Which Standard Weapon is GOAT for You?

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which standard weapon is good for you by a most sane genjin streamer I am a little bit worried about this clip I SW and got harp wait that's actually not bad though unless you already had like a bunch of bows Harp's actually good harp is probably the best five star standard weapon you could get alongside Jade spear I think H is this true is this true let let's think about it what are the five star standard weapons and we we're not going to include the like signature weapon for standard characters that came out later like uh bacon and uh and uh and the t bow right it's really like the ones that were out in 1.0 let's think about this so when it comes to bows right you have harp and Amos bow for Catalyst you have lost sprayers and scard Atlas for pole arms you have Jade Spear and Skyward spine for claymor you have wolves gravestone and the unforged and for uh swords you have a cool of fonia and scard blade so personally right I have scard heart and primordial Jade and I don't really use either of them the only character on which I pretty consistently use Sky harp is official oh yeah I forgot it's Sky Pride whatever it it doesn't exist it doesn't matter it's Pride instead of unfort whatever it's it it doesn't matter they both I only use hard on fishal and it's not even really better than stringless anymore since since dendro came out right I only use it because my stringless isn't fully leveled and I don't want to farm for it the stats that it gives are pretty good but it's all I I feel like it's also important to know or to to to to look at like the the characters that can actually use it and it's like it's a fine weapon for basically anyone to get because it's always going to be like one of the Alternatives you can go and often slightly above the others but not above by that personally I think that the best standard weapon is equila fonia because it's a high base attack sword that doesn't force you to use Miss spitter on BET Aquilla is the first sword I got and I'm [ __ ] glad like it's it was the first standard weapon I got because I pulled on the the [ __ ] Aquilla fonia Banner in 1.0 cuz I was a dumbass and I am glad I got it scar blade is also nice that's true cuz you can also use it on Bennett it's passive and second St are basically useless so what how about lost prayers you know lost prayers is actually interesting cuz for the longest time it was pretty dog [ __ ] but recently a few character like theyve started actually releasing non CLE Catalyst carries and like I know that CLE has some pretty nice teams now but it's still yeah they've started releasing more Catalyst carries [Music] and a lot of them are actually focused on maintaining fairly High field time we're to see the not blue Aquilla yeah that's [Music] true pre- Ascension Aquilla damn I think L rer is a lot better than it used to be just because the the quality of of catalyst carries has gone up a lot I think we've had more and more support for either really good freeo play forer options like the font craftables that are like actually kind of insane stat sticks if you can make him work and just like making old weapons work better on characters like stringless on ficial with dendro on top of having a lot of releases that are not po arm and uh po arm and B characters and the answer that like harp and and Jing spear were like arguably the best two uh the best two standard weapons I think it was a pretty accurate assessment back in the day but I don't think I don't think I I I would agree with that anymore you know what let's actually do a tier list for genin [Music] impact F star weapon tier maker my goat good stat stick fine why does this exist so my goat Aquila fonia yes sir and you know unironically I think an an effect of Aquilla that is often not talked about but that actually matters a lot more than you'd think is the healing you get from it I I I don't know how many times it saved my life but I just know it's a long because you can proc it upon getting hit not upon taking damage which means if you I frame with Benet burst you can still proc the heal from it in my opinion it should be B it's really only good on Bennett and the weapon's value shouldn't only be based on how good it is on one character I disagree with that cuz like you're not pulling weapons without knowing what character you're going to put it on unless you're like really new to the game you you pull for weapons for the characters not characters for the weapons so all that matters is how good it is on the character you're going to use it on on top of that Bennett is a character that is very good and has use in a lot of different teams not just that but a lot of different archetypes not only is Bennett like really [ __ ] good in a lot of hyper carry teams he's also like the best option for a lot of teams that want pyro application just because of his C6 a lot of teams that want an on Fielder pyro like he's just good in everything anyways Aquilla is my goat it is what it is all right good statistics uh we have we have we have where is it Skyward harp sky sky harp was a good stat stick um lost prayers as a good stat stick I'm not going to include the discovered Atlas I'm going to put it in fine because it can be a good stat stick but there's too many characters on which it doesn't work that