Which 360 Camera Should You Buy In 2023?

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Which 360 camera should you buy in 2023? In  this video, I'll compare the best and most   popular consumer 360 cameras to help you figure  out which is the best choice for 360 videos,   360 photography, and virtual tours. I will also  determine the clear winner for doing both. Stay   until the end to learn about some brand  new 360 cameras coming later in the year,   as well as my predictions about what  I think we'll see by the end of 2023. The contenders in this comparison are the Insta360  X3, which was released late last year, the One X2,   which is the X3's predecessor, the One RS,  which was also released last year, a modular   360 camera from Insta360. The original One R is no  longer available for sale, so the One RS replaces   it. Then we have the One RS 1-inch, which is the  first consumer 360 camera from Insta360 with the   one-inch sensor. The Theta Z1, which is now nearly  four years old but still a contender in 2023. The   Theta X, which is a simpler version of the Z1  released last year. The Trisio Lite 2, which is   perhaps the most underrated 360 photo camera.  The Xphase Pro X2, which looks like a weapon   but boasts 134-megapixel photos, and finally,  the GoPro Max because many of you requested   it. Links to all cameras can be found below,  and I do have detailed reviews of all of these   cameras on my YouTube channel if you want more  information beyond what is covered in this video. Now I'm going to rank these cameras based on  the biggest factors most people look for in a   360 camera: price, design, specs, 360 videos, 360  photos, and workflows. To give everything in this   video some context, we should start with price.  The X3 is $449, One X2 $429, One RS Twin Edition   $549, One RS 1-inch $799, Theta Z1 is around a  thousand dollars give or take, Theta X is $799,   Trisio is $399, Xphase is $1349, and the GoPro  Max is $399 with a GoPro yearly subscription.   Based purely on price, Trisio and GoPro Max  are the cheapest, followed by the One X2,   X3, and One RS. Now, in terms of actual value  for money, aka what you get for that price,   things look a little bit different. In my opinion,  the X3 delivers the most value for money, followed   by the Trisio, followed by the One RS 1-inch.  You'll see why that is by the end of this video. Let's talk about designs. Which of these cameras  has the best design? Let's start with screens,   and the ones that catch my eye are the X3,  the Theta X, and the GoPro Max, which have   the three biggest screens of the lot, with the  X3 being significantly bigger than the other   two. This makes using the X3 so much easier  because I find the small screen designs of   cameras like the One X2, the 1-inch, the One  RS are so small that it's easy to choose the   wrong settings and go around in circles trying  to do something basic, whereas the X3 is so big,   it's almost like having a phone screen attached to  your camera. What about fragility? The bigger the   screen and the bigger the lens, the more fragile  the camera is, therefore the more likely it is   to break. Therefore, the cameras that are the  most fragile are the X3 with the big screen,   the One RS 1-inch with the two big lenses  on either side, the Theta is the one with   the big lenses, and the Theta X with the big  screen. The Trisio only has one single lens,   which makes it the best camera for fragility  because you can put it down on its back, and   the lens isn't really a risk, and the same with  the Xphase, even though it's a really weird shape,   the lenses don't stick out from the body which  means you can put it down on a table. All of   these cameras are susceptible to smashing a lens,  though, so you'll need to be equally careful with   all of them. The cameras that are waterproof are  the X3, One X2, One RS, and GoPro Max. These four   cameras are strongly branded as action cameras;  therefore, being waterproof is a must overall. With design, I give the X3, One X2, and  Theta X the highest marks because firstly,   they're the smallest and most compact,  they easily fit in your pocket,   but also they all have screens that make  the cameras easier to navigate and even   preview back your photos and videos.  Now let's take a look at the spec sheet. The X3 has a half-inch sensor. It shoots 360  video at 5.7k30 and 4K 60, as well as 3K 100 FPS,   which was added after release. The X3 also  has a single lens mode if you want to shoot   in one direction, and this ranges between  1080P 60 all the way up to 4K 30. Insta360   claims the X3 also shoots 72-megapixel 360 photos. The One X2 has a one over 2.3-inch sensor,   which is smaller. It also has nearly identical  360 video specs as the X3. It also has a single   lens mode that shoots up to 2.5k50 FPS,  and it shoots 18-megapixel 360 photos. The One RS also has a one over 2.3-inch sensor,  as well as having the same 360 video specs as   the One X2. If you were to rebuild the 4K mod  of the One RS which comes in the Twin Edition,   that would give you a range of single  lens options if you want to shoot in   one direction starting at 1080p anywhere  between 24 and 200 frames per second,   all the way up to 6K 25 FPS in widescreen mode.  