White Family Watches The Boondocks - (S3E07) - Reaction

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well hello everybody Welcome Back to the channel I'm Matt Ashley and we are carrying on with the Boondocks Ashley which one is this this is the fundraiser everybody's been talking about this one yeah just like they were talking about the the Jimmy Rebel Jimmy Rebel one so this should be interesting oh gosh are we going to like cringe like in the first like minute goodness I I hope not I amone what I do oh [ __ ] I [Music] raised like he's got the gun in the background he's like people call me funraising it's candy bars it's candy bars something what am I supposed to do I ain't got no money well try getting up off your ass and cleaning up my living room you lucky President Obama is not here to see this you're lazy you need a hobby or something give me an allowance and I'll find a good hobby allowance I allow you to live here I allow you to eat my food I allow you to burn up my electricity I mean a money allowance well how about this trash is starting to stink and guess what you allowed to take it out I was I like that one I might been dead hi Riley yeah whatever whatever oh well hello little baby hey Mr Freeman would you like to buy some candy to help keep kids away from gangs and guns heck no I'm a fan of gangs and guns I got some gangs and guns inside right now you want some Mr Freeman I love some candy I'll take a whole box Grandad shut the hell up man your business thank you Mr Freeman okay little baby be good now hey what you just sell my granddad candy bars for the school fundraiser silly aren't you doing it the school fundraiser I I had to think back cuz I wasn't paying attention the first time that's right kid it's time for world's ultimate chocolate go ahead smile like her wait wait I got to push my glasses back there you go yeah did I did I nail it guys craer I've got mine and I can't wait to get out there and sell sell sell then I remember why I forgot the world's ultimate chocolate fundraisers is basically like selling crack on consignment except you don't even get no money how they going to disrespect a game like that if you raise $500 you can win a Hana Montana leic key ring if you raise $1,300 you'll receive a Jonas brother's toothbrush and 5,000 and you can have this beautiful Chronicles of Narnia iPod case all right who's ready to sell some cies a man you doing that you don't even get to keep none of the money yeah but I've sold $4,000 of candy so far which means I'm only $1,000 away from that iPod case damn and that's when it hit me the best idea I ever had in my entire life that's the worst idea you ever had in your entire life you just mad you didn't think of it you want to start a fundraiser with no caruse caruse [ __ ] I'm the caruse caruse I want a house caruse I want a yacht caruse I want to get this quap [ __ ] that's the caruse you watch a lot of gangster movies right I've seen all of them that's how I know what to do okay how many of them have a happy ending yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah okay but see that's how I know it's going to work right cuz I seen all the mistakes they made and I'm not going to make them same mistakes see I'm going to do everything the Smart Way Riley I'm going tell you everything that's about to happen if you do this and how bad this is going to end first of all stop right there every time I want to do something you tell me what's going to happen first and then that's what happen and you always ruin the endings and stuff man I'm sick of it I want to be surprised this time so no matter how bad it is you don't want to hear it nope nope cuz it's really bad hey spoiler alert [ __ ] didn't you hear me keep it to yourself here good luck thanks oh [ __ ] that's still kind of spoed though the second R of fundraising is that fundraising is not illegal see that's cuz you're not technically stealing from people they give you the money so maybe you lie about what you going to do with it but you never actually take their money from them and that's why it's legal Jasmine and Phil were the top candy sellers in the class if I was going to take over the candy game I'd need they help who are we raising the money for this is just like Butters with his kissing scheme oh his kissing uh what was it [ __ ] the butter Butter's bottom B on South Park his bottom [ __ ] service he started his kissing service where he was pimp and tricking out all the girls and then he got the real hoes that were like oh yeah Daddy you get a smiley face yeah oh you treat me good daddy a pimp that doesn't be his house sign me up if you haven't seen the episode you need to check it out it's hilarious fu yeah Butter's bottom b a good cause what cause uh a bunch of causes all of them gang guns uh all that good stuff something that helps animals yeah sure whatever