Whiskey Myers "Broken Window Serenade"
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Views: 17,433,432
Rating: 4.778398 out of 5
Keywords: whiskey, myers, broken, window
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 33sec (333 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 05 2011
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I have played this song for no less than 10 people, some who "hate country" and every single person has been blown away. Amazing storytelling in this one, paints a picture that anyone who has had hard times can relate to.
For anyone that's wondered, "Now you work down at the Time Out, off of 155" refers to the sketchy strip club in Tyler, TX on Highway 155.
I've always wondered if other folks got the reference.
-Tyler native
Never heard of this guy or this song before, knocked me for six, what a song.
I‘ve seen them in concert 3 times in Germany. Always very small places. One of the best band these days
Favorite song from this great album, right here.
Texas country is the best kind of country from the past decade.