The 360 photos the One RS shoots 18 megapixels. The One RS 1-inch 360 obviously has a one-inch  sensor. For 360 video, it shoots 6K 25, 4K 30,   and 3K 50. You could technically say that it  shoots in one direction, even though with this   build of the camera, you can't, but since it is  the same camera as the One RS, you could just   buy the 4K mod, which gives you the exact same  specs as the One RS. Built as the 1-inch version,   though, it shoots 21-megapixel 360 photos. The  Theta Z1 also has a one-inch sensor. It shoots   4K 30 360 videos, as well as 23-megapixel 360  photos. The Theta X has a half-inch sensor.   It shoots 5.7K 30 360 videos, as well as 4K 60  photos. The Trisio has a 1 over 2.3-inch sensor   and shoots 32-megapixel 360 photos. Unfortunately,  the Trisio does not shoot 360 videos. The Xphase   has 25 lenses and 25 sensors, all of which are  1 over 3.2 of an inch. These are the smallest   sensors on this list. The massive spec of the  Xphase, though, is that it shoots 134-megapixel   360 photos. Just like the Trisio, the Xphase also  does not shoot 360 videos. Finally, the GoPro Max   has a 1 over 2.3-inch sensor. It shoots 5.6K 360  videos at 30 FPS, as well as 3.6k at 60 FPS. The   GoPro Max does have a single-lens mode called  Hero Mode, which shoots up to 1440p at 60 FPS.   The photo resolution of the Max is 16 megapixels.  So going from top to bottom, the One RS 1-inch   and the Z1 have the biggest sensors, which we'll  see later on make a significant difference when   it comes to photo and video quality. The 1-inch  also shoots the highest resolution 360 videos   with single-lens mode. The One RS built as the  4K mod has the most amount of flexibility if you   were to use it like a GoPro. However, if you don't  want to include the 4K build in this comparison,   then the X3 easily takes the cake over the GoPro  Max. Finally, when it comes to photo resolution,   the Xphase annihilates the competition with that  extremely high 134-megapixel quality being the   main draw part of this camera. If you were picking  a 360 camera just based on the spec sheet and you   wanted a bit of everything, to me, the X3 would  win. If you also want to shoot in single-lens   mode, and if you don't care about that, the  One RS 1-inch has the best all-around specs. Now that we've seen the spec sheet, let's  take a look at how that affects the quality   of 360 photos and videos from these cameras.  While the Theta Z1 and X do have video modes,   they really are photo-focused cameras. Video  modes of both are missing six-axis stabilization,   as well as having very short recording limits,  making these impractical for serious 360 video   capture. For this reason, I'll be leaving  them out of the upcoming 360 video comparison,   as well as the Xphase and Trisio since  they don't shoot 360 videos. If you're   capturing 360 videos of yourself  in broad daylight at close range,   then the remaining five 360 cameras are so close  I can barely tell the difference, even the colors,   the look, and everything looks the same. For other  situations, though, things look a bit different. Here each of them are in Auto exposure mode, but  this time I'm about 10 feet away from the camera   and comparing the sharpness between these 5,  there is a really big difference. Here the   1-inch by far is the sharpest and I'm not just  talking 0.3 of a k it looks several k's sharper.   The One RS performs the worst, the GoPro Max  I'm surprised it's holding its own against much   newer cameras and it's just as sharp, if not  sharper than the X3, but both are nowhere near   the level of sharpness as the 1-inch. One of my  favorite features of the X3 is active HDR which is   essentially HDR video that you can use while the  camera is moving and of these 5 cameras, it's the   only one that has it in 360 mode, so if you take  a look at the blue sky behind me on the left you   don't see that with the other four and this will  be a really handy feature if you're ever shooting   in mixed lighting and you want to retain highlight  detail and shadow detail. Here I am inside and   again the 1-inch has the best sharpness and the  least Noise by far. I intentionally made this   really tricky for all cameras by putting my neon  light on and having bright light coming in through   the windows and you can see I'm clearly defined  with the 1-inch and GoPro Max and the other three   I'm a bit washed out. Punching in further and the  neon looks best on the 1-inch, followed by the X3,   followed by One X2 and while the GoPro Max  is as good as the 1- inch for low noise,   the overexposure in the light and the window  is a bit too much to bear. If you're planning   on shooting indoors a lot then there's only one  serious xontender here and that's the 1- inch,   because of that one inch sensor, it's able  to handle low light better, as well as,   mixed lighting situations without the shot being  completely ruined by overexposure. Also it's worth   noting that the GoPro Max has a drifting problem.  