Where To Buy Cheap Cash Cars

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what's up youtube welcome to automotive life my name is lucky and today we have a really exciting video where to buy cheap cars it's probably the most asked question i get over and over again people are always looking i see it in the comment section all the time where do you buy these cheap cars at so i wanted to give you kind of a breakdown today of how i buy them how i look for them and how you yourself can buy them whether you have a dealer's license or you do not have a dealer's license but before i get into that if you could please smash the like button for the youtube algorithm it helps me find more amazing people like yourselves and enjoy automotive content also if you consider subscribing i post great stuff like this all the time without any more shameless plugging let's get into the video now before i go into the video there's something you guys need to ask yourselves why are you buying cheap cars the reason behind this is we want to know why you're buying cheap cars because it's either for two things you either want to maybe flip cars on the side maybe you're a dealer you want to buy some cheap cash cars to build your buy here payer portfolio you know whatever the case is the reason behind it is you want to make sure that if you're buying these cheap cars if you're a dealer you're going to have comebacks you're going to have issues complaints from customers maybe your buyer payer won't perform as well so i recommend buying maybe a little bit more of expensive car now if you're a person that's just flipping cars on the side then it's not that big of a deal you're just doing cash cars or you know you're just getting started in the industry then cheap cash cards are kind of the way to go but also you need to make sure that you don't take on more than what you can actually do so if you buy some of these cheap cash cars do not buy heavy mechanical problems or body problems or anything like that until you actually get a system developed whether you have a repair shop you know if you're handy if you're a mechanic yourself make sure you take these things before we start shopping because i see a lot of people they'll get excited i'm sure when i show you a few of these ideas you're going to want to go out and buy some cars but hold your horses take a minute see exactly what you want to do before you actually execute it so let's go ahead and get in the first one which everybody knows is facebook now everybody goes on facebook marketplace and shops it's probably one of the most traffic sites as far as vehicles go but i just want to put this in under conventional a lot of people are constantly going through facebook craigslist craigslist is dead in las vegas but there are still a lot of people that use craigslist everywhere else so every morning i usually wake up and i check all these platforms um offer up offer up is a really good one for me it's a online application it's completely free i do a lot of my selling for cars for dealership-wise as well as personal wise i sell a lot of my you know furniture other stuff you don't need offer up is definitely a great one and the best thing about offrup is they allow you to boost your posts so you know whether it comes to craigslist or facebook when you post a car you know it's hard to find a good vehicle but if somebody boosts it up it pops up to the top so if let's say you buy the car and you're ready to flip it you want to get offer up so this way you can push your car to the top and it stays up there until the car sells next one which a lot of people forget about is local paper you know a lot of these old school guys do not sell their cars the traditional way like you know facebook craigslist offer up so if you let's say you're a guy that likes to flip classic cars local paper is a great one which i'm going to tell you there's an awesome trick for the local paper as well but look inside there because like i said some of these people that use this a lot of the older demographics they don't sell their cars that often so they still rely on the paper to get it done so don't forget every sunday buy your paper go through it next one which i know a lot of people don't talk about which is a good spot for me swap meets now you may not have one in your current city or location but there are swap meets all over the place you know it's a great spot where people get together they sell personal goods car parts everything else and you get a chance to go there and start talking to these people so i recommend getting a little card saying hey i buy cars and just start networking going to these swap meets the next one car shows now don't get me wrong there's a lot of cars for sale at car shows you know you're always going to get these guys that spent 10 years restoring a car and they want 200 dollars for it the car's only worth 50. we're not talking about that when you go to the car shows i like to buy cars that are basically halfway through the project maybe they got some issues maybe a kid's talking about upgrading to another car same thing you just start networking you get out there and you start talking to these people because you'll see all this will line up to the very last one which we're going to do but i don't want to spoil the surprise you have to wait till the end of the video for that one so we're going to start in the non-conventional the first one is auto repair you can actually buy a lot of cars from auto repair you start handing out your cars saying hey i buy cars i'm an automotive broker wholesaler car flipper however you want to distinct yourself and you let them know if anybody has a car that maybe costs too much for repairs you know if you're familiar with repairing cars or if you're looking for people that basically haven't picked up their cars because as an auto repair shop and one of the things we teach you in our course is we show you how to lean vehicles if customers don't pay for them so if the customer drops off the car you put a transmission in it and they don't pay their bill you get the title now you get the title you could turn around and sell it yourself or you could sell it to a dealer or a car flipper like yourself so auto repair shops a good one same thing with body shops same rule applies you're gonna get a lot of people that you know can't afford the repairs maybe they can't afford or they spent the insurance money and now they can't pick up their cars or the body shops actually have a few uh in pounds or uh liens that they wanna basically cars they wanna sell you should stop by every auto body shop every auto repair shop start handing out your cards to every single one hey let me know if you get anything