WHO DESERVES A SONG in Hazbin Hotel Season 2?! - A Hazbin Hotel Theory and Prediction!

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you know I should probably get back to my next overly complex hasbin Hotel Theory but nah I'd rather [Music] see box bites when the hasbin hotel cast blesses our ears by belting at a tune it's an absolute Bop from beginning to end the songs range from cute little intros for new environments and settings to Absolute workhorses who pull the majority of a scene's emotional weight all by their Lonesome the sound track is so solid it's been charting for weeks now and if I was a smart YouTuber I'd probably rank all these numbers from best to worst on a tier list or something but what fun is there in being smart when we can talk about songs that don't even exist and probably never will yep today we're going to make some fingers crossed predictions for hasb been Hotel season 2 by talking about potential songs that I am praying they include in the next OST there aren't really any rules here but I'll mostly be focusing on characters that have either never sung at all or we're confined to only back ground vocals when I really think they should have gotten the lead I'm also going to try to come up with both a fun song and an emotional song for each character to keep the discussion interesting with all that said we got a whole juke box of jams to juggle here so pop a nickel in it and let's hit the [Music] flow poor little Nifty gifted with pipes of perfection and yet not a number two or name seriously everyone else in the main cast gets to sing in season 1 and yet the oneeyed no horn crazy cutesy insect beater gets NADA well not on this channel kamiko Glenn deserves better dang it and I've got two awesome ideas for a Nifty solo number option one if there's one perk to having a cast that was killed across many different places and different periods of time it's that you have the perfect opportunity to add all kinds of unique musical styles to your soundtrack season 1 had hints of that here and there but I'd love if season 2 took full advantage of this idea so what kind of song would fit best for a tiny ball of energy who died in the ' 50s how about a high Tempo Rock SL doop number with plenty of sweeping shots to show off the new setting in the first song of the Season that I'm titling got it made Nifty is officially the head custodian of the newly refurbished and expanded hasb been hotel and because the job is much too huge for her to handle on her own a new staff of cleaners maids and bunders is hired to help her out and she's got to show them the ropes so she skitters across the place with her new recruits listing off the ways that they should behave and the important nooks and crannies to clean all the while coming across the other members of the cast throughout the building who either throw in a verse of their own or at least acknowledged in some way this would be the ideal everything is amazing number before the inevitable antagonist comes up later and starts to ruin everything but for the moment they really have got it me honestly an upbeat song like this would be perfect for kamiko Glenn she's done High tempo numbers before and killed it with her [Music] energy F right in the music would be very early Rock inspired based on songs like rock around the clock or Tutti Frutti and then maybe at the end aler can come in on piano or saxophone and be like you know something like that I don't know I just think it would be a lot of fun and a nice way to make up for a lack of nifty singing by giving her the first song in the season option two the true origin of nifty is by far the least touched on aspect of hasb been so far to the point where even husk drunk Exposition dump failed to give us an inkling of info spoiler alert I'm going to be talking about nifty's potential past in a video coming up but for now wouldn't it be nice if nifty's backstory was revealed in a subtle and inchar way that not only made you feel sorry for her but also contextualized her seemingly deep bond with Alister well then may I introduce you to the the song King roach approaches a much slower but more emotional song performed through the framing device of one of nifty's signature roach puppet shows Nifty would be a musical narrator who weaves the tale of a young roach peasant girl who starts off in a very dark and scary place in her life but eventually gets her spirits raised as she befriends other bugs throughout the kingdom this would be an obvious metaphor for how happy Nifty is to have met all of her new hotel friends and how they make her life so much brighter you don't even have to make them all roaches you could get creative with some of the puppet choices like making Angel's puppet a spider or vaggie's puppet a moth that would be adorable and then at the very end King roach himself enters the scene played by Alister who's wearing the crown from episode 8 showing that he actually held on to it since he values nifty's gifts he declares that he's not only happy to see the young peasant roach but that he'd like to invite her into his roach Palace and even make her the princess of the Kingdom Nifty laughs and looks over at Alister saying I really like that ending me too then they sing the last repre of the chorus together as they draw the curtains and take a bow Charlie would probably be clapping and crying profusely while Angel and husk kind of look over at each other smile and Nod it would just be a nice wholesome moment for the entire Hotel cast if you ask me the specific details of the show would vary depending on what nifty's backstory actually is how much of it she remembers and how exactly she met aliser when she entered hell but I just think the concept of her and aliser sharing a calm wholesome number together would just be the cutest thing ever if you've ever heard the song One Tin Soldier by covin it would kind of sound like