I've sped up this clip so you can see what I   mean. Again if you're shooting solely outside  then all of these cameras are great options,   however if I were to rank them overall  for the 360 video capabilities then the   1-inch comes in a very definite first, the X3 goes in second because of active   HDR being a great option in mixed lighting  as well as having so many different modes,   frame rates and resolutions to shoot in. I'd put  the GoPro Max in third because it's performed   well overall, followed by One X2 and One RS.  If you're into 360 video then I'm excited to   announce that I'm working on a brand new  in-depth 360 video course which will take   your 360 videos from good to Holy that's good! It'll be released later this year and you can sign   up to be notified when it's ready by following  the link down below and if you're watching this   video later in the year, it may have already  been released. Now moving on from 360 videos,   which of these cameras is the best for 360  photography and virtual tours? Well let's   start with if you don't want to do any editing  whatsoever, here's what the cameras look like   in their respective HDR modes without any color  correction applied. The cameras where you can   see any kind of detail at all in the sky are the  Theta X, the Trisio and the Xphase, the rest are   too blown out to retain any highlight detail.  The roof tiles look the sharpest on the Xphase,   the 1-inch and the X3 and the camera with the  most accurate colors straight out of the camera,   in my opinion, is the Theta X. If you choose  to color correct, which you should if you're   shooting virtual tours, then this is where it gets  interesting. So starting with dynamic range the   Theta Z1 has the best dynamic range out the window  thanks to the Dual fisheye plug-in that I used in   this comparison which the other cameras don't  have. Then the Trisio and Theta X are the only   other cameras where you can see the sky outside,  however when we look at interior dynamic range   around my 360 neon, I can't believe I'm saying it  but the X phase has the best dynamic range. Here   I used six shot inbuilt HDR with the Xphase and  has done a great job inside as has the Theta X.   Now let's look at sharpness and be sure to watch  this video in full screen so you can really see   the finer details here because if you're seeing  what I'm seeing the Xphase is so much sharper than   all the other cameras. Sharp enough that you  can read the writing on my light, as well as,   the YouTube plug, whereas the other cameras  are too blurry at this level of zoom. Trisio   is second sharpest as you can see it's the only  other camera to pick up details like this. also   I can't believe I'm saying it, but the texture on  the wall is the smoothest with the Xphase as well,   despite having the smaller sensor of the lot. I  can barely see a speck of noise in the Xphase,  whereas even the smoothest of the others which  I think is the 1-inch still has a little bit of   noise. Now you can remove noise easily in the  Topaz Suite, however if your camera doesn't   produce much noise to begin with that's always  going to be preferable. Unfortunately the Theta X   falls short in this area of the shot because this  corner of the room is where I aim the seam line of   all cameras and this is one of the main weaknesses  of the X. Looking at one more area of this image   and again it looks best with the Xphase, the  photo print and the plant look the clearest and   have the most amount of overall detail including  really nice smooth surfaces, so I'm gonna say it,   the Xphase is the best 360 camera for virtual  tours followed by the Z1, Theta X and Trisio   which all produce professional results for virtual  tours. Then the 1-inch and X3 come in after that.   That said, you could definitely use all six of  these cameras for paid virtual tour shoots. Over   the past few years the Xphase team have clearly  addressed some of the major flaws of the camera.   