we'll keep gangs and guns away from animals I don't know I still think the school would be really mad okay I didn't want to tell you this world's ultimate chocolates they secretly funded by the Klux Clan and Al qada what do you think Young re fundrais I like sounds like you know some of that positive [ __ ] he's got his mess on his [ __ ] up since I came up with the idea Jasmine and Phil had to provide the startup money for the business this is our candy money we need to get this backround Riley why you guys so worried you're wearing a bulletproof vest Sydney mcf AKA seur she had the whole Girl Scout cookie game on lock yo what up Cindy yo I just seen this kid over there right over there around the corner over there and I know she ain't down with your team who I don't know some skinny bigheaded [ __ ] word come on she wouldn't like Jasmine a field Cindy was a Jeep what you think you're doing here you talking to me yeah I'm talking to you open your bag what's I kill you [ __ ] but what I really liked about her was that she had less compassion than the average girl baby baby hey how's the cookie hustle it's cool you want a box nah I don't give you get to keep any of that cookie money I wish I'll move up in the Girl Scout ranks and get Awards and whatnot but no cash I got a business proposal for you there's a lot of bars I need to move you're not talking about that stupid School candy fundraiser you know that's for suckers right do I looks like a sucker when you ready to make some real dough holler at me get it dough [Laughter] [Music] cookies we had everything we needed to look like a legit company websit labels and lots and lots of [Music] candy [Music] sorry kids Tapped Out someone just came through selling chocolate oh no oh I'm so sorry I just bought some from Little Timothy oh if I see another bar of chocolate I'm going to be sick oh Timothy he's got to die he's got to die hey boy how's the candy business terrible we couldn't move nothing the streets are flooded with chocolate from the school fund race well I just want to say I'm proud of you thanks Grandad you want to buy some candy hell no you must be out of your damn mind now get that out of here see we need to make it where there ain't no competition we need to move on them push them out street by street block by block that's what Beanie SE would do why don't we just get the kids at school to work for us instead of the school how we'll walk up to them and say hey and they say what and then we say this is obock now you going to get down or you going to lay down and if they be like oh oh I don't know let me think about it we put out the rasco and we be like block out block out and they be like oh you shot me and we be like take that [ __ ] we can offer them a better deal oh [ __ ] she's like oh a girl version of Riley of Riley oh my gosh I got to I got to bring that back that was too [ __ ] funny lay down and if they be like oh oh I don't know let me think about it we pull out the rasco and we be like and her voice sounds familiar who is this let us know cuz I she does sound familiar out out and they'd be like oh you shot me and we'd be like take that [ __ ] we can offer them a better deal like better prizes that's not what beans do beans will go to war Cindy's right beans would go to war but war is bad for business we'll do better than stupid prizes put the word out you sell for us we'll pay you cash that brings us to the third rule of fundraising you got to pay the cost of doing business hey yeah I heard that you're selling candy for a different fundraising company one that pays kids cash maybe why should I tell you oh come on man I've been busting my ass selling candy for months and all I've gotten is a stupid key ring it's called young reezy fundraisers if I don't think it's for you jail they only want Hustlers people who do anything to get that sale and make that money a lot of people can't handle that fast lifestyle I when they called me to the office I already knew what it was for by now they had figured out we had knocked off over half the students in the school he's waiting for you nobody say nothing is it true that you're soliciting students to work for a different competing fundraiser this uh Young reezy fundraiser company they put the fun in fundraising that is completely unacceptable you will stop at once I don't think so we already have permission slips from half the school's parents saying that they'll sell candy for us exclusively I can't believe this shame on you shame on me what you better than me the state puts you in charge of these kids and you turn around and pimp them out to some second rate candy racket you disgust me I'm curious what's your cut how much does a school get how much is your soul worth 5% 5% all right fine I'm m match that can we go now uh fair enough Jay Edgar Hoover Elementary likes to see its students giving