if anybody needs any cars because the best part is you can preface this like hey if i buy a car i will give you hundred dollars on whatever i buy the car for and then also you can tell them hey tell your customer i'll give them a thousand dollars for trade-in for their car and i'll sell them one of my cards that you already have ready and i'll give you a commission of a hundred two hundred dollars so you have this nice flow of customers coming in and out so these two are some of my favorites next one is car rentals every car rental company defleets their vehicles whether it's due to age mileage you know damage whatever the case is so stop by all your local rental car companies and ask them say hey do you guys have any older cars maybe some cars that are beat up maybe a car with a blown motor bad training whatever else you can get a lot of deals out of this one this is actually one of the first places i started and they were just giving us cars because they didn't want to take them to the auction because most dealers won't buy a car that has you know maybe too many dents a blown motor stuff like that so there's definitely one good place the next one is pawn shops a lot of people don't know this but with most states in most cities you can pawn your vehicle now when you pawn your vehicle you actually give them the title and they hold the car as collateral and if the customer doesn't make the payments they basically have the right to sell the vehicle now the best part about pawn shops is they'll sell them pretty much quickly because ninety percent of times it's all profit so they just want to get rid of it so take the time to go to all your pawn shops and ask them and say hey look i'm a car flipper you know give me a call if you have anything you know all this stuff is going to take a lot of time to build but it's definitely worth it it'll pay dividends in the end the very next one we're going to talk about are title loan companies now some states you have to be a dealer some states you don't have to be but title loans is something really big you know title max a few of these other ones they're always selling cars they're always repoint cars so if you can get yourself in with this company and be able to bar purchase cars before they hit the auction you'll get massive savings now one thing i'm going to tell you about these last two the pawn shops the title loans and the rental cars usually if you do business with them you need to have money and what i mean by that is you're going to buy sometimes two to three to maybe 10 cars at a time so the the pawn shops i work with and title loan companies the rental car companies the rental cars it's always 10 cars i got to buy 10 cars all at once have no choice title loan companies exact same thing you got to buy 10 cars at once no questions asked and a lot of times i buy a lot of really crappy cars i don't want just to get the good ones one thing i'm going to tell you build these relationships take the time buy all their crappy cars you could always flip them sell them as long as you break even it doesn't matter don't lose money but as long as you break even on some of these other ones just to get yourself in the door that's going to be the big thing because every dealer goes in there and they cherry pick and they pick the cream puffs and they leave the crap for the rest of them what i do is the reason i have these relationships with these particular vendors is i buy everything the good the bad the ugly everything next one which is also a very hidden gem are charities now a lot of you guys may have charities in your local places some don't but look it up catholic charities people were was it veterans village like a lot of these different ones they have auctions where they sell maybe clothing maybe old commercial goods sometimes they get vehicles you know when it's a public auction you're allowed to attend it so you can go there and bid on some of these cars and some of these charities actually have private events so another good place it's a hidden gem the next we're going to talk about is auctions and it's not the auctions you're thinking about everybody knows we can go to the dealer auctions and buy cars these particular ones we have pointed out are all accessible to the actual general public so if you're thinking about getting an industry you should definitely look at this first one we're going to talk about is copart now copart does do a lot of salvage rec damage vehicles but they also do clean title cars charity vehicles title loan companies everything they do a little bit of everything and depending on your state county or city or wherever you live certain vehicles you could purchase from copart without a dealer's license it's very simple you just go online you fill out the documentation they'll give you a login and then you just search cars for sale for public and you're able to buy it poof just like that very simple not that crazy don't have to get a dealer's license but this will get you started same thing with iaa iaa is insurance auto auctions uh um god i can't remember the next eye but anyways so this one's a really good one because same thing it's an auction that's based for the regular person you can go in there you can buy rec cars clean title cars you know pretty much everything from a to z classic cars as well and they'll give you a list of cars that are actually being able to be sold to the general public that's where you want to find it so like i said if you want to get started in the car business and you don't have a dealer's license this is where i would start just to get your feet with or just to see what the dealership auction uh process is like because you know i if you've seen some of my videos where i'm running around bidding on cars this is just as crazy and this will give you a sense of what we actually deal with the next one public auctions now every city state county whatever has a public auction you just have to find out if they sell cars now there's a really good one in phoenix arizona that i go to i won't say the name because i don't want to give it away but there's a lot of good ones in phoenix and nevada unfortunately there's no public auctions but in phoenix you could find one where they're giving away all kinds of cars the police take their vehicles down there the city dealers selling their trade-ins everything else and it's open to the general public now unfortunately you are going to pay really high prices because public auctions they're not savvy dealers or business people they're going to pay whatever retail is so be sure to be cautious when you're buying through these actual locations but like i said this is a good way to get started and actually seeing if you want to get in