The main one, back in 2020 was that it didn't have  good dynamic range for virtual tours but having   taken a bunch of samples I can say that isn't true  anymore. This dynamic range looks fantastic and   these shots are just so sharp the Xphase really  pushes the limits of what a 360 photo camera can   do. It's not all sunshine and roses though, the  main flaws of the Xphase images are, one I've   noticed in general there's a pink color cast which  needs to be corrected later on, also the stitching   isn't always a hundred percent on straight lines.  Here you can see what I mean, it's noticeable but   it's not a deal breaker. Also you can't get too  close to the Xphase, so it's not really a selfie   camera because it clearly prioritizes the focus  on distant objects and not close ones. So I'd   only shoot with the Xphase in situations where the  detail in your scene is more than three feet away   from the camera. If you're buying a 360 camera for  virtual tours and you want to level up your skills   quickly so you can start charging for your work,  I have an online masterclass called Virtual Tour   Pro which will show you step by step how to start  and run your very own virtual tour business which   I'll link below. So now that we've compared these  cameras on most of the important stuff there's one   thing we need to talk about, how easy are they to  use and how easy or complicated are the workflows? Well with all of the Insta360 cameras in this  video I'd say that an easy workflow is one of   their best assets, they are constantly updating  the mobile app and the desktop software and it's   really at the point now where you can create  highly complicated edits in minutes and by   far these cameras have the best workflow  when it comes to reframing 360 videos or   exporting as actual 360 videos or actual 360  photos. The GoPro Max is pretty easy as well,   however I've noticed GoPro have stopped developing  their software when it comes to 360. The Trisio is   easy to use and has a fast workflow where it's  literally just the tap of a button it captures   your photo and it downloads your photos easily  to your phone's camera roll. The Theta X also   has a super fast workflow where it's one button to  shoot and you will instantly have a high dynamic   range photo which looks awesome. Like we saw  earlier with the Theta Z1, it's a little more   complicated. While you can use the inbuilt  HDR feature the strength in the Z1 really is   in bracketing using the Dual fisheye plug-in and  that is a longer workflow to do, as is bracketing   with any camera. So with the Z1 you're basically  doing more editing to get a better end result,   which is sustified if you're doing virtual tours  for clients, however it's going to take at least   five minutes per photo to edit your images. Which  you can do with all the other cameras but I feel   like you need to do it that extra bit with the  Z1 because its primary workflow is now using   the Dual Fisheye plug-in. Finally we've got the  Xphase which does not have an easy workflow. It's   mostly because of underdeveloped software.  It requires following lots of steps even to   update the firmware of this camera, the mobile app  looks exactly the same as it did several years ago   and because these images are so big each photo is  going to take time to capture and to stitch later   on. Again for a great result this is the price you  pay but in terms of workflow this camera is going   to take you extra time to work with to get those  awesome shots. So now that the comparison is done,   which camera should you buy? Well I'll start with  the ones you shouldn't buy. The first one is the   GoPro Max because it's so old now, it's seen no  firmware updates in ages. They basically stopped   working on this camera. While it still does  work and it does a good job you wouldn't buy   it in 2023 over something else. Insta360 have  far outperformed GoPro when it comes to 360   camera, so I would consider an Insta 360 camera  instead, except the One X2, this is another camera   you shouldn't buy because the price is so close  to the X3 that it just wouldn't make sense. While   it was a great camera in its time, the X3 is an  improvement over the One X2, so don't buy it. The   cameras on this list that you should consider are  firstly the One RS, while there was this massive   amount of hype around the One RS last year the  hype was over something that we more or less had   before in the One R and One X2 and while it wasn't  updated in the One R series, the differences   were so minimal. The main one really was 6K flat  video, if you shoot at the 235 to 1 aspect ratio,   which is a pretty niche use, but otherwise I  wouldn't buy this camera unless you're looking   for a modular camera that can also perform like a  GoPro. Personally I just like having two cameras,   it's kind of annoying having to rebuild your  camera into different things, so if you prefer to   shoot 360 content just get a dedicated 360 camera.  