Where Religious Symbols Come From -- That Happened Thursday

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hey kids it's that happen Thursday so today I'll discuss where different religious symbols come from first up is Christianity as most of you know Jesus of Nazareth was crucified despite being supposedly sinless so the cross is representative of his martyrdom personally I always thought choosing the cross of all things to signify the whole religion was at least a little silly right my prophet he was a great dude spread peace and love all along the land performed many bountiful miracles and then right at the end he fell face-first into a [ __ ] bear trap and died so that's our simple whole religion bear trap peace love compassion and bear trap next up is the Jewish Star of David it's been used now and then since the 11th century but it only really got popular around the 1800s there's no real special meaning behind it they really just took a random symbol that was kind of around called the hexagram and made it their own bro check out my new religious symbol I'm pretty sure you didn't come up with that pretty sure that's the thing elementary schoolers doing their notebook when they're bored nah man not once it gets popular then everybody will think of my religion when they see it whatever floats your boat Jimmy what is this in your notebook oh it's just a little doodle Jimmy listen to me we are Catholics now get over here and erase this blasphemy but mom I know next is Islam so the star and crescent actually used to represent the Ottoman Empire which ruled over most of the Islamic world during the 1800s however the Empire dissolved after World War one and its symbol was later adopted to represent Islam as a whole around the 1970s hey Rob guess what I'm starting a new baseball team isn't that the Chicago Cubs logo oh please they're barely even a team when's the last time they did anything nobody's using this symbol because nobody wants to buy their merchandise perfectly good logo I'm taking it for my team couldn't that lead to a bit of confusion only because they'll see a guy in a Cubs jersey you can actually catch a pop fly next up is Taoism all right so the yin-yang or as they call it the Taiji two actually applies to a lot of Asian religions just the Tao use it as their primary symbol today it originated in China dating back to the 11th century AD although it's had a lot of different looks over the years it's always represented the same idea of balance between contrasting forces in the world okay Carl balance of good and evil let's see your design not bad not bad all right what about you Steve what the hell is that oh well you said balance between good and bad in the world so I I drew a grilled cheese sandwich shaking hands with a razor blade covered dildo what okay all other questions aside why is a grilled cheese the best thing you could think of uh have you ever had a grilled cheese like a real one with butter too smeared all over it crust nice and crispy sprinkle some onions in there get out okay so you know how when people are meditating in movies they do that obnoxious home thing well apparently home is actually the name of the popular Hindu symbol and repeating its name aloud is said to be a sacred incantation which is why it's said during things like rituals or yoga the actual meaning behind the symbol is said to represent a load of different things depending on who you ask or when basically whatever your purpose is it's a one-size-fits-all prayer bless us O Lord and these thy gifts which we are about to receive from thy bounty ah this is taking forever no you know what I'm gonna make my own religion yeah and our prayers one syllable long we're just gonna go ode whenever we feel like praying that's it dinner table good but how will you get any meaning out of that it's my own word I can give it whatever meaning I want so I'll just give it all the meanings it'll mean the soul it'll mean the universe it'll mean I don't have to recite any more long-winded [ __ ] anyway pass the corn so unfortunately that's all we have time for for today at some point I'll do a second video covering some of the more obscure religious symbols but until tomorrow I'm salmonella and thank you for watching Oh you
Channel: Sam O'Nella Academy
Views: 8,677,208
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: christianity, judaism, jewish star, jew, star of david, star and crescent, muslim, moon, islam, iconography, hindu, hindi, om, aum, chicago cubs, tao, taoism, taijitu, yin yang, ying yang, origin
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 26sec (266 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 23 2016
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