Where Have Watches Taken You This Year? - WRIST-SHOT WEEK - IDGuy Live

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right by the looks of things i'm almost four minutes late that is just unacceptable welcome ladies and gentlemen to the the final wrist shot week for 2020. can you believe it this year has been the most unforgettable forgettable year wouldn't we say i think so okay just checking out the chat question before we even get started i've got this pinned comment at the top of the page that i can't delete for some reason it's stuck there so let me know can you just comment why in the chat if you can hear me and one if you also see this pinned comment that i now can't delete or if it's just me on this end welcome ladies and gentlemen there's so many of you in the chat i can't even start by oh she's curtis j knack mason eric bell raymond 121 who else i see james arthur joining us vintage boy uh so many other names that's junior johnson welcome paul thank you for the super chat thomas and everyone else who's here it's it's ballistic the chat's going mad so uh shaitan welcome good to have you back here thank you for joining us uh and eric's saying give us rain song i would if i could i'll tell you the story about that now let's get this all up and running right uh what i do here contact sheet no uh table of content always show sidebar that's the one okay where to begin so you also so one as in you can hear me and i i don't know if you can see this message that's stuck on the top of the page which is a bummer if you can see it there i'm sorry if it's stuck on on the chat it was my end trying to get uh the description of this show across a bit better a bit clearer for people okay so there's your mention about click clicking the three dots i'm clicking it and it's not doing anything as as the admin i can't actually get rid of it i don't know there's a glitch in the system it's an absolute disaster valeria welcome love the channel this year okay i want to start by just how do i even start um a bit more of a time of introspection i think this year has been all over the shop and the theme of the show doesn't it doesn't necessarily line up with the watches that we're going to see but the title says where have watches taken you this year of course we haven't taken our watches anywhere you know but the watch hobby itself this has been a time for us all to get a lot more invested into it whether it's a good thing or a bad thing up to you and i've definitely felt it there's been an ebb and flow being a creator on the side you know there's can you believe 110 videos i made this year 110 plus that's 110 times sitting down to record and to edit i can't i can't actually fathom that number if you look at the submissions on the left hand side of the screen this is a hundred okay it's it's pretty mind-blowing when you think you know those individual numbers uh james asking how i am i'm fantastic just had a power nap i've got all my stimulants with me i've got my my saline my adrenaline and my um anesthesia drinking a single mold tonight been amazing glenn keith it's a really good whiskey and yeah i mean it's it's been realistic it's been a ballistic time but this is going to be a fantastic show i did not expect it to be such a good turnout but the selection of pieces that we're going to look at you are going to love a way to cap off i think this is episode 20 if i remember looking keeping track of numbers and episodes is difficult but the variety on show is superb and i think you will enjoy what we're going to see everything from high horology to entry level for those of you who've never seen wrist shot week before it's a time for us to see what everyone else in the community is wearing as i've said like between 15 and 20 times already and this hobby has been one especially this year has been a time of uh we could say borderline obsession escapism so many other adjectives you want to add on top of that and from the very beginning i was thinking how can i make this the most entertaining time for all of us you know since march when this all began and it's it's been a it's been difficult to remain positive and keep the workflow consistent but thank god the year is over and now it's kind of like a time of a good time of reflection a bit of philosophy thrown into the mix michelle are asking what i'm wearing i will get to that in a moment and all of your submissions have been fantastic i can't thank you all enough i mean just just from the bottom of my heart thank you all for joining being a part of these shows supporting the channel supporting me everything in between it's been a hell of a year and uh i hope i've been a good enough distraction for all of you rasmus saying bought my first high-end watch today congratulations to globemaster fantastic yeah picked up my seamaster at the beginning of the year and it still brings a smile to my face every time let's start let's get the show going okay first off i don't know if i'm going to be releasing this video next week on account of the fact that it's going to be christmas and everyone's going to be busy doing their own thing but the explorer time of reflection i've borrowed this watch for three months this was the last photo i took of it and i've just returned it to its owner back to its owner and it's been quite the experience i gotta say the lesson i've learned and i hope to instill in this final video is kill your darlings falling in love with your own narrative is a dangerous thing it really is uh you know there's a beautiful story around this watch and me being one of the proponents the people who spoke highly about it all the time when i got to experience it really fully for for three plus months it just never spoke to me the way i thought it would and i guess there is a lesson in there somewhere that we can learn it's a bit deflating in a way for him for a modern watch that i thought would just be the end all be all but uh yeah the end result wasn't as much as it cracked out to be not saying that there isn't a dream watch out there this one unfortunately wasn't one for me uh it's gonna be a good video it's it's basically a nine minute review that doesn't discuss the watch at all it's all just personal hindsight and thought never meet your heroes eric both says i mean i agree and mentioning monochrome i thought it just looked fantastic getting that black dial highlighted a bit better it's easier to see contrast is great it's a fantastic watch no there's no dancing around the fact that it is fantastic i still feel regretful that it's gone because it's such a good watch for a collection it's it's such a great essential as you can just pick up use do whatever you want but it wasn't something that stayed on my wrist i guess there's a lesson in there um so yeah the explorer video i don't know either next week or the week after this has been my true obsession over the last i don't know two weeks i decided to pull the trigger on a grail this guitar i've wanted for about 10 years and decided to get a martin d28 and it's been you know i say to myself 20 minutes aside you can enjoy playing and then you know two hours later i realize i've just been strumming away it's incredible i don't think there's a better return on investment than a high quality instrument for us in this game who really enjoy them um and the d28 is a real dream it's been an amazing time amazing amazing time but enough about me uh just got this return back to me smith's w10 this is what i'm wearing tonight i've been wearing for the last three days and it's it's amazing when you when you go back and think about what what about the watch speaks to you and this to me it just i think about how good it would have been if i got into watches when i was 18 or 16 in high school this is such an optimal watch for a high school student i can tell you i think of how how different my journey when this hobby would be if i got given this watch to start manual wind field watch small in size out of the way so unpretentious it's just perfect in a boarding house all of that you know and uh yeah i just i get all those those feelings and thoughts when i'm wearing it and it's just superb i could rock this for the rest of my life no worries not even thinking about the next entry level up the next the next stage smith's w10 fantastic little piece but uh yeah i want to get started with the actual content let's have a look so daniel sent in a superb shot and it actually um it actually provoked the title of the show which was about where have you your watch has taken you this in this example his watch has taken him somewhere and it's just incredible let's first have a look at the view behind him central switzerland and it's like postcard stuff you know and this is what the show has turned into i kind of i'm so grateful to be able to experience this kind of thing and share this kind of stuff with all of you central switzerland enjoying a ski this was a couple of weeks ago i think a couple of days ago he's wearing an explorer two on the mountain and that's the main you know we're talking about end of the year and christmas and the season i'm thinking it could just it's just such a win right i want to get into the chat because i've been missing i've been speaking now for like eight minutes solidly okay uh let's see some some good questions clive is joining us welcome clive haven't seen you in ages i really hope you're doing better you've been recovering over the last i don't know two three weeks i really hope you've improved and raymond's saying nice guitar tell you what we can talk about guitars another day definitely not going to be a guitar show and paul yeah and unloved yeah it's been a good time tell you what great to have you here showcase and demetrius wishing i could send you my a384 for three months oh i tell you what that's one watch that's still on my list that i'm wanting to experience it's one of the pieces that i think is just such an outlier in the space and mason's saying that i should release a video next week next weekend anyway people do like a break from christmas and your review will prove that yeah sure many people are still locked down something for sure i could easily it's the video's prepped it's all done i sat down and did like it was such a good write-up it just flowed like diarrhea out and was done and i did the recording did the editing all on the same day and it was a nice quite a cathartic end but it leaves more questions and answers than you can uh imagine the poet always needs a snow backdrop i i agree raymond it's a it's a beautiful shot funny enough i met up with the explorer owner this week and got to experience the five five-digit reference explorer pola and it is just as cool it really is it's a stunning watch this was one of the first modern rolexes i ever experienced actually in an ad back when you could just go into ads and try them on and i just love the action shot we have the orange skis we have the orange hand i mean it's just optimal this this is like the epitome of a skiing watch and i love it i love it it's just it's a beautiful photo as well one thing i have to commend you all on is that the selection the photos that you've sent they are so top-notch they are so professional and it just increases the viewing experience we get to enjoy it so much more so i'm going to have a fun time i can tell you basically any watch you can think of in this category that we love so much sports super high-end dress pieces some vintage stuff all the models you've got them here i it's difficult to difficult to express in a few words but you'll understand when you see it um eric well saying nice analogy i don't even know what it was i'm on my third coffee it's it's all going to the brain uh erasmus huge applause no really premier league oh just after making this just off the premier league oh that was well timed sorry i didn't uh i don't know that was the case that's cool uh i've been asleep so it's great i didn't even know who was playing sorry i'm not much of a football fan don't tell anyone um right let's let's get this going with the volume of new releases we can talk about that for sure let's start so daniel your submissions for the cover we have used an explorer 2 before on the cover for the show but this one just spoke to me as an end-of-year submission and selection so we're going to jump next to 121 click bezel i think he's in the chat somewhere here i saw him earlier and he sent in a few great shots first of the loom of his seamaster super macro shots we do enjoy our macro focused shots which we will be seeing later on a few lovable viewers have sent in some great great shots of movements and complications and everything there and we're learning more about how the demand is increasing for these pieces sadly i really think it's sad because as we know its competitor is being so anal with their releases and their models they can't share so amiga is now upping their prices and the demand for them is just skyrocketing i've heard all sorts of news about the new speedmaster that's coming out so that's that's so exciting i would love to get one we can talk about that too uh showcase if you'd like to share it with us that would be cool otherwise you can get me to do it but uh funny uh saying howdy ho i was about to call this show ho ho horology because there is a submission with a santa claus outfit and i thought that would be so like cheesy and great but then decided no rather rather keep it keep it simpler okay taking a hit from the third coffee gorgeous loom shot 121 next we're jumping to your air king which i'm using my voice already that's not good which is one of the most peculiar modern rolexes in their lineup i don't even know if these watches still exist in their lineup have they have they been discontinued or are they still there that's what i'd like to know but i really enjoy the contrast of the orange with the green and the yellow and the flieger aesthetic and everything else there the more cheese the better rasmus says that was my my plate this evening before starting steal three two one tom says i mean they are going from strength to strength i i honestly i'm so fascinated by how amigo is growing and their identity is that they're starting to make a huge imprint they've always done so well for themselves they just have such a different approach to their competitor i hope to meet reynald one day and chat about my ideal release from the brand if that's ever possible who knows tar saying um i'm calling it now prices will go up i don't like it but that's what's going to happen i know it's it's unfortunate for someone like me i'm still very new to this hobby i've been in it for like what five six years and uh i i flummoxed thinking how will i be able to afford watches like these in this price category i mean i dropped 2k on a modern guitar and martin is like one of the top of the line guitars right you think about that in watch terms what can you buy in the in the luxury watch space quote unquote for two grand nothing so it's like it's such a such a clash anyway let's get into it so 121 thank you for these i hope you're still in the chat with us this watch because of its peculiarity like the milgauss and many others i think it's going to be one that's going to get a lot of attention over the next couple of years because it's just so out there and peculiar right be jumping next to i hope i got your name right potato and he sent in two really great shots we start off the show with a ceramic daytona how's that i couldn't work out what guitar this is in the background someone knows their headstocks maybe they can tell us another small detail is at the 12th fret we have open very open double double points yeah the lineup is so good i can't tell you i mean we're going to be jumping from seikos to the high horology stuff it's going to be jumping all over the shop and i just love it the variety you know it's russian roulette these shows are always russian roulette only i know what's coming up no one else does and it's such a joy because of that okay some questions directed to me let's have a look uh raymond's saying watch prices in the last year has gone they have they have and it's it's actually a good point to raise because uh we know that the watch industry itself hasn't been affected greatly by what's been going on in the world people are still willing to spend they are still i mean the hobby has been better than ever really when we think about it realistically that opens up a whole new kettle of fish are people just buying into watches because they can put their money into them and not enjoy them for what they are is this now borderline obsession we feel like we've really taken into this hobby a little bit differently because of what's been going on as as far as distractions go uh yeah it's it's nuts and maina welcome maina good to have you here from japan i don't know what time in the world it is right now for you um haven't been able to watch the show for a while no worries lucky to check in today is the merchant yes the merchant so in the description of this video the uh the store i've linked if you'd like to have a look i think it's the third link down if you have like i'd like to have a look at the designs there's there's lots going on i've been a busy boy the last couple of weeks as a hero got your submission don't worry ask ask for rolex at my local a.d and got info that rolex screwed up the production in 2020. yes they really that not their intention well of course they closed the factory for a long period of time and the speedy pro we're going to have a look at a few of them later on showcase but they're going to be that's fascinating the price though i don't i can't believe i can't actually believe the price is going to be what it's rated as and right and rob said follow me session yes random rob i think you and i can both agree it is full on obsession let's move on so ceramic daytona black on black really underrated i think in the category everyone wants the panda black on black is so stealth underrated under the radar as i stopped repeating myself caffeine is going to the brain and then next to this submission he sends in this and i was just like what this is a nice surprise and i called it longer christmas this is a longer one moon phase special special piece i think it's in rose gold if i can looking at the hands and the dial it looks like it's rose gold and finish but uh i feel like this is the only longer one that we're going to see but we do have a few others in the category so yeah we're gonna have a good time it's it's a hell of a nice show i'm so impressed the variety just keeps me coming back for more from costa rica well welcome geez like what's been going on um and now everyone's talking about rolex and obtainable and uh les saying as long as rolex becomes less obtainable then others will increase their prices yeah i mean they really are going to uh try their hand at competing and as as everyone increases their prices so the other brands do and it's just a domino effect who knows tudor might scare some brands from pushing their prices up too high kids that's a very good point there's so much to it another good point is to look at watches and brands that are not favorable at the moment that are not in demand that people aren't looking at so yeah it's a good way to start at least you can find some really good deals still out there so nuts right so hey why potato this is beautiful no longer one moon phase we haven't actually featured on the show before i don't think and 121 still being here uh great to have you great group it is we have a good time come for the watches stay for the community and and the laughter that follows right this is quite the special longer one in the category i mean the standard is good but the moon phase with the romans i think that's what makes this one unique i'm saying that word knowing that i'm saying unique with the romans and the loom on the hands that's all specific to this model itself yeah gotta move on and funnily enough you know what's coming up next another lunga a two for one uh we have the saxonia thin this is from alex and i just my mouth kind of dropped i wanted this to be either on the content page or something to premiere the show but it's such a simple dial you don't even know what it is it's like it's like the modern d28 of watches it's just there it's just pure beauty subtlety understatedness saxonia thin in white gold understated i mean you can't get you can't get more simple than this and of course it's an aesthetic that not everyone loves i mean it doesn't have a running seconds hand uh the movement itself is very restrained i mean german we know german movements are all mainly focused