Which Is The Best Electric Car? (Hybrid, Plug-In, Electric) & Why Self Charging Is Nonsense!

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hi guys I'm Miriam and welcome back now too many times someone comes up to me on Twitter in real life wherever and says I really want an electric vehicle but I just can't quite afford one yet or the range isn't quite there yet or a cat charge at home there is valid reasons for not buying one but then half of those come back to me later on and say well don't worry we did get an electric car in the end it's a self charging hybrid now for me self charging hybrid is some manufacturers like to call it is not an electric car not even an electrified car so I thought it's time to revisit a topic which I have touched on in the past what is a self charging hybrid what is a plug-in hybrid and what is a battery electric vehicle what are their benefits while their downside of each and why do I not like self charging hybrids or rather the name self charging hybrids are much right let's start with basically me wanting to use my new YouTube toy a whiteboard so I want to start with energy first where does the energy come from that all these vehicles have the option of using with this self charging hybrid or in fact I'll just call it self charging hybrid to make it easy in fact let me put an S C up there just so we're not talking about all of the energy has to come from one place in this case and that is petrol it cannot use electricity it needs petrol I'll come back to that in a second a plug-in hybrid electric vehicle it's very name suggests that it can be plugged in but of course it can use petrol and electricity in this case you can plug it in so you've got an option of either or both battery electric vehicle of course only gets these electricity from the plug it cannot use a petrol engine therefore we've got petrol only petrol and electric and electric now I want to go into regenerative braking this is a way of recapturing some of that lost energy that you use when you're accelerating so when you slow down you can get some of that energy back now in a normal non hybrid car for example you press the brake pedal and a brick pad touches a brick disk and the kinetic energy when it slows you down is effectively turned into heat it's it's lost its wasted energy whereas with regenerative braking anything that has that it basically recuperate some of that energy and puts it back into the battery it turns kinetic energy back in to electricity now a hybrid self charging hybrid sorry that yes that is capable of regenerative braking a plug-in hybrid electric vehicle is also capable of doing that and surprise surprise a battery electric vehicle can also generate its own electricity by braking so they can all do the region now battery of course some of these will have larger sizes than what I'm going to suggest here there's lots of variations some plug-in hybrid batteries getting quite large now but relative to each other they all have this sort of level of battery I'm going to say every self charging hybrid battery by today's standards has a very small vs very small battery a plug-in hybrid electric vehicle has a small battery its an s nought to five I promise and a battery electric vehicle that has a large battery so again there are many variations on the market but roughly speaking comparable to each other you have a very small battery for a self charging a small battery for a plug-in hybrid and a large battery for a battery electric vehicle now let's move on to fuel costs how much will each one of these costs roughly speaking relative to each other in fuel now for this we won't have to use three different pen colors I think so red can be the worst so the most expensive in terms how much fuel you will use is the self charging hybrid I'm going to attempt to do a pound sign mmm okay yeah that's a red pants I used off to bear with me on that one so this cell charging hybrid is the most expensive in terms of fuel costs the plug-in hybrid electric vehicle now this could in theory wrong just on electricity but as an average this will use a bit of both and that is going to be blue so it's kind of in the middle in terms of fuel costs better than self charging hybrid certainly now when it comes to the battery electric vehicle again in just terms of fuel costs a lon we have a green one because that's that's us that's good isn't it that's better so Green good blue middle red not so good so don't get me wrong a self charging hybrid is more efficient than just a normal petrol engine car but compared to these two that will be the most expensive to run followed by the plug-in hybrid followed by the battery electric vehicle now of course the cost of the carry self is where it evens out a little bit at least for now battery electric vehicles plug-in hybrids and self charging hybrids have all got cheaper as the years go on however a battery electric vehicle has got cheaper in terms of percentage we're way more than the other two mainly because the cost of batteries have come down and of course they're all batteries they have lots of batteries but the cost of a self-charging hybrid will be at the lower end of the scale so we'll give that green one the plug-in hybrid again kinda in the middle that's