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all right folks the deck is secret Paladin the goal of the deck is to pull secrets from our deck either with sword of the Fallen or mysterious Challenger who we can get to a little bit quicker thanks to lorekeeper Paul celt although we can put him at the top of Our Deck rip the secrets from our deck into play and repeat some of them or get value off of them with things like Crossroads gossiper and Commander Risa you're watching this on YouTube don't forget to like comment and subscribe you can catch me live at twitch.tv ruffle watch this all right this one kills totems this one does not so probably keep the uh Soldier I did not mean to keep that but we drew the uh we call the arms anyway you a fan of Marvel snap I am a fan of portions or gameplay is good hard acquisition is frustrating at times they do seem to be taking measures to improve that just like slowly over time hopefully they continue to do so and it'll be more accessible we just go minibot next turn then coin Call to Arms seems pretty good oh big shaman it is not ideal oh I wonder if there's any world where I take a pause for the sake of oh my God here how much does bracing cold Reduce by two what are they considering they're hovering over the hero power but that's not a valid play I would like to play the video game please it's unfortunate and amazing how frequently this happens when I have like only a limited amount of time to to play today welcome Chris I just want to be able to try and block a Eureka yeah 100 the correct play thank you slightly better than a one Mana counter speller do we need to go through this again since when is that a deck again um for a while especially with the uh the recent changes like it's probably in a better position than it because it does well into aggro it's just a good empty Agger bot is this a bot there is absolutely utterly no reason to believe that a bot would be playing uh big shaman once again just because they do something atypical does not mean that it is a bot uh none of the behavior that they're doing benefits a bot in any way oh I think it is unlikely oh I've got the wrong uh well thank you for the content and wanted to ask what is free on Twitter like super chats uh which prime that thing that you just used is actually free so perfect thank you uh let's try and increase the odds of hitting an omayog here you missed but that's okay Justice Grady thank you for the uh the 40 months as well I have nothing to say or recycle jokes to use thanks for the content well I mean that's the perfect sub message so thank you wow unlucky it's also extraordinarily unlucky that the opponent is not dead here is that in the wrong order that was a mistake could I get for being impatient the opponent has played two three four five cards and it's taken them almost five minutes one an average of one card per minute for this opponent it's incredible there is little time oh my God they pressed a button that's your turn light makes right I will fight with honor these two and look for early game uh big priest is probably a horrendously bad matchup for me so just gotta pray it's nothing that's like coin of pole kelp to get a uh lothab on curve but even then that might be too slow yep what if we instead tried to coin a mysterious Challenger yeah that word pain in their Dutch gives me options for next turn okay what weapon ready oh my God we just missed everything or the oh my God specifically that was the only one that I wanted that's incredibly unlucky the whole point of this play was to get the oh my young thank you well that ended up being pretty lucky uh yeah it was all planned we didn't we just obviously didn't need the oh my God hello Mangus I will fight with honor you seem redundant I think I'd rather have the pork out because it develops a Yeti [Music] well these are making the poke out look a little worse right now [Music] you're so sweet for justice seems like maybe the use of the coin could have made my sons there all right then uh both of those are Battle Cry games so let's do this all right that worked out [Music] I will fight with honor can't keep this without minions so look for minions grabs a minion ah I see you've broadcast I could have considered playing the oh my god there but like oh my Yogi in the counterspell is just doing them a favor or the quest is just doing them a favor because that's a bad card in their deck repent I think I want to get the Redemption down knowing that they have uh piranhas ready to go for justice [Music] this is exactly the play that I was uh looking to block with the Redemption and the avenge extreme we can play the oh my God to uh protect our crab Rider although they do have a um if I hit something else it might be worth a not doing so like if I hit a playable four drop like a pole kelt Call to Arms foreign [Music] [Music] looks like a potential devolve turn that lightning Bloom does kind of mess them up for next turn weird okay [Music] reporting for Duty at least we have chicken chicken nice who am I none of your business I mean there should be revenge in there as well cool nope [Music] rude well actually no that was probably the better outcome for me wasn't it okie dokie oof who am I wasn't going to hit any Secret Series just a matter of like playing a 6X [Music] no taunts Refugee my Overkill minion is cooler than yours don't attack my chicken wait that generates a Time but still unless they get another car ah all the poor chicken my God is taking a beating