers the mona lisa investigation in an entirely new and revolutionary direction [Music] leonardo brought three paintings with him the one that today is referred to as the mona lisa the painting of sin john the baptist and that of sundance he stayed in this manner in clarusi where he also had his studio [Music] the chronicler antonio de biates witnessed cardinal ludwig of aragon's visit with leonardo in khloe lucey on october the 10th 1517. he relates the three paintings he saw at the aging masters one of the works is of a certain florentine lady painted from life that was made in honor of the passing of giuliano de medici another one is of the young saint joan the baptist the third of madonna with her child seated on saint anna's lap the latter was the most perfect of them all today the painting of saint anna with maria and baby jesus on her lap is housed in the louvre so too is the painting that beatis described of saint john the baptist [Music] is the painting that was made for giuliano de medici also in the louvre is it the mona lisa the painting was commissioned in rome by giuliano as a result of an affair he had with a woman from ubino giuliano amoroso [Music] [Music] a new name services medici the ruling family of florence this name is most associated with the renaissance period they were rich scrupulous obsessed with power and patrons of the arts giuliano de medici was one of the two brothers that lived during da vinci's time [Music] he was a womanizer and a squanderer he was charismatic had a powerful name and an influential brother his brother lived in rome his name was giovanni de medici and he had high aspirations later he became cardinal and finally pope as pope leo the tenth he made history as a sensitive art patron as well as a scrupulous and powerful politician he strengthened the clergy's power and influence over the battling italian city-states and had a weakness for the beautiful things in life [Music] [Music] giuliano his extravagant brother arrived in urbino where he was a guest at the palazzo ducalla here he had several chambers known as the magnificence quarter he had been raised by his father lorenzo who was a great writer he wrote poetry and was interested in women he had the slightest interest in politics [Music] and yet his great passion was giovanni de merici pope leo the 10th took care of his brother giuliano throughout his life he also financed his extravagant lifestyle giuliano had countless affairs but one of these flames had serious consequences [Music] ubino in the marker region the palazzo de carla looms over the town here the tragedy involving giuliano de medici that would eventually lead to the mona lisa took place the most important source is a document that is housed in the library of the university of obino this document is a page in a book of foundlings [Music] records were found in the university library of obino regarding a certain hipolito de medici hippolyta would later become cardinal but was poisoned at the age of 24 but he was born an orphan how did he acquire the name medici who were his parents further records document his birth how he became an orphan and later a medici the name of his mother also appears patchifica brandani a young woman from ubino not much is known about pacifica she was a guest at the palazzo ducalla by invitation of giuliano to merici [Music] it is unclear if she offered him her labors of love if he seduced her or as recorded by one of the documents was raped [Music] in any case she spent tonight with giuliano and this likely involuntarily but how should she have opposed the rich ruler she was plagued with severe remorse after her affair with giuliano [Music] some sources state that she was married at the time brandani fell into a crisis that deepened when she found out that she was with child [Music] a child out of wedlock from a brief encounter in the court of urbino then she drew up a terrible plan she confided in her friend and midwife that she didn't want the child and that she could not take the disgrace the midwife should kill the newborn in case brandani dies in childbirth [Music] brandani did in fact die of pure pro fever but the midwife didn't take the newborn's life on april the 19th 1511 the night before easter sunday she dropped the child off on the steps of the santa chiaro church in ubino [Music] the baby wrapped in a white sheet was giuliano's son he had a coin on him as a token of his heritage in the absence of a legitimate heir giuliana de medici recognized him as his son he named him ipolito [Music] giuliano left ubino with his son ipolito a move to his brother the pope in rome leonardo da vinci resided in the chambers of the vatican where he worked for the medicis during this time but commissions from the pope were sparse here giuliano must have given him the commission of which leonardo writes in claude lucere leonardo was to paint a painting to comfort little ipolito he said to leonardo paint me a picture of a mother that i can gift to my son is an image of his mother as you imagine it how a portrait of a mother should look like and leonardo painted the painting that we call mona lisa today it must have been a great challenge to paint an image of a mother for apolito [Music] since he suffered a similar fate as hippolyta he too was an illegitimate child who was recognized by his father his mother didn't die in childbirth she was his father's maid and he probably used her dependency on him for labors of love as had juliana with his mistress brandani hippolyto and leonardo shared a similar fate and this inspired leonardo to paint a painting that upheld the memory of a mother the painting should lend comfort to young ipolito who himself never saw his mother he undoubtedly painted the image of his mother he was an illegitimous child himself and could easily relate to the feelings of such a child must have known this as leonardo's friend leonardo took himself back to the time of his childhood he was born in 1452 on a farm his birth house still stands today it's located in midst of an olive grove near the small tuscan village of vinci the great master got his name from the small italian village [Music] a church with a side chapel and a baptistery stands in the center of town [Music] leonardo was baptized here a memorial stone commemorates that illegitimate leonardo was recognized as a son by his father piero da vinci [Music] it was always puzzling why leonardo portrayed the wife of a silk merchant in dark clothing a silk merchant is proud of his colorful fabrics her clothes on the other hand recall mourning and reverie if leonardo painted the image of a woman that had passed away then the dark colors make sense her smile also becomes explainable since it is directed at her own child giuliani de medici died before the painting was completed leonardo took it with him to france where dibiatis saw it and took note of it in his travel lock the painting in the louvre is certainly not identical to the portrait that leonardo painted of mona lisa but where is the portrait of lisa del giucondo as described by vasari a trace leads us to gian giacomo caproti called salai who is said to have had a relationship with the master [Music] salai was a rap scallion but leonardo liked him anyway he accompanied the master through his life on many travels and was his studio assistant before leonardo several months or weeks before leonardo left for france in 1516 sallai returned to his hometown of milan on the occasion he must have received several paintings from leonardo very common presumably incomplete works [Music] a painting called jaconda this is how it appears in his estate an incomplete work of the great leonardo da vinci was very valuable to salai many paintings are attributed to him he could have also sold them under leonardo's name for a lot of money but that never happened salai died under mysterious circumstances just a few years after leonardo's own death the incomplete portrait of lisa del giacondo was in sally's estate along with leonardo's painting leda and the swan both of these paintings were lost in all likelihood it is the imaginary ideal image of a mother that hangs in the louvre commissioned by giuliano de medici we must say goodbye to the mona lisa [Music] [Music] it is the most famous painting in the world none other has been studied more thoroughly or more often now the mona lisa has revealed its true face the same face was found over and over again beneath each of the coats of paint the face with its loving gaze and its comforting smile the image of a mother [Music] you
Channel: Rosesun Studio
Views: 29,579
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Keywords: documentary, documentaries, dw documentary, full documentary, dw, documentary 2020, leonardo da vinci, mona lisa, art, painting, italy, florence, paris, louvre, research, renaissance, the mona lisa, mona lisa painting, da vinci, artist
Id: Re0n3veh8C4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 42min 48sec (2568 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 17 2020
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