Who is Alex Vervoordt? World Famous Interior Designer to the Stars | Art of Style Documentary | M2M

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This man is so inspiring.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/mikeifyz 📅︎︎ Feb 23 2019 🗫︎ replies
I always liked lovely things since I was a child I didn't even know the word collecting but I would collect beautiful stones I would find or even beautiful flowers I think for the beginning I lost very humble things and there's the way of life living with beautiful things and make of every moment of the day a feast even if it's very simple I'm not the real collector who wants to possess I really first of all want to give things a better place we're not seeing objects I don't think it's just the beauty because when it's just only beautiful I find a bit superficial I think the spirit of the object attracts me more I think out opens your eyes from the beginning it definitely has been an evolution my mother she was a master of dressing beautiful tables with face simple things and she preferred my father brought beautiful butterflies from the meadows rather than big long roses from a flower shop they wanted to small cozy house but this small house my mother changed every three months and like my mother's change the house I changed my room all the time my father was a horse dealer he loved horses the could hear halls he would know was a good horse all of the bad was I still write horses every day if I can but I don't have the same feeling for horses my father had so I thought I need to study to make money enough to be a good collector that was 14 and I went to England and everywhere our fast is nothing for sale can I go look at your attic and I already discovered amazing things and I came back on the boat with tables on my shoulders and bags with silver and a painting I always think it's fascinating to buy something forgotten and to give it new life 21st century me is a sense of recuperation there's no space anymore to know for us enough to make new no no rocks enough to make new I think we have to make new things that exists already these are beautiful 16th century Spanish panels we still have to make a table of it it's not decided yet it's quite beautiful as it is we don't cut at all believe it totally genuine the old is like sacred we don't touch we just add okay with antiques I love to design like panels that are 16th century and if we turn that one it needs 300 years to make that panel it's impossible to imitate it's unique for me they had the most beautiful contemporary 21st century abstract art made by time the castle existed since 1108 and it had not been on the market since 1729 with my wife made we came from the light for the landscape the nature so once a thousand years old so you can never really possess it and I felt myself like I was called by the castle to work for it we just took our own earth from here and we painted with earth mixed with lime the walls the wood is from here the walls are from here and so it's connected quietness respect positive energy all these are very important qualities in home simplicity is the ultimate sophistication and proportion is very important I think a house should have different expressions when architect is too beautiful into perfect you don't want to put anything in it I think in a home it's nice to have both to have full rooms and empty rooms we have clients all over the world I loved that I can be useful helping them to feel the quality of this way of life it's about balance I think the house should be long first of all to the place where it is and then I think it should belong to the people are gonna live in it hello you know people who love glittering gold won't come here I'm most fascinated by something very old a luge a contemporary of a contemporary that looks the old Indian eyes it's looking for the timeless this acidity panel gonna pair up tempo so the last people talk that's more Universal but a sponsor she is here you know La Jolla means ontraport [Music] in 95 with all the workshops and all the people working the castle became too small so we were looking for in industrial place and it once has soft sale that first building of Canal and I was so in love with it and bought it immediately there was the big central building the round building in concrete outside in the middle the where all the grains came in from there the grains were dispatched over all the other buildings for the living areas we worked with four different architects it gives the feeling of a village and for the museum part I worked with a friend Japanese artist with whom I do many projects it's all based on sacred geometry every door every room every volume and do you feel that energy and I think it gives abstract art a much more spiritual approach and I think my dream was to make it like the Menil family did not go Chapel I think I would like to have Chapel of universal peace and people are silent what's interesting with this piece banished Kippur you feel emptiness it's not only spiritual source of physical I like the combination of the art of living and also the sacred part of looking at us it only has value if you can share it and it can inspire other people we're now making a book about our collection but for me the essence of thing I feel that the art is my teacher I think the idea of the art the teachers their managers your life that's what this book is about exactly it's not about only and I realize it's not it's just like it's a like it's a lot about giving things a better place but that you cannot say from my own collection things like not place is the best and somebody asked you it customs what's your profession I never know what to write I think I'm mainly our dealer but I think it's a name that just doesn't suit me completely I like to be creative as well [Music] in my mind I want to be very free person and I want to be ready to shake my mind every day and I want to be open-minded they're definitely not dogmatic every time on every trip since I was a child I was was buying with my heart with my feeling with my intuition and even now if I'm in front of an important work of art I want to be like a fishbone baby who knows nothing sometimes I take off my glasses and just want to feel the energy it's much more what you feel than about what you see [Music] you you
Channel: M2M – Made To Measure
Views: 2,060,109
Rating: 4.9481788 out of 5
Keywords: M2M, M2MTV, MadeToMeasure, Fashion Style, Fashion Videos, Style Videos, Fashion TV, FTV, Documentary, Documentaries, Designer, Designers, Fashion Network, axel vervoordt, axel vervoordt kanye, axel vervoordt interview, axel vervoordt kanye west interview, axel vervoordt interiors, axel vervoordt home, axel, vervoordt, interior design tips, art collector, designer
Id: z7F6rREa-2s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 6sec (606 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 25 2018
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