on the balance bridges and keeping everything hidden the only thing that you see is the balance on display but still i mean like i say that the submissions today or this week just so professional professionally done great dress watch james says i agree oozing with class it is it's subtlety it's a watch i think it's 37 mils if i remember right and it's a watch that just doesn't ask for attention it's just there it knows what it is and doesn't need to show off or shout about what it is yeah so for anyone who's new to this this game uh this is the entry entry entry level in the longer line okay when i say that i say that very lightly uh and it'll set you back quite a bit but then it is a longer and there are a few of us here who have owned these in the past and i think they can attest to just how special they are in this category amazing engravings yes of course yeah the movements are just all hand done and very specific to the individual engraver yeah so good way to start the show i think and there's more there's a lot more to come so this is from alex it's based in australia i think and next we have another alex who sent in a handful of some really good wrist shots all so accurate and perfect for cover photos too i had a hard time selecting a cover photo this week and you've owned one of these lunges right yeah so we're starting now with the black bay blue i actually experienced this watch courtesy of showcase watches if you're still here with us and such a peculiar experience i gotta tell you i had a great time with it over the course of like two weeks just versatile simple easy enough to pick up and wear and use the color sets it apart from the rest alejo asking where do we submit our pieces in the description you'll see my email there and all the submissions that come in now will be saved over the course of the next two weeks for the following show when we start 2021 holy smokes hitting the water getting that into the system right erasmus says i've been blessed with watched i have it's one of the privileges of being able to run a show i think uh not only do i get to i've had a few i can't say i've had many but i've had a good few pieces that i've been able to get hands on time with and from it i mean just the trust in this community is so great i guess i you know quote unquote i have a reputation so i have to withhold or upkeep that reputation so you can rely on me to be sure that these watches are going to stay safe they're going to be looked after and treated well and from it i mean it's just it's so good to think deeper about these pieces as you uh as you enjoy them right um going to carry on through there's so many comments going on at the moment so alex sends in the black bay on on a leather strap which is a nice change and then an explorer i think i think this is a 36. don't don't crucify me it is definitely a 36 with a small loom it's just so great i love these shots and wrist shot week you know the theme of sending the watches on the wrist color coding and matching clothes and the backgrounds and everything there peter's saying have i released a new video of my opinion on the seiko 5 sport i haven't i think if you have uh designer tilier i think he focused he actually did one a couple of weeks back seiko is a brand that i need to invest a lot more time in come next year i think it's it's like any high horology brand really with most names like like omega like like rolex they have their flagships and they have their more underrated models they're quite easy to track and trace with seiko it's just endless so being able to go back i would like to study up a bit more about the brand over time so yeah we will get there we will get there eventually all right uh what else tar saying is it because of you or why why is it that smith's everest virtually unattainable i'm afraid i think i am the culprit tall i'm sorry to say i really am sorry to say but i feel like it is because of of me promoting them so much let's carry on sorry we've got so many explorers we're going to be looking at later the next from alex is a seiko presage getting into that christmas spirit look at the texture on this dial that is insane i am the worst with reference numbers when it comes to seiko so i'm gonna have to forgive me uh but this i mean i called this a seiko five i was saving this at like two in the morning this is a seiko presage as it says on the dial gorgeous texture and you know seiko as a brand many would argue they all look virtually the same if you're if you're not a seiko file i guess you could say the same about a brand like rolex right um but there are many little avenues and areas within their designs that that do offer a lot of opportunity they i think one of their key selling points is dial dial detail texture what they managed to do with so little that's great i do need to invest more time studying them we're going to be seeing quite a few actually speaking of which next up an alpinist and this being the older alpinist how good are these shots this looks like it's in the snow alex you sent in some great great photos really thank you psychopath that's so funny psychoaholic yeah yeah um it's been it's been a time it's been a hell of a time this year and it's it's so funny thinking back now like i said in the beginning 110 plus videos i've put out on the channel basically three a week um breaking them down in the beginning at least the thinking was once the the first lockdown phase happened so i thought okay i need to keep the levity keep the momentum up and start really pushing up concepts ideas videos and by the time the second lockdown rolled around i thought here we go again and it was like okay got to slow down rethink take a break because it does the obsession does eventually wear you out if you're just focusing on it all the time so you guys are lucky because you can dip in and out of the hobby whenever you want right on this side i feel at this point running these shows say i feel like i owe it to all of you that we have this bit of sideline entertainment so it's this is catch 22. how do you remain optimistic and great as a presenter while also being tired and exhausted with watches yeah so yeah i feel great about it now though don't worry it's more watch beginner it's more than 110 but it's it's around about that that zone you know what um always love green it's great james i agree and this one being the earlier model these were when they were actually attainable now the new ones with the prospects branding are harder to find and yeah yeah i did a whole video on the alpinist the old alpinist history actually and it was a good time studied up from the very beginning from like the 60s all the way through i don't know maybe i'll link it in the corner um clive says figured something out last month i was in store i was in a store at a mall when an asian woman dressed as an elf came up to me asked ask me with an australian accent if i wanted to try some cologne you figured something out what was that clyde that you figured out that is quite a story gotta say and you still had the beard i'm assuming right right okay i'm gonna carry on through alex these are gorgeous shots we're still on a and we've been running the show for 27 minutes this is going to be a long haul ladies and gents jumping next to andreas and this was just out of the blue he said hey here's some fun i think the nickname for this is the jellyfish right it's a swatch gz one five seven slash d dot c i don't i a references just rolls off the tongue like many of these do she did have a big adam's apple clive clive behave that's so funny uh yeah so this is one of the originals you know the jellyfish was very popular still is very popular people love them for their quirks and swatch as a brand love them or hate them they have made quite a few roads in the last in the last couple of i don't know how long decades think about it so pretty ballistic and this is an old one you can tell by the uh the color of the strap i can see this has probably experienced a lot of sunlight in its life but isn't it cool how we just jump from lunga to a swatch and then we keep motoring this is great so so shaitan says seiko masochist this is like a legitimate uh oxford definition someone who begrudgingly pays a hundred thousand dollars sorry a thousand dollars for a seiko with a crooked chapter ring unregulated movements oh i tell you what i was so close to pulling the trigger on the new it was that 62mas at that reissue with the silver dial and then i saw a couple of videos and there was consistency when people were talking about just how unregulated they were and can you imagine you get the watch and it's like minus 30 a day and you think to yourself whoa it's a little bit a little bit out of order i mean it's got the prospect's name on it and everything you think i put a bit more energy into that yeah uh don't worry max we we and sunlight seasonal we all have our own skin tones yeah i agree uh that's a faux strap patina really tom i don't know right i'm gonna carry on there's so many more of these coming up uh andreas thank you for sending this in i we do generally share your pieces i don't know if you're with us in the chat at the moment gonna motor through next to ash and we're starting with a modern i think this is a 2020 santos and these are getting quite popular these are really getting looked into a lot more and there's so much to like about them i don't know if this is the one i'm remembering but they have the new interchangeable bracelet system and so many other features that other brands aren't doing at the moment um what else it's not just interchangeable bracelet but it's changing out the links it's all really simple and this in the in the modern size it's like 40 40 mils ish i think 40 mils it's a great watch i like how they've still you know the santos is the true icon it's the one that came before the tank it's the one that really helped establish the sports watch in many ways you know and do people have both a santos and a reverso erasmus says good question i think realistically they speak so well to their brands individually but just think about what this watch managed to do in the in the category of being the first one of the first sports watchers one of the first pilot watchers and how even to this day they still keep that identity strong just upping the size incorporating a few technological improvements just the external mechanics on the watch it's great it's really great uh cartier name at the seven yes that's something they do they play around with a lot they sometimes put the name at the eight they put it at the 10 at the 11 wherever else that's at the nine sorry uh yeah great piece simple basic question is do you prefer this or do you prefer the tank and that's difficult i mean this established the royal oak aesthetic before it even was conceived you know before the designer was even born it's pretty amazing to think you know he was probably born back then but it's it's great i mean there's so much inspiration and influence and marcelo if you're still watching us we will get to yours in a second marcelo is an industrial designer and he just picked up one of these himself and he feels like selling his entire collection and picking up cartier as his underlying core for his entire collection so it's great yeah b dev welcome i think funny enough you've just joined us in time me dev let's get to your submission of pieces now i constantly ask b dev to send in his vintage divers just have a look at them all on the screen for a second he has quite the affinity for undersized vintage dive watches from you know in and around the 50s and the 60s and here we have a massive selection uh and we watch guy cartier as underrated they are they really are if i actually had there was a question asked of me about which i would pick up the new santos skeleton you know i think it's i think it's all black with the way they have done the skeletonization of those roman numerals and actually incorporated that into the aesthetic where the movement architecture is placed it's fantastic it is just sublime there is going to be a risk shot in a moment don't worry if it was me picking up a modern cartier i would go for the new santos skeleton there's just so much it feels so modern but keeps to those classic motifs and aesthetics really hard to do so many brands today are just sitting resting on their laurels they aren't trying new things in these categories and yeah the santos is one of the models in that line that really blows competition out of the water when it comes to showing off what you can do with an old aesthetic in a modern package modern identity right you're mentioning zoom in don't worry eric i will so we're starting with i mean let's let's see we have an ingram i'm going to watch all these names about kona hey lucerne at baylor i just love it at lucerne i'm going to get back to all of them again don't worry another lucerne i really dig this i mean this aesthetic looks like a micro brand laurier the l'oreal micro brand it looks very similar right uh chateau i don't know but look at the size of it it's tiny orion and another lucerne calendar and what i love about all of these is that they all have a similar aesthetic around them these are all essentially parts bin watches if we think back to the past you know they had separate case manufacturers separate dial manufacturers look at this we have a it looks like a 24 hour scale or some kind of gmt scale on a dive watch and you notice how the the indices are arranged and the batons and the the enlarged minute track they're so quirky and fun i think they they really do speak to just a different time and unfortunately all these names have disappeared i'm sure a lot of these names are up for sale actually you could probably buy the name buy the brand uh like a few are doing at the moment actually and and recreating them as micro brands yeah there's there's so much to them and the bailor i think is probably the oldest sorry the youngest in the must be in late you know late 50s 60s kind of 70s transitional with the orange highlights so many quirks and features to these we got to love these watches i would imagine none of them hit 40 mils in size they are minuscule i think they all are in and around 36 38 mils i just thought it was fun to have a look at these pieces and get to appreciate the influence of the quarter arabics and the different batons and everything there yeah zombie bands we've got some good stuff we've got racing straps we've got we've got tropics we've got leather we've got nato's we've got just the whole selection so bdev is quite the lover of these undersized crazy interesting little pieces in the category gonna move on next to a more modern take on a classic a handheld handheart as a brand is one of its like how do you even express the reference to this is 417es if you want to know if you're interested where do we start with this name i have been and james is with us still i saw that you you jumped off the ipad welcome welcome james again um so to start with han hart we have to just like i think i've mentioned it before i've been delaying on a write-up all about the watches of the french armed forces and mentioned very brege like shaytan well it's because this pretty much became the foundation for all the brands the type 20 this is the original type 20. so what happened was during the time of the 50s when german was germany was occupied by the allied forces so we started seeing these manufacturers creating pieces for the the now disbanded allied forces so we saw breguet like longine um what other makers top of my tongue what else um just the type 20 that we we now know and love was because of this this aesthetic so hanhart pretty much had the had the foundations set and all the other brands took the the design incorporated it into theirs and it's a beautiful thing it really is a beautiful thing i know for a fact that james has a breguet type 20 which is rare really rare in this space a vintage breguet type 20. at least i think it is a breakout sweetie um and we and there's a lot of defining features like the way the the numerals are set sub-dials hands the rotating bezel that doesn't have any feature to it apart from you know someone just put nail polish at the 12 and use it to to line up yes and towel i'm pretty sure steve mcqueen 417 i'm pretty sure he wore this exact watch uh the 417 was his and i think revolution and the rake to the partnership creating a bronze variant of this there's so much there's so much to it highly recommend you look up the history of hanhart the chronograph and you'll see that it set the template for all the type 20s that we know today all the recreations of type 20s we are now seeing in the reissue lineup also due to this piece it's great such a good story one of the unsung heroes in huh in our watch world mono pusher demetrius is another great model yeah yeah so i'm going to motor on through b dave i love these so nice seeing not only the most bizarre and peculiar micro sized vintage divers it's such a nice category it's such an interesting selection you just don't see these anymore but you see these inspirations now trickling into the micro brand space which i find pretty good pretty engaging to learn from and hanhart chrono right we're jumping to some high high hierarchy young hands yes clive i should have the junghan's type 20. that's another good example uh so many they are just so many and bunstrap i have oh you do awesome you have the revolution version i think most of these actually come standard on bone straps if i'm not wrong that's just always been the vibe right the the aesthetic around it open six yeah there's so many features recommend it have a look at handheld jumping now to quite funny enough another pilot oriented piece from blaine and this is a travel time calatrava it is it does it fall under the cali travel line reference 5524g this being the you know the model inspired by 1920s aesthetics it's the most unpatek patek in their lineup at the moment we could say it's it's essentially a high-end flight tycho saying how late are you i hope i'm not butchering your name you're only 39 minutes late don't worry we're still on b we've got quite a lot of names to go uh yeah so this being the uh the watch that really began or should i say that the watch that is inspired by those older aesthetics it's big it's like 42 mils it's uh it's a monster but i do appreciate even though we're not seeing the full dial here to appreciate how they've centralized everything the travel time layout we're actually going to have a look at another patek travel time next would you believe next up um and the travel time aesthetic the way they've arranged the dial with local and home time a centralized date window there nothing breaks up the format also enjoy the skeletonizing a really subtle way of using skeletonizing to incorporate that second hand getting it involved right so gorgeous piece it's not one that we can assign to the patek brand but it's one that's getting really popular because i think they also come in steel and those are the ones that are in most most high demand but in white gold pretty underrated stealth right we're gonna what does charleston say the official watch of i wanted a 5711 so i had to buy this yeah i mean tell you what tell you what next up we're jumping to dr bob dr robert i don't know if you're a beatles fan this is quite a nice his and hers selection now we love a good his and hers on the show we've done it once or twice before and this is fun so two pateks an acronym travel time and a ladies calatrava let's look at the ladies calatrava first because i think it is beautiful i would imagine the size is like what 36 mils but i i love that i mean how can you not appreciate this arrangement everything from the lugs it all just speaks so true to its identity that's kind of reggae inspired we could say in many ways but the the vertical lugs paired with the breguet hand the brigade numerals and the uh the spade style hands it looks so good it really works well together size wise the the leather that they've incorporated got to admit the patek lady selection there are some awesome watches to have a look at i know that most of us probably wouldn't wear them they wouldn't fit us but they they do break up and we're gonna have a look at some more later actually believe it or not and then we jump to the aquanauts travel time probably the most in-demand steel sports watch next to the uh the 57-11 and 12 and 50 57 90 whatever the hell the references are this is a let me get this right a 5 1 6 4 a and the ladies calatrava is a 7 2 0 0 r rose gold beautiful i'd dig the selection it's nice his and her watches would be a