there unreal what did that chicken ever do to you stop asking questions I suppose I will fight with honor seemed like all of the cards that I want to keep except the Matrix Colleen thank you for the 100 bits not sure why the alert isn't playing but in actuality most classes are very well balanced spiders Rogue would who breaks 150 interactions a day is an outlier and should not be have been counted what is uh spiders Rogue do I wanna I want to know extremely stream Labs is canceled culture in me again yeah how dare I'm pretty soon you'll have your own segment on Fox News you're canceled so hard I guess and I'll continue failing Netflix is calling him up right now to give him a special true all right [Music] I might need to coin in a low with a bloweth up next turn [Music] does not look like I need to because we still have the uh oh my young and play [Music] one two three let's see what we hit off of this first who am I none of your business I'm just so bad at hitting oh my god when I need it average person needs three spiders a year factoid is actually just a statistical error easy for me to say average person needs zero spiders per day spider George who lives in a cave and eats over ten thousand each day at an outlier and should not have been counted I see okay I not familiar with me or at least it was not [Applause] [Music] chat was finally useful guys we tore truffle an important life lesson about spiders is that what you did we'll go with yes yes that's exactly what you did thank you Kali for the 100 bit uh uh surely surely they don't have a way to test for yep the oh my God no oh that's unreal foreign they have one in hand the problem is like one Mana counter spell works every time yeah yeah fantastic everybody knows how consistent a one-man encounter spell is that's just so bad for me [Music] [Music] [Music] if power is what you've seen it activated their res effects so like the Bloods don't really matter can't copy anything from deck Bloods or useless now again they don't they only need one board to win from here I think oh now that was unlucky for the opponent you asked for it I will fight with honor all right um sure like web Lord is fine in this matchup but they are a little bit less reliant on Battle cries than they used to be I thought the game lagged for a second yeah I was legitimately like oh here comes the neptulon and then it never came just like twitch chat's wives which is uh how all the divorce has happened it'll be our little secret it's amazing how many frequently the Renault version of the opponent's deck Just Hits that God curve [Music] this is kind of risky into um counter spell and this feels pretty good into the board if we can hit either Auto defense Matrix or Redemption ready thank you we have many secrets [Music] honestly top decking a secret here wouldn't even be that bad just to test for counter I'm lucky pretty lucky so those seem like things that interact with minions God they have so many battle cries that I would like to break yeah we know it's not counting right and worked out next turn we can ideally play The Mysterious challenge it looks like fair game or ice block um if we see a new secret we might have to hesitate though Oh Come ogre boys getting pretty thick [Music] we just 360 no scope this and pray that it's not exactly objection s it's never objection I mean I probably wouldn't have made this play had it not been the fact that they are renithal and they have a little bit less consistency in the secrets that they have you know like they're forced to play things like flame Ward so if they were an optimal list I wouldn't have been able to freely Jam that scale [Music] you're in here stop asking questions uh it could actually be counterspell right I'll show them all foreign make sure they take the damage I can't read fair game and icebox in the same secret what am I thinking watch your back I will fight with honor look I'm not saying it's a good play but I'm Gonna Keep The Mysterious Challenger because we need to ask ourselves who am I and then remind the opponent that it's none of their business Eater of Secrets knows what is an Eater of Secrets that's I see you chat making up cards again oh this is pretty good for getting protected in here and then this never gets in Play Perfect ocean man take me by the hand let's just do this as much as I like getting the adren value I want to uh block some of their Tempo plays if we can geez that's some card draw thank you for your but like Scribbler or something seems useful paired with the Galloping in this matchup they seem to want to play a lot of cards I wouldn't mind concoctions being too Mana why do we need to break Rogue again would I just be dead here did not hit the right Secrets it turns out it looks like it's mine Rogue I mean they're strong but far from op yeah they're strong so maybe reducing their Mana cost would probably make them Opie either way it just doesn't seem like a risk that we need to take when they're already strong incredible shouldn't be able to set up Innovation or anything here [Music] thank you to Legendary supporters battlefly Brian Quinn fizzle jizzix Justice crater Ali Alkali cathandrian Nate Drex Saga Shadow one TV sagnessman and twin emperor beckenlash
Channel: Roffle
Views: 43,010
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: -bQjR-Z59-c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 50sec (1730 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 18 2023
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