Which Bulborb EATS The Most Pikmin?

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what's up everybody Frank Gramps here and welcome to another Pikmin video today I'm gonna be comparing the bite of each large Red Bull borb and Pippin one two and three I just love these guys so much so why not just make a little fun video seeing just how vicious each one of these Red Bull orbs are in the games make sure to like And subscribe for more picnic content now let's get into it alright so for this experiment I'm gonna test the bite of this large Red Bull board by seeing how many pigment it eats of my 100 Pikmin Squad in just under 10 seconds that's right I'm not gonna fight back I'm just gonna stand there and let this bullboard just come at me for 10 seconds now let's go we're gonna start off from the first bite you guys could count down with me if you want wake up all right it's awake and go one one thousand two one thousand three one thousand four one thousand five one thousand six one thousand seven one thousand eight one thousand nine one thousand ten one thousand eighty five Pikmin were left at the 10 second Mark don't count those other three because they died after it so 15 Pikmin died to that full board's mouth in 10 seconds let's do that one more time shall we just to get an average of the two numbers same rules take two let's see how it goes uh okay go back and go one one thousand two one thousand three one thousand four one thousand five one thousand six one thousand seven one thousand eight one thousand nine one thousand ten one thousand eighty-five once again 85 Red Pikmin were left at the Ten Second Mark wow that's crazy I mean I mean I guess it's not that crazy it's not that randomly generated is it like that bull worms bite so I guess that means that the large Red Bull board in Pikmin one it's on average 15 Pikmin in 10 seconds well if you don't fight back that is now let's head over to Pikmin 2 and continue this experiment over there all right now we're in Pikmin 2 and you guys know the drill we're gonna give this guy 10 seconds to see just how it matches up against Pikmin one's Red Bull board starting from the first bite and oh I'm scared go one one thousand two one thousand three one thousand four one thousand five one thousand six hundred thousand seven one thousand eight one thousand nine one thousand seven one thousand whoa okay 60. 60 Pikmin are left dude that's insane we're gonna do this one more time but wow already right off the bat we can tell that this guy is way hungrier than the Red Bull board in Pikmin one the Red Bull Ballroom paper one as you can remember in an average of 15 Pikmin in 10 seconds this guy ate 40. let's give him one more shot to see if he could top that that is crazy [Music] all right take two this is scary [Music] uh timer starts wake up and now or one thousand two one thousand three one thousand four five six seven eight nine ten whoa that was 60. 60 again at the 10 second mark 60 Pikmin who were left I guess that just proves that the bull orbs and Pikmin 2 are much stronger than the ones in one I know a lot of you probably already knew that but it's just nice to have that in like I don't know concrete evidence like that dang look at him just falling asleep like it didn't just Massacre nearly half of my Pikmin Squad I hope you enjoy that nap man now let's head over to Pikmin 3 and sorry you Pikmin three fans but I don't think that bullboard was gonna hold a light to this guy or what's the saying hold the candle who cares and Pikmin three time I guess Pikmin three time let's go let's see how this strawberry bull worm does against our Pikmin even though we're not gonna fight back but you know what I mean 10 seconds is about to start right no one two three four five six seven eight nine ten okay it ain't yeah let's say 12th Pikmin in those 10 seconds it took a bite right at the 10 second Mark and I don't think that really counts it's about how many I've already been needing so 12 Pikmin we're eating at 10 seconds all right now let's give this guy one more chance to prove himself to be a fierce School Board wake him up just about now all right starting timer no one two three four five six seven eight nine ten and once again it had 12 meat and it took another bite but let's let's cut this guy some slack with say the 8 15 this time all right we're gonna be generous for him wow so taking the average of 12 and 15 Pikmin Eden that is I'm bad at math around 13 Pikmin let's say 14. this guy eats like 14 13 Pikmin in 10 seconds man that that's kind of weak sauce don't you guys think that's unfortunate now let's look at all the data together shall we all right so the large Road of bull board from Pipkin one eight on average 15 Pikmin in 10 seconds the one from two 840 Pikmin on average while the one from Pikmin 3 barely reached like 15 to 14 Pikmin in 10 seconds so if you were ever wondering what pool were to stay away from the most well you have your answer the one from hey Pikmin I'm just kidding no Pikmin 2's bull borb was the most fierce bullboard across all the games no surprise there but I just like having the proof there in case anyone wants to debate you on it just send them this video well that's it for today's very specific Pikmin video did you predict which bubble would be the fiercest or the weakest make sure to comment down below and also make sure to comment down below any other stuff you'd like to see me compare within the Pikmin video games thanks again for watching have a good one
Channel: Frangrams
Views: 20,003
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: pikmin, pikmin 2, pikmin 3, pikmin 4, nintendo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 24sec (384 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 17 2023
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