gonna get a blue one oh yeah I'm getting better at these and the battery electric vehicle that is most expensive to buy at the moment so that's terrible the cheapest one will be the self charging hybrid followed by the plug-in followed by the battery electric vehicle now according to volts we are going to see you or very recently they said that they expect price parity to be achieved by 2025 for battery electric vehicles compared to normal petrol engine vehicles so in terms of manufacturing costs it should be the same for these as it is for well not just these but normal petrol engine cars as well so this is a temporary situation it won't be forever but as it stands now yes the match electric vehicle is the most expensive and the self charging is the cheapest now eco that basically means how green are these in terms of running them clearly they all have an impact on the environment but generally speaking when you factor in the manufacturing of the cars and their lifespan so let's imagine a cow's 15 years the manufacturing of that plus 15 years of running it on petrol equals x and so forth and so far so compared to each other in eco terms that would be red that would be the worst in terms of environmental impact the plug-in hybrid electric vehicle on average would be again somewhere in the middle and the battery electric vehicle is the greenest of the lot now don't get me wrong as I said they all have an environmental impact battery electric vehicles included if the environment is your priority I've always said this then the best thing you can do isn't so much to get a battery electric vehicle but to not have a cat at all then there won't be an impact to use public transport cycle walk that sort of thing but in the modern world if you need personal transportation as I do I live quite rural various work reasons means we have to own a car it might as well be a battery electric one if the environment is your priority not all the energy all of the momentum that you have a a self-charging hybrid vehicle comes from petrol you are burning petrol no matter what so if anybody thinks that they're buying an electric car and it's a self charging hybrid for me that is not an electric car never will be it has a battery in it but ultimately the only way you can get energy in that battery is by burning petrol in the first place you have to burn petrol to accelerate up to speed and then slow down to put some of that energy back into the calf or some of them will just run the petrol engine as a generator either way all of the energy that is in that car either comes from petrol driving the engine driving the wheels forward sorry or from the electric motor which is powered by the battery which is powered ultimately by the petrol engine now self charging literally means a vehicle that charges its traction battery without any interaction from the driver whatsoever now this for me is where the confusion lies in why I've always hated the term self charging forgetting the fact that for the past 20 years it's just been called a hybrid they brought this out purely as a marketing term do not be fooled into thinking that that is somehow miraculously getting energy out of nowhere as I said earlier it's all coming from one place petrol you can plug it in you have to burn petrol to get that regen so therefore the energy stars all with burning what effectively is dirty fuel it's a marketing term which is genuinely fooling people into thinking they have got an electric vehicle all they're getting is effectively more efficient petrol engine car that's it so again apologies if you think that you were bought an electric car and it's a self charging hybrid basically if you can't plug it in it is not an electric vehicle a plug-in hybrid electric vehicle however this for me some people don't like them they think everybody should be driving a battery electric vehicle but there is still a need for a plug-in hybrid electric vehicle if I couldn't charge at home on my driveway where I am now I could not on a battery electric vehicle I've said this all along there is no charging infrastructure near me at all my council has got literally zero charges there are some coming but at the moment my new rapid charger is out nine miles away from my house so that's an 80 mile round-trip to use a rapid charger and it's even further for a fast autist la charger as well so if you want something that is a wake trick if you want to drive on pure electric only at least some of the time a plug-in hybrid electric vehicle is the only solution right now it's a stopgap basically it's the methadone - the battery electric vehicle it is there for a reason it won't be there forever when battery electric vehicles can do three four five hundred miles of range for the same price as a standard petrol engine car there will be no need for them but as it stands right now a plug-in hybrid electric vehicle is the only option for some people that want an electric cat if you want you can actually drive a feb on electric only the range of course is very small typically 10 20 maybe 25 miles in the real world but if you're just using a short journey to journeys it is possible ultimately what I'm saying is eventually technology will get to the point where we don't have to worry about the