well because it's attack and not every character scales with attack but also the characters that do scale with attack often want attack Buffs and so it scales worse with external attack Buffs so it's it's it's overall I don't quite like it as much as L prayers there's definitely a lot of situations where it's like as good if not even better but yeah if you if you haven't looked at it by the way um I think a lot of you guys would be surprised by how much damage you actually get from the from the [ __ ] Cloud okay um let's just put all the standard weapons here so I can [ __ ] think properly uh yeah Jade spear can go here the thing about Jade spear is like it is a good stat stick but there's just so few polearm carries that don't use the catch you know so it gets hurt a lot by the existence of the catch and it makes it so that it's basically just a Shia weapon and unlike Bennett Shia is not a character that's used in [ __ ] half the teams in the game you know I use it on Hut so do I but it's like in some situations it's slightly better than uh than a highin dragons Bane and hell if you don't have a high refin Dragon Bane obviously it's nice but it's still more in line with the fourar options than the five the five star option one option like if there were more characters like rizle that used a pole arm right that actually wanted to stay on field and that Ed the pole arm then that like it would help the weapon a lot right now though I definitely think there's an argument to put it down to fine because of its lack of users Soo does the thing about Soo is a lot of his teams are um a lot of his teams have him doing a decent amount of transformative damage which makes which weapon he's using matter a little bit less because he's doing less Talent damage every account only has one catch having jut in a different unit is just really valuable the thing is like it's not like what polearm characters are you using at the same time that that want Jade wi spear SL the catch like okay you're using Shang Ling Shang Ling Ryden it's better to go five on Ryden and catch on Shang Ling than any combination that uses Jing spear so like what's the point okay you're doing one team with Shang Ling one team with Ryden well you only have one Bennett so which team is getting Bennett is it the shaning team then Okay Jade wi spere is pretty decent on Ryden if you're doing like Ryden taser but rden taser is not very I I don't disagree with you that it's that there are good teams I also aggravate Ryden yeah I guess but then it makes the like the higher attack on Jade Wings spear matter a bit less right I don't know it's definitely better than Atlas I don't know Atlas is actually pretty decent Lo per is greater than Atlas and teams with a bened buff yes but also a lot of the Catalyst characters have teams where they don't use benett right if you actually look at the Catalyst characters individually rizzly has a bunch of non Benet teams um Wanderer with finina now has non Benet teams like I I I I agree that it's that that that J wi spear is overall better than Atlas I don't think it's overall better than Atlas enough to put it in a whole different tier um coward blade probably goes into fine as well qu is good for one character Jade is good for multiple how does work Jade is like not even really best in slot for one character who isn't that great Aquilla is the best in SL for one of the best characters in the game that's played in like a lot of teams there are significantly more teams where benett Aquilla would be good then there are teams where Jade wi spear anything would be good obviously I'm talking about actual like teams that people play Not Just Like O technical combinations of characters like uh [ __ ] sh Wanderer to child you know Aquilla Bennett better than fa Bennett it depends the the main thing is part of what makes fa weapons so good is that they alleviate ER requirements on characters and that lets you build the other stats that you care about right but with Bennett there are no other stats that you care about outside of finina you only care about ER which means if you are able to reach your ER requirements without the ER weapon the value you gain from fav is significantly lower all you're getting from the fav is alleviating ER requirements on the rest of your team which is still significant it's still nice but you're losing a lot from it the reason why five is really good on characters like Sino for example is because sino's ER requirements with fa are significantly higher or without fa sorry or significantly higher which means that if you are reaching his ER requirements his damage with something like Jade cutter versus his damage with something like fa the Jade cutter will be slightly ahead but not so much that there are no situations where five would be better with Bennett his damage doesn't go up right like you can build a little bit more damage with him and there I guess there are some teams where that matters a little bit but most of them it doesn't because Bennett's overall damage output in a team tends to be incredibly low to 270 ER Bennett I have that on Aquilla that's not true that's not true I'm at 220 right now cuz I'm on the I'm on instructor H you you can definitely make an argument for for for it being here the thing is it yeah you know what [ __ ] it I'm putting it I'm putting it up here you convinced me I all all