Where Will the City of ZION Be Built According to Latter-day Saints?

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I'm here in Independence Missouri and one of the most sacred sites in the history of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints now to Latter-day Saints there's a lot of mystery there's a lot of questions and sometimes there's a lot of misunderstandings about this particular site the big patch of grass I'm standing on right now is known as the temple lot we're going to spend the next few minutes exploring why this is called the temple lot what it means what the early Saints intended to build here what the city of Zion is and how did these ideas grow and change as the church grew and expanded throughout the world [Music] my name is Casey Griffis I teach church history and I've traveled here to Missouri today where I'm visiting City of Independence it's a see on the outskirts of Kansas City and it's got a vibrant history the Civil War battle was fought here President Harry Truman was born here but the reason why I've come here today is to learn about the history of the Latter-Day Saints Latter-Day Saints believe that Independence was the spot where the city of Zion the New Jerusalem prophesied of in the Book of Mormon would be built meeting with an expert in church history today named Scott Woodward who I do a podcast with and we're going to be talking a little bit about what the Saints saw Zion would be what they wanted to build and why there is no city of Zion here today [Music] hi Scott AC Griffis how are you man hey we're here in Zion I hit it we made it to Zion so tell us why the early Saints called this Zion it's a long story you ready for an adventure okay let's let's start over in this room let me show you kind of where this whole story begins this story actually begins with the Book of Mormon there's an 1830 original first edition first edition yeah as as Joseph Smith was translating The Book of Mormon and got to 30 by 21 there's a prophecy there about Zion by Jesus Christ himself counts in the Book of Mormon prophesied that a New Jerusalem would be built in the Americas and this fired the minds of the early Saints one overzealous member even went so far as to claim to have received Revelation to where this location was he later recanted this Revelation but this event led Joseph Smith to seek more answers and that led Joseph Smith to inquire of the Lord what's going on here and that's where we get Doctrine and Covenants 28. Doctrine and Covenants 28 stated that no man knoweth where the city of Zion shall be built but it shall be given Hereafter behold I say unto you that it shall be on the borders by the lamanites the word lamanites was a broad term the early Saints used to refer to American Indians what's fascinating is in that very same Revelation Doctrine covenants 28 Oliver cowdery was called on a mission to the lamanites to come out here to preach to them that was part one of his mission in part two of his mission was to rear up a pillar to the location of the New Jerusalem so how does the community of Latter-day Saints get here what what leads them to that yeah so after the lamanite missionaries leave the next seven months is an interesting story Scott tells me how the Saints received Revelation upon Revelation about the city of Zion culminating in many of the Saints moving to the borders by the lamanites when they get here I mean it is the frontier it is Frontier America edge of the United States edge of civilization Joseph talked about in his journals in his history seeing the natives he was concerned about their condition this led him to pondering and eventually to the question that leads to Doctrine covenants 57 he asked the Lord pleadingly when will the Wilderness Blossom as the rose a prophecy about the lamanites flourishing according to Book of Mormon promises and where will the city of Zion be built and where will the temple stand that question invites Revelation and that's where we get Doctrine covenants 57. Doctrine and Covenants 57 stated that behold the place which is now called Independence is the center place and a spot for the temple is lying Westward Upon A Lot which is not far from the courthouse the temple is with clear specificity but the finger of the Lord pointed out it's going to be in this spot in fact you want to go see the spot yeah it's just outside all right let's do it Scott takes me outside the visitor's center past the Majestic Community of Christ Temple to a location just adjacent to the street so this is the temple lot this is it this is it but it's not just here this entire area quite a little ways was all considered a temple La that's a big space for a temple how come they needed so much space well come here let me show you let's let's come around this way Scott takes me to a large empty lot of grass owned by the church of the temple lot this spot has been kept empty due to its sacred and religious nature over here there's some cornerstones so here's one Southeast corner of the temples not too far from this Cornerstone lies three other cornerstones creating an impressive size Temple but Scott points out to me that there's more here this is actually just Temple number five of 24. we're gonna build 24 24 temples was the original uh plan church leaders created a city Platt envisioning how this complex would look with 24 lots for 24 different temples so this would be Temple number five there would be one there one on the other side three this way and then