good show to share in future um and like i said about the aesthetic of the travel time look how well they've done it i mean honestly let's let's not bash the watch we bash them often we bash the demand we bash all of the the nuances to the brand and having to buy every watch in their lineup before picking up one of these but the way they have addressed the function of the travel time with the pushers that match the the crown guard on the opposite side the centralizing of everything the local home time of course the skeletonized hand is hidden underneath here dead complication in the center it has this traditional flair to it i also feel like and i've said this before that the field watch has been the core inspiration for this piece exhibit a have a look at that dial and tell me otherwise numerals loom pencil hands i mean you kind of you kind of see it in a few ways in a few places no uh white seconds hand lots of little inspirations there i feel like this field watch was the precursor to this they've done a good job i would wear an acronaut over a nautilus any day given the chance given the opportunity and of course we cannot look at these watches without looking at the movements which is always a joy micro rotor on this side i tell you this is an underrated piece really does feel like a classic both patek philippe seal so this is after they they decided to brand their own product their own stuff and i've been speaking for like 10 minutes without addressing the chats david's saying give me hers all day long absolutely love the ladies model stunning right really is greg style lugs thomas yes i agree they're great really are great yeah got to enjoy the movements too again i cannot i cannot talk highly enough about how they've addressed these pushes on the sides it's just clean for what it is it's very elegant and clean uh the rasp was saying did gerard grant make this gerard grant i mean genter no no this watch came out in the 90s if i remember right i don't know if gente was still alive back then this was the the idea behind the acronaut was to be this more attainable piece in the in the line next to the nautilus and i think they first were released in 36. i've tried on this and the 36s and i can tell you the 36 mil models they feel like swatches on the wrists like no word of a lie it's the most peculiar thing you know that you're wearing an aquanaut a steel aquanaut but it's tiny and it's so lightweight it doesn't even feel like you're wearing a watch so this was supposed to be in injecting new life kind of like how the uh the offshore was ap's attempt at you know making a more accessible watch for the younger the youngans the younger generations to get in and now of course demand hype etc everything else on top of it has just made these pieces unobtainable still great watch i do really dig this piece i would wear it give them the chance right moving on next uh orange hand just saying you ordered one of the shirts oh i'm guessing you ordered the the explorer 2 right the 1655. i'll talk about the designing process there in a moment right let's get to the next submission this comes from bud to stud buddha stud sent in quite a nice trio and some of the only trios are we going to see in this category around the new submariners that just come out this is his three sub collection here we get to see in a way kind of how these new models have been addressed actually it's a very good example to have a look at here so on the left we have the hulk submariner a watch that is now going for something like 18 000 pounds or something on the grey market which i just think is ludicrous how can anyone essentially twenty thousand dollars because this was discontinued you know what um and then next we have the what do they call it now the viagra i don't know what they call this this black on white black on black on blue and then we have the the shrek or the starbucks or the the sermon yeah and here we get to see how they have addressed the lugs actually pretty well notice the super case has a more squared off line where we see that these modern ones have been tapered in just a little bit ever so slightly more seeing this new white gold in the flesh well on screen it looks very good i have to admit it looks very good not a fan of the polished center links i think for a sub and this in this space i don't know if they call this the smurf yeah r w i mean i was a that was a one liner that i dropped a couple of months ago with viagra i don't know what what is this called now the the new smurf me and names but they have done such a good job with these 41s honestly they're not 41 they're like 40.7 ish right there's so much so much to talk about around these pieces the new movements if you can get your hands on them you're lucky very very lucky and it's it's a sad thing in a way because i would love to get a modern submariner for myself but at this point in my life spending 10 grand on a sports watch and steel you know what it's like what where has the world gone smurfette papa smurf i don't know i don't know what it's called um yeah nice selection of seeing these three side by side and the nuances are very subtle overall i mean you know we've got the crown at the swiss made next to the older style i think the prince has changed a little bit there's boulder white on the submariner but they've just managed to tighten up the watch a lot more funny speaking to the the bigger wristed owners they prefer the super case sizes because there's just more presence to these super cases on the wrist next to these these are now the more with the word be egalitarian more people are getting into them now and they they fit a broader variety people have wanted this change for the last 10 years they've done a good job at improving the size of this watch without impacting its its visual presence really um and we are going to have a look at another one later if paul is still with us a gorgeous gorgeous variance the no date uh so we'll get to that in a moment but thank you for these bud it's good to see i mean just one area that i think you should look at if you want to try and wrap your head around what they've done here see that taper of the lugs in the corners you get a clearer idea of i mean even the crown guards they've brought down a bit really tastefully done good job but the demand for these now i mean you'd be so lucky to get your hands on them which is really unfortunate for someone like me for for anyone else in this area question about the bezel on these models though i feel like this is just excess the the stock that's now used on the sermon i feel it's just excess stock from the hulk i think then discontinuing the hulk was a bit of a mistake the green always signified an anniversary model right uh so i think this the hulk was the the 60th anniversary the 70th is around the corner but incorporating green into your watch again it kind of ruins its pull what made the green watch good anyway chatted about this enough gonna move on next but thank you for sending this in gonna jump to see the canoe and we were just chatting about uh han hart and other makers that are starting to bring back new pieces here is a great example of a field watch from years gone by timor dirty dozen inspired bought off kickstarter i think cedar canoe is still with us all right i'm missing you all in the chat oh and and saying the 21 mil bracelet with ruins it for me i'm actually on the opposite end of that spectrum and i think the 21 mil makes it more i mean after experiencing the 39 explorer i truly believe that that that the case size just didn't work as well when when you saw the bracelet that tapered down so so much with the 21 mil width maybe i'm more partial to a bracelet that doesn't have taper i don't know it's all down to watch head size relative to bracelet taper i mean we can that's when we are true nerds when we're talking about watch head size relative to bracelet taper like what is wrong with me um it was mentioned about a sea-dweller i think i think i missed it a second ago oops sea dweller 43 it's another watch that i have experienced and it's a great stunning piece honestly it's uh if you can if your wrist can take it my wrist it fits the wrist well but it's too big for me personally the lugs are just a little bit too long if you know what i mean if you know what i mean uh raymond mentioning mercedes hands prefer to the snowflake that's quite an outlier i like that point um so here is saying we need to be patient for a year for rolex to be accessible again i'm sure they will ramp up production if they wish to survive zero they don't have to worry about surviving they're on top they're on top of the game i'm afraid to tell you megan is joining us haven't seen you megan welcome i think he went for a run i think he went for a run earlier on right so dirty dozen what do we know about the dirty dozen i just featured the the smith's w10 which took a lot of its inspirations from the dirty dozen there's a lot of history behind them 1940s built for the allied forces 12 separate models from swiss and a german manufacturer or german swiss whatever and this is one of them you had brands like iwc omega longine then you had the outliers like timor and this just recently was launched on kickstarter and cedar canoe is in the chat one of the original dirty 12 brands yep mentioning contrast yep v dub i agree and you can just see where this i mean what i love about these is that there are the precursors to the field watch before the field watch even was a thing these were just built for the purpose of function and you know pencil hands we've spoken about field watches enough but this aesthetic was carried on through all the models in the in the line they had very specific regulations to follow like a rail track applied loom at the numerals pencil hand sub seconds made history and uh brushed case i'll switch back to the smiths again if you'd like so just bear in mind that this watch froze from around 1939 until 1945 right and we jump back to the w10 1960s it looks identical that's one thing about uh english should i say british aesthetics they always feel like they need to carry on over with something the w10 line this literally came out 20 years later but they look almost identical exactly the same so i love it great story honestly think having a field watch in a in a selection in your collection should i say recommended it's something you can just i mean i did a video this week about beta watches and why we love them there's so many factors but it's just the the ability of having a small piece that you can throw on that's understated lots of history behind it and again it's a watch you must give to your child when they go to high school they will not regret it can guarantee cedar canoe thank you for sending this in really thank you and yeah james saying awesome micro brand dirty dozen yep it's good to see that they are like getting re-established again no okay so next up we're jumping to i'm gonna put your name i'm sorry serry kerry from wales i know it's a welsh name and one of my favorite speed masters one of my favorites i cannot get enough of this the apollo 8 dark side of the moon these are going for ridiculous prices now and i did a whole video about reissue chronograph not re-issue chronographs the best speedmasters out there that you can get today we know there's like 1.28 billion limited editions in this category but this to me it's a ceramic case if i remember right there's just so many factors about it uh where do we even start discussing them at length i'll get to it now mentioned by by type i hope i'm saying your name van vuckt i mean you are you are dutch right so i should be saying your name right but i'm i'm going to be watching it uh real tools there are real tool watches in this space always have been always will be um what i love about the field watch even more is that it sits in this perfect category of being the sports watch and the dress watch today it's just built for all purposes and applications it can literally serve as your only watch and you have it for any situation you can wear it with a suit you can wear it casually it just does it and it's it doesn't shout about itself it doesn't have a pretentious brand name on it you know what i mean right apollo 8 dark side of the moon where to even start with this it's it's a beauty racing minute track yellow accents the depth to the dial just just keeps on bringing you back the texture to the depth stunning i i love when a brand is able to you know take the identity i mean it's all about apollo and about the moon incorporates you know storytelling into their it's one of the best storytelling pieces in this category i think because you now have real like moon moon texture uh also have this prototype feel with open spaces that the subtle skeletonization the ceramic i think a ceramic case is brilliant it's just the forward momentum of technology and everything there yellow accents it's kind of 70s inspired but it's in a professional case it's easy to read so many little things i mean i could talk about this watch for a long time it's one of the speed masters i would love to own given the opportunity it's just you never get bored with it it's three-dimensional as well it's like a reshot mill that you can read isn't that cool okay let's carry on uh orange hand great racing minute track i saw a mark ii for sale in a shop window the other day and thought to myself oh mark ii with a racing dial uh there is a real craze over the three two ones yeah raymond the three two one prices and the demand you can still find vintage sea masters i'm telling you sea master chronographs out there and they have 321 calibers and now i've heard that the professional has been discontinued in this line and as as showcase watch has mentioned earlier um mentioning that it's a bit busy i mean that's a good point i think what what they've done well here is they've been able to break it up enough with contrast they've been able to break it up enough so that you can see what's going on at any time and enjoy the depth to it as well very difficult to do highly recommend mentioning what time it is uh it's kind of like three minutes to nine if you see those hands yeah maybe i'm just falling in love with my own narrative around it but i think it's a it's a gem it is a gem uh james saying should i call myself yellow hand like orange hand that is so funny that's so funny we could have our own individual names around colors that'd be good uh it's like a reshaped meal as you can read quote of the day don't you love coffee and alcohol they work so well together right moving on next sari kerry thank you for sending this in it's one of my absolute favorite speed masters in this line jumping to wisconsin watch guy chris funny enough we're jumping to another speedmaster right on top of the next and another underrated gem this was a great pickup from him so this is it outside of the sunlight we will get a sunlight shot in a moment this is the speedmaster apollo 11th 45th anniversary please if i butcher it uh forgive me like i said there's like 1.2 billion variants of speed masters out there in the world but rose gold accents or should i say sedna sedna gold accents but wait until you have a look at the dial watch this that is just awesome they have taken the idea they've really like realized the idea of tropicalization on the dial so well and i love it we have a true tropicalized effect with the rose gold there for contrast and brown leather strap yeah wisconsin watch guy you did a good job here a really good job nice piece it's something we don't see and you know it still has all the aesthetics that we we get to know from the professional line but there is some variance in there stealth as raymond says i mean also mentioning about legibility i would say this watch is probably it's probably harder to read than the the uh the apollo 8 correct me if i'm wrong it's actually black pvd you're kidding me how do they get this is this just the lighting that i've i've butchered that we can't actually see where it's kind of like a tropical brown so the issue is of course that we probably wouldn't be able to see the contrast as well on the style next to the the others i mean we don't have uh batons that are fully loomed but it's just a classic it really looks like a watch that has seen some some wear and tear moondust blizzard welcome to all of you who are joining in welcome i haven't even said hi um and to all those of you who have submitted these pieces into the show thank you immensely it's it's going to get good it's going to be a great time there's still quite a selection and the variety is always always good fun right on chris love this such a nice piece we've just seen some two very good professionals in this category next up is chung and he goes by the username of sf watch guy i'm guessing he's based in san francisco let me try and get this question here by zero saying the burnt dial speed master gives an impression like it was sun beams to the moon i mean we saw in a phillips auction we saw a um a daytona that actually crossed the sahara at the closing of the show and it looked kind of like this right but in this case not bad really not not bad right moving on next to chung as in 104 and the references i hope i'm not getting this wrong s-t-s-a-a-b-e i don't know how they managed to code it that way maybe maybe someone can can help but this 104 i mean we know that the 104 is a fan favorite it's a real classic whether you love or hate the the faux tina or the the would you call it for tina just the colorized uh numerals on the dial and hands it's a great piece i mean it's it's a true pilot inspired model out there love the beads of rice it's another good addition i don't think this watch this watch doesn't come standard with beads of rice they generally come on um three length bracelets and and leather right um it's great i also love how you've matched your clothes with the watch i hope you don't mind me turning you sideways there chong but uh matching the color of the jeans with the jersey and the dial and the bezel good it's a good piece as lots zin i need to discover and discuss a lot more i think it's a countdown bezel raymond thank you for pointing that out some of the most underrated details to any kind of watch in this category a dive a dive a countdown bezel is just special you can use it both ways you just have to do a bit of maths on the side but countdown is so practical if you know what time how long you're going to be doing the task it's great and it's it's more reminiscent of the older style of of rotating bezel designs we think back to the uh those original raf 6b the weems editions those original pilot models and yeah there's so much tell you what i've learnt a lot over the course of this year this hobby it's a serious serious addiction okay oh no see the canoe no sound you're kidding don't tell me that please don't tell me that oh god comment one if you can hear me please oh no moving next to curtis oh dear please someone tell me comment one if you can hear me uh no i hope we're good we can hear you okay good thank god i'm using a 30 pound microphone device it sounds incredible okay you can hear me good the good good good uh and if this thing does suddenly you know play hard for the first team up there i will have to really scramble around the room good you can hear me loudly thank you thank everyone really moving next to curtis chung thank you for sending this in i think this is one of the only zins no we are going to look at another one later i think lots of pilot chronos coming up in a sec next we're jumping to curtis curtis if you're in the chat i had the pleasure of meeting him this year as he was just about to retire from being an airline pilot for years and years and years and we had such a good time hanging out on the south coast hamilton cocky don't uh butcher me but i do not know the reference to this there's so many we actually have a few hamilton car keys coming up later on uh we have the interstellar model and and so many in between but this one quite special very true to the flieger the fleeker aesthetic from back in the day and hamilton yes affordable quality brand it's one of those brands that i think many should jump on when they're starting as a start-up piece um curtis mentioning speaking of watches taking us places i got to wear two rolex watches i purchased in hong kong 36 yes yes even though yeah it's funny i mean the the whole theme around the show was about watchers taking you in more of like a hobby appreciation sense but of course being a veteran pilot you have been able to travel quite a bit this year so uh mentioning bangko buck and that's the thing i mean in this