Which Loquat is BEST? Seedling vs Grafted

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so you are in the market to get a loquat and you're seeing grafted locals for sale but you have also seen ceiling loquats for sale is one better than another Well a good Nursery will always tell you the differences between the two and that's exactly what I'm going to be telling you today so let's go ahead and get started alright guys low quads this tree has all kinds of names it's also known as Japanese blonde because they look like little plums I guess uh also known as nispero or pipa this tree I think is native to China so a lot of my uh Chinese customers when they first come to my uh Nursery the first three they always ask for is pipa do you have pipa I like of course I got pipa a lot of the people out there do not understand what's the difference between growing a Seedling or growing a grafted tree is one bettering another well most nurseries out there that have no idea what they're talking about normally will tell you graster trees are far superior but guess what today I'm gonna be telling you the pros and the cons of growing a grafter tree or one grown from seed so let's go ahead and get started with grafted trees so I got a few grafted loquats here if you're not familiar with grafting let me give you the quick rundown of drafting so what grafting is you grow a Seedling like this one you eat a loquat you plant the seed in the ground or in a pot and you let it grow until about this size once you tree it's about this size then what you do is you chop it in half yes you cut it completely off and then you take a branch from a known variety like this Christmas loquat right here you take this Branch off right here you cut it and then through a special cutting techniques you stick it together to the seedling that you just chopped in half within a few months those two will fuse heal together and they become one tree that is grafting now what is the let's talk about the pros and the cons of grafted trees throw number one that is well one of the benefits of buying a grafted tree is it will flower normally that year so if you want fruits fast getting a grafted tree is going to be the way to go for row number two well besides getting fruit fast you also keep the variety that you're buying so for this one this for this variety right here this is a Champagne Loquat and if I take a branch and graft it onto another tree it will remain a champagne look one so when you buy grafter trees whatever the tag says normally that is exactly what you're gonna get so if you go to somebody's house and you eat the fruit and you like the fruit and you know the name of that fruit well when you go to the nursery and you try to find the same tree and you find the same tree well the fruits most likely will taste the same Pro number three that's it guys I don't I cannot think of anything else besides fast flowering and keeping the variety true let's talk about the cons con number one most grafted trees are more delicate than those grown from seed what does that mean here in the desert loquats are sunlight sensitive until they fully root themselves on the ground regardless of the size that you're biting in so if you think you're gonna buy a big look I think a big container and you put it in the ground and that tree is going to withstand the elements a lot better than a smaller tree you are completely wrong your local will die just as fast as a little tree so with that said cone number one they are more delicate most times they will not be able to tolerate direct sunlight until they are fully rooted in the ground that normally takes one to two years another thing is they like direct sunlight they do not like to be in shade all day long they will grow a lot slower so it's hard to find a happy medium so that's why you need to build a shade structure especially in areas where you get extreme temperatures in the summer if you don't get extreme temperatures in the summer you get mild temperatures and the humidity levels in your area are super high you will not have this problem con number two graft the trees in general grow a lot slower than those grown Francine so if you're looking for something that's going to grow fast that is going to give you shade eventually well I grafted tree it's not going to be the way to go especially in non-tropical areas in areas where this tree is a struggle naturally if this tree grows like a weed in your area obviously this is not going to apply to you tongue number three in areas with extreme temperatures like here in the desert a lot of the grafted trees besides being sunlight sensitive meaning they do not like direct sunlight until they root themselves in the ground they will also have a hard time drinking the water from the soil look what trees have a very shallow fibrous root system what that means is they have a hard time drinking the water quick enough to cool off when the temperatures are extreme for this reason here in the desert I always recommend people especially the ones that buy a grafted tree two keep them wet the first summer you will never be able to over water a loquat as long as your soul drains the water but if you look what even goes moist it doesn't have to go fully dry it will die in a matter of hours if the X temperatures are super hot you gotta water very frequently it's about the frequency not the volume Kong number four graph the trees are generally more expensive than those grown from seed why because grafting it's labor intensive and takes a lot longer to get a tree ready for sale so in most nurseries if you find them especially if the trees are not native to your area look what's in general are going to be a lot more expensive than anything else that is native to your area and that brings us to seedling lockwoods let's talk about once grown from seed Pro number one seedlings are a lot easier to grow than grafted trees generally they can take a lot more sun and they are not as sensitive