six more rows of three going that way so this isn't a temple this is a temple complex it's a temple complex so they're calling them temples but we've probably talked about them today as more like administrative buildings these weren't temples like how we might think of temples today where only sacred ordinances are being performed to them they were more like the kurlin temple where administrative practices would also be held in them some of these temples would be for the deacons the teachers the first presidency and more like in Salt Lake today You've Got A Relief Society building and then you've got the church Administrative Building then you've got a church office building and then you've got a temple proper right right then you've got the conference center and so this that's the idea is this whole area would be kind of the administrative and Temple center of the church right so this design in 1833 reflects the nature of the church in 1833 if we were to build this today it might look very different I would imagine it would be different because there's been development since 1833 in church structure administratively and the ordinances that were not revealed in 1833 but in Nauvoo would undoubtedly be then performed here temples were only the beginning this was to become the city of Zion they had housing complexes and other ideas planned to expand the city however none of it came to pass yeah an incredible design an incredible plan uh it would have been amazing but they lost it yeah I guess the next question we've got to ask is why isn't it here yeah as you'll notice it's not here we never built this yeah in fact Let Me Go show you another spot okay helpful to talk about that to continue our Quest and understanding Zion Scott takes me about 50 miles north to a remote location called the Far West Temple site so where are we now welcome to Far West oh this feels kind of out in the countryside a little remote here this used to be a bustling Latter-Day Saint community of about 5 000 people at its height really yeah in fact this was Church headquarters for a time we used to have Kirtland and Missouri and now we just have Missouri in 1838 and that's when far west is really at its at its height at its peak during 1838 and there's this fence around what's this yeah you want to go check it out yeah let's go take a look so tell us a little bit about the the temple here in Farwell yeah so you'll notice there's four cornerstones they're currently protected under glass these are original the dimensions of this Temple or about the same size slightly bigger than the temple that was to be planned in Jackson County probably have the same look as like the Kirtland Temple we have some sketch of that there's also several scriptures that were received here in Far West some of those are excerpted here in stone and some of these Revelations are still hold it often and impactful in the church today that's right one of the most significant Revelations uh that we have that's even emphasized in the church today the name of the church is revealed here in Far West that's right this one's written there on the top left president Nelson has made that verse a super important initiative of the last few years to make sure we take that Revelation seriously the law of tithing is revealed here too yeah that's right the law of tithing is actually tied directly to the building of this house the Lord says in Doctrine and Covenants 119 how are we supposed to do all those financial things have the Saints gather here build a community how are we going to fund that and in response to the prophet's prayer the law of tithing and Doctrine and Covenants 119 was revealed this one in the middle here is the key one about this very plot it says let the city Far West be a holy and consecrated land unto me and it shall be called Most Holy for the ground upon which thou standest is fully and then he says therefore I command you to build a house unto me for the Gathering Together of my saints that they may worship so there it is Doctrine covenants 115 verse 8. build another house unto me so there's not a lot here there's the temple lot there's some nice bathrooms great bathrooms those are not original by the way if this was once a huge City I mean how did this go from being one of the fastest growing cities in Missouri to being basically empty space that this place was thriving in 1838 as we mentioned but uh in October of 1838 that's when the infamous extermination order was issued by Governor Lilburn W Boggs of Missouri that's what is going to lead to the Saints being driven out not just of Jackson County as it happened in 1833 but this time out of the state of Missouri it was if you stay here you die kind of a legislative move and so that leads to the emptying of far west and the Saints go across the river into Illinois this persecution forced the Saints to Leave Behind These locations where they had hoped to build their temples in the city of Zion but there's one more location Scott has to show me so there's one more place just north in Davies County at a place called adamandayama Adam all right yeah let's go let's go check it out Scott takes me about 30 miles north to a mysterious site called Adam ondi almond this site has been full of speculation and hopefully Scott can help us clear some of this up so where are we at now Scott well welcome to the valley of Adam on dayam and Casey wow beautiful so this is the valley of adamandeham and up there on the ridge is called Spring Hill that's