the automotive industry as far as being a dealer okay the next part we're going to talk about are ads now this is where you create your own luck to bring people into you so everything we discussed before is actually people you have to go look for cars you actually have to go out and drive and find and check and all that other stuff but if you're let's say you're a dealership owner or you're on a storefront you're very busy busy person cash for cars is the way i love these ads i got about 30 of them running all over vegas and what we do is we put them on facebook instagram your local paper you know you get uh if you have a business at a on a busy corner wrap a van stick it up there hey cash for cars this way people will come to you now this is a really wide net and you will get a lot of people that are just wasting your time in tire kicking but all you have to do is get one car off of this ad each ad per month pays for itself so the example i'm going to give you guys today is we spend probably about five grand a month i think in cash for car ads and just this week we've gotten probably about six or seven cars we're gonna make about four or five thousand dollars on so it pays for itself now we've bought a lot of junk like cars we've literally gone out and bought cars and took them straight to the junkyard made 50 bucks went back out there just to build the name to let people know that we're all buying everything junk cars non-running whatever else the case may be but this is something where like i said you build your own luck and you bring the people to you now the ads can also do everything else once you start these ads they'll reach body shops repair shops you know they'll reach these people that are looking to sell their cars so this is something that will pay dividends if you do it on a monthly consistent basis now everything that i've shown you from this point on all has to do with checking every day sometimes three or four times a day because everybody's like well i already look on facebook lucky i know that or i already know that ia does public auctions but how often do you check and how aggressive are you you know a lot of people i know they're right now they're desperate for cars they're literally sitting in their tow trucks they're sitting in their cars with a stack of cash in your center console waiting to find a deal and that's basically how eager you have to be to get ready to buy stuff like this because as soon as it pops up you know on facebook offer up craigslist it's gone in two seconds so even some of the cars we sold today there were cheap cash cars as soon as we posted them within 30 40 minutes people are coming down with cash boom because like i said all the stimulus ballers all the unemployment ballers are out there buying everything there's more money out in the world today than the last 10 years so people that normally don't have money for cars or that are desperate to sell their cars because they need to pay bills are no longer selling their cars or they're buying even more so now that they got one for them now they're buying one for maybe their spouse or their friend or their family member or whatever the case may be so that's why there's a massive shortage of cars so you keep these principles of doing this and this will pay dividends but this is what's going to go on to our next one which is time and social network like i said you need to be constantly looking and you need to have sorry my handwriting's awful consistency checking all this stuff is huge as you start doing this you're going to meet people you're going to meet brokers and that's where your social network comes in as you befriend these people you stop by once a week bring them donuts hey how you folks doing you guys have any cars don't worry remember me later stop by the body shops rental cars posting the ads on there stopping by every car uh show every swap meet hey guys i buy cars if you want to buy car parts whatever think of me your friend needs a car or start making that make a shitload of cards and postcards and just hand them out to everybody start going to every single auction even if you don't have any money right now go so you can learn this stuff and you could meet people to build your social network because a lot of my calls will come from actual people that have already done business with in the past or some along the way have touched them and said hey you know we've we've touched base on cars i know you buy cars i have a friend that buys cars and then that's when they call you and you want to be that guy you want to basically be their friend that buys cars even that too like i have some of the franchise stores they know me as the junk guy i literally buy all their junky cars because i know that eventually one day i'm going to want a nice car from them and as long as i'm buying all their junk they're going to go ahead and come back and bring it to me so these are some of the ways that like i said we actually get a lot of cars and we just keep doing the system now there are some more ways but i can't show everybody because some of this stuff is in my course and i got at least some of it for some of the people there so this way it makes my course a little bit special and makes people want to buy it but this is everything that i recommend you start with and start building this process and going over it so if you feel like you learned anything please smash the like button i truly appreciate it also if you consider subscribing i'm going to do more stuff like this all the time we are posting three times a week and i'm gonna try to keep up this pace until my head explodes also if you can follow me on instagram automotive.life i'm posting great stuff there all the time i am way more popular on instagram than i am on facebook and youtube it's probably because you can cuss and do a lot more crazy stuff and be more myself on instagram than i can on youtube but until then guys i appreciate it so much and we'll see you next time [Music] oh
Channel: Lucky Lopez
Views: 37,278
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Cash cars, how to flip cars, flipping cars, car flipping, copart, Iaai, car auction, buying cars at auction, Dealers license, Dealership, how to make money, turo, hyrecar, buying a car with cash, how to buy a car, used car buying, cash car, how to get a dealers license, car flipping 101, flipping cars for cash, flipping cars for profit, how to flip cars for profit, how to flip cars and make money, flipping cars for a living, flipping cars for beginners, copart walk around
Id: 3UhO85ENYYw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 11sec (1031 seconds)
Published: Wed May 19 2021
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