Who Gets the Royalties for Hitlers Book?

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today's episode is sponsored by - lane try - Lane for free on your first device and when you decide you want to upgrade to premium use my code brain food to get a discount of 10% on premium more on them in a bit mine camp the autobiographical anti-semitic hate manifesto written by Adolf Hitler in the 1920s wow this video is not getting monetize is it first line mine camp mmm is one of the most controversial and infamous books of all time as you might imagine despite how inherently poorly written it is this has resulted in millions of copies of the book being sold since Hitler did the world major favor and heroically ends with no regard for his own personal safety managed to infiltrate the Fuehrer bunker and take out all of the most hated individuals of all time himself in 1945 but of a bump so ever since Hitler fired a Walther PPK at his own heads who's been collecting the royalties from sales of the book how much did Hitler make off it before that and why did he write it in the first place also isn't a Walther PPK James Bond gun Hitler initially began dictating and drafting the outlines a mine camp while imprisoned in 1923 after a failed attempt to seize power in Bavaria and a coup d'etat which eventually became known as the Beer Hall Putsch conceived by Hitler as a way of simultaneously spreading Nazi ideals and paying off the massive debts he had racked up the future Fuhrer realistically expected that his book would only primarily appeal to those who were either in naught sympathetic to the National Socialist Party for the most part Hitler was right hashtag Simon Whistler taken out of context and upon its release in 1925 it sold a modest nine thousand copies nevertheless it earned him a nice little income over the next few years as Hitler's star rose in German politics sales of his book similarly increased legitimate sales of the book peaked in 1933 theatre became Chancellor of Germany with a reported 850,000 copies being sold that year in total it's estimated that around 10 million copies of the book was during Hitler's lifetime padding these titles significantly though when Hitler became Fuehrer meaning leader or guide millions of copies of the book were purchased by the German government and were distributed for free to German soldiers and newly married couples yay in doing this imagine being a Jewish a recently married Jewish couple in germany be like this is gonna go well is it in doing this hitler ensured that he and royalty is what every one of the free books handed out by the government by declaring that local authorities had to pay to cover the book's cost before giving them away ah corruption it's difficult to determine exactly how much Hillier earns from all of these sales but according to the documentary Hitler's money great name for a documentary the total rang in at just under 8 million Reichsmarks equally difficult for a variety of reasons is converting that amount to modern-day dollars or pounds but as an extremely rough estimate 8 million Reichsmarks in the early 1940s would be equivalent to around 30 million dollars at that time or around four hundred and thirty million dollars that's 279 pounds today whatever the case given Hitler's fairly lavish lifestyle in the immediate years leading up to and then later including his time as leader of Germany and with most of his personal income coming from the book sales in the early going it would seem that his bank accounts was doing just a bit all right of course we should note that this doesn't take into account all of the money Hitler later acquired through various other means such as licensing his image to the German government earning him money every time they sold a stamp or other item with his face on it Hitler also decided to maximize his personal income by simply not bothering to pay his taxes this created something of a problem for him initially but he managed to string along the German tax office for years at one point brashley claiming that he only owns one desk and two bookshelves while simultaneously driving around in a brand new Mercedes at other times he kept the tax officials at bay by assisting hit pay off his tax bill in installments over time this will culminated in Hitler receiving a tax bill of four hundred and five thousand five hundred Reichsmarks shortly after he became Chancellor in 1933 for reference the average annual teacher salary in Germany at this time was a little under five thousand Reich marks so he owed them a lot still not wanting to pay his taxes though and now being in charge he promptly had a representative of the Ministry of Finance declare that the Fuhrer was free of tax obligations and the massive tax debt had accumulated was waved along with the future taxes that head of otherwise owed while cells of mine camp internationally were decidedly more modest Hitler still made considerable amounts of money from them before the start of World War two with the being noted that he made summer in the region of 500,000 inflation adjusted dollars from sales of the book in the UK alone come on UK what you doing don't buy mine cap so what about after he died as Hitler was officially a resident of Munich upon his death the Bavarian government seized all of his property including the rights to the book and immediately outlawed its publication in Germany despite this the book is still published and sold with some success throughout the world today at least where it is not banned as the legal copyright holder in many parts of the world with a couple of caveats we'll get into shortly Bavaria was entitled to any royalties from such sales and they did accept them albeit begrudging liebe for giving them to charity that said when Hitler died his will instructed that any objects of sentimental value or necessary for the maintenance of a modest simple life be split among his living relatives and friends while his art collection and remaining assets be split between an Art Gallery in his hometown of Linz since the National Socialist German Workers Party respectively however the Bavarian government decided to ignore this will as part of what we like to dub