category it's now looking at watches that you can afford that are not going to break the bank that you're going to enjoy the hell out of get so much time out of wearing them and this is the kind of watch that you're not afraid to put a ding in you're not afraid to to damage it's just it all just adds to the character of it it's another field watch more of a flight be a type b inspired field watch or pilot pilot why should i say still a great example there though right gonna move on move on through it's a car what hold on a sec the car key is quartz 42 mil so this is the quartz variant okay got it got it you've got quite a nice collection curtis he has uh collected quite a few cool pieces over the course of this year and yeah locker another there's so many brands in this category i mean we could be talking about them for hours hamilton highly recommend we are going to see more of them in a moment right on next we're jumping to daniel we finally reached d 65 minutes into the show how good is that uh jumping up next now we've just been uh focusing hold on a sec david's saying love cocky please uh call out the day date position huh so i'm guessing because it's 42 mils this this movement has been it's a little bit smaller in size to what we would expect i mean a day-date complication contrast a bit of an issue for some i would imagine hard to see or easy to see but but kind of breaks up the lines on the watch if you want to get really pedantic with your aesthetic appreciations but i mean day dates are good we're going to have a look at a few more in a moment moving on let's carry on got to carry on through to d and onwards let's get to a royal oak i haven't seen these in a while so the story from this daniel this is another daniel have we have we featured i don't know we haven't featured a daniel yet no so daniel basically said that i didn't need it i didn't want it but when the ad calls you and says that we have a 15 500 you go you you go to that call and you know this was his pickup i think i don't know 15 500 guys help me out it's not it's not linked to the chronograph please i've been so confused with these references because they've i mean i remember the 15 300 obviously the 15 202 but then they bring out the 15 4 the 15 5 i'm i'm so out of it out of touch with these new models uh it's yeah damn daniel wasn't that wasn't that a thing back in the day and i love it uh tim saying 41 mil so what's the difference between this and the 15 400 something about the sub seconds does it does it have a seconds hand i i can't okay tom's saying it's the top one okay got it got it really nice combination of colors when do we ever see a two watch set in this category hitting the coffee flake b saying the current model is the 15400 uh tell you what i'm so the issue is kind of because we can't talk about them because no one can get their hands on them it's kind of moot in a way as far as subject choices go yeah i mean they kind of lost me at the fifteen four hundred and now fifteen five i don't even know what that means essentially well okay is cool can't afford the premium with a good call i mean that's the thing though and i it's it's i love it or hate it it's it's the perfect marriage watch for me it's the the one you wake up and you say i can't stand it the one day and the next you think it's absolutely sublime it rides this line i love the fact that it's this prototype it still represents the prototype and seeing the the standard time only and dates next to the chronograph i love how they've addressed the chronograph just as well they're not going against the identity of the watch at all they incorporate the pushes and everything using the same hexagonal format it's just so true to the watchers identity and i feel like that the space allocation for the subdials is so good as well so this is 41 and i think this is 42 if i remember right and they do have quite a nice uh selection when it comes to spacing if i remember right 15 202 is still on the dream list but uh that's just me right chrono has no display back is that so tim i did not know that crazy right crazy but what an awesome pair tell you these shows they go all over the shop can you even get it roll over to 80 no you can't you have to buy all sorts of other bits and pieces before you can even get the chance i don't even know if they stock them at the 80s and so these games that they play with their customers now it's just it's sickening royal oak is a beaut but what about the the low water resistance what is the rating like 30 30 30 meters i don't know jean claude good to have you here sir we're going to have a good time you've just joined us 70 minutes late it's okay nefarion it's okay we're going to have a good time there's still some great stuff even now we've looked at quite a good selection of pieces so far but even now there's going to be it's so varied today i love it the show is probably one of the best over the last three that we've had okay mentioning about the 38 mil chronograph some stunning releases that i haven't heard spoken about uh i think they came out about a year or two ago what letter are you on the ferry on we are on d we're only on d at the moment right to dear artifacts next he sent in i i love this so what should i do first okay let's look at the uh the the photo that was going to be the cover in the beginning in the very beginning i wanted this to be the cover and i would have titled the show ho ho horology i mean talk about losing your mind you know megan saying perfect pair it is a beautiful set gotta say uh royal oak today i feel great about the royal oak don't ask me about tomorrow uh and nick's saying great shot i mean this is good so ho ho horology i thought it'd be so funny and we've got santa claus there breitling this is the 806 reissue navi timer this is from his dad's collection and uh yeah i thought it would be pretty pretty good pretty laughable the quality of these photos if you're on instagram if you are on instagram follow dear artifact i don't know if he's joining us but uh uh dear arty fact i hope that's how you spell it check out his page because you won't be disappointed there's so much good stuff his photography is sublime i can tell you this image itself is like 20 megabytes in size the resolution is ridiculous and of course he sent this in because of the wrist shot week don't you love that he's wearing leather gloves it's like it's such a such a a break away from the standard format this is fantastic but this photo as well here we go we get to appreciate oh super high res super super high res one of the best chronograph oh no come back come back darling one of the best chronograph reissues out there i believe the attention to detail slide rules everything there clive's saying you know i'm digging it i mean this is yours right you picked one of these up right uh i've got to hit the fisherman's friends man i've been chatting for 70 minutes and the voice is failing on me cherry flavor if anyone out there represents fisherman's friend would hit me up i need a sponsorship deal i promote your stuff way too much uh is he wearing a lv noise knot oh funny or if he was wearing an lv belt buckle that's so funny digging sanders gloves it's good right it's good so what about this watch 1959 reissue there's so many little features i i love the way look at the quality of this photo holy okay the original shield and wings looks so good the syringe hands i like the the amount of restraint they've used with the the faux tina i've got to think of a better word for it the amount of restraint they've used they haven't overdone it around the dial you know it's just on the numerals on the hands and what it does is it breaks up all the other features i mean a slide rule watch very difficult to read most of times so to break up that complexity with the with the elements i think is just so so good you can use this as a chronograph as well as you know if you want to calculate your bill at a restaurant i guess but uh one of the best reissues in this category i believe i made like a 20 minute long video looking at reissue chronographs three months ago and this was one of the top spot shots shaitan says don't plug fisherman's friends for free yeah i shouldn't but honestly it wasn't for them i wouldn't be able to keep up my voice would go so fast so so fast that's santa nivea time of shot is the best let's get back to it i thought it was precious it really is great i would love to see an lv belt buckle that would be good wouldn't it be better having having chanel you know the two c's christmas claws santa claus yeah it's good so this was going to be the cover photo and i thought the issue is i just couldn't get the full picture in i couldn't get the the sleeve and everything there to look very nice with everything but ho ho horology end of the christmas next week and so it goes so it goes all right uh and i think demetrius what did you mention here saying you do not have to use this watch just admire i mean that's it visual complexity to the max there's no more complicated watch out there i don't think when it comes to dials but it's still usable still readable okay gonna move on next to derek thank you dear artifact i don't know if you've joined us but i have plugged your instagram recommended ladies and gents have a check of this page next we're jumping to derrick with a 1952 seamaster it took me a second but it's on the barrel of a double barrel shotgun and i can't see the name mod upland i don't know the names of of shotgun manufacturers so someone might need to help me but a 1952 seamaster i mean we know that back in the day the sea master name was just spruced these watches weren't waterproof they were just it just it was the kind of like the oyster perpetual in a similar way they just slapped it onto all of their pieces the seamaster name has just been put on everything and anything it's nice to see now with their modern identity that they're tightening up what they assign the seamaster branding to um you can get these washers for absolute steals today if you uh if you look hard enough so many what i love i i do sometimes just say okay let's have a look at 50s and 60s sea masters there's so much diversity within this line if we're looking at the batons the quarter arabics some have sub seconds some have centre seconds different handsets is it a remington i don't know i can't see any branding of remington on it maybe someone could point it out to me custom made shotguns that's another area i find them fascinating um it's a it's a oh geez i'm gonna butcher this name astooga uplander is that how you pronounce it uplander okay thank you for that thank you so much who's the chats are going mad now hold on a sec let's get this back on the screen uh i just missed i just missed the chat sorry i just missed your your comments they've just i've lost it um mentioning about calculating fuel consumption tom that's funny really it's funny all right the spruce master yeah yeah i love it russell's joining us welcome you have a dedicated folder this week russell that we will end the show with as we normally do russell's watches always at the end um indices and the crown there's so many good features to this watch really and there was another i called this shot uv therapy i didn't know what else to call it but i think it's like a 34 or so 38 or a 34 mil watch and yeah just wears great underrated and just a great piece you can jump on for like 500 bucks enjoy the hell out of beat it around use it these these are classics but they're still you know depending on whether you get the automatics or the bumper cases or you know it's great it's just great i can't get enough of vintage sea masters i mean ask me that was my first luxury watch pickup 1957 sea master diver i still love it i keep it for special occasions at the moment i'm loving wearing all my watches as beaters at the moment and just wearing the hell out of them right derek thank you for sending this in my eyes are starting to really go funny looking at this purple so we're going to move on next to demetrius from greece i don't know if you're still with us but he sent in some great shots what really irritates me the most about demetrius's photos is that they're always in direct sunlight and greece is just it's the kind of place that i would probably want to get hitched i think uh i've spent such a good time traveling through cyprus and other areas and it's just such a special place i i love the history of greek influence and nuance and that age and philosophy surrounding the time and it's a sunny place john doe i agree so this is it's called a declare flieger it's not a stover we have a whole load of these makers but this is under the brand of declare and this is his bmw gs adventure that he's parked up at the seaside yeah man greece is a special place there's so much history and you know background and storytelling to it i love it i am welcome i'd love to join in demetrius maybe i'll fly out there very soon if that's ever going to be possible right grease is the way we are feeling forward it's good right so moving next he sent in another shot one of his most coveted and loved pieces the zenith i've never seen one of these before i love the aesthetic first thing i see let's just get the name the zenith big date special look at the type 20 aesthetic again the typeface that's the one thing you can just bring up and remember is the sound gone for real no you're kidding me rw don't do this to me please don't do this to me oh no comment one if the sound is good please again uh and shaitan how to trigger an englishman show him a picture of a sunny place yeah technically i'm not english i'm south african but uh yeah i know what you mean i do know what you mean uh okay you can still hear me i don't know what's going on are we going in and out of sound at the moment i think there is a storm going on outside i don't freaking know apologies if it does disappear it's not intentional can tell you that much thank you i'm audible moose man thank you thank you i got nothing must be me r w refresh the page i don't know and larry asked me where am i based i'm not based in scotland i'm based on the south coast of england uh right on right on the end so uh yeah zenith pilot i love the big dates i do consistent don't call me rare or attractive please do not do that um gorgeous model and he also sent in a few more so what makes this watch special i mean you see what i mean have a look at that background there i mean this could be an acropolis and all sorts going on it's just stunning the sun sets and everything demetrius you make me so jealous tell you what uh i just love that mediterranean heat you know coming out of africa that's wasn't mediterranean but you know it was it's gorgeous right sounds clear thank you everyone thank you how far am i from brighton i'm pretty close to brighton shaitan i'll tell you that much uh pretty close i wouldn't say a stone's throw but i'm pretty pretty close mr c one dollar it's all good thank you so much always a pleasure having you mr c um no audio interruption at the beginning thank you jay so what makes this watch special for demetrius is that he bought it for on the birth of his son right and on a mesh strap he loves fitting meshes to everything and it really does speak well to this piece the balance the big date i mean where do you see a big date at the six o'clock in the center of the dial looks good it doesn't affect the watch's readability also enjoy the double uh the double counters instead of triple and and mentioning the mesh looks good it does really does look good um does cape town have a mirror does it try it on i didn't know that oh geez like don't get into geography with me it was one of the subjects i failed big time big big time i fell as you know i was the kind of guy that would sit in the back of the class fall asleep through the exam and then just copy off the next guy and you know at a younger stage didn't take geography through my years mclovin good to have you here thank you for the one dollar canadian dollar absolute pleasure having you here great combination again demetrius you have an awesome selection of pieces that we've seen over the last few months thank you for sharing them thank you for sharing greece please keep them coming because uh it's just special lots of history there right moving next to eric bell santa where is the north pole you're a bit late sir you gotta check your check your gps rise eric bull i don't know if you're still with us here but uh we're jumping to a casio oak these watches have gotten so much now let's just preface this by talking about the new john mayer release that came out uh last year last week i think it was and some people thought it was a spoof the amount of the amount of spoofs behind the the whole release was pretty funny it does look like quite a good watch all things i don't know where the inspirations came from i think it was inspired by a casio keyboard or something like that um but this model in particular the the the casio oak they call it i don't know what the real name is the toilet oak now where do these names come from i don't understand you know shaitan do they actually call it because eric called this the toilet oak why would you name your watch over i mean is that like was that the deal uh anyway so apparently you can like modify them and put steel cases on and everything i like what he's done here with the rubber integration eric bell is quite the avent avent diver he loves the sea and uh it's all good santa it's so good to have you here hell i feel so privileged knowing that knowing that santa is joining us right so uh i love this black on black on white one thing i dig about these new casios these g-shocks is the analog layout if i ever have to buy a g-shock one day it'll be one with an analog readout because it doesn't feel like a digital watch it's very uh spliced between the two elements you can enjoy all the complexity of altitude meters and and step counters and whatever else these things do there's so many i mean i can't even start talking about the details also just i also like how the g-shock line is just so open to industrial design how they're moving their their approaches forward and uh being more creative with their product this is not the casio oak okay sorry so this is the toilet oak what's the casio oak please someone help me does it mean that does the casio oak have have eight sides and this only has four uh help me john uh thank you so much for the super chat i meant to send in a pic of the shirts i bought they sent me the wrong size but i'm being well taken care of great customers that's good to know yeah i would recommend ordering a size up from what you would normally do i think i'm definitely new to the whole merchandising thing i've ordered a few samples that still haven't arrived to me yet but i also one of the first samples i got was to test the printing and the printing look phenomenal so thank you for the super chat john really really appreciate it i'd like to hear more insight if you could send me some emails if you have bought any of the merchandise let me know what it's like if the quality is good um if the fit's good and everything there because of course i can go in and make improvements i can i can adjust the listings and everything too right so the casio has an octagonal bezel thank you for that everyone right so we're moving from cassio and eric i don't know if you still are with us good to know the toilet oak goddamn where do you guys get this from we're jumping next to james megan and jacinta i don't know if they're with us i can imagine being a saturday and they generally are up until like three four in the morning that side of the world uh they're probably asleep or on the verge of falling asleep but they sent in some gorgeous watches to end off the season with us so wow there is a serious there is a lot of rain going on outside right now so if i do break the signal just know got a thunderstorm going on out there all right so we're gonna start with james's piece that he sent to me he is quite the fan of gerard perrigo he picked up this watch in 2011. it's a constant escapement this was his first piece thank you for the super chat one i'm missing the chats and demetrius you guys really appreciate it so much juan i look forward to chatting about your day date in a second i really do so constant escapement now if you have the time look up constant escapement meaning on on google and there is a great writer by quill and pad summing up this watch it's there's so much to it that i don't even understand half of it i try to i try to read up about this watch before the show i found it a lot easier studying up the uh the grubel