where i've been & our VINTAGE DINING TABLE arrived

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[Music] it smell good grapes next that's so pretty so it's all melted it's starting to slow down we so Prett [Music] okay hello guys welcome back to the Vlog I'm getting ready it is Sunday and it is Mother's Day today so happy Mother's Day to all the masas out there no matter what kind of baby you got for a baby real baby I'm about to have both this pregnancy is Trucking right along look he's getting so big I feel like I'm just getting ready we're going to run to Trader Joe's um because they have the best flowers truly and they're going to be very stocked even though today is Mother's Day I contemplated getting them yesterday and I probably should have but it was fine I was working on my video which I just got live for you guys today which is episode 5 of the kitchen renovation Cabinetry design we're in that phase now and I think they're going to start bringing it this week which is really really exciting worked on that edit all day yesterday the thing about this series is um there's so much footage from overtime that goes into it so it's a lot more editing on you know like the back end is a lot more you know just trying to make it make sense and giving visuals and I always like through all of my videos I like to show what I'm saying you know so you're not left guessing kind of like what are you talking about you know like it's it's easy for me to kind of live in the project because I know what's going on I can visualize the space and everything so I try and show as many photos reference photos renders sketches everything that I possibly can make it make sense to anyone outside my own brain that's always like a lot of of editing work which totally okay I always love the outcome of th those types of videos and just making a lot of like design decisions on the Cabinetry it was really really fun so today is going to just be a a fun day with Romeo's family we're going to go to his sister's house so we're going to go to Trader Joe's and get some flowers I'm making like a shakery board cuz everyone always loves them when I make them they're just like nibbling food you know what I mean like it's always really good so I'm going to make that I also think that my appointments for the baby are about to ramp up I think that this is my last we're going into every week appointments now which is insane which means that next week starts we're a month out from his due date which is crazy I just can't believe it so I'm just going to finish putting on my makeup and we'll head out um to Trader Joe's okay so I got these pretty flowers there were so many people at Trader Joe's I didn't even film I got yellow and white and then some baby breath and then I want to mix these in so I'll do like a combo of that yellow and baby baby's breath and then that white and baby's breath and just make some pretty arrangements and I've got my cutting board here since we have no kitchen uh I have to make the shuer board at the coffee table it's great for me um I have grer guda French Bree I have salami like how this stuff I can't even eat makes me so sad sometimes I'm like a I can't eat it I have um brudo grapes and we just got some like nuts and olives and fig kind of mixture so we'll just make a little board this is so weird making it at the coffee table luckily we have the fridge outside you know like that we we kept from the renovation so that we could keep all of this cold so when I make my shaku boards I normally start with the cheese cuz it's they're kind of like specifically shaped you know so I can Nest oh we have crackers too [Music] o [Music] cheesy this Bree is so big and I might just cut a [Music] piece so we put grapes next P pieces I like to roll up the Pudo so it's easier to [Music] grab it's looking really good so far it's really full I have some like fig and other things that I can put on there once we get there like hummus and stuff kind of like falling off the the board cuz the cheese is so big but we'll bring some extras [Music] too I just kind of mix them in [Music] [Applause] [Music] so much prettier wait that's so pretty okay cut the stems just so that they all [Music] match we use a rubber band put one of these packets back in there so that they have some cut flour food does that stuff actually work I always put it in there cuz they come with it but I never know if it actually keeps them fresher longer you know and I'll wrap it we'll wrap them in tissue paper I love yellow roses I think they're so pretty smell makes them look more like wild like picked from the garden not like a stem of you know a whole like just like all the same [Music] [Music] [Music] so pretty so much better than just like you know buying the bouquets I don't know I I think it makes it more of a Special Touch not having all the plastic and mixing you know kind of your own that's why I always have tissue paper and ribbon like on hand in like pretty colors so that you can create this so pretty okay now we're really have to go we're like now really running behind cuz I wanted to do all of these things hello guys it's the next morning well it's the next pretty much afternoon now we had our doctor's appointment this morning they're going to happen every week now so have one today have one on Wednesday next Wednesday you know and they'll kind of stagger a week every week as we get cuz I think next week starts a month out from his due date so everything went perfectly did have a surprise little test that I had to do you know they always like to surprise me I've just surrendered it's just like I just got to have these tests and I've just got to do these things and anyways so we're back in the bathroom and I feel like I'm doing a science project we ran to the store and picked up a single burner we don't have a kitchen and I need it's part of my process to see new candle vessel colors with wax in them and when we're developing them