their commendable screw in the initiative they just decided to take full ownership of anything because that guy while legally some of Hitler's distant heirs could lay claim to what remains of Hitler's estate which is still estimated to be worth millions none of them are willing to do so no surprise there it's not going to look good in fact apart from not wanting anything to do with Hitler's the stage the sons of Hitler's nephew have allegedly even gone so far as to agree to never have children to end his bloodline ironic if true given it then emphasizes a lot of stock put in one's bloodline more on Hitler's British nephew summer managed to fight in the war in the US military in the bonus facts in just a bit while rights to mine camp from his death until recently belongs to the Bavarian governments throughout most of the world in the UK and the u.s. things were another difference in the UK writes the book belongs to Hearst and blaggers who purchased rights to a translated version of the book from Hitler's publisher in 1933 when Hitler died Hearst blackett retained the rights and continued to sell copies of it to this day though now under the name Random House publisher which bought them out in 1998 however the company unwilling to profit from a work of Hitler's has for some time gifted all royalties made from the book to an anonymous charity in 2001 it was revealed that the charity in question was the German welfare council as that council then stated they were planning to return 250 thousand pounds of the 500,000 pounds they'd received over the years via book royalty donations this came as a response to the controversy that erupted to their ever having accepted such funds and being confronted by various prominent individuals including the chairman of the Holocaust Education Trust who felt that profiting in any way from such a book was inherently wrong even if the money was being used for good the 250,000 pounds that already used from the sales of the book had been given to aid Holocaust survivors the welfare council stated of all this when we agreed in 1976 to the arrangements that generally accepted view was that there was a moral obligation to pass the money to Holocaust victims but no Jewish charity would take it the current board of trustees however has decided the funding is no longer appropriate not least because we no longer deal exclusively with Holocaust victims the charity was chosen because of its work with Jewish refugees from Germany but their number has diminished greatly over the years most have died of old age the problem now is that no one wants anything to do with the money upon learning that the welfare council would be returning the money Random House decided that they would distribute the unwanted funds and xeni subsequent royalties to another appropriate charity as 2yv German welfare council had so much remaining from the donated book royalties it was explained that we kept it in a separate bank account from other donations and used it only in emergencies Holocaust victims who were helped by the charity may not have known about the donation and I fear some might be offended in America royalties de mine camp were collected by Houghton Mifflin who bought the rights of the book from Hitler's publisher in 1933 interestingly at least two other publishers Stackpole and rain'll and hitchcock are known to have published unlicensed translations of the book in the 1930s by arguing that because hitler self-identified as a stateless german his book wasn't copyrightable neither of these publishers paid any royalty to hitler in fact Stackpole advertised the book by explicitly stating hitler wasn't getting anything from these sales of their version at the start of World War two the American government seized all profits and rights to the book within the country the government then held the rights to mine camp until 1979 during the span they made about a hundred and thirty-nine thousand dollars in royalties with this money being placed into the war claims fund before being paid out to victims of the war in 1979 Horton Mifflin paid the US government's thirty seven thousand two hundred fifty four dollars to quietly buy back the rights earning them an estimated seven hundred thousand dollars in royalties over the next two decades however when it emerged that the company had been making hundreds of thousands of dollars from sales of the book they issued a statement stating that the royalties the book earns would be distributed charities that promised diversity and cross-cultural understanding and a host of other things Hitler would have probably hated the Red Cross founded by Henry denounced with the intent to prevent and alleviate human suffering without discrimination was one candidate for receiving royalties from the US sales but like so many before him the organization reportedly declines the money as for today thanks to European copyright law mine camp into the public domain on the 1st of January 2016 so now who earns the royalties depends on the edition and anyone can create one for example once the copyright expired the Institute for contemporary history in Munich which is funded by the German government almost immediately published a version they'd been working on for a few years intended to be the definitive academic edition this version is an astounding two thousand plus pages and includes well over three thousand annotations to help educate on the context to various statements and things like that the controversy of course was widespread after this academic edition became a best-seller in the first year alone selling almost a hundred thousand copies including sitting for 35 weeks on the German bestseller list among others the sales numbers all came as a huge shock to the history Institute who had expected it to only sell a few thousand copies mainly to professor's libraries and the like especially given its hefty textbook like price of almost 60 euros as asked given now anyone can make their own Edition as you might imagine who gets the royalties from Hitler's hymnal of hate hasn't become any less complicated or controversial since it entered the public domain and speaking of controversy and Hitler you'll often hear