back to the community I don't give to nobody I just pay the cost to do business [Music] smart [ __ ] I like her kind operation work kids signed up to be sellers on our website and they Ken sent the money to a PayPal account we paid off store owners for they old candy once the candy was delivered to the seller it was time for them to go sell and man did they sell they sold after school on weekends day night rain sleep whatever parents were the best customers the fundraiser kept their kids occupied and even had them making their own money but it wasn't just about money it was about winning we had Parents violating company policy just to get their kids numbers up we had grown do actually risking their jobs by trying to push bars on their coworkers and it didn't cost me nothing it was beautiful once they finally sold you that candy they give us the cash we give them their cut and another box of chocolate bars I love all the kids they're just like dripped out and [ __ ] like they got their watches and their bling and [ __ ] it's [ __ ] hilarious and the whole thing starts all over again we expanded into other neighborhoods other schools were happy to take the same deal as Hoover soon we a set up competitions between local schools to see who could raise the most money and no matter who won we [Music] won hey you can't do that that money is for the animals come on Jasmine we allowed to spend some of it on ourselves call it operating expenses don't worry there going to be plenty of money left for the animals are you sure how's it going going fine great don't tell me nothing all right but you should know that Jasmine is not listening I'm not listening watch out there Goldilocks all that chocolate can be bad for your health say what operation needed more space so we move to Hotel downtown and this is a Scarface sweet they're just getting a that point this will do perfect hey boy you got a sec it's about your uh fundraising who exactly are you raising all that money for because huie said I'm sorry to interrupt Granddad cuz I really want to hear what you have to say but I got something I want you to see right quick it's outside H you can come [Music] too is that a Gib aqua yeah yeah the car that turns into a boat and then back into a car for me oh I can't believe it thank you boy oh you the best grandson ever way better other uh yeah Grandad you wanted to talk to me about something uh nothing never man oh I can't believe it I'm going to be just like James Bond now James James B James you were right Riley we got problems big problem whoa whoa wo what's going on World's ultimate chocolates they came by my office today they're mad I mean they're really mad so what I'm supposed to be scared of a bunch of guys who make candy well they scared me I mean I'm done I'm I'm I'm out well I was tired of paying your punk ass to do nothing anyway you see uh Tom all it takes is good solid grandar look at him he's working hard he's wearing tux he's wearing a tux just like James b a n kid Jasmine just bought me a FL screen and this o that's nice I know but oh [ __ ] he's like J Jasmine Jasmine just want me this Daddy on it look at him he's working hard take your ini Jasmine just bought me a flat screen and this ooh that's nice I know but it just seems like they're making an awful lot of money br you have to try and stop Riley before it's too late at least Riley love his granddaddy enough to buy him stuff what have you ever bought me huh you need to be more like your brother and try to make the world a better place for [Music] me world's ultimate chocolate started playing rough the message was clear they wanted us out they intimidated our suppliers fools everybody get [ __ ] little [ __ ] almost everybody nice oh [ __ ] let me go hot hot chocolate no no no please no all right we just going to stay cool and keep doing what we doing and just ignore all this come on man these guys ain't no gangsters they make chocolate 14t long slab of chocolate for Riley freem sign right here [ __ ] it's like from Star Wars the dude was molded into some [ __ ] I didn't watch Star Wars sorry yeah nether did I but I get the reference clear his mouth help me get me out of here who did this they said they said they were from World's ultimate chocolates they wanted me to give you a message that this was just the beginning oh God it was so scary I want to go home now what me too I quit too why cuz he got dipped in chocolate big deal he's a kid that sounds like something most kids would want to have happen eat your way out of it [ __ ] take a bath let's all get back to getting this money no way this is too weird he said take a bath like eat your way out of it take a bath your way out of it take a bath Grandad you have to listen do not get into that car it's a car boat thank you very much now get out of the [Music] [Music] way you want to be in this business