of this to say right instructor being good and being as good as it is is basically enough to single-handedly make Sky blade go from here to here just because if my calculations are correct shut up it's a lot harder to reach your E comments on a fourstar set than on a five star set personally I can cuz I've been [ __ ] keeping yeah like I've been keeping my instructor pieces but I know a lot of people don't I know I know most most of you guys don't have an instructor set with a lot of VR I think most of you have an instructor set because I [ __ ] talk about it often enough but I don't think most of you actually have enough ER on it all right let's move on to the next one Wolf's gravestone goes and fine the main issue with Wolves gravestone is that unless I'm [ __ ] cor like for some reason I have I I I'm I'm doubting myself here but it can't proc off field right yeah it can't proc off field and it's not the same sort of buff as [Music] uh as something like F's buff that is that goes through snapshots and that is dynamic and so what that means is it's basically unusable on most on basically every off field Claymore right because not only are they not going to proc it but even if they could proc it it's not going to increase their damage because [ __ ] bet snapshots man like it's j for you goes through snapshot there are some stat Buffs that can increase your damage post um post snapshot so du to receive a for example let's let's make haste everybody stand back I think this one this is one of them um it's doing 177k steady Stone now it's 19k because GE residence's damage perc is is a dynamic buff it goes through snapshot Fin's damage percent buff is also something that's Dynamic and that goes through through snapshots oh yeah yon burst or yon Ascension passive whatever that comes that that happens when you when you have your burst up is there any kind of attack buff that is dynamic I don't know I don't think so I think unironically if if Wolf's gravestone buff was Dynamic it would go up to here all damage perc bonus is dynamic but not Elemental damage bonus the thing is not all of it is there is no rule for it like the reality is they started out with no Buffs being Dynamic basically and then they realized that it kind of limited their options for for design and so they made a bunch of exceptions the closest thing to a to a to that you can get is like generally if it doesn't show up on your stat page then it's it's a dynamic buff that can't be snap all but even then there's exceptions to that anyways um who else a good on I mean it it's it's fine on duuke but like duuk is not very good it's fine on Ella but same thing and on top of that on her it's like kind of anti- synergy because most of the time right when you proc this it means the enem is under 30% HP they would generally die to your burst anyway so like you're not gaining anything from the proc it's damage that like will be on your on your DPS Cal but that doesn't actually count right it's over kill damage right it it's kind of like as if I mean for those of you that play League of Legends right it's kind of like saying that collector is the best item in the game because it makes you deal [ __ ] 10,000 true damage and like yeah when you look at damage from items it is by far the highest in the game but also it only does 10,000 or 99,999 damage to enemies that have [ __ ] like 5% HP right for those of you that don't play league uh well I don't know man on the on on the bright side you don't play League of Legends on the less bright side you don't understand this this this analogy you probably still do it's pretty [ __ ] simple man yeah but point being right Overkill damage isn't real damage and because 's damage is very backloaded um the if you're not overkilling right if you're hitting an enemy that's like 50% Health with your burst is going to bring them to like 10% health and you're not going to have had the attack buff from 50 to 10% because you did it all in one shot and if the enemy is under 30% in most situations your burst would be enough to onot them anyways without the attack buff right yeah yeah sometimes it can be good if you can manage to kill the first wave with normal attacks sure so so because of that right collector or collector um walls gravestone ends up being in most situations just an a weapon where the passive is have 20% attack because that's the passive you always get right and I mean that's often better than the fourstar options because five star stat sticks have more stats than fourstar stat sticks but it's also not that far ahead Plus in any situations where you get external attack Buffs serpent spine goes [ __ ] hard but yeah all in all like it it's fine it's a fine stat stick that is a decent five star stat stick for a few Niche care and because of that I don't feel comfortable putting it up here with lost prayers scard harp and scard scard pride listen the only thing that can make scard Pride good is the character being bad all scard pride has going for it is that it has a bunch of damage on the weapon itself that doesn't rely on your character actually doing things right it is unironically a pretty good option for both and for f and arguably F's best option because he's even worse than a right it's it's not good for Navia B not great like think of it this way all right before looking at the stats of the weapon you look at the