forcies but he does love as jira perry goes so constant escapement the mechanism itself i i still don't even understand but it's superbly accurate this one has a six day power reserve not an eight day i think uh there's so much to it and there was another shot that he sent in of it on the desk we can appreciate this watch is 48 mils in size it's titanium and it was the watch that made him i think at the time it was the most expensive watch that he had ever bought it made him fall in love with the brand and when we talk about watchmaking there is so much to it they use actual light to cut out these features if you see that tiny little spring sitting there on the on the base of the dial this little gadget running across the finishing of this metal the the microns of cutting it's just too much for me to explain um by light apparently i believe if i might be wrong here but they actually use light itself to cut through these elements because it needs to be that accurate yeah it just doesn't stop there's so many features to it i could probably spend half an hour if i knew this watch well enough i could spend half an hour talking about it to you all but this was the watch that made him fall in love with the brand he's picked up a whole load ever since it's a monster of a piece jared perego grubel 4c are the two pieces that the two lions that he loves so much the watchmaking is just on another level gotta say uh it's not a watch for everyone but what i love about all these brands we look at moser we look at laurentheria and all these these individual makers they are incorporating classical features with a modern swing you know space age inspired but it still has the classical analog layout and it's just presented so well i would love to see this in action given the chance um lithographic etching process i think that's it mason i i think it is highly recommended quill and pad just look up constant escapement cool and pad on google at the moment and you'll see a fantastic write-up that basically gives you seven reasons why this watch is next level it's stuff that even as an industrial designer i don't fully understand they i think the term they use to cut these components it's called liga the acronym i don't know the initialism so james mentioned this is my pride and joy the day i bought this watch my friendship with wayco from revolution also began so yeah he he he got flown out to uh gribble falsey sorry gerard perry goes factory and got him tim and waco and they chatted about it and they yeah formed a friendship over this piece pretty much and ever since james has been in love with the brand so it's one hell hell of a cool story right gotta move on there's a couple more interesting understated pieces coming up next and this selection came in from jacinta and it is a commemorative selection of two sky-dwellers remembering their dog had passed away almost a year ago so uh i've been there to tell you it's not easy roxanne was the name of their dog and uh a good way for remembrance so i would imagine because jacinta loves rose gold this is hers and megan loves gold and steel uh we have two i mean they are exactly the same here when you look at the numerals and everything there sky-dwellers matching sky-dwellers definitely off the beaten track to what they normally wear which is pretty good but as far as the selection goes in memoriam kinds of watches that you would engrave i think most of us have lost pets and dogs in our lives we we know what it's like and it's things i still feel it to this day i lost my two goldens two years ago and it still sucks sucks big time you know so yeah sam ray is joining us welcome sam ray good to have you here your selection of pieces are going to be coming up very soon yeah so talk about commemorative commemorative pieces uh so remember a dog i think it's pretty special really a special and if i remember right they had they had roxanne all through their childhood similar to me had my goldens for 13 years it hits you hard em i mean literally half your life you've had a dog anyway enough of the somber stuff we're gonna carry on thank you for this jacinta if you're watching us watching with us i don't know what i'm saying santa don't worry about it you know life that's life life is about loss life is about moving on right moving on santa i love your name really you should be doing the logistics at the moment right i mean christmas is in what six days you should be like on the road doing something at least planning i hope you got your elves in order right on and now jimmy roxanne yeah the police yeah yeah got it got it got it next we're jumping to megan i'm a rare human yeah i prefer being rare instead of well done thank you megan moving on next to the pieces that you sent in and time to watch harley and me you mean you mean marley and me right eric well moving on to megan's pieces now these are very out there let's get to them first off this is the most blinged out watch that megan has in her collection right i'm going to get this i'm going to get this right i had to do a bit of researching it's called the moza ventura smoky sapphire diamond so this is the kind of watch that you wear for those formal occasions that are just above and beyond this is diamond and sapphire set we have a look at the dial i mean it's just out of this world this is the kind of thing that you expect to see royalty being given at a coronation you know what i mean i just i it's hard for me to fathom every single individual setting the scale and the size of these settings it's just it's too much for me to take in good lord i mean it's not a watch for everyone it ain't it ain't a watch for everyone i can agree but you know from a distance you would swear that it's what what i like the description that moser puts around that is that it's it's their way of this is an in-house made this is in-house set by the way this is not aftermarket it's moses way of attacking fume with with sapphires and diamonds it's just unbelievable talk about diamond jubilee way of way of ending the year right a great watch to wear to garlic exactly you know this is this is the time it's nuts i don't know how best it's a real tool watch yeah it is i mean as most of us know um is is big on her vintage she loves vintage she's the vintage collector in the family so this is definitely off the beaten track even for her but it's just out of this world i cannot believe that this is factory set i mean everything there's something you can't appreciate about how diamonds are set so well on bezels on lugs neat extremely extremely neat we're not done yet though we still have more moser we do love our moses here you would wear this to the gym scott they're a good watch to wear to the gym so this i like to nickname the green mamba because it has been quite the the outstanding variant in the selections of pieces that we've seen in the sports category moses is going from strength to strength their sports watches the streamliner release i think happened at the end of last year or the beginning of this year i can't remember remember i've done 110 videos so it gets a bit misty so this being the streamliner center seconds and this being the first edition of their standard time only reference in the line it's also not a watch for everyone but it does have i just love features like the bracelet integration i think we featured this exact watch the other week by another viewer who sent it in you know the lobster tail the cushion case if it was me given the opportunity to choose any of these in the streamliner category the funky blue which i've just released would be the one i would jump on i think they have just nailed that watch something about this piece and it being a chronograph speaks to me more than the time only uh personally but there's just there's just too much there's just too too much to talk about in this area just dig how they've done the racing dial it also is true to to moses aesthetic in many ways they don't have any superfluous bs on the dials uh the female aesthetic is there the racing track is outstanding it just speaks to 70s aesthetics and yeah i could talk about this watch for hours and hours but we're going to move on we've got to move on next to another moser uh i haven't i have an african grey parrot that lives 50 plus years that will definitely outlive me mr c that is insane yeah i mean talk about age and life expectancy with animals it does get a bit excessive right some i mean what the galapagos turtles tortoises they live until like what 200 plus years nah nuts i would love to experience the bracelet on this i've experienced the nautilus bracelets i've experienced the royal oak the royal oak bracelet is a cut above i would love to feel what this is like conformity i just think they've done such a good job we're not done with moses yet we've got to continue and this was quite the outstanding outlier again this year being the mbnf and moser collaboration and i love how they've done this so we know how nbnf attacks their watch designs and we know how moser does the work this is also a left-hand drive kind of cool so i could technically wear this you know uh so we have here just such a good cross inspiration between the two brands nbnf with their domed crystals that they love the elevated angled segment moser with the fume dials they brought out a selection i think they brought out a variant with with burgundy green blue i think that's right i don't even know what the what the metal is if it's platinum if it's white gold i no idea but just simple things like the exposed tourbillon at the top just remember this dial it's kind of like a racing watch in a way you could wear this and and drive and you know put your hands on the steering wheel and be able to read the time easily because it's offset and quite easy to read samurai don't worry i've got your i've got your submission of the the save the ocean it'll be coming up in a moment finally i'm moser with indices holmessec within the season minute markers on which i can read the time yeah i mean that's that's another thing the divisive element about moser is that they do sometimes reduce so far that it's difficult to read the time but then it's part of their aesthetic i just what i appreciate i don't know if this is probably the best to look at in this category but uh we are going to have a look at another one later i'll keep that point for later on the dome is nuts it is it really is i mean it's literally a snow globe on the wrist you could do so many quirky things with with texture and glitter and stuff inside the dial if you wanted yeah this is fun we're not done yet got one more uh and i've never seen this variant of the essence before but megan loves her essence pieces and there's so many in this category one of my favorites is a it's the green variant it's olive drab with like a explosive radial brush dial this one notice what it says on the bezel i didn't see it at first but it says now it is hot sorry now it's better that's it i don't know what this has it's probably an incentive for a uh a a a charity of some kind but i do dig what they've done here so it's eta-based right it's an eta um inspired calibre that they modify if i remember right there small little touches again it's industrial design i love how they've not only is an oil filled movement and everything is is flat and it's kind of easy to read let me try let me try and read it live i'm going to butcher this so badly so it's kind of like 3 30 5 30 yeah 335 got it this is temperature i think temperature and this is your power reserve and this is your running seconds don't crucify me if i get it wrong there's so much to it yeah so leave us on the screen for a moment and catch up with the chats because i've missed you all here i've been trying i've been trying uh santa asking me would i keep or flick a new 58 blue well i got to experience one for about a month and a half center and personally i don't think it's the best watch for you i think because you love red so much i would go for the burgundy given the option but um i had this the strange time with the watch where in the first two weeks it's that new watch craze you know you get it and you think it's one of the best but i did fall out of love with it quite quickly and maybe that was down to it just being kind of plain even though it was blue the blue was very vibrant in natural light but offset indoors it's not as exciting as you would expect amazing in the category of being an everyday wearer a beta watch it's an outlier because it does have a blue dial which is something i guess it's quite conventional now but it's for a collection edition it's good it's a great piece personally i would sell a blackberry 58 blue given the chance i haven't experienced the gilt dial for long i might feel different about that model anyway anyway anyway gotta carry on here i've been chatting about these pieces for way too long megan james jacinta thank you for sending these all in uh been a great time it's been a hell of a year to experience some extremely diverse rare and attractive watches right uh seconds top left days bottom right oh thank you that makes more sense again rest they do change up the formula very often with the way they they arrange their dials lcd no it's not it's not an lcd dial oil filled so it's it's flat as think of um what's the model of the zen out there it's like a zin uh easy i'll never get it right the zen x something or other it's also oil filled quartz this uses the same kind of approach fascinating i'd recommend looking up watch box reviews um that's what got me into these pieces in the beginning the hands are a part of the dial yeah there's lots lots to learn about these the ux thank you cd canoe and nefarion and eric the zen ux uses the same kind of idea with the oil filled it's great watch by the way have a look at that too the new x next we're jumping to gregor and we're going to start with i mean we've just had a look at moses and diamond setting and all sorts now we're jumping to a psychomatic weak data i have hold on a sec we have a reference here another very easy reference to remember 6206-8990 from 1964 remember that so this is a classic in the space i mean seiko when they were really making marks and headways in the european side of the world you know in the 60s we saw i mean i'm thinking of the dive watches and the 62mas and then the willard and i mean that huge splash those watches made but they call this the weak data and we get to see here that we have not only the date but also the day sitting in the corner in a different space now having a look at it i i'm pretty sure these windows these wheels are arranged just like how we would expect to see them on skxs and everything else it's weak data is a good name right it kind of kind of interesting if you're a player out there a playboy weak data kind of works for your aesthetic so this window arrangement here would still work next to the date here so i kind of like how they've arranged it so it's at the six instead you don't see this very often right um appreciate it it's very nice i think we have another shot here to have a look at off out of out of the lighting itself champagne aesthetics silver dial clean 1964 still in pretty good nick and i've missed about a trillion of your comments um talking about zen another ux user experience cedar could love it love it uh absolutely love the sky dweller we've actually been having a look at a few more in a moment david believe it or not um samurai would you go over industrial designed homes like exposed brick i-beams it's definitely not an area of my expertise at all at all um i got stuck into furniture which we could maybe talk about i mean i've had questions asking me about talking about guitars and talking about cars and all sorts of things i don't know how best we could do that on on this show which is focused on watches but you never know could be something we could do one day uh maybe have a separate channel talking about id on other other areas who knows we've we've definitely established this as a watch-related channel so i think it will stay don't think the name should change okay gregor thank you for sending this in i think this was your first submission to the show i really enjoy how they've done this arrangement at the six o'clock it's maybe it's a little bit heavy being here and not where it i mean hell it would probably look a lot better at the nine o'clock position to balance out where the text is at the top and at the base how can you go back on a 1964 design though okay so jumping next to i always get your name wrong ingle engel b bahoy ingleby boy right that's how you that's that's your name an amazing piece that he sent in are you ready for this oh i think this is the first vintage rolex kind of rolex inspired variant out there that we've seen so far this is a 1984 tudor 94010 not marine national not spec for any forces just a standard consumable model out there in mint condition i mean looking at everything i'm looking at the dial the photography is just phenomenal we've seen a few of your submissions in the past engel ingle b oh god his name is patrick patrick yeah thanks that helps so yeah the snowflake snowflake dial snowflake hands it's where it's at i think it's just what makes this watch so good we've spoken about it a trillion times i think over the course of this wrist shot week show i've probably mentioned it 15 times at least but the square aesthetic just breaks up so nicely it makes it such a legible watch you're also dealing with a very rounded aesthetic when you look at the curves of the lugs the roundness of the dial and the bezel so what makes it even better is that that clash of square next to round and and how it's readable sadly tudor's identity now is looking at a different category altogether closest you'll get is the pelagos but this is where it all originated and the detail i mean this is a beautiful photograph you can actually appreciate the rust on the seconds hand if you really want you know some of these photos are so professionally done it's just it's so nice it just makes these shows even better i hope you're seeing this in in high def and uh i'd recommend you watching this in the lounge on the tv screen personally but yeah beautiful burgundy strap where do we even can't go wrong with this right another question posed to me mason uh if you want the day in a long format it has to go 12 like a rolex president or six like a uh there isn't enough room for a long day oh i got it mason thank you for that again me and watchmaking and space i should be good at my space allocation but still so beautiful i think this photo was about 10 megabytes in size i mean you get everything you get the individual scratch on the bezel itself you can actually see the machining on the individual it's just ridiculous yeah beautiful photo patrick thank you for sending this to us beautiful next we're jumping to j j sends in a breitling oops come on magic mouse breitling aerospace e65062 repetition minutes now this watch really left a mark i think when it comes to watches from the 90s this is an example here that that definitely speaks to that time and they still are popular today you can pick them up for great prices and i love it so it's a chord's piece i don't know the full the full story and development behind the movement everything there i would imagine it's it's a swiss quartz movement i'm not going to say ronda i don't know if they were making in-house quartz movements at breitling back then but these aerospace models were and still are so popular and i i dig them for what they are notice how the uh the indices should i say the the numerals very reminiscent of what we see from the modern explorer line this typeface i actually want to look up because we've noticed it quite relevant it's there in and around very complex crown eric mentions i don't don't even ask me about how to set this and everything there lots of cool features and it's it speaks so well to breitling's aesthetic you know with the bezel with the accented areas there the the rounded i mean i don't even know if these are movable ball bearings but i like how it's been incorporated you've got flat head not should i say a flat head screw that sticks out even though it's not flat uh so many there's also a countdown bezel by the looks of things too yeah there's there's so much there but they are they are variants that have tritium dials their variants now the more modern ones that have uh surrounds around the numerals themselves and it's just it just goes on and on and on we could talk about this watch maybe i should do a video but i i do remember right it was such a standout piece through the 80s and the 90s well respect it