you got to pay the cost of doing business and when the cost get too high you get out of business you always got to spoil something huh D I was going to the hotel to shut down the operation but I wasn't sure what I started could be stopped huh oh nothing he's going to give that's the dude that he spit at from earlier remember it is yeah the homeless guy yeah I know who talk about hey look look here brother can you spend uh some money for staring African hey you never know when you might need some good karma now first rule of fundraising don't give nothing to nobody but I ain't no fundraiser no more thank you so very much brother un Jambo good luck to you at least I I think that's the first thing it look like it yeah but you don't mind we made some tea this this like scar face allow me to introduce myself I'm the bloke you're stealing from the name's alist Rigby but as far as you're concerned I'm Willie [ __ ] Wonka and you're taking the [ __ ] in my [ __ ] Chocolate Factory easy boss don't get upset when I have to go with the dentist I'm upset when Liverpool beats Arsenal I'm upset but when some little [ __ ] decides to take over one of the most profitable territories in the country I'm beyond [ __ ] upset I'm very [ __ ] upset so from now on you're Under New Management you will work for me and in return you'll receive an allowance allowance yes allowance as in I'm allowing you to keep 10% and I'm allowing you to keep drawing breath on this serve now you either get down or you lay down what's it going to be sunshine this wasn't no movie the smart thing was to say yes get up and leave the room but but then I thought to myself what if this was a movie look [ __ ] you [ __ ] the plane you flew in on [ __ ] them shoes [ __ ] the socks with the belt on it [ __ ] your gay ass fairy [ __ ] accent [ __ ] them cheap ass cigars [ __ ] your yuck mouth teeth [ __ ] your hair peeve [ __ ] your chocolate [ __ ] guy Richie [ __ ] Prince William [ __ ] the queen this is America My President is Black and my Lambo is blue [ __ ] now get the [ __ ] out my hotel room and if I see you in the street I'm slapping the [ __ ] out of oh my God that was [ __ ] genius what he just said that was so [ __ ] perfect oh my God hot room and if I see you in the street I'm slapping the [ __ ] out of you oh [ __ ] I'm I'm red I feel red I think this one spent so much time with the cinema tastes this cheaky bastard a lesson nobody [ __ ] move oh man this is big what is this a casting call for The Sopranos reunion hotel room service nobody here order the extra large [ __ ] with a side order of wops oh Jesus Christ I thought he'd never shut up so you guys are probably wondering why we just kicked in the door and shot your boss here in the face well to be honest it's tough times out there nobody's spending on nothing no drugs no horses No gambling nothing except apparently chocolate bar so consider this a hostile takeover we got a problem no no no okay have a nice day now get the [ __ ] out of [Music] here this is really bad you might not it's so funny all this over chocolate right when it this is kind of a reference of Scarface right yeah I would assume yeah [Applause] to go [Music] [ __ ] [Music] I like the music how much we got what do you mean don't play with me Jasmine the money how much we got we don't have any money I donated it you what what I I thought that's what I was supposed to do you gave away the money who told you to give away the money I thought that was a PO a fundraiser no why you do that you said it was for charity you never get the money away oh God who you get the money to hello Peter oh golden ticket hug a bear man why you didn't tell me she was going to give away the [Music] money so here I am back to being a nobody a loser the thing people ask me most is what I do it again hey you kids still selling those chocolate bars for charity [Music] [Applause] [Laughter] like he learned from his lesson so well he was like yeah I'll do it again yeah [ __ ] yeah I'll make more money [ __ ] that that was a good one guys that was good you're were right yeah as always yeah as always let us know what we missed uh I'm sure there was some things but uh yeah and we'll see you guys in the next one but uh until then well goodbye bye blooper two oh [ __ ] me you're recording again I know sh blo one and this will be [Music] blue
Channel: Well Hello Silly
Views: 79,498
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Boondocks, Boy, Episode, Exhibit, Funny, Girl, Grandad, Hoodrat, Huey, Husband, React, Reaction, Real, Riley, Show, Slick back, Slickback, Snoop Dogg, The, Watch, Watching, White, Wife, ballin, bill cosby, goodlove, uncle ruckus
Id: FXF2i6ZyYiE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 55sec (1495 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 11 2023
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