The second camera you should consider is the Theta   Z1, this camera has been a reliable choice for  the past four years, however in 2023 it's not an   obvious choice anymore due to the sheer amount of  competition as you saw earlier. If you've already   purchased the Z1 then this is still a camera  you can use professionally for years to come,   however the price point right now is just too  much to justify as a new purchase when there are   other options at similar price points like the  X phase and the Insta360 1-inch and those two   cameras exceed the Theta Z1 at their specific use  cases. It will still be a good choice if you shoot   photos at night time, since the 1- inch sensor  delivers far superior image quality than the rest,   however that's a pretty niche use case. The third  camera to consider that isn't an obvious buy is   the Theta X, many people were unhappy last year  that it didn't have a one inch sensor, it didn't   shoot raw and it was seemingly a step backwards  from the Z1, well again I think the Theta X is a   niche camera for a niche audience but it performs  extremely well for that niche audience and that   niche audience is people that want to shoot  virtual tours with amazing dynamic range without   having to do any editing. The inbuild HDR feature  is extremely impressive in most situations,   combine that with 60 megapixel resolution and  this is the perfect camera for Real Estate virtual   tours. It's too expensive to buy for 360 video  and it doesn't have the editing flexibility of   the Z1 or 1-inch, so I'd only get it if you want  quick 360 photos with amazing dynamic range .  Now for the cameras you should buy. Let's start  with 360 photos and with the low end of the price   range the Trisio Lite 2 is the obvious choice. If  you want to spend less than 400 on a camera for   virtual tours. It doesn't shoot 360 video so only  get this if photography is your main use case. If   you're willing to spend more, well a thousand  dollars more, then the Xphase Pro X2 will be   a great investment for any virtual tour business.  As you saw those images are so sharp and with the   few firmware updates they've released over the  past few years they have tackled the bad dynamic   range issue, as well as, some other frustrations I  had when shooting with the Xphase like, the camera   constantly freezing. If you're looking for high  quality 360 photos then the Xphase will decimate   the competition in most 360 photo situations. The  main downsides are the Xphase doesn't shoot 360   video and the workflow feels a bit bare bones so  you need to be really patient when shooting and   editing with the Xphase ,however if you are  a patient person, you'll get these fantastic   results that come close to 360 photos taken with a  DSLR. The 360 video I think you can guess what my   recommendations are, yes the Insta360 One RS 1-  inch and the X3. If you want to spend less than   500 get the X3, if you're willing to spend more  for more quality get the 1-inch. While the 1- inch   doesn't have the action features of the X3, it  does have that one inch sensor which means better   videos and better photos and I really would get  this for more considered shoots where you might   be shooting 360 videos for VR or you just want  more overall quality for your reframe 360 videos.   X3 is the better choice if you're shooting 360  videos for social media or any type of action   content, it's got a lot more features that  are action friendly, like being waterproof,   having a smaller and easier to use design  and it's cheaper if you were to break the   camera. You're not going to cry yourself to sleep,  although I probably still would. Also active HDR,   yeah now what if you're looking to shoot both 360  video and 360 photos? Which 360 camera should you   buy? Well while I hate to keep recommending the  same thing over and over again I really do think   that the One RS 1-inch and X3 are the best  choices. Clearly they're the best two cameras   for 360 video, but also they shoot quite good  photos. With the one inch sensor of the 1- inch   it comes close to the Theta Z1 and Theta X which  yes, you could use to shoot professional virtual   tours and build a business around. It also shoots  the highest resolution and best quality 360 videos   in bright light as well as low light which is  also one of the strengths of the 1- inch. With   the right manual exposure settings your shots will  be not only Noise free but will be better quality   and have less motion blur than other cameras.  