that just with a lot more dead insects gee who would have thought that hell's head honcho who's known far and wide for her melodious voice would be someone I'd want to hear a song out of yeah whether she ends up being a cold-hearted antagonist or a woman with more complex morals one thing thing I think we can all agree on is that in season 2 Lilith better show off a set of pipes to mirror the Mario franchise with Musical and lyrical accompanyment that flexes them to the Limit and I think I've got just the ideas for that option one the first suggestion should be obvious since Vivy poop's head Cannon voice for lth is Lady Gaga it would only make sense for her to have a massive blub scale showstopping pop number that really cements her status as a satanic Superstar but this would not just be a filler Jam like cotton candy or bone town before it this would be an in-depth exploration of her character's Origins remember how Overture kind of glossed over the fact that L's inspiring voice was pivotal to the creation of modern-day hell well this song would be that chunk of backstory shown off in much richer detail it would essentially be a montage song that begins at the start of L's queenly career when House's populus was pretty small she would start off singing very softly and quietly with minimal instrumentation in the background like maybe a single guitar strum or even just Acappella from her few current subjects then as the song goes on her singing would get more forceful and louder with more instruments chiming in to back her up and then finally when we get to modern day hell she is just belting out the lyrics at full force with a complete Orchestra in the background a mighty tree of a performance finally emerging from the seeds of hope she had planted before it would not only be an excellent display of her voice actress's range whoever that ends up being but it would also be able to tell a grand skill story of her rise to power has the intensity of the music Rises along with it as for the name I could picture it being something short and snappy like most pop songs maybe like fallen or something that sounds pretty awesome option two for this idea I kind of had to Outsource to another pop star over 35 that I really admire pink one of my favorite songs by her is walk me home released in 2019 and for some weird reason in my head I always picture Lilith singing a song just like it the opening vocal sounds so creepy and ethereal almost like ghosts or disembodied Souls singing a chilling him you got this stomping bead and overpowering instrumentation during the chorus like a soldier marching home from battle in a rainstorm or a person powering through overwhelming stress and depending on what direction they want to take L's character in season 2 a song like this could be the perfect antithesis to the number one we just talked about instead of Lilith being portrayed in the most flattering light possible being seen as a symbol of strength hope and power for her kingdom while on stage this song would show her at her lowest a behind the scenes depressed mess who was forced to deal with all her internal problems on her own the stress of running the kingdom her past with Adam and the angels perhaps a few deals that she made to keep herself and her people afloat and she has no one to confide in about all this her husband is definitely loving and supportive but is often preoccupied with his own trauma and depression poor little Charlie isn't old enough to understand what she's going through at all and she can't risk showing weakness to her subjects cuz inevitably it could result in Hell's morale taking a blow so she suffers in silence forced to be alone with all that's on her mind and maybe in the end this could add further context to her sudden disappearance and apparent retirement in heaven I'm sure Lilith will have plenty of songs after her debut but it would be awesome to see her as both an a in slaying Diva and a sympathetic Queen and mother or maybe she'll just be a straight up baddy and we'll get a Hellfire esque villain song out of her who knows Ser penus may have the least impressive singing voice in the cast especially when compared to singing goddesses like Charlie but I still don't think that only three lines in an under 2 minutes song it's enough room for the snake boy's voice to really shine especially now that his wardrobes been whitewashed the idea of penious being in heaven all by himself opens up plenty of possibilities for really interesting songs and I think I've got a few right here option one the moment where penious first enters Heaven is one of my favorite moments from episode 8 mainly because it tells so much with so little look at Sarah and Emily's faces here em is just over the moon that a soul in Hell actually managed to get up there and Sarah has an expression of fear and sheer confusion no doubt this moment is going to be followed up by a barrage of questions from the two seraphim about what exactly he did to rise on up so why not have this moment be a song in fact I'll do you one better why not have that moment be a call back to penis's only song but this time he gets to sing lead I'm usually not huge on repri songs but I'll make an exception here just because the change in context has the potential to be perfect instead of Charlie inviting a potential new guest by saying that every Redemption begins with sorry when the Angels ask repenti just what he did to arrive at their Gates he could explain that his story of Happiness started with sorry basically saying that his apology to Charlie was his rebirth as a person in a way like nothing before that really matters at this point all the past shame and mockery and loneliness doesn't bother him anymore because of the man he's now become he tell the Angels about all the Misadventures he had with his new friends and then Sarah and Emily would have living proof that Charlie's