range or the charging speed of a Bev but for now a feb has a purpose for me the hybrid electric vehicle doesn't have a purpose at all because it's just a more efficient petrol engine you can still use a plug-in hybrid but not plug it in it effectively would become a normal self charging hybrid notice that out of all this they all do regenerative braking this is something that Toyota Lexus and all that say well you know we get free energy back that's that's why it's self charging Hybrid nobody calls a battery electric vehicle a Tesla for example self charging Tesla did it can you imagine what trouble Tesla would get in if they started advertising their cars for self charging because technically they do they do the exact same thing as those do but it's not advertised as that because that would be ludicrous and ridiculous to say so I should also point out actually that several countries in the EU have banned the term self charging hybrid because it is too confusing and ultimately not true only the UK's Advertising Standards Authority have not got it and have been fooled themselves so that kind of backs up this claim that self charging is a bad through so to recap a self-charging hybrid is ultimately not necessary these days it's it's been surpassed it is the lowest end of technology and capability out of all of these vehicles here a plug-in hybrid can be just a normal hybrid if you wish but it's got the capability of being plugged in so for me the only two that are worth going for are these that does look like something else doesn't it I [Music] would never recommend a self charging hybrid I would still recommend a plug-in hybrid electric vehicle for those that cannot own a battery electric vehicle a full electric car of course it's not quite as good as that there is a downside you will be paying more for the plug-in hybrid compared to the self charging hybrid but for me you will get that back when you sell the car on when you trade the carrying you will get that extra that you've paid for its plug-in ability back again it holds its value better than a standard normal hybrid and of course if used even vaguely sensibly you should recoup most if not all and more of that cost in fuel savings alone on the environmental side again I do stand by this that is the greenest of all three that's somewhere in the middle and the self charging hybrid has all its energy effectively it comes from dirty sources petrol that's why that gets the red circle this some people will argue with that it shouldn't be green because it gives people an idea that it's saving the planet and as I said before the best thing you can do is to get rid of your car completely but if you need a car this is the greenest option and that applies even if it's a coal-fired grid which the UK isn't in fact from the rust is well it's just broken a record yet again for more than a month now there has been zero call generation in the UK and we have a very very very clean grid compared to in places like America in Poland but again there are many many many many surveys and studies and you know proper scientific stuff a peer-reviewed papers that always say the same thing a battery electric vehicle or infamous powered by electricity even on a dirty is still cleaner over his lifespan than a petrol engine cap no doubt someone mentioned now the heavy metal argument that what about all the people dying in the mines digging up those heavy metals for the battery electric vehicle I agree that's a problem and that's part of the impact I mentioned earlier but I think oil whether it's through walls or spillages or just emissions because it's a lot more damage to the environment and human beings just ask anybody that you know went to Iraq for example that causes more damage to the environment and people than the battery electric vehicle does with its heavy metals and that can be addressed and is being addressed a lot of those heavy metals will be removed in future technologies whereas that will always be that dirty it will always be something that causes problems right well that's it guys and please do sub scribe it helps and then I can do more of these whiteboard videos so hopefully that helped in somewhere let me know what you think of this whiteboard explainer video of course for me it's a lot easier when I'm referring to something on the video than doing graphics afterwards and I don't have to spend hours doing graphics afterwards so this for me like engineering explained that's where this kind of came from if I'm honest which is a fantastic channel watch it if you haven't before and this for me is a lot easier but what do you think does this does this work can you see it does it make sense to have to make it bigger give me some feedback and so yeah thank you for watching guys and I'll see you soon
Channel: Electric Vehicle Man
Views: 34,145
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Nissan, Leaf, Electric, Cars, Vehicles, Zoe, Tesla, hybrid, self charging, self charging hybrid, plugin hybrid, plug in hybrid, plug-in hybrid, bev, battery electric vehicle, full electric car, phev, electric car
Id: u62aeuJiMcQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 59sec (959 seconds)
Published: Fri May 15 2020
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