Which is the best Bombay Sapphire Gin?!!!

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hello dear lovers welcome back I'm Bobby Freeman and today we're going to be looking at the entire range of Bombay Sapphire to try and work out which is the best one for you guys to spend your hard-earned cash on now before we get stuck in I just like to say a huge thank you to Steve Robert for the girl my second-ever patreon so thank you very very much Steve you are a gentleman and I salute you so my friends let's start at the beginning shall we so this little fellow is your standard Bombay Sapphire so this is the one that you will see on every shelf in every shop every store every bar and every club and every liquor store in the world because this my friends rules the roost globally world wide it is everywhere I've said this and a lot like you know I'll be repeating a lot this from the previous era sort of videos I've made about BOM but various Bombay sapphires but it really is everywhere I believe it is the best-selling gin in the world and my regular viewers and subscribers will know my feelings that it shouldn't be basically I think it's it's basically like the Emperor's New Clothes people are telling you that this is the best gin out there but really in reality when you try it and think about it for yourself yet actually it's not that great I don't think it's brilliant I'm not going to go into it too deeply because I say I have covered this many times before but this one I would say avoid I don't like it and I don't think it should be drink it there are certainly lot a lot lot better dreams out there and I'm not even going to bother trying it because we know what it I know what it tastes like you guys know it tastes like watch my other videos if you want to know but that fella is certainly not the best one I don't recommend you spend your money right now next up is a gin that's not actually in the lineup here and I'll tell you for why there are a few reasons here the name of it is Bombay Sapphire star of Bombay and it's kind of like they're billing it as their premium gin okay however the problem is it's not very premium taste it's basically the same as this but they've bolted on a couple of flavours namely bergamot orange peel and amber at seeds okay now I don't know much about those ingredients but to me it just tasted kind of exactly the same but with a little bit of these two flavors kind of bolted on the end but essentially it was adding two flavors to something that wasn't particularly nice in the first place and that doesn't really cut it for me it was not very nice it was I said at the time there was slightly better it was slightly better I will concede that however but these guys are all around 20 pounds between 20 and 25 pounds maybe about 23 something like that but the star of Bombay was 40 pounds okay 40 pounds which is ridiculous it was almost double the price and for me for something that's not particularly good to double the price I don't see where the justification for that price was coming from so again I would as with this one I would avoid that particularly as it cost double the price now the third one is this little fellow here which I reviewed a couple of videos ago Bombay Sapphire East this one now again it falls into a very very similar category as the star of Bombay because all it is is that the same gin but with a couple of extra flavors in there and it just but these are these are more sort of sort of Far Eastern flavors so it had a Cambodian pepper and Thai lemongrass okay which sounds great and yet it did taste a little bit a lot more citrus forward but again these two great big flavors were just whacked him with the other night I believe I mean I might be fine I don't know but I believe there very little thought went to it it's it's smacked of a gin where very little thought went into it I would we need to do something oriental really or watch we choose lemongrass and Cambodian pepper whack it in to reach aced it now don't bother just send it out I'm paraphrasing I don't know if that actually happened but for me again it was okay it was alright mildly better than this but not really worth going for if you ask me now then that's the negative part over because two of the bombay gins I actually quite liked that was so happy because I didn't want to Bing be this sort of you know bringer of bad tidings and just sort of a miserable sod moaning about all the Bombay Sapphire gins and let's start off with this little fella shall we because this my friends is Bombay Sapphire Limited Edition English Estate now what they did with this one they added in mint and rose hip things called rose hip is based out the fruit of a rose plant and also I believe it was nutmeg like a sort of nutty flavor I was not really 100% sure but I tried it and you know what it was actually really nice I was pleasantly surprised I actually really enjoyed it I'm gonna try it again for you now the time relived that I'm just gonna pop a little bit of tonic in there just to bring out the flavors yes so let's get a bit of a blast on this show we just remind myself oh it's it's still as I said in the in the review video this it you can taste a tiny bit of that Bombay Sapphire dish you can taste the legacy but it's just like 1% of what it was before but the rest of those flavors really really offset that sort of the Bombay Sapphire I didn't like very much and it's beautiful the mint is