that Time magazine was lambasted for naming Hitler Man of the Year in 1938 however contrary to popular perception this was not at all to honor Hitler but rather to bring more public attention to the atrocities he was committing they specifically stated lesser men of the year seemed small indeed beside the Fuhrer Germany is seven hundred thousand Jews have been tortured physically Robert of homes and properties denied a chance to earn a living chased off the streets now they are being held for ransom gangster trick through the ages they ended their article on their decision to name hit the man of the year on the ominous note to those who watched the closing events of the year it seemed more than probable that the man of 1938 may make 1939 a year to be remembered Time magazine certainly nailed that one speaking of nailing things though - lame who absolutely nail protecting your passwords in your online identity - Lane is a one-stop shop for all your digital identity protection needs if all your passwords are the same which is a bad idea you can use - Lane's password manager to create and securely store complex and unique passwords making it less likely that your accounts are gonna get compromised they also have a VPN as part of their service meaning there you can browse the Internet securely and confidently even on public Wi-Fi but it's not just that they also actively monitor the dark web to see if your information has been leaked somewhere that means you can go in and change your password before someone breaks into other accounts that share that same password plus - Lane does what it's always done it stores your passwords it keeps your personal data secure it fills all those annoying boxes for payment info or passwords for you so make your life easier and head to - Lane comm forward slash brain food - try - lean for on your first device and when you decide you want to upgrade to premium use our code brain food to get a discount of 10% and let's get into that bonus fact going back to Hitler's nephew he was originally named William Patrick Hitler but he later changed it to William Patrick Stewart Houston to distance himself from his uncle's name after World War two William was born in Liverpool the son of Adolf Hitler's half-brother alloys Hitler jr. and an Irish woman named Bridget Dowling prior to World War two William moved from England to Germany where out of Hitler got him a job in a bank which he subsequently left art convincing Hitler to get him a job at an automobile factory as a salesman at this point it'll began calling him my loathesome nephew ins began publicly calling him out stating I didn't become Chancellor for the benefit of my family no one is going to climb on my back getting nowhere further with his uncle William then returned to London for a time and attempted to capitalize on his uncle's fame there he later returned to Germany where Hitler eventually offered William a top-ranking position with the Nazis if William would renounce his British citizenship William turned down the offer fearing I'd be trapped in Germany in the coming conflict no longer caring to ask for a job or high-ranking position William subsequently began trying to blackmail his uncle threatening to tell the media stories about Hitler and his family including threatening to confirm a rumor that Hitler was the illegitimate grandson of the Jewish merchants and Leopold frankenburger Aerith wouldn't give him money as you might imagine this didn't sit well with Hitler and William was forced to flee back to England's though some reports say he was given a sizeable sum before leaving just before the start of World War two William and his mother were invited to the United States at the invitation of famed publisher William Randolph Hearst Hearst then sponsored William on a nationwide lecture tour titled my uncle Adolph where William would tell stories about Hitler in the Nazis to audiences once war broke out William tried to join the British forces but was denied when the US eventually entered the war he appealed President Roosevelt to be allowed to join the u.s. forces stating why he felt he wasn't being allowed to serve in the British forces as such the British are an insular people and while they are kind and courteous it is my impression rightly or wrongly that they could not in the long term feel overly cordial or sympathetic towards an individual bear the name I do Roosevelt turned the matter over to the FBI you eventually decided to allow William to join the u.s. Navy despite being a British citizen and a nephew of Hitler he served in the Navy as a hospital corpsman and was discharged in 1947 after three years of service after the war William married and moved to Long Island's when he set up his own blood sample analysis business William had four sons Alexander Lewis Howard and Bryan three of them live in Long Island today the fourth son Howard died in a car accident in 1989 two years after William died two of his remaining sons lived together and owned a landscaping company and the third is a social worker or perhaps all three may be retired at this point updates on this trio as you might expect a rather scarce given they like to keep a low profile with the last obvious brief update in 2018 when a reporter managed to get one of them Alexander to talk about his opinion on Trump not having much to say he simply stated some things that Trump says are all right however he stated he disliked the President to create Alexander is the way he does it what annoys me and I just don't like lawyers so I really hope you found that video interesting if you did please do smash that thumbs up button below and don't forget to subscribe also please do check it off fantastic sponsored dashlane who I'm linking to below and thank you for watching
Channel: Today I Found Out
Views: 319,569
Rating: 4.9029384 out of 5
Keywords: today i found out, tifovidz12, tifo, awesome, facts, didn't know, How Rich was Hitler?, Adolf Hitler’s Wealth, Mein Kampf, Hitler's book, Hitler facts, Hitler dodged taxes
Id: _92mXc4nCas
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 50sec (1010 seconds)
Published: Sun May 31 2020
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