still is highly appreciated for what it is another excellent beater in a collection going against breitling's identity of polishing everything everything's brushed here i don't even know if this is titanium and again repetition minutes don't get me started would be nice to talk about this piece aztec sundial forbidden that's great megan thank you for the super chat it's good to have you here megan i'm imagining it's pretty it's like afternoon where you are at the moment it's just about a hit midnight in the uk so i think it's time for more coffee titanium yes how did i guess that nefarion that's good nice piece really is quite the outlier i mean just small things like brands get on with these serifs we've got to enjoy more serifs on our dials pencil styled hands it's super legible for what it is yeah i mean owners swear by them can see why oh geez moose man saying now the sound dropped out you're kidding right you are kidding me ah help me everyone call me saying one thank you so you can hear me it's almost like i'm breaking up in certain parts of the world sorry about it everyone real apologies coffee time coffee number three it's so funny here so funny how it's not working inside it's almost sunset in mexico yeah it's been pouring today from the south coast thank you everyone negroni no grony i could definitely use one of those right now this next submission comes in from wait for it johnny deep johnny deep i thought it was a fantastic name another seriously underrated watch in this category how cool is the selection of pieces that we're looking at uh long jeans long jean heritage classic i did a review video on this piece discussing its design its aesthetics the sector so many small nuances and touches to it that they've improved upon and in this category of uh entry-level ish models ones that are outliers this is definitely one you barely ever see sector dials on pieces the ones that come to mind really are in the micro brand space and uh you know jlc were their sector pieces that they brought out a couple years back so the fact that they are trying to bring in this whole new segment i think it was based on a watch from 1938 don't crucify me there but again it's it's the pilot watch of the time and subtle cues you can either love or hate the way the six was cut off i think in the review video i talked about how you could shift the subdial and arrange it a bit better and not have the chopped six which does look a bit cleaner there's a lot of discrepancy about whether or not you should have a open element here or which disappear completely but just small things like how the numerals rotate around the dial there's so many factors the pole router dividing lines the the blued hands yeah yet another severely cropped six i know i know it just doesn't stop uh and mason's saying wait you mean somebody fixed brightling's case brushing machine yeah you know what it wore out and they decided we're gonna fix it and there's another shot i think on the wrist gotta love it gotta love a classic appreciate the cream i mean it's a cream dial essentially with the sector aesthetic the brushed elements blue accents yeah great model highly recommend shaitan longing greater than short jeans you guys you guys are on fire i think i need to hit more whiskey and get back in i feel like we need some more humor i'm being a bit dryer today jlc sector dial is amazing yeah russell the rain's just arrived i guess it's a uh what would it be an uh wet uh easterly wind blowing towards me where you're based so yeah this six we can discuss at length though i just i find it i find it great how there is detail even though it's a simple looking watch there is detail to everything through the minute marks the eccentric indices there the the way the subdial has been done this arrangement where you have all the subtleties lined up it feels very precise you know built for a pilot pilot inspired model right now move on johnny deep thank you for sending this in and next we are getting to this watch is actually quite a hero actually we featured this a few times in the past don't crucify me i did just call this the whirlpool that is the uh the collector community name i think it's one of the only you know there are a few grand seiko's coming up still the grand seiko whirlpool sent in by jack and he goes by the name of dublin watch and my voice is about to break so fisherman's friends help me please darlin i'll also hit some water it's a problem when you're drinking single malt i wouldn't recommend it if you're presenting because it does rip your throat to pieces right so i have this theory that the reason why they are so elaborate with their dial arrangements and they're just the finishing is beautiful it's because it's just something you can't replicate you know if you were someone who wanted to make a third party model out there it's it's virtually impossible i mean look at it how do you manage to get that kind of work done it's it's stunning uh it's a high beat movement so it's not a spring drive 36 000 it essentially means that this watch looks like a quartz watch the way the hand ticks it doesn't tick it's just smooth and he sent in a few other shots let's have a look another close angle shot it's what i just love about these grand circles they're not for everyone many would agree that gran seiko itself has its identity and a lot of their watches feel very samey in this category but uh for grand seiko i think i said in the beginning of the show with a with a presage that they know how to do their dials and there are a few little bits and pieces about how they break away from convention with their cases and the handsets always these these dauphine style hands right seka al primero exactly hold on the el primero also has a 36 000 right was it 38 38.5 help me out be good to know megan's saying she finds the long gene over price to what they offer i don't even know what caliber they're using is megan maybe someone can help me there too i haven't had a look at the prices either again i'm not someone to ask about prices here i i only focus on the aesthetics i try my best to be as helpful as possible but sometimes i really miss the mark by miles so ultramarine is five hertz so it is 36. that is so great well that's something else we've just discovered and yeah the whirlpool is a gem some cases in the grand seiko line are better than others i again me and my references in the seiko family not good but uh jeez what i love is when i ask a question i get like six of the same answers fantastic you guys are so like alert and a part of the shows it means a lot really does um if i have to ask yeah it's good nice looking piece the photography is also incredible i should also focus in on these are also like 10 megabytes in size so we get to enjoy all the little macro details there grand seiko love it or hate it some people really dislike the idea that seiko is on their dial personally if it was me and i was in charge of grand seiko's identity i'd get rid of the name and just leave the logo there that's all you need you don't need to double up it's like it's like if it's like if omega was spelt with an o you use the o as the logo like rolex being spelled with an r you use the r as the logo and then you put rolex on underneath it's just unnecessary you know certain manufacturers go their own way i think to in sticking with grand seiko's traditionalist approach it's a much better idea to not have the name on the dial and just leave the logo there that's all you need less is more as john says and seco is all about minimalism in their own way the japanese approach to design is all about restraints subtlety understatedness we're speaking about zeniths and el primeros guess what's up next uh jack thank you for sending these in jumping to jeremy and we chatted about the a384 a second ago i think demetrius was offering to send it to me from greece that would be a win so so megan says dial is always interesting on the gs but they still don't really move me i mean it's the same with lots of us i think the the dials do definitely have their own way but seiko feels like seiko whether that's a good thing bad thing it's your appreciation your opinion around the area right so so mr williams is joining us i i'm going to botch your name wyatt thank you for joining us eric bell saying that's my next watch i would love to get this what i appreciate it's another reissue yes why i'm so attracted to re-issues i don't know i guess it's just uh they so represent their time you're dealing with modern movements which is great you don't have to worry about servicing as much and all of that but i just i feel like this just speaks so much to the i love the story to it you know the sea master that i got the first dive watch that omega ever made in 57 this essentially the first automatic chronograph ever made i love that you know the the peculiar lugs the squared off case is just so true to 1968 1969 and is joining us welcome hans good to have you here and yeah many more of you who are joining us uh so yeah i mean we've chat about this watch so much i think i don't know if 73 math is joining us but this was a feature of the cover a couple of weeks back when we did a show and yeah the panda aesthetic is there there's just so much balance the offset date window doesn't bug me at all i think it's out of the way and only there when you actually are pointing it out oh god now it's hailing outside if there is a signal break just know i'm covered in hailstones uh yeah there's so many small touches we could talk about this watch for for ages and ages i should try this piece yes my opinion on the xeno revival the revival shadow i have never heard of it before tao that's another issue with zenith similar to the speedmaster they have about 15 trillion models and re-editions and everything there at this point in time great watches to look into because the attention is all towards rolex omega other names zenith still very underappreciated and uh yeah gotta love it i love it jeremy thank you for sending this in we've chatted about a384s often very often great history with the zenith brand but while i own a few of them i prefer so many other watches don't wear those in my collection yeah again megan for me it's it's all just down to story i i seem to be someone who loves narrative behind design and history if we think about this competing with the monaco and the seiko at the same time that we're coming out so many little things about the watch i also just enjoy the aesthetic it's so readable for what it is um but yeah i guess that the polarizing aspects the squared off case the lack of bracelets unless you pay an extra bit hail weather ah yeah actually got caught in a hail storm today right moving on next to is this the same jimmy no it's not no okay so we've just seen jeremy we're now jumping to jimmy and he does go under the name of flieger b7 triple seven i think let's start with now he is a pilot flies a boeing triple seven and where the theme of the show was around where have watches taken you this year on a more emotional journey self-discovery and everything there uh because he's a pilot he has been able to travel so these are where he has taken his watches this year submariner a i'm not even going to try and guess this one it's a tritium so maybe it's just a 14060 i think this is in amsterdam a nice setting in amsterdam we're going to see some world traveling here i think uh moving on next after this i think this is the only no date sub we've seen it's also one of the only five digit references we've seen too isn't that cool these shows are all over the place next from jimmy is the 39 million explorer my love child in uh tokyo tokyo station oh you are with us thank you felig are you saying 1995. almost a birth year watch for me that's one thing i'm trying to suss out i'm at this point where i'm thinking to myself find a berthier a 1993 model what i just hate so much is that these in particular these five digit reference subs i think one of the greatest in that that final closing or phase between this and the last you know transitional 5513s i think it's such a fantastic swan song of a watch in in the submarine line um the downside is is that they're all polished to absolute it's depressing you go and have a look you type in whatever both here for me is 93. there's like 100 listings and every single one of them they don't have sharp lugs the the bezels are destroyed the the hands have been replaced all kinds of bs bugs the hell out of me it's all i can say so finding a near mint i mean i want to go deep imagine finding a 22nd of november 1993 model your actual birthday watch that's like next level and of course that means you have to find papers and most of us here aren't exactly young enough to get watches with papers nowadays you know yeah gotta say gotta say moving on explorer 39 we've chatted about this watch enough i think you must be sick and tired of hearing about about me and explorers this is a fliege and i couldn't name work out the name i'd imagine it's a stover or a locker or but this is in tria in germany awesome architecture it's just great i mean so again this is the more literal take on where have you taken your watches this year uh valeria saying you speak with wisdom way beyond 1993 i don't know what it is maybe it was corporal punishment or something that drilled it into me but uh i don't know i don't know what it is really i've been asked my age i mean i am only like 27 but still it's a it's peculiar thing lots of self-reflection lots of reading up i think that's what designers taught me in a way taught me a lot about myself and how to view things a bit differently and half a watch yeah i don't know what the references i'd imagine it doesn't even have uh type on the dial but it is a type b if anyone wants to know a larko 45 okay good well it's a real pilot watch of its time awesome building next up we're jumping to and we're going to get to those biometals in a second this is a glycine airman this is a everyone loves this at the temple of the moon in mexico what an amazing i have me and world history i like to think that i've learned quite a lot in my life but there's still stuff i'm not aware of and this i am not aware of at all with these built in and around the time of the mayan and the aztec empires i'd love to know if anyone has that history there old soul valeria yeah maybe i am the embodiment of a much older person in a young body who the hell knows so this is a very loved airman i think they are what's the dc-4 so it's a model that commemorates a plane dc4 dakota right uh don't crucify me it's got a cyclops lens which is something else it's 42 mils so it's a great contemporary size it has the original steel bezel you know that the explorer lines stole essentially these were the ones that started it all i also just love the 24-hour time arrangements and yeah and so many features am pm love it it's a really it's an outlier in the glycine line remember that the original airmen were like 35 millimeters in size in the 50s and the 60s so seeing how they are working with the times and improving their their readability their aesthetics yeah dc4 a tiori hold on did i get that wrong temple of them i don't know guys i'm sorry if i got that wrong double 12 version uh catching up the rest of the let's get another full full scale shot of the temple it's amazing and marcelo our design man he knows his design better than me that is an aztec construction my own culture was located in the south of mexico marcelo thank you for that really thank you for that i uh me and my south american history it's not something i studied very much thank you really appreciate that these temples i mean the history it does let you ask a lot of questions about the history of the world no uh gonna move next to another shot from jimmy and i knew this was chicago i mean anyone who knows anything about aesthetics and design and this is a oh god here we go i'm pretty bad with rolex references too honestly a one six seven five zero i'm guessing i'm guessing it's a coke bezel does that change things i'm very bad with my coke references the bean in chicago yep great looking model i think the coke is a very underrated piece in this line you know the pepsi is cool for its uh cult following it's the one six seven one zero thank you how bad is that of me it was aliens so yeah i mean that's one definitely one theory we could talk about uh it's quite quite incredible seeing how architecture was formed around those ancient times so the the coke bezel is is really underrated it's uh it makes for that great splash of color without it being in your face i guess the pepsi has the culture behind it you know the the story of pan am and everything there but the red accent matching up with the red hand is subtle the black matching the black on the dial great design very very good design and now there's there's mentioning of all kinds of i don't know what's going on design and and coke over pepsi and anish kapoor i don't know what's going on in the chat i'm just going to carry on through because i've been talking for over two hours and my brain is definitely on the on the brink this is a kermit uh don't ask me if this is the gen 1 gen 2 or gen 3 but this is flying over the north atlantic he mentions to me in the mail and uh yeah the original kermit is is where it's at i think i feel like this is one of the last renditions because of the bezel color or maybe it's one of the first maybe santa can help me he's done a lot of traveling he's done a lot of delivering maybe you can help me here in this but uh yeah man gotta love how these watches are traveled they're being used to travel and now miles mentioning that coke is greater than pepsi or hulk is greater than batman fight me it's a mark mark iv flea oh god kermit is greater than sermons and so it starts the debate starts i love it love stoking the fires uh right uh rare and unique here we go thank you megan i'm gonna get you a chat now and and okay so jimmy we've just had a look at all your pieces great selection we've got gmts we've got what i love is that there is this element of i haven't finished yet this was an addition to his email to me later on saying you know where have watches taken me this year next to where have i taken watches two-tone has been his latest thing so he's picked up the looks like a brown dial rose gold yacht-master underrated very very underrated and a two-tone sky-dweller that many are jumping on loving it they are loving it and the few of us in on the show have have this exact model and uh variants that are in steel and and so on and so forth i like this pairing they have a nice collection there flieger b77 megan thank you for the super chat really i'm extremely wise rare and unique i love that those phillips names are never going to die down right um it means a lot it does mean a lot i hope if more than anything else i hope that i've been able to be entertaining i've been a good distraction for you all this year with all that's been going on that's that's always been my my drive running these shows and and posting videos and trying to attack this hobby a little bit differently asking if people can think a bit deeper about what they have and why they have it what is it about the hobby that speaks to you that is the the underlying story to it all i see marcus joining us welcome mark pleasure having you here don't worry we've still got some great stuff coming up megan really really thank you for the super chat i can't thank you enough all of you who have supported me supported the show done this i mean if it wasn't for you we wouldn't have 20 episodes of wrist shot week 20 episodes just think about that that's over 100 photos 20 of them so that's 2 000 photos i have come the new year i'm thinking of surprising you all with something a bit special rare and unique we could even say um okay jimmy i've got to move on from you next to to john who stands in the shot of the explorer on ostrich john do not watch next week's explorer video that i'm going to put out because you might be very miffed by what i have to say the explorer has definitely left it's broken my heart in a few places um right right let's see what else take a shot and yeah you know what let's do it glenn keith very cool whiskey i gotta admit i have been splurging a bit on whiskey over the last couple of weeks keeping up the stores and the supply over the course i probably have enough whiskey now to last me throughout next year so it's going to be a good time going to have a non-sober id guy to deal with mark's saying sorry for joining late really don't worry about it mark uh did i have to take a shot because i mentioned rare and attractive well what