passive the passive is increase all damage by 8% that's kind of not great the second part of the passive is you get damage but only if you stay on field right so it doesn't it doesn't do anything for any of the off fielders so for any of the off fielders this isn't great and then what you're looking at is a high base attack ER substat fstar weapon and er substat ain't it in most situations Bo increase all damage bad it's not that increasing all damage is bad it's that 8% is not a very large number like this is 12% and then another 28 anyways like again right there if you are playing specifically a character that spends enough time on field that you will actually proc all the blades has ER requirements high enough that you want the the ER substat but not so high that you want a a weapon like fa then it's a fine option but nothing more than that just fine and the battle pass uh Claymore is arguably the best of the battle pass weapons which restricts the amount of people that would benefit from this significantly because anyone who has a serpent spine won't like this nearly as much right doesn't Pride being so good on mean it's fine at least but it's not so good on her it's a pretty decent option that can be competitive in the right situations with some of her other uh five star options and she is the perfect character for it she is a physical character so you build physical damage and get super conduct which increases the procs damage that needs ER and spends time on field enough to actually proc all the Skyward spine is even worse man it's like okay Sky spine and I I want to preface with this Sky spine is a decent option on Ryden all right it's like actually competitive with the catch on Ryden but like being competitive with a freeo play option isn't good that's like the bare [ __ ] minimum and it's only on one character Chen this is not a good weapon on Chena cuz it's not fa same reason Calamity quiler is not good on chenho cuz it's not fa shink can have the C catch and Ryden Skyward or even better Shing can have the catch and Ryden has fa I mean f bring it back to what was said earlier when talking about Jay doing spear even in the benit lless ryen teams a lot of them prefer fav to Jade spear or Sky spine fav is just too [ __ ] good man like when you're looking at like taser Ryden with like I guess now people do it with finina right so like Jean s Farina or Kaza s Yan right something like that with R3 plus you can proc five twice per right on up time which is so [ __ ] good it really is yeah okay if you have C2 ignore what I said obviously but like it's just it's just so nice like on on ourly for for people who play like actually non hyper blo Riden fa is a very very underrated option on her um it is not great in teams where she is like the main SL only source of damage um so like the the the hyper teams but it tends to be her best non- engulfing weapon in teams where damage is more split so in rational or in TAS if you have enough AR on your other characters is it still better to use five that's the wrong way to look at it like yeah if you have enough on your other characters it's better to use a weapon that doesn't give you energy but if you use a weapon that gives you energy you get to build less ER and more damage on those other characters worse than dender MC in most situations yes but there's a few there's a few situations for for kle um mainly she's pretty decent in some Neo teams and she can be pretty good in some Agra teams although I don't tend to like her I think she's very unpleasant to play but anyways I I did not plan for this to turn into fav propaganda I'm sorry let's move back to the to the standard weapons Amos bow probably wasn't fine I guess I don't know you know I think I would have put it here pre I don't know like pre pre 2.7 or something but Aqua release brought amamos to its knees and Hunter's bath release brought a [ __ ] baseball bat to its face you know both are limited that is true but it's just not not good enough on enough good character and it struggles a lot from being a weapon that's only good on charge attackers because a lot of people don't [ __ ] enjoy the charge attack play style and it it's it it becomes just so doomed if you pull it and you just don't like it is it good on T it's it's all right it's not great though but yeah so th this this is my My overall thoughts on on the strength of the uh the standard five star weapons and again right like this is I I titled this in a way to to to reflect that there is very much some fa favoritism going on here very much so it is my goat and I can't bring myself to to to put it any lower than this there is a fair argument that sapwood blades release brought Aquilla down a little bit if you're one of the poor souls who got Aly flash somehow it also is a little bit less [Music] valuable
Channel: Zajef Daily
Views: 63,333
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Keywords: Zajef, Zajef77, Zajef Clips, Zajef Genshin Impact, Zajef Twitch, Zajef Guide, Genshin Impact, Zajef Tier List, Genshin Tier List, Which Standard Weapon is GOAT for You?, Genshin Goat weapon, Genshin goat weapon tier, Genshin standard weapon, standard weapon tier list
Id: cI254xqrCq8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 49sec (1789 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 01 2023
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