White privilege isn't real - Jordan Peterson

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Thanks for reminding me there was some videos on YouTube I forgot to flag!

👍︎︎ 5 👤︎︎ u/WeedWooloo 📅︎︎ Jun 04 2020 🗫︎ replies

I'm polluting my Youtube recommendation with that filth.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/sirkowski 📅︎︎ Jun 04 2020 🗫︎ replies
[Music] okay what time is it 8:15 I started win sorry it's me 6:30 I should stop them I'm gonna go for five more minutes and then I'll wrap this up I want to talk about intersectionality and and white privilege a bit so so I first said well we analyzed Marxism we have analyzed post-modernism I suggested that post-modernism was a way for the Marxist to keep going under a new guys I suggested that Marxism was fundamentally based on hatred rather than sympathy and an empathy I suggested that the corpses were the evidence for that I told you why I think post-modernism is fundamentally wrong but now I want to talk to you a little bit about white privilege so the first thing that I can and I haven't got this quite figured out yeah I can't quite figure out why the post modernists have made the canonical distinctions they've made race ethnicity sexual proclivity sexual gender identity let's say those are four dimensions along which people vary but there's a very large number of dimensions along which people vary right in fact given that there's an infinite number of ways of interpreting the world you could immediately point out that there's an infinite number of dimensions along which people vary and so then the postmodern question is why would you privilege some of those dimensions over the other and I would say well because it sustains your bloody Marxist interpretation that's why but you're not gonna say that because it marginalizes right you've marginalized that so you can ignore it so that's one of the fun things about post-modernism you can you can I have a very vulgar image in my mind but I won't share that with you but you can infer it here's some ways people differ intelligence temperament geography historical time you live now and not a hundred years ago attractiveness that's a big that's a big one that's a big one but you imagine you you could you won't go there either you he it's it's advantageous to be young you've got potential it's advantageous to be old you've got wealth health that's a good one sex women have advantages men have advantages maybe one has more than the other it's not self-evident women live about eight years longer they're multi-orgasmic athleticism well family structure friendship education well then there's the classic you know postmodern once race ethnicity etc why not those other very dimensions of variation there's no evidence that they're less important in fact there's quite a bit of evidence that they're more important so like why not consider them then you get intersectionality this is one of the things that's really comical I think because the post modernists identity politics types actually realized this they thought well okay race and gender fair enough what if your what if you're a black woman that's a problem because well now you've got two dimensions of differentiation what the hell are we gonna do about that and what if you're what if you're gay and black and female well then what if you're not very bright and gay and black and female and then what if you're ugly and not very bright and gay and black and female and like you can keep playing that game you can keep playing that game an infinite number of ways because there's an infinite number of ways to categorize things as the post modernist already pointed out and so the intersectionality theorist came along to plug the hole but they don't know where they're going they don't understand that the logical conclusion of intersectionality is individuality because there's so many different ways of categorizing people's advantages and disadvantages that if you take that all the way out to the end you say well the individual is the ultimate minority and that's exactly right and that's exactly what the West discovered and you know the intersection list so get there if they don't kill everyone first so on to white privilege so it's really interesting to find out where these ideas come from because it's usually the scholarship is so awful you just cannot possibly believe it it's just absolutely it wouldn't in at the University of Toronto in the psychology department the original paper on white privilege wouldn't have received a passing grade for the hypothesis part of a undergraduate honors thesis we're not even close there's no methodology at all the person who wrote it it was called white privilege and male privilege a personal account of coming to see correspondences through work in women's studies well first of all personal account is like sorry no so she she listed a bunch of ways that she thought she says these are personal personal examples of her unearned privilege or unearned privilege that she saw as she experienced in 1970s 1980s so this by the way that so this idea is the opinion of one person who wrote one paper that has absolutely no empirical backing whatsoever which is a set of hypotheses which have never been subject to any statistical analysis like if I ask you a bunch of questions it's not obvious how many questions I'm asking you because I could say how tall are you or I could say if you're laying on the ground how extended would you be it's like that two questions it's like no it's one question it's just asked two ways and the way you figure out if you ask someone a bunch of questions how many questions you're asking them is by doing something called a factor analysis which is kind of an elementary form now of social science investigation if you make a questionnaire you have to subject it to a factor analysis because you got to find out how many questions you're asking because you might think it's 60 but it's probably not it's probably five that's the big five by the way anyways who cares about that there's no such thing as methodology anyways that's all part of the oppressive white male European patriarchy so we can just not bother with that and we can pen a few notes about how we think the world is constructed and then we can screw up the entire political system two decades later okay so here's your white privilege list some of it there's like 50 things I can if I wish arrange to be in the company of people of my race most of the time if I should need to move I can be pretty sure of renting or purchasing housing in an area which I can afford and in which I would want to live that's actually a well thing by the way I can be pretty sure that my neighbors in such a location will be neutral or pleasant to me I can go shopping alone most of the time pretty well assured that I will not be followed or harassed I can turn on my television or open to the front page of the paper and see people of my waist race widely represented when I'm told about our national heritage or about civilization I am shown that people of my color made it what it is there's 50 of those I think something like that okay is that white privilege is that like majority privilege is the same true you go to China you're Chinese it's the same true if you're Chinese does the majority privilege and if its majority privileges like isn't that just part of living within your culture so let's say you live in your culture you're privileged as a member of that culture well obviously that's what the culture is for that's what it's for why would you bother building the damn thing if it didn't accrue benefits to you now you might say well one of the consequences that it accrues fewer benefits to those who aren't in the culture yeah but you can't immediately associate that with race you can't just do that say it's white privilege there's many things that could be certainly could be well and the intersectional people have already figured out that there's many things it could be so like what the hell seriously well what's going on well we let these pseudo disciplines into the university because we're stupid and guilty seriously and they have no methodological requirements and plenty of power and plenty of time to produce nonsensical research and produce like resentful activists and now we're bearing the fruits of that it's not pretty so white privilege well the other thing you might notice is that to attribute to the individuals of a community the attributes of that community on the basis of their racial identity is called racism that's what racism is there's no other way of defining it it's attributing to the individual the characteristics of the group as if the group was homogeneous now the intersectional people have already decided that's not a fair game there's so many differences between people but the postmodernist don't care about logical coherence because they regard logical coherence here it comes again as a creation of the white European male patriarchal structure that's designed to oppress the oppressed and that's technically the case so logical incoherent it doesn't matter and you could say well if you act out your logically incoherent ideas in the world you're gonna run face first into a brick wall and the postmodern answer to that is there's actually no real world it's all interpretation so there's no there's no having that discussion but the post modernists don't care because they don't believe that discussion between people of different power groups is possible anyways
Channel: undefined
Views: 2,431,595
Rating: 4.4966278 out of 5
Keywords: jordan peterson, jordan b peterson, jordan, peterson, education, psychology, pyschology, White privilege
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 11sec (611 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 23 2018
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