can i say so yeah explorer 39 oh i say some rough stuff about this watch it's not a good video if you love the explorer i don't recommend watching it really i'm pretty i'm pretty rude um i say stuff that's it's quite deep quite emotionally driven instead of instead of you know it's not objective it's very subjective instead of it just being a generalized review yeah so next week do not watch the video if you if you love this watch because i do tear it to pieces and tear myself to pieces too uh yeah gonna carry on john this is another john we're jumping to next i think is it butt stuff no clive it's not it's it's kind of kind of like tearing a second a second naught i would yeah i would say in a way uh you should call the show exploring watches um i don't like the word explorer anymore it's left such a terrible taste in my mouth it's and the whole i mentioned this the very beginning is that i fell in love with my own narrative around the watch and it just never lived up to the reputation and and eric said it so well is to never meet your heroes because you'll be so disappointed right uh and there's so many i mean that video just covers everything but the watch it's it's killing your darlings it's getting rid of the convenience in favor of the less convenient stuff and yeah you know what it is all right gonna carry on through gonna carry on to the next john this is john c and i thought this was a very good point john is currently wearing a 36 millimeter oyster rs diver 65. now many mentioned that these watches you know 36 mil is a feminine size or whatever else you want to say he loves using this watch as his gym watch and he's just about a bench 125 kgs or 275 pounds for five reps that's his i think that's his max that's not technically it's not his max i would imagine your max would probably be around 135 for one rep seriously impressive 125 kgs i think my max that i ever managed to push was 120. i couldn't do bench i can do dumbbells 45 kgs plus but but bench press it's an art form so uh yeah impressive seriously impressive 47.5 kilos per side is that so is it no it has to be more than that eric surely the bar is 20 yeah me and my maths you know but 275 pounds is no joke 100 once you hit the 100 kg mark at bench press you have done well ladies and gentlemen i recommend it if you feel like pushing yourself in the gym get to 100 kgs and you've done a good job you don't ever have to go higher than 100 kgs i don't believe uh try and pump out those reps try and get 10 reps of 100 and you're in good shape but yeah my specialty has always been dumbbells never never bench 45 kg dumbbells look very cartoonish wouldn't you say right i'm gonna move on john thank you for this i think it's such a good point to make that you can wear a 36 mil watch doing this kind of stuff and everyone says the 36 is undersized and effeminate and all that rubbish yeah it's it's rubbish i mean where would you like i think it's so important there right on so jump into joseph next thank you john and eric is giving me some maths lessons let's get to it now so we have our first iwc pilot now one thing i struggle with with the iwc line is knowing these references i don't know what i'm looking at here is it called the the pilot chronograph it probably has a long reference number line attached to it but iwc has done a good job they're keeping to their aesthetics their motives um yeah i love 36. i mean there are a few of us out there that do enjoy the smaller watches not everyone's favorite though um but i mean that that's great watch to enjoy so eric mentioned each player is 20 kgs and 5 and 2.5 thank you eric yeah i mean yeah i didn't count all those numbers up so this piece uh i like how they've managed to keep very true to the flieger aesthetic in their own way the iwc this is basically the the essential of an iwc branded watch triangle with the two dots and not i don't know so much about the chronograph arrangement this is definitely divisive in a way it kind of counteracts the weight of the day-date complication here not for everyone i i do love a fleega dial that's fully numeraled up so yeah it's its own thing but great piece and i think he sent in a few more this was actually an awesome selection that he sent in let's have a look so next from joseph he sends in a pam i think this is the only panerai this was his most recent pickup i've been looking at panerai's very differently the reference is a one three nine two for anyone interested out there uh mentioning about thirty sixes blaine blaine asking um i was interested in 36 mil models from breitling but breitling is advertising them as ladies models i know right i i don't understand how you can 36 is so unisex even 39 i'm sorry even 39 34 36 39 i think falls into the unisex category the how you can brand i mean think about it man the dirty dozen pieces were basically 33 mil field watches you're telling me that those guys in the 40s dodging bullets back in the day with with female watchers on their wrists that's pathetic i don't understand how they how they managed to do that there but i don't like pam clive it's good that you're still here with us i again i really hope you are recovering okay so 36 yeah i mean i i think i mentioned in the op video the 36 has this this beautiful relationship between the case and bracelet that i don't think many other watches manage to do just as well um i think what makes what makes a a watch so great as a piece of jewelry is that you can appreciate both the bracelet and the case together some do it better than others the 36mm size lets you appreciate them both equally 39 is also brilliant i agree ant it sits right there in the i mean you can't bash a five a five digit um rolex case in the sports line it's just beautiful proportions interesting to see where we're gonna go with that in future okay so this was his last pickup for the year i have been looking at panerai a lot recently i could see myself wearing these pieces i think it's just their aesthetic is so unique to them the the way that especially in the luminor line with the crown guard and all of those aspects on the nato strap on the rubber would be such a good working watch and the sandwich dial there's just there's so many nuances and influences behind the design of this piece i think that's worth discussing a bit more maybe i should do more what is going on with this mouse maybe i should do more panerai related things in future i believe some of 38 they are scaling them down uh there are i think like 19 there's a reference from 1930 that they're bringing back in a 38 mil size my magic mouse is twitching out on me hold on uh pam they are coming back i think so megan if it was me given the opportunity i would jump on the id bandwagon that panerai is starting to push should i say they did it for the phillips auction would be so nice to see the loom i loved how they integrated the loom around the the crown guard and modernizing modernizing it in a few places right so i'm yeah and don't don't even begin to ask me about uh panerai references i absolutely useless at them uh and bobby legs welcome good to have you here and everyone else who's joining in uh you know i'm really struggling with keeping up with the chats you guys have been so attentive right on next to another shot from joseph his seamaster this looks to be i don't correct me if i'm wrong this looks kind of 36 ish maybe it's the 41 maybe it is 41. is this the no we saw it we saw a modern sea master at the beginning of the show aluminium bezel it's not a watch for everyone it definitely has that 90s flair to it great to see how they've modernized the watch um the bracelet just speaks to the 90s so well and uh the bezel color looks good right very aquamarine uh i actually my folks had a vr6 a mark iii was it a mark iii mark iii vr6 golf in this uh it's a porsche it's a porsche color isn't it had it custom ordered and it's such an exceptional blue i love it i don't know what it's called if there's a german speaker maybe you can help in the in the chat with that a bit more the prince william watch i don't know if this is 36 i've feel it a feeling it might be 34 looking at the the proportions on the dial maybe not no looking at the width of the bracelet it does look 36 ish yeah the william watch this is a mention about it being automatic i don't know maybe it is quartz i guess looking at the seconds hand we could say it is quartz it's hitting the hitting the marks who knows next up and i love this this is one of the the show stoppers in this category here how cool is this sorry magic mouse working me darling speedmaster and pelegos this is the okay so this is the speedy 90 this is the speedy 57 on the left and is it no it's not it's got hold on a second help me here this looks just like a 1957 but it's not i think they call this the speedmaster 57 it's not the 1957 reissue and it's linked to george clooney in a way i think it was the the piece that he uh he sprucked back in the day if i remember right uh and then next would we have a pelagos black pelagos broad arrow beautiful and i'm missing you all in the chats again i'm going to try my best to read up what i'm missing here would you uh shaitan says would make a great berthier watch for me talking about the sea master i've already got one i think next next up for me will be will be rolex the end of the day i think oh tommoso's n95 mask pleasure having you here your username is just gold pure pure gold i gotta say you're on his face all the time and it's sometimes very distracting trying to listen to him review through it so maybe you can have a word with him and ask him to be a bit more reluctant to using such a thick mask to present rolex will be my next jump but hell i'm i'm in no financial position to pick up one like really this time if we talk i mean we're now two and a half hours into the show i could i could say it's it's been a time of self-reflection and enjoying what i have i think it's very important because i mean again with this this course of this year people have been spending so much more time in the hobby that it gets a bit borderline obsessive picking up so many pieces and uh you know you got to think what exactly are you trying to achieve with these pieces are there ones that you want to keep in a collection are there ones you're just getting to try you know and taiko asking opinions about the reduced speed master hmm i i i do like the size like 38 mils right but i don't really appreciate the aesthetics of the reduced personally i think it's quite sad that they they get rid of what makes the traditional professional the way it is whether they've done their sub-dials i guess no way it's to differentiate the models but no it doesn't speak to me as much given the opportunity i'd be picking up the 42 mil and the speed master professional like i said has been removed you know we've we've moved to a whole new area where they're getting coaxial three eight six one they're right three eight six one calibers that is amazing i can't wait to hear the story behind that but for seven thousand pounds basically eight and a half thousand dollars for a professional speedmaster what are they smoking yay anyway an automatic yeah automatic speedmasters not not for everyone right really not for everyone i love this pairing though they speak so they speak very truly to their brand identities broad arrow hand you can't go wrong this this layout of the the snowflake aesthetics snowflake hands and everything there it's my pleasure if you tag me in the chat i can read i can read the comments and it makes makes my life a lot easier my pleasure taika um right moving next to juan i don't know if juan is with us but he has done a few things over the last couple of days he's gotten rid of his precious metal sports models and decided to jump on something a bit different now juan is an interesting fellow like most of us here right he has everything from vintage hamilton's to vintage where to even start vintage jlc's he loves the old aesthetics but then he also collects a lot of modern a lot of high-end pieces too so we get to just enjoy the uh the breakage between the two elements now this is a brand new pickup this is the platinum day date don't ask me references i am pathetic with them but it's a special watch there's so many little facets to it that i think is worth exploring a bit exploring i'm going to take a shot because of that i don't want to use the word explorer anymore i've sullied the name explorer as myself i didn't realize that the style is actually broken up into almost like a linen effect you see why we have verticals and horizontals um don't know about the romans though we can talk about this in a second i didn't even know that these these models this specific specific the specific uh pipette platinum day date reading perpetual there i didn't know the specific model had texture on its style i thought it was flat so now we get to enjoy it the ex neural i know it's beautiful the the thing is it's it's so modern and you have to ask yourself does it go against the traditionalist approach of the romans with all the serifs everywhere so juan got rid of the gold daytona for this yeah i think that's what you mentioned in the email it's great it is really great so i mean just i do like how they've done it here where the single indices are on either side it's just balanced the watchmaker's four it's very well placed just squint your eyes i'm gonna try and draw a triangle for all of you here you squint your eyes and look at this vertical triangle running across you can see between the ten the two and the six there is nice balance between the four and the eight there is a nice balance yeah it's good well addressed does this watch deserve a fluted bezel i don't know and then from i mean look at that texture it's an amazing watch it is it is oh you see when you get to see these kinds of photos you can appreciate them in different lighting environments and here it's just something to observe okay i love the use of blue very nicely done and it's also quite subtle considering what it is platinum day date the play date yes that's it thank you for that i like that uh and he also sent in a shot of the clasp now what's beautiful is this is a brand spanking new model so there's not a single scratch this is a scratchless bracelet and clasp one of the best clasp integrations i think it is the best i'll i'll go out there and say it's the best clasp integration on any rolex um out there at the moment it's just what it needs to be uh surprising that they aren't incorporating this kind of aesthetic into their other models like the jubilees and the you know i love that all you have is a hinged rolex logo to open it up and yeah man i mean i only chose he sent me about five and i've only chosen three i thought three was enough to have a look at but the roman layout is it's very good the open the open x is great it's very special there's another shot oh come back that is so mod it doesn't even i mean this doesn't even feel like rolex anymore you know it's like it's like moving on to the next era and these aren't new i'm pretty sure these have been around for quite a while uh correct me if i'm wrong i don't even know when these were started i think they were like 2010 and they still are around right next from juana he did send me one more shot of his overseas this is his pride and joy and i thought this was the best shot we could share on a black leather strap now before i started talking about these watches they were still kinda stockx like that ant uh they're still kinda underrated or they were now because no one can get the the naughty lie and the royal oaks these are just as in demand lots of little features and and one saying they're more comfortable than the jubilee very interesting very interesting i'd love to know more thoughts about about the model i mean the day date is still very you know speaking about the perpetuals like we did last week the perpetual line is so underrated still in the rolex line next to the professional models great to see that they've injected new life in with the standard perpetuals but i mean the day it's quite the pioneering watch in this space and it is right in that it's the king of the perpetual in this category right yeah beautiful platinum i love the way the dial has been done it's just so character so much expressiveness beautiful and the bachelor on overseas i mean we chat about this so many times it's so good to see it still featured and a part of the show and yeah it's awesome it's a moscow's n95 mask i like the vc but the date wheel ruins it for me yeah and it's it's quite a bug there i hate windows that don't match the dials it bugs me so much but what can you do about it you know you'd think they would put a bit more money in and match the colors but i guess you have to save money somewhere right right right we're going to carry on through juan thank you for these pieces nice to have a reduced selection from juan because normally we look at all the vintage stuff it's hailing again outside so if the signal breaks uh hang on next we're going to junior johnson and junior has sent in quite the awesome piece we've had a look at seiko divers and now we're jumping to citizen and this is the don't crucify me if i get this wrong the pro master diver and he mentioned in his email to me that it was used by the italian navy marina for 10 years and we're talking about kind of entry-level diving watches in this category next to so many seikos thank you for the one john doe appreciate it um well here we go some references ny0040 thank you gents did not did not know that one uh we talk about i mean there's some good there's some really great stuff done here look how the bezel has been addressed the knurling is fantastic notice how every every element where the numeral is placed you have the solid section and then you have knurling around it great amount of detail it's subtle when we talk about entry entry-level dive watches this is a great category next to the seikos that we we know and we see often yeah oh i'm being asked the question by taika about vc or ap depends on the watch i i'm in the space where i feel like if i was going to pick up an ap it would be a royal oak it just speaks to my my design love and hate love and hate about the watch if it was for me to pick up a vc i would be going for you know the 1921 i love that racing watch even though i couldn't wear it on a white white wrist right wrist i'd be looking at the more dress oriented pieces like a corn of corn divas from vacheron where ap i'd be jumping on the off shores the offshore divers that the royal oaks personally and in the patek line god i don't know what i would do patek is kind of here and there i'll be looking at both yeah someone drop is valeria scotland dropping out on us it's only half past 12. not good it's not good i've been having a good time i hope you've all been enjoying yourselves so junior this has been great i also dig how they've put the crown at the uh the left-hand side position quite unexpected you know how many of you enjoy crowns digging into your wrists i have to ask it's the one bonus of being left-handed is that the crown's the other way doesn't get in the way junior thank you for sending this in also love the shot that you've matched your jeans with the the jersey and everything else you've got red and blue just working so well together here that's fun great fun okay now we're coming up to the last few in the selection would you believe and we still have some great stuff jacquard coming up in a second grand seiko cartiers iwc's another moser and then we have a selection of russell's pieces which are always good fun to enjoy at the end of the show so marcelo you're up next and where do we start marcelo is an avid industrial designer i think he has just qualified and it really touches touches my heart warms the cockles of my soul that an industrial designer can listen to these shows and feel like they're learning something about design hell i don't know i mean i've i've done some really peculiar projects in my life i mean i've designed satellites and all kinds of weird stuff so getting into watches was just this avenue this hobby so the fact that industrial designers are joining in and and chatting and sharing is great fun now he sent me an email a while ago about cartier and he feels like it's a brand that he could get on board with and just put all his money into it's a great collection we've discussed it on one of the shows before and he picked this up for his 21st which is amazing this is a midsize 2005 santos he has a seven inch wrist and it's like a 29 mil watch but he just loves it and there is something about cartier as a brand i mean look