if they go dry number two sealing loquats grow a lot faster so if you're looking for a tree that's actually going to give you shade and also give you fruit well guess what a Seedling loquat is going to be the way to go this seedling look what right here was just a pod into a seven gallon container about two months ago it is about eight feet tall and within a year and a half it went from this size right here two that size right there eight feet tall so and that is in the container guys in the ground it will probably be even bigger Pro number three since look what's uh seedling locals are a lot easier to propagate from seed they're also a lot cheaper than grafted trees Pro number four and that is did not take that long to actually start fruiting so let's talk about fruiting most people buy grafted trees because they think grafted trees are superior but you have to understand every single grafted tree that you buy out there at one point was grown from seed somebody ate the fruit like the fruit gave it a name somehow it got famous and then it became popular and people started grafting it but every single variety out there was started from seed I have tasted personally I glaze 30 loquats grown from seed obviously in the ground in every single variety that I tasted I was grown from seed tasted amazing now the main issue you're gonna have with seedlings like I said earlier look what fruits are not true to seed that means like this champagne local right here if you eat that fruit you plant the seed you will not get the same fruit you may get a different color fruit bigger smaller maybe the tree will be bigger or smaller but whatever tree that you get from the seed it will have at least one of those variations if not all of them is that a good thing or a bad thing in my opinion it doesn't really matter because they will all taste good now if you're really particular about the color if you of your fruit the size of your fruit then stick with grafted trees but if you really want a nice looking tree that will will grow super fast especially if you're having issues growing look what's in your area I would say go with a Seedling you will get amazing fruit normally in my experience I've seen seedling ground loquats take about two years before they start to flower sometimes about three years if you take care of your tree so to be honest that is not that's really not that long even though grafted trees fruit the same year that doesn't mean your tree will actually be able to hold its fruit the look what I showed you earlier they had no fruits on them you know why because it was really windy this year so all the fruits fell off since the trees are small they're not that strong to hold their fruits so even though they're crafted and they fruit the same year guess what I have no fruit because the trees are small they still need to grow to hold better fruit like this big loquat right here this look what it was a three gallon when I first put it in the ground now it's been in the ground several years it's a lot bigger but guess what for about two years or so we really didn't have any fruits because all the fruits sunburned they fell off in the wind and generally until the tree is fully rooted in the ground especially if it's crafted they're not strong enough to hold their fruit now with that said let's go ahead and talk about the cons of growing a Seedling look one Kong number one it will take a little longer to get fruit normally about two to three years no big deal call number two you will get variations on your fruits so you may get different color fruits different size fruits bigger trees smaller trees so that is gonna be I guess a negative if you are particular about the type of fruit that you're trying to get that is it I cannot think of any other negative about growing a Seedling besides not buying a name variety as you can see this champagne logo right here it's it's got fruit and everything it's big and all that but right here there's rootstock growing there is a sucker on the bottom there's actually Grime below the graph point right there this Branch right here and as you can see that branch in a matter of just six months it has actually grown past the main canopy of the tree and it's actually a lot bigger in just six months while this whole canopy over here took over three years this section of the tree took six months so that's just to show you that I see look what will grow a lot faster so if you're in the market for a loquat also known as a nispero the Japanese plum or pipa my recommendation if you live in an area with extreme temperatures if it's super hot and dry in your area is to grow a ceiling local not only are they a lot cheaper than grafted trees they will grow big they're a lot easier to grow they're not that sensitive they will take more sun and once they actually start producing fruit they will give you millions of fruits and guess what if you actually get a fruit that is amazing that everybody loves you can name it and you can start a brand new variety this is why here at the nursery most of the local trees that we sell are seedling loquats like this one right here because they are a lot easier to grow than grafted ones the grafted ones people kill them all the time if you want to learn specifically how to grow at loqua specifically especially a grafted one I got growing tips I got videos on loquats link in the description you can watch but if you have any questions as always comment below if you liked the video don't forget to like it some more people can see what true gardening is about and as always I will see you next time
Channel: QCTropicals
Views: 10,223
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: how to, watering, grow, fertilize, how long to fruit, subtropical, loquat, nispero, pipa, japanese plum, Eriobotrya japonica
Id: N9rpYGRBx0E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 21sec (801 seconds)
Published: Sun May 28 2023
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