Whiskey Jazz • Best Soft Jazz for Cocktails and Dinner | Mellow Music for Cocktail Party
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Channel: Dr. SaxLove
Views: 2,380,448
Rating: 4.928206 out of 5
Keywords: whiskey music, whiskey jazz, drinking music, music for drinking, 40s music, 40s jazz, cocktail party, cocktail party music, cocktail jazz, cocktail music, dinner music, dinner party, dinner party music, easy listening music, easy listening jazz, mellow music, music for restaurants, restaurant music, soft music, soft jazz, classic jazz, slow jazz, jazz ballads, slow jazz saxophone, mark maxwell, instrumental music, background music, jazz standards
Id: Y6VMvfEvzn0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 173min 11sec (10391 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 15 2019
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