we're not filling them with wax you know that's a it would be a whole another process but I can fill them with wax so it's kind of like my thing like I need to see like what the colors look like with the wax in them and stuff so I tend to I do them on my on my own I order a big thing of coconut wax from Amazon and it's not they're not scented or anything I just it's for like feel and I need to like actually like experience it so I got a single burner I got my pot and I got my wax in here so it's all melted I just need to take it out so so that it can cool down to 140° cuz you don't want to fill candles at a hotter temperature than that because they can have an kind of like a crater type kind of surface and you just don't want to so I take it out just going to put it on this towel and I have a temperature Checker so let's see how hot it is right now usually takes about 20 minutes to kind of cool down to where I want it to go yeah see that would be 140 we're already at 150 it's starting to slow down it's about 160 right now so I let that cool to 140 and then I pour it into the vessel and um with the wig and everything so that I can really experience it so I've got some really pretty colors launching one for summer one for fall several for Holiday we're doing some fun things so I just like like to test them out so we're doing a little science project it worked I was a little bit worried I was like how am I going to fill these I don't trust it I just I want to experience all the colors and stuff and we just went to Walmart and picked that up for like $14 oh my gosh you guys it's actually been a week since I vlogged there's been a couple of things that have happened in the last week that I've kind of filmed and I'll tell you about I feel like I have so much to catch you up on but I did not post any Vlogs last week so we had Mother's Day on Sunday with Romeo's family and I made the shakuri board and the flowers and and everything we went over there and then Monday I had my doctor's appointment and I worked on some projects I worked on the computer for a little bit but I I did feel like more tired but I have those days and I was just thinking like oh you know like we're approaching the last month of this pregnancy I was like it it might be a little more tiresome than I than I thought I knew cuz I knew getting to the end of the pregnancy would be more exhausting you know like he's getting bigger and we're getting closer and it's always like the doubt like he could come any day or any week or a month from now like it's like this in between where you just like don't know if he's going to make it to to full term or he's going to come early or he's going to be late who who knows truly um so I knew I would be like a little more tired and then I started to feel a little itch in my throat and it started to feel a little scratchy and I was like am I getting sick and my fear like in life I think and I think it was after the pandemic that this happened to me but my fear is getting someone else sick like so now with me like I've never really been bothered by like my own self getting sick because I feel I'm like pretty healthy I can get over things pretty quickly but now that I'm pregnant it's like can if I get sick can he get sick and I started down a spiral of paranoia and worry and all the things you know and I immediately called my doctor and it just it felt different like I I felt like I was coming down with like some kind of head cold or and I just was hoping that it wasn't like strip throat or anything like that but I did have some sniffles so I kind of knew it wasn't going to be that I don't know self- diagnosing myself and Googling was probably a bad idea but anyways called my doctor then the very next morning when it wasn't really getting better and she just told me what to do if it gets any worse come see her no big deal um but not to not not anything to be concerned about right now so I came down with a head cold I was super stopped up my throat was itchy for just like the first day but I was super tired I think with the combination of being pregnant in the last month of pregnancy already contributing to me having like lower energy and then being sick on top of that I was like done I had no energy to even think about things that could have been happening that I could Vlog and share I just had no energy and I knew I just needed to like rest recharge help my body just like get over whatever head cold that it was so it didn't get any worse and it didn't affect F the baby and I just needed to veg out and that's exactly what I did I was on the couch I I went from bed to couch to from couch to bed to bed to couch I binge watch Bridgerton when it came out but it was only four episodes I binge watch other shows and movies and I was trying not to get Romeo sick as well because that again it's that fear so then my mom was supposed to come but as soon as I started to feel like a tickle and a like a scratchiness in my throat I called her immediately and I was like uh like I don't know if I'm getting sick but if I am I don't want to get you sick and then you go home and you get Dad sick and all of this it's like that's just like my fear and so she was like okay let's play it by ear so she pushed her trip a couple of days and I definitely was getting sick so she ended up canceling her trip so she didn't come we were supposed to go to the Long Beach flea market together I was going to take her to all my like stores that I found since living in this new area and we were we were just going to like kind of hang out but instead of coming this time she's just going to come a little earlier than she had planned on for like when the baby was going to be born so that she's definitely here and doesn't miss the birth so it really all works out we were just going to like go shopping like we really weren't going to do anything like major so it it wasn't a big deal but it was sad cuz I was like looking forward to her coming