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hey everyone and welcome to the Atacama Desert so yesterday we had a pretty smooth journey across from Arena Del Mar here to the Atacama Desert we took a two-hour bus Journey back to Santiago where we had a flight booked to bring us right here to the desert we went really smooth really nice we even took the public bus from the Santiago bus station over to the airport we went really smooth and we had time to even have a little sneaky Cinnabon um so yeah it was travel days ago it was pretty slick and then we arrived at Kalama airport here in the desert and Craig left his passport on the plane after we disenvarked so that was a bit stressful but luckily because we've hired a car here they asked us for his passport at which point Craig had a little panic and went I know where it is just left it on the plane floor I was like cool if you could go back and get that'd be great so yeah he had a little Sprint back through the airport and the flight attendants were great got his passport back so other than that really lovely smooth travel day and got a higher car drove through the Atacama Desert through to San Pedro this town is lovely and we've gone up to the altitude of around 2 000 and something meters that's where we are now so today we're spending our first day on the advice of everybody that you do anything too crazy on your first day you just spend the time getting used to it not doing any crazy tours so we thought what better opportunity than to show you around our accommodation because although yesterday went really smooth as far as travel days go when we arrived about 5 30 last night we got to our accommodation that we booked online and it looked all lovely and bright online and we arrived there and I'm not exaggerating when I say I look like a prison it was all closed up there were no lights on and nobody was home um we couldn't get hold of the accommodation owners um so and our phone wasn't working to call them eventually a local person helped us and called the number on the board and a lady and a man came out to let us in our room and it was walled up and in G they were quite rude and we just decided thank you but no thank you we have a car so we were very lucky that we could just drive around San Pedro and find something else so we did exactly that and Craig fans are more online we won't have to look at it and we parked up outside at this place just across the road from where I am now and realize they have no Wi-Fi but while we were doing that we looked at this place where I'm standing right now and it looked like this beautiful desert Fortress with some twinkly lights that we could see from our car and looked up like oh I want to stay there so I followed this coupling who were walking through the door because you can't get in otherwise smacked my way in met the owners had a lovely chat with them and they gave us a nice cash discount rate and here we are for the next five months nice so yeah let's start by showing you a tour of this Oasis in the Atacama Desert that we're now staying in at a beautifully discounted rate I think it works out about 40 pound a night which for this prestigious location and I'll show you all of it afterwards but let's start off with our little room tour Road 117 and there's good Wi-Fi here I didn't expect the Wi-Fi to be this good so here we are This Is Us and I can confirm that last night we had a delightful sleep in this bed and this desert is peaceful and quiet as well so yeah we've got these nice lights that you can adjust from the bed and we even got given these lovely little candies which is always nice for me or sweets we've already attached to them there's not many of them there they are good um it's kind of like it's got Santorini Vibes with like how everything's kind of built in and follows on it's like that but a darker color I'm gonna shut the door because it's a bit of a desert winter just know just how quiet it was see I've got a nice big desk area here which is perfect I was working there this morning Craig was editing huge TV which we had a little um movie session in bed last night which was so nice to watch TV and relax after a crazy travel day and I've got a little fridge and oh and breakfast is included with this place as well I've got to say that we all know how much I love of breakfast included Craig always laughs at me for how excited I get breakfast this morning was delightful it was like fresh scrambled eggs and toast lemon meringue pie which Craig loves a bit of an odd one for breakfast but I'm not complaining definitely got involved um fresh fruit like nice fresh fruit the owners just can't do enough for us they're so lovely they speak way more English than I expected them to I was trying really hard with my basic level of Spanish and they were like don't worry about it we'll speak to you in English which is bad because it means I don't practice my Spanish but at the same time really lovely of them kind of feel bad because we're getting a discounted rate here but they seem really happy and like I say is the shoulder season so I think they're happy to have the rooms uh taken up um but yeah I've got these shelves even got our own little llama look our own little pet llama so he's cute and yeah so I've got a Shelf with my clothes so you can see my