very soft but it's kind of spear minty but then it that's kind of offset with a lovely kind of fruitiness and just sort of a full body of that that sort of not nutty sort of flavor as well and and for me it was absolutely lovely and I'd be quite happy to drink this it's very very nice but the crying shame of this one is it is as it as the name suggests a limited edition so when it's gone it's gone it won't be around forever which seems crazy for me because it's genuinely very very nice so as I said to you before Bombay people don't make it a limited edition roll it out roll it out and make it mainstream because this one is actually quite nice and finally my friends last but by no means least is this rather strange looking fellow very different to the restaurant this one is the original Bombay London Dry Gin and look it up behemoth of a bottle they're huge isn't it now this one's quite hard to come by I say hard to come by it in the shops and in the bars it's quite it's very rare you can get it off Amazon fairly easily but this I thought to myself because they've actually taken two ingredients away in this you rather than ten like this one the standard on my cellphone it's actually got eight okay they took away the grains of paradise and the khubaib berries now I don't know what's in those but I suspect they are the culprit for that slightly chemically tasting taste that they stand at Bombay Sapphire gives and the ones that I don't like because I tried this and this was actually the first one that I enjoyed a bomb but it was rich I was so happy when I tried it let's just refresh the old memory that's great it's honestly it's really good I wouldn't say it's not knocking it out the ballpark for me not by any means I wouldn't say it stupendous and it's certainly not on the level of the beefeaters and the sips myths and certainly something that lovely Australian gins applied tried recently but it's a good solid gin it's it's what I call a no-nonsense gin I like it very very much and you could do a lot worse a lot lot worse than having this one in your cupboard my friends so the question is out of these two fellows which one is the best which one should you choose if you're gonna have any Bombay Sapphire which one is it going to be it's really difficult they're gonna go head to head now look I really like this one I really like that Jim but this this one's a bit of an enigma and although it's weird because although you've got a little bit of that as I say that legacy a Bombay Sapphire taste ah those other lovely flavors were so powerful the mint and that rose hip and the nuts it's really kind of it's got a bit of as unis a quoi I'd never used that phrase from this town before but it kind of fits I think there's a little bit of person and a little bit of magic in there and you know what one thing I criticize on base half a foot of sapphire for is not having personality and that has got a bit of personality and this has as well but I think this was slightly more run-of-the-mill slightly slightly still nice but it hasn't got the pizzazz that this one has got right however so I would say this is the number one but the trouble is as I said it's a limited edition so the chances are by the time you watch this video if it's sort of if you're watching it in the future which I presume you are he's not going to watch it in the past um this is probably not going to be here so sadly by default this one gets shunted out of a number one spot as long as it's available I would say that is the number one spot however by default this one will pick up that gauntlet the gauntlet is that the right expression that makes it something is going to be a fight doesn't it'll pick up the mantle I'm seems like the right word blocker fits the wrong word as well anyway it will pick up something and it will claim the victory from this one so my friends what a strange result but by default this way if you can still get this one great that's no more if not then this one again is tricky to get hold of but that is the one to go for when this one is run out to my friends now of course as always this is all subjective than just my own opinions here you might disagree with me if you do then please put a comment in the section below we'll have a discussion about it if you did enjoy the video if you found it useful I certainly hope you did don't forget to press the like button and subscribe to my channel and press the little bell icon so you get notified when all my new videos come out and of course check out my new patreon page where you can see all sorts of exclusive content until next time guys I will be Bobby Freeman thank you very much buh bye [Music] [Music] hmm
Channel: No Nonsense Gin Drinking
Views: 22,161
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: gin review, gin cocktails, gin, gin and tonic, gin & tonic, fevertree, cocktails, spirits, liquor, liquor review, spirit review, best gin, gin cocktails at home, alcohol review, gin reviews, recipes, cocktails recipes, drinks, drinks recipes, drinks review, drink review, drinking alcohol, drinks reviews, alcoholic drinks, bombay sapphire, bombay sapphire review, bombay sapphire gin, bombay sapphire east review, bombay sapphire star of bombay, bombay original dry gin
Id: 8_5mQ90MPLE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 48sec (588 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 15 2020
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