Which Programming Language should I learn first?

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so in this video I'm going to discuss a very important question that is which programming language you should learn first right because I have been asked many times this type of questions by students like mum which language we should start with right which programming language so see the answer of this question depends on many factors actually I cannot directly say you learn this language first right it depends suppose you are a final layer students right so obviously during your previous year first year second year and third year you have learned how both you have gone through that C C++ and Java and.net also right but you are not exporting those languages you have just read out those languages just to pass out the semester that's it right but now you really want to learn a programming language you really want to you know get a good placement or something like this now you want to be expert in one language right so at this point of time obviously during final year you know in which field you really want to go right obviously you want to learn a programming language so you be you wanna be a developer software developer right but there also many kind of jobs are there right like web development jobs are there and I guess more than 50% jobs are off you know job openings are for web development right there also we have multiple type of designation you can say full stack web developer or back-end or front-end developer or you can say desktop developer or you can say mobile app developer these kind of things and many I have also seen these kind of posting like machine learning developer nowadays right so now you have to decide in which field you wanna you really wanna go right if you really want to go in web development I would suggest you go for JavaScript for web applications it is the best you know programming language to learn that is JavaScript obviously with this when you are going to design a website when you are going to into this field where please then obviously you need one HTML plus CSS these are not we cannot say that these are programming languages but these are very simple to learn the programming language you should learn is JavaScript now the point is see website obviously these are basically for word you can say that for the decoration of the website and to add the functionality to that website we use JavaScript right now obviously to you know build a great website like many other website you can say like Facebook you can say so there you they need to store the data also so you need a back-end right so nowadays what happens for that thing they require what if a job opening is for back-end developer so they can say they'll require what JavaScript plus node.js right or JavaScript plus angularjs these kind of things right so the point is if you are ongoing web development just to go for JavaScript right now if you wanna go in you know iOS you can say app you wanna develop any app mobile apps right so obviously for iOS and for Android for iOS you must go for Swift objective-c is also there with Swift but objective-c is now out of scope you can say this is now gaining importance right this is the emerging language so you should go for Swift if you wanna go for Android hard development then you can say that here Java and code link comes into picture see Java is everywhere fine but it is little bit difficult to understand initially if you are beginner and if you want to choose the first programming language to learn so it would be difficult for you right and cooling is you know gaining importance nowadays so you can go for this also right but this is also not very simple to learn this is also tough right this fact I'm you know discussing the which is on which factor that if you have decided in which field you really wanna go right now suppose if you want to go for game development then definitely you can choose c plus plus or c-sharp and next is what if you really want to go in you know you can say that the data science or data engineering or machine learning in that case i would suggest go for python python r matlab these kind of languages are there but this is very simple so you should choose this one to learn first python these kind of machine learning is also you know these kind of field is also in trending nowadays c as you have seen that this language the python has you know gradually increased and nowadays it is the most popular language right plus another factor with this is what it is easy to learn i cannot say that super easy to learn but yeah as compared to C C++ Java and any other language it is easy to learn right so if you haven't decided that if you are not sure in which fill you really wanna go right so I would suggest you must go for Python because I feel the first programming language you learn that should be you know easy if the first programming language is stuff you suppose you choose C is all sort of C++ is stuff Java is all sort of if you choose these kind of languages then maybe you will you know you will get frustrated after some days because these are not so easy to learn and then you will you know lose your confidence and you will lose your interest in learning programming languages right you will lose your interest in programming so better choose Python to learn first if you don't know in which will you really wanna go and if you are a beginner so first language their own if you really wanna learn a programming language by yourself if you are really interested then go for Python right another factor is what you can go according to the you know the market trend the job market fine and I have already the search about this thing like the most popular languages Java so now I would suggest either you go for Python or JavaScript first these two languages right but obviously in universities they teach you C then C++ in general like this so you can say that these languages you can say see is what grandparent for all other high level languages and if you have learnt C then it will be easy for you to switch to C++ and if you know C++ then it would be super easy for you to jump into Java and other any language because these are if you know the C++ language very well then you can easily learn any other language right but these are very difficult to understand you know at starting maybe you will get frustrated if you are not getting the syntax and all of these kinds of languages the hoops concept and everything right so here I want to add one more point for a solid foundation for a solid base in programming languages you must go for these languages you can go in this path C then C++ then Java right and Java is the most popular language it has everywhere fine in most of the job openings you will see that they will the requirement is what Java C Python is the most popular language nowadays but it's not like that C++ and Java these are out of scope if you really want to go in big tech companies they still work on C++ and Java the big giant come and here one more important point is what if you want to go in development field and you have suppose you are expert in one language so it's not like that you are done because developers you know should eventually learn more than one programming language and if you are exporting one programming language the advantage is what now you can learn any other language easy maybe for learning the first language you will require two months three months four months like this for learning the next language you will require less time maybe two month or three month like this right so in short if you are decided in which field you really wanna go just go according to these languages otherwise if you are a beginner you don't know anything so just you can just learn and if you want to learn a simple language right so just go for Python if you really want to build build a solid base then you can go for these type of languages write C++ and Java fine so that's it for this video I hope you I have answered this question I have tried my best best ones of this question based on different factors now most probably next video I am going to make a video on the topic like top five programming languages too long nowadays right so now I'll see in the next video till then bye bye take care
Channel: Jenny's Lectures CS IT
Views: 454,131
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: data structure tutorials, operating system, data structure and algorithms, which programming language to learn first, best programming language for beginners, what programming language to learn for getting a job, jennys lectures, jenny data structure, jenny dbms, jayanti khatri lamba, jenny lamba, ugc net computer science preparation, gate cs lectures, c programming tutorials, top programming language to learn in 2020
Id: fF9s6ZA0gJI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 21sec (621 seconds)
Published: Sun May 17 2020
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