So if that's your use case and you're willing   to spend a bit more then the 1-inch is the best  camera of the lot, although I'd say the X3 isn't   that far behind. While it is lacking with 360  photos as we saw with a virtual tour examples it   does shoot much better photos outside, especially  when using pure shot mode. Then with 360 video,   you know the rest, it's got active HDR and  all of the great editing options that come   in the app and the desktop software that make  this camera by far the best 360 camera under   $500 for 360 photos and videos in 2023. So if you  don't need it for a niche purpose but you want to   shoot a bit of everything then the X3 really is  the obvious choice. Did Insta360 pay you to say   that? and look I know it seems totally biased  that I'm recommending Insta 360 camera after   Insta 60 camera, but the truth is Insta360 have  a monopoly on 360 cameras. Year after year they   have literally been the only company consistently  releasing cameras and while there's only been this   much difference between them over the years,  this much plus this much, plus this much,  plus this much, plus this much equals this much  and that can't be said about other companies. I   really do think Insta360 make the best cameras  for 360 video by far, that's said I welcome any   competition that comes in 2023 that could  potentially knock them off their pedestal.   Now let's talk about some upcoming cameras coming  this year. The first one is the Lab Pano PilotPano   and this was announced a couple of months ago to  crickets, reason being the specs were exactly the   same as everything we currently have. I won't  dismiss this camera too soon because I do have   one on the way but to be perfectly honest, I don't  have high hopes. The next one is a camera that's   just been announced, well two cameras actually.  The Qoocam 3 and the Qoocam 3 Ultra from dun dun   dun Kandao. Yeah, remember Kandao? The company  that made the Qoocam 8K, which was an 8K 360   camera that promised a lot, only to overheat  for most people causing the lenses to go out   of focus. Which is not good when you're shooting  8K video. Anyway Kandao are releasing two cameras,   both named Qoocam, which to me seems strange, given the reputation of the Qoocam 8K you'd   think they'd move away from that name because it  wasn't a great name to begin with, was it? Qoocam,   QooCam. Here are some clues in the press release,  firstly the design looks exactly like the GoPro   Max, it's waterproof with 5.7 K video and 62  megapixel photos. It does 4K 60fps 360 videos,   which could be interesting. It has two 1.55 inch  sensors which is slightly smaller than a one inch   sensor. It will have an aperture of f 1.6, four  built-in mics for spatial audio, so nothing that   groundbreaking but I guess we'll see when it  gets released. The Qoocam Ultra is supposed to   be an 8K camera, again I'm very suspicious but  hopefully they've learned from their previous   mistakes and do thorough r and d before releasing  a camera. And now for Mr Ben's predictions for   upcoming 360 cameras this year. The first one  is a new ,or several new cameras from Insta360.   It''s not just a prediction that's a spoiler. So  here's what I'm predicting, the Insta360 Go 3,   which is their wearable action camera not a 360  camera but thought I'd mention it. I predict   they'll release the One RS2 or something with a  similar name, I'm predicting this because I've   noticed that they're clearly competing with  GoPro and DJI by entering the action camera   space and this is what you get with action  cameras, it's one new camera per year. So   you can expect the One RS 2 to come later in  the year with about a five percent difference   between that and the previous camera. I don't  think Insta 360 will release an X4 this year,   simply because they just released the X3 and  it's too soon to be releasing another X camera,   unless again they go for the same approach as  the action cameras by releasing one new one every   single year. Will there be a new GoPro 360 camera?  Hmm maybe, I wouldn't count on it though because   they haven't released anything since the Max and  that's been a pretty significant time period,   so clearly GoPro aren't prioritizing 360  cameras. My final prediction is for a new   Trisio camera. This thing is one the most bang  for your buck 360 cameras released in the past   couple of years and it's a simple concept of the  rotating camera, so clearly they've got a winning   camera concept here so, what's to stop them from  making something even bigger and better? So tell   me what's your 360 camera of choice right now  and why? Let me know down below and if you're   considering either the One RS 1-inch or the X3  then be sure to check out my detailed reviews   here so you can get the full list of pros  and cons of these cameras. See you next time
Channel: Ben Claremont
Views: 180,229
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: gStdXBJ9cGY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 7sec (1627 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 22 2023
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