White Ferrari Outro by Frank Ocean on repeat as you drive through the rainy night for an hour
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Channel: akindipe
Views: 816,728
Rating: 4.9870811 out of 5
Keywords: white ferrari, nights, sleep sounds, frank ocean white ferrari, frank ocean music video, frank ocean live, frank ocean nights, relaxing sounds, white ferrari frank ocean, white ferrari piano, white ferrari live, white ferrari 8d, white ferrari slowed, white ferrari cover, white ferrari instrumental, frank ocean white ferrari live, frank ocean white ferrari cover, frank ocean white ferrari lyrics, frank ocean live self control, frank ocean, white ferrari frank ocean live
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 52min 47sec (3167 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 15 2018
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The haunting end. It’s like a ghost has entered the room.
It hits different when you’re driving at night after a long day as well.