methods actually are effective so they might to re-evaluate the way that their whole society works I know this is one of the least popular songs in the show but it would be nice to give it some new life in the second season and maybe even improve on it a little bit option two okay this was just some idea I had while I was half asleep one night but wouldn't it be hilarious if penas had an opera number I talked before about the characters being from different time periods and how that could maybe influence songs at some point well penas is apparently from the 1800s which is an era where Opera and classical were essentially the popular music at the time so you got to let the harbringer of Hamming sing his heart out in that style heck the dude's already dressed up like a modern major general at one point so let's get some Pirates of Penzance up in this I was the very mother of a hell and general I stood my ground and saved my friends from Angel grunts was pitiful and right before my ship was up the teeny tiny particles I snuggled up the Cherry Bomb and things became quite sensual oh yes I don't care when I don't care how just please do it it would be hilarious all right that basically covers the big three that I wanted to talk about but now let's do a few honorable mention characters that also deserve songs but I couldn't really come up with anything super solid for them a sentric song is one that I could totally see happening near the middle of the season after Pen's resurrection and Emily obviously spreading the word to the rest of Heaven which leads to widespread change I imagined that Sarah would be very conflicted and kind of terrified by everything new that's happening so she would break into a very slow graceful low tempo number about how Heaven is Shifting all around her she's not certain if it's for the better or for the worse the only thing she knows for sure is that she's not ready for it the backing track could be a mixture of things like Harps and loots being the most traditional sounding Angelic song so far fitting with her more conservative feelings on how her home should be run or at least how she was told it should be run a song for Emily would be fun too maybe where she acts as a cutesy little newsy spreading the word that a sinner has entered their domain but I personally think that Sarah is more deserving of a big emotional number Cherry Bomb died in the 1980s which is probably my favorite decade of Music besides the' 70s so any song with that type of vibe would be a okay in my book honestly I love addict as much as the next guy but I've always wanted to hear Cherry go absolutely nuts in some kind of unhinged punk rock or classic rock style number sprinting around setting off bombs left and right a truly explosive piece that would really put her character on full display hasb been Hotel needs more hard core headbanging tracks and I think she's just the girl to do it the only loot song I can imagine coming out of season 2 is maybe some kind of self- encouragement Anthem where she does mourn the loss of her commander and best friend but now needs to build up the confidence to take charge and be the leader she needs to be if hellis forever was a fun energetic Rock number where Adam and her celebrated being on top then this song would be more of a deep emotional ballad Allah guns and& roses where she needs to dig herself out from the bottom the lowest she's ever been in her life I thought that loot singing and you didn't know was pretty stellar so if she had her own song I'd be down for [Music] it no okay okay hear me out hear me out hear me out I know that Adam technically already had hell is forever all to himself and we don't even know for sure if he'll be coming back next season as a reincarnated demon but if he does he's got to have a song about it and what shre would be more perfect for an infuriated Rockstar who's trapped in the turf of his greatest enemies after just enduring the most undignified and embarrassing death imaginable then death metal seriously could you imagine a death metal song in a hasb been Hotel episode Adam would just be screaming from the boughs of his very Soul eternally angry and frustrated and even a little scared at what's going on all wrapping up in him eventually SEC coming to his situation and completely unsure of what he could possibly do next then maybe the song in total Silence with a few Notes From Hell is forever in the background like ding ding dinging ding ding dinging ding ding ding ding he's in Hell forever now whether he likes it or not oh that would be so good all right those are my ideas for new songs in hasb been Hotel season 2 I'm sure that characters like Charlie vaggie husk Angel and Alistair are shooing to get more songs later on but I wanted to throw a bone to The Underdogs who haven't been able to really vocalize yet with all that said though let's hear what you guys think what kinds of songs are you hoping to hear in hasbin future and what did you think of my ideas leave your thoughts in the comments below thanks for tuning in everybody and I hope to see you all real [Music] soon [Music]
Channel: finnthepony
Views: 109,880
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Hazbin Hotel, Hazbin Hotel season 2, season 2, Hazbin Hotel season 1, season 1, Hazbin Hotel songs, songs, Hazbin Hotel Adam, Adam, Hazbin Hotel Lilith, Lilith, Hazbin Hotel theory, theory, Niffty, Nifty, Sir Pentious, Cherri Bomb, Lute, Sera, Emily, heaven, hell, demon, angel, animation, indie, cartoon, cartoons, music, hell is forever, comedy, funny, soundtrack, it starts with sorry, the show must go on, Charlie, Alastor, Hazbin Hotel Alastor, Vaggie, Angel Dust, Husk, pilot, hazbin, hotel, vivziepop, lute
Id: IOuRcXJrgKo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 39sec (999 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 24 2024
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