where the Saints originally settled when they came to this area actually there was a temple site we don't know exactly where it was somewhere in that area that was not ever built it's kind of like Far West it's like Jackson County that just goes to show that we were planning on building temples everywhere as part of the Zion project so we we didn't build the city of Zion we didn't get to build Far West we didn't get to build here do you think the Saints will come back and rebuild these places and and finally get to build those temples that question was on the minds of Latter-day Saints in Nauvoo after we've been expelled from Missouri in fact the Doctrine and Covenants 124 can I share scripture absolutely when I give a commandment to any of the sons of men to do a work unto my name and those sons of men go with all their might and with all they have to perform that work they cease not their diligence and their enemies come upon them and hinder them from performing that work behold it be who with me to require that work no more at the hands of those sons of men but to accept of their offerings and then he he applies in verse 51 he says therefore for this cause have I accepted the offerings of Those whom I commanded to build up a city and a house unto my name in Jackson County Missouri and we're hindered by their enemies saith the Lord your God so does that mean that we're not going to build the temple complex and Independence that they had planned or how do you interpret them yeah what that means is the lord requires that work no more so that's the current final word of the Lord on that topic right now if he ever wants to command his Saints to go ahead and build it again then he can do so like what's the latest should we go with DNC 57 where he says this is the center Place we've got to build it we go dnc84 that says I need you to build the temple on Jackson County's Temple spot we would say no go with Doctrine covenants 124 where he says I require that work no more at your hands I find it helpful to take my cues from Joseph Smith on this it's interesting like Joseph Smith ever after section 124 was given he never referred again to Jackson County Missouri as the place where we were going to go back and rebuild you'll remember Article of Faith 10 which he wrote this is just a year later after DNC 124 he said that we believe in the literal Gathering of Israel right but then he said that Zion the New Jerusalem would be built somewhere on the American continent right he did not specify Jackson County Missouri and then shortly after he starts teaching that Zion will be all of North and South America so Joseph's understanding of Zion continued to shift and expand it's interesting to watch Joseph Smith post DNC 124 and a shift in his his mind away from Jackson County taking the Lord seriously that he required that work no more whether or not we will ever come back and rebuild that City and rebuild a temple there or Temple complexes maybe 24 temples like we talked about uh that would help all need to depend upon additional Revelation so it might not be a not ever it could be a not right now but we don't know we don't know yeah he leaves it at that I require that work no more at your hands the city and the Temple of Jackson County Scott then explains that even though the prophecies about rebuilding Zion in these areas are not in effect today there still is an important prophecy and effect here the Doctrine and Covenants calls this place Adam and I am and it's where a large Gathering of God's people will take place under the direction of Adam here the Lord will visit his people in the last days so this is not just a church history site this is like a church future site so some of the most momentous occasions in the history of humanity will happen here at adamandiamen all the temples that are built from Nauvoo forward and all temples in the Latter-Day Saint tradition this is where all temples are pointing toward at least the meeting that will happen here launches that Millennial work of Latter-day Saints with Christ ruling and reigning I think it's a beautiful beautiful picture the Lord is very serious about temples the reason for his seriousness about temples is to help prepare us to prepare our hearts to prepare our minds to prepare our our souls to be turned to Christ in such a way that when he comes again will be prepared to participate in the kingdom of God on Earth you know the application of Adam on diamond the application of temples ultimately is about being ready for Christ to come I think that's what this has been about all from the beginning thank you Scott yeah thanks for having me as we worship in temples we fulfill what the early Saints have started Joseph Smith thought that any place where the Saints gather is Zion and anywhere they could get a temple built there was Zion although the early Saints never completed many of these Temple designs they left behind a strong Legacy for us to continue building Zion around the world [Music] [Music] thank you
Channel: Doctrine and Covenants Central
Views: 166,322
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Come Follow Me, Doctrine and Covenants, Church History, Joseph Smith, LDS, Mormon, Latter Day Saint, Latter Day Saints, zion, Zion, New Jerusalem, City of Zion, Second Coming, Last Days
Id: DVZP_xBXt0w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 15sec (1095 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 10 2023
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