nice packing cubes there Craig's got his packing cubes very his and hers set up that we've got spare blankets because it can get cold in the desert or they were pretty snuggly we've got this radiator behind me which is nice and a nice big radiator so you won't be surprised to find that I sleep this side next to the radiator oh I think the cleaner ladies here we'll pick it up in a second just want to show you guys the bathroom quickly because the bathroom is just delightful so excuse our stuff everywhere we've moved in we've got comfortable as you can see a nice big mirror um nice nice area to put everything toilet over here and the shower is a nice rainfall shower and a touch head shower so nice and we have nice hot water we kind of were told by the owners that it takes a while for the hot water to come through but we were pleasantly surprised at how quick we had a nice hot shower last night and this morning morning so yeah really happy with this place okay now we're gonna head outside and show you the outside area it feels like a spa location it's so nice there's a swimming pool which is pretty cold this time of year so no one's really using it um and there's a lovely viewing point because here out in the desert there's not much light pollution so the stars at night are stunning we went and had a quick look last night it's very cold but worth it and there's a rooftop viewing area you can get drinks there's a cafeteria here that you can get food up until nine o'clock at night so we managed to get ourselves dinner last night as well it's just lovely let's go see [Music] yeah there's nice seating areas as you walk around and you can buy wine and beers from the cafeteria and keep them in your fridge so you can take your leisure evenings after your adventury days and it's all beautifully lit up at night here and if you want to come in the daytime we've got the protection from the Sun and an evening this time of year right now it's windy it's nice to have this little area to come to so yeah lovely place every hair we have the food super quiet right now because we're here in the shoulder season I'm going to try not to fall in love because I don't want to fall in there but yeah I can imagine here like sunbathing here in the height of summer when it's scorching desert heat it's so nice yeah I think anyone's gonna be crazy enough to go in there I'm setting up craiging yeah there's this lovely area here as well as well full day it's open from lunchtime until 9 pm at night and most of the tours start really early here um so breakfast actually starts at 4am here which is crazy but that's because the tours pick you up at 45 a.m and they're just just fun things really nicely here breakfast at 4am until 10 a.m so like for us today obviously we're having a more relaxed day and they know that people on their first day tend to have to have a relaxing day to acclimate or get used to the altitude on your first day so you can relax okay this is the cafeteria here where we had I had a nice cheap salad last night vacated to veggies as well and Craig had a hot dog there was no ordinary hot dog it had two sausages in it a load of avocado on top as well so fancy hot dog good prices as well it came to like 350 000 pesos which is about 3 pounds and that's actually where I came in last night and met the lovely owners and went and went sat down and discussed room and pricing and everything and I hate haggling I'm so British it's not my forte at all but we came to an agreement it's lovely so we're happy and they've got a nice little Reception Area when you come in I just love how it's also deserty and decorated and looks like a desert Fortress okay so now let's head off upstairs to the best bit of the whole Resort in my opinion let's go see is here here and have some drinks so amazing and just over there you can see a volcano which is very slowly where our room looks out onto as well so nice today is a pretty windy day but yeah I'm a little bit out of breath because I'm not used to the altitude so just walking up those stairs and taking my breath away a little bit but yeah what a stunning little setup and you can look down and see the swimming pool and the cafeteria but also the cafeteria will bring you your food and drinks to your room as well so you can have it out there really excited to spend the next three or four days exploring the area oh it's just down here you can literally little Nissan kicks that we are gonna explore the area today we're going to head out and just go for a wander around the town and get some cash out and we'll do it for the next few days okay place to enjoy it from
Channel: Tide Knot Travellers
Views: 3,153
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: WHERE to stay in SAN PEDRO DE ATACAMA!, san pedro de atacama, san pedro de atacama chile, How to see San Pedro de Atacama, atacama desert night sky, atacama desert chile, atacama desert documentary, Desert oasis, Sleeping in the Atacama Desert, Atacama desert, chile south america, valle de la luna, Must see sights of San Pedro de Atacama, chile travel vlog, chile travel video, travel couple vlog, Tide Knot Travellers, Chile, Desert view
Id: b0ysln0UsZ4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 48sec (648 seconds)
Published: Fri May 26 2023
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