and just like having fun together before the baby comes I vegged out I got better I'm over it we're back my Energy's back up so during the week there were a couple of things that kind of worked in my favor I really got to rest because um the guys didn't come and work and bring the Cabinetry they were still working on all of the finishing touches and the I I say face frame lightly but it's basically the trim around the front of the cabinets all the drawer slides like literally they're going to be able to bring the cabinets from the mill shop into the kitchen and just like put and install and that that's literally it they're all going to be made it's all planned so the install is going to go super super quick so they were just doing a lot of that kind of like noisier work off site so I was able to really rest without you know any people in and out of the house or getting anybody else sick I don't know I doubt I would have gotten them sick but still and I found a table a dining room table for our eating Kitchen on cherish I actually found it at the same time that I found the light so if you remember the light that I found we still haven't seen it fully together because it's kind of all in pieces so we'll see it when it's actually you know installed I may lay it out beforehand I'm getting a little bit too curious when I found that light I also had been kind of stalking a table on cherish and it's a um bleached oak trussle table French trussle trussle trussle truss why why would I say it it sounds weird it sounds like like truffle trle table you know how they used to make them where it was almost like a jigsaw puzzle it was not any hardware that put these tables together it was like one piece went into another piece went into another piece that was supported and it all kind of came together and it was like a like a puzzle and that's how how they made them I love this one specifically I'll put in a picture of it because the bar that runs on the bottom through to each of the legs had more of a design to it and the other ones that was seeing were either just like a flat piece of wood and or nothing really there you know or and the the sides of it were more French instead of being more ear like which makes it like more Italian I also loved the thickness of the top and so I ordered it back when I ordered the light and it came this week so I'll put in the clips love the color it's so pretty oh there's no Hardware on this table it's it's like an old school trussle table how they used to make them that one first huh I love that piece so much SEC oh nice perfect it's heavy yeah pop is heavy yeah the top is thick the top is heavy yeah cuz it's so thick it's nice okay you like it you see how in good shape it is you love it it's in such good shape top is three times heavier than the bottomly it's gorgeous you see how it looks like our entryway table yeah I wanted like a similar Vibe that's pretty you like it m better so I originally got like this white glove cherish delivery that would have moved it into the kitchen but we didn't want the the table in the way before they were bringing all the Cabinetry and things like that you know timing of all of these deliveries and the progress that we're making on the kitchen and the timing of everything has been super tricky and I think the goal was just getting everything here so we went ahead and put it into the garage and just going to like disassemble it cuz I know how it was put together but I I love this table so much Romeo helped him bring it in like especially like the top part and he was like oh this is a really pretty table so he really liked it too which makes me really happy so we're on a mission to find dining room chairs I at least need six if not eight um I would love to just get eight already so that I could seat a set of eight at the table but I don't think we'll keep eight at the table all the time because it'll just take up the space on the sides where you know kind of like their walking path so we're going to be on the hunt for that I just have a few more things on my list like small Decor things like that that I need to find and order but they're not like super pressing but I did get to go back to the mill shop yesterday and see the progress of the hood and the cabinets and you guys I'm so excited for these cabinets to be installed and the hood to be installed because seeing it just in the mill shop was impressive but I know seeing it in the kitchen is going to be like insane just the amount of work and detail that has gone into this custom cabry is just like incredible so I'm so excited so some things happened while I was sick but I was like I was down for the count I was like not having it I was on the couch I just did those few little things those few little filming um and we got over it so we're back in business we're going to go to the flea market even though my mom's not here and I'm going to look for her some things cuz she's also looking for some things for her guest house um so we're going to do that that'll be in the next vlog so I'll see you guys on on Thursday for another Vlog and then on Sunday for another um DIY video on my other channel we'll see what they're able to accomplish this week on the kitchen um to see what this video on Sunday is going to be about um but it may be something a little bit different I have a few other projects that I've been working on in in the works that I can finish up um but regardless there'll still be a video so I'll see you guys really soon bye guys kly I'm surprised you haven't thrown this into the pool yet
Channel: XO, MaCenna Vlogs
Views: 188,855
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: vlogger, xo macenna, macenna diy, macenna vlogs, lifestyle vlogger, day in the life, mckenna, kinsley, romeo and macenna, romeo, macenna lee
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 13sec (1273 seconds)
Published: Tue May 21 2024
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