at the quality of the bracelets it's still flawless do you actually pull the clasp to open it i would imagine there's no pushes it's so clean it is such a clean looking model so this was actually the cover the content photo for the live show there's something about smaller sized cartier that just speaks i mean when muhammad ali can wear a tank it kind of begs the question small size watches they are pretty slick you can you can get a you can get away with a small size cartier and mention of ergonomics yes and this is very actually funny enough this is probably so true to the original santos in size if i'm not wrong 29 mils kind of falls into that ballpark of what the original was sized at for uh no mr dumont and it's hidden class so good great yeah i love it the variety of the show has been a lot of fun and they always are i never know what's coming in i'm never i'm never expecting anything and you always manage to surprise me surprise us i love the size of this i hope your eyesight is good marcelo it's all i can say you believe the original was 25 mils i mean you have i mean i still have your emails saved martial about talking about cartier the brand i need to do it we were chatting about the pasha at one stage and i need to do like a listed video talking about all the various models the tonno cases and everything there there's so much in their heritage i just love how they've held this this identity throughout their entire existence in the watchmaking scene yeah great model congratulations happy 21st gotta gotta wish you happy 21st geez when i was 21 i wasn't even committed to watches yet then i was spending money on other things guitars actually mainly guitars and and you know what other rowdy youngsters do at that edge beautiful model congratulations really made for flying a blimp yes okay jumping next to mark now this one is quite the outlier it's a grand seiko the reference is hold on to it sbgx this is so cool this is a really nice looking model sbgx091 right i love this magnetic resistant now someone who knows their grand seiko could probably give a little bit more insight into what this exactly means but uh i would imagine oh we have four thousand i don't even know it's been so long is that amperes per per minute i've been out of the the science game for so long i don't even know but i love the red accents man the red accents with the whites just speak so well the polishing there's barely any polishing on this the case is brushed fully braces is clean this is this is real a proper representation of seiko i think amperes per meter thank you tim mosso's n95 mask you would know i mean you're built you've been built in the lab uh fantastic thank you for letting me know about that four times the milgauss i mean the whole milgauss i don't even it's so irrelevant using that name now other things we're talking about yeah yeah at 21 i mean we were the same right megan um uh i've been together i lost my train of thought milgausses that that whole expression being used now on a modern watch is just so irrelevant you know but as watchland says welcome watch lounge cleanliness is just gorgeous really is and tommaso's mask is helping us again eighty thousand is that so a thousand girls that so okay why such a this is 40 oh i thought this was 4 000 it's 40 000. so it's only half it's only half a mil what would that be what's what's half what's half a thousand someone help me there this is good i'm doing maths at like you know 22 hours 40 in beautiful photo i mean this is cover photo worthy i don't know if mark has sent in shots before but holy cow it's just so clean this is like just just yeah amazing right on so moving on next talking about monkeys and and i don't know what's happening 500 girls thank you uh correct half mil gas case 38.8 it's good size too really is and now we're going into all so now we're going to ef i don't know what's happening okay moving on next mark thank you for this we're jumping to matt oh we got a good one we've got a real surprise for those of you who've been staying with us and watching jacques i think this is the first we've ever featured on the show this is the grand second 39 mill and i adore this watch what's not to like we appreciate i mean it's almost like it's almost like moses and and gp had a had a baby a love child together and you've got this this balance a bit of a radial fumey effect uh isn't there like a better word than 500 gauss russell's been waiting for this i mean russell's been with us for like the last hour and a half just to see this model we've got a great movement shot you'll see in a moment russell before then i need to hit the coffee and i need to get another fisherman's friend in my face better and if everyone says moses and longer had a baby the balance i mean it's it's definitely not for everyone having a dial uh you know assigned to such a small amount of space for the details there there's great balance though so what do we have i have never seen a sub-dial for seconds and a date window in one place great symmetry and it's such a good these photos are also like 10 megabytes so so matt i can't thank you enough for sending this in i don't know if you gave me a full description of this watch you probably did i have to preface by saying that most emails that i get sent in are usually you know four or five paragraphs and it's very difficult to condense it all into one you know simple description so forgive me uh you know it's uh it's difficult at times but beautiful and also just look at the dial the radial brush so it actually didn't even notice this it stems from the sub-dial and radiates out so there's actually i don't know how they managed to pull that off look how the brushing works so it's actually two-thirds two-thirds of the dial is brushed that way fascinating geez mind blow right so we've got some shots of the close-up now as we know i think watchfinder addressed it best when we were talking about oh look at the finishing good lord watchfinder addressed it when we're talking about laws of diminishing returns and you know the amount of money you're spending and the amount of finishing you're getting it's relative i think in a way the more money you spend the more time is put into the object that is generally the summary so in this case when you look at these watches under a loop there is not even a speck of dust on the dial it's just absolutely flawless it's beautiful really is beautiful i need to study up on this brand a little bit more megan's talking about jd uh let's see if i can catch up beautiful watch wonderful dress pieces i'm sure you have one or two question again about the 500 gauss what is if someone can can give me the greek notation for 500 maybe we can make up a cool word as we're talking through this there's also another shot of the hands oh i can't get over it the way the light plays on and everything else it is so elegant it's modern subtle also like a little bit of brigade influence there on the sub seconds and we will have a look at the movement in a moment it's going to be a good time 500 is a monkey on sins like i don't get i don't get that maybe you can help me anyway this is great i'm missing all of you here sorry guys uh dive dive support vessels we're talking about eric and his past a demi a demi mill gas i like that that's a really nice name you know what you know what mill is a thousand yep yep all right gotta love that reflection and those details now we're getting to the movement are you ready oh wow so if you would like to follow matt on instagram his handle is let's get this right jin jin watches i guess he loves his gin is that it yep check it out check out his page on instagram have a good look i'm sure he takes some amazing shots i mean if this is the precursor to his page 30 jewels beautifully finished and it's a brand that i need to look into more jacques dro is definitely not one that i've looked at much it's amazing how many independents they are out there in the world and how they just go unnoticed that's what makes these shows just in general these shows are beautiful because we get to see what other people wear and sometimes we get to see some real outliers yeah great time great piece i love the color too we were talking about the german the german vw blue i think it was vw a porsche porsche assigned color this also speaks to that aquamarine they're stunning right on we're jumping to paul next and oh i just love how they've evacuated look how they've actually finished all these edges you've got to bevel around every single element here would you call this a bevel i think you would right yeah just sharp stunning great finishing gotta love an automatic rotor right on to paul next i don't know if he's still here with us but this was one of the last lacks a little color yeah russell i was about to mention it would be nice to see like yellow gold or something just give it that spark right on so paul if you're still with us i don't know if you are or asleep but you sent this in very soon before the show started christmas spirit and all this is a submariner but it's not just a submariner nice looking tree we've got in the back here and this is the 41 mil what is it now the one two four zero six zero fully loomed and he just picked this up recently which is right on i've said that too many times right danny i do find myself repeating words a couple of times uh when the brain gets a bit foggy so this is the 41 mil no date and many are after this piece at the moment for obvious reasons new caliber nice size nice chromalight i don't know if they've improved the chromalight at all if it's brighter in any way can i be honest and say that i didn't find a real difference between this and c3 luminova they had the same kind of life color wise and they talk about how blue is the last color that you see when you go deep into the i mean it fades very quickly and i would imagine it's virtually invisible when you're down deep i mean but i mean eric could probably attest to this danny says i'm doing a fine job yeah we're coming up to the three-hour mark this is kids stuff man this is this is not even this is a sprint this isn't even a marathon you know the the philips four-hour shows that's when we really started getting serious that's when the rare and attractiveness started coming out beautiful watch i am kind of borderline obsessed with these new 41 mils i'd love to experience one just to see if the size is as much as it's been spoken about the 21 mil bracelet i think is very appropriate it feels more proportionally correct i just love that they haven't sacrificed what made the modern sub the way it is they've just tweaked it in a few areas and have managed to improve it visually right moving on uh the squad has come out of the four hours in the ferry on beautiful beautiful i love that yeah that was a time man that was a couple of months back where i completely lost the plot um psycho blue or green don't get me wrong i love blue loom bgw 9 is an amazing loom but green no it's funny when you're dealing with a vintage watch a vintage inspired watch or ones that actually have tritium green is just more true to form right i think with a modern watch blue is acceptable works well it does work well together right gonna carry on paul thank you for this i mean we've seen some modern subs on the show the latest releases congratulations for getting this too i don't even think i did congratulate you you got it like a week ago i'm sure it hasn't left your wrist and realistically it's all you really need out of a watch at the end of the day i know we speak about this a lot about you know the one watch that you but honestly a no date submariner ceramic all the modern accoutrement that you'd ever want a beautiful loom you don't have to worry about it aging you can really beat the snot out of it and it would still keep working well next to eric bell who scratched his 43 mil sea-dweller which wasn't good uh that's a pretty good story it'd be such a good watch i would i would love to have one of these in a collection and just say that's me done with rolex anyway i still love the five digits and berthier five digit would probably do me better it's just a bit i feel like there's more of a connection with a berthier watch in this category uh and there's less of a connection with the modern stuff anywhere there megan's saying prefer the previous model sub really we both we have both and family so the previous model with the super case i guess it communicates more of the modern identity of the royal brand but yeah i mean it's different strokes different folks i would take the five-digit still given the chance junior thank you for the super chat thank you for what i do to community i think this community is pretty special what we've been able to form what we've been able to share amongst ourselves not done yet still going still still going dates verse no date what would you choose everyone in the chat d for date nd for no date go i'll start i mean that's kind of obvious that i would be putting that point across jumping to raymond next and raymond sends in we were chatting about the the hamilton variants out there james are just i'm the man james thank you for the super chat man really thank you so so much uh it's been a good time we've had a laugh really good laugh let's have a look at this just before we get into the hamilton uh date no date date no date date you are kidding me right both no date date no date it sounds like i'm having a bit of a seizure uh that's crazy it's so balanced interesting huh very interesting i think for a sub i do prefer the no date but uh yeah yeah let's get to the murph so this is the interstellar the murph hamilton i had a whole video prepped talking because i watched interstellar again and thought how to how could i weave some kind of narrative big date uh more no dates great it's all good and that's the thing i mean do you need a date when you're underwater do you need to sign documents and everything um i guess it's practical when you're living in a diving bell for three months at a time it is three months right yeah for like over the course of three months you're under pressure and you're not going anywhere i guess it's kind of practical um anyway i watched interstellar and thought wouldn't there be a cool way to make a video about communicating time through time and i've got a little bit ahead of myself i'm by no means a by no means an astrophysicist getting a little bit out of my depth you know um 28 days is that so eric oh geez i'm really way off i thought it was three months pathetic barton leather strap raymond says so i mean this is the purest of pure field watches what i like is it's almost type 20 inspired you know we've got the same kind of numeral arrangement cathedral hands it falls under the hamilton khaki line it's so true to the dirty dozen actually you know hold on a second man this is like a 11 stuff and this is right in line with what we saw from the americas back then when they were making watches for their forces the benrus did hamilton hamilton also manufacturing these right right on great piece i think it's got a brown i think sort of brown dial if i remember right was this the watch that was actually used i'm pretty sure this was the pen ultimate watch in that scene that that he communicated through morse code the very end um great promotional uh story behind it so there are basically two one for murph and one for mcconaughey and very different pieces i do love it when i mean it's it's great when a watch is incorporated into film and has a practical function and a purpose to it there are very few films out there that do it and you can tell the real watch enthusiasts from the knot so we think of nolan i mean he's he's very good when it comes to period correct influence i mean you look at dunkirk with the official weems omega that they used back then and here hamilton as part of a promotional venture of course making watches for the film similar to james bond and everything else the watchers have this function to them behind the scenes and i love it it's great bit of detail let's make it rain james thank you it's it's pouring outside if you want to know but uh i guess you mean it near the other context great piece very true to the a11 i mean even the crown has a similar format i'm pretty sure this is exactly where it where it came from uh morse code seconds hand spells eureka that's a is that that no it's been so long since i watched that film right so i'm gonna carry on through we're not done yet raymond you also sent in a seiko presage this is like a salmon dial presage i've never seen one of these before uh so so we've spoken about seiko enough during the show but we have again the the idea of texture on their dials being incorporated that's the one unifying feature that seiko does so well but here we see something very kind of like 50s inspired actually no it even go further back it's very 30s inspired salmon dial was was a popular thing back then i'm guessing it's inspired by a certain drink in a certain bar in a certain place in japan right help me there uh but do enjoy how they've incorporated the numerals very you know fifties-esque with the two the four the baton placement not for everyone uh lots of divisive elements to this watch but the dial itself what drink was this inspired by i'd love to know tequila's sunrise of course thank you raven uh you know that's when that's when a brand really goes deep when they're able to be inspired by a cocktail in a certain bar in a certain place that's how far seiko goes it's amazing um salmon kilts yeah it does right the texture does feel that way gary thank you for the super chat and happy holidays to all of you i mean i haven't even said that christmas doesn't even feel like holidays this has been one hell of a strange stranger right great eagles song tequila sunrise yep raymond thank you for sending these in we are going to jump to rob next we've got another selection from rob and another explorer i think last week the last show we had rob sent in an original pre-hermann miller owned eames lounge chair that was beautiful and this selection so let me try and get this right stick s-t-i-k is a london street artist and this he knows the guy very well we're going to jump to a scene in a second and this is a print that was done this is the actual artist in new york with i mean that is i really dig this really nice placement i love it when street art is simple enough that it just breaks up the lines and it's not so in your face this feels very natural when it comes to street art nice character too i think i take it a lot i've never been to new york actually i have i have been to new york i was kind of young though the the world trade center was still there uh but we're jumping to another explorer on a rubber bee everest i can never get it right again rob do not watch everyone who owns an explorer do not watch my review on the 39 next week because i'm going to break some hearts so uh it's gonna be good gonna be a good time but i really enjoy how you've incorporated the street art element into it i'd like to see more of this actually let's try and get a bit more creative with our submissions and you know i've got so many sketches i could feature with the watches that i share with all of you maybe i should do that in future i'm just lazy at the end of the day it's just down to laziness um are we singing desperado now eric not a good idea we've been out riding fences for too long uh it's good having a good time beautiful i dig this really nice clean breakaway good contrast nicely placed on the wall takes off a good scale great balance yes i will get more creative samurai don hinley vocals you guys i mean it is it is coming up to one o'clock so i would imagine the alcohol is hitting and everyone is no eric don't apologize it's great jumping to samurai next rob thank you for the stick assign you sent me a great email by the way sorry that i've been i can't respond to 100 emails as much as i would love to but yeah do not watch the explorer video if you love this watch i'm going to be a bit rough on it okay next to sam ray and stick to hailing a taxi b dev that's funny we now have another seiko but this is a save the ocean variant that he picked up a couple of weeks back good to have sam ray still here with us so let's get this right it's a turtle it's a prospects line and it's the srpc91 rolls off the tongue and yeah i love what they've done with the save the ocean lineup save the ocean yes it is save the ocean lineup with all their models the samurais and the what else the tuners i'm sure they've done too colors are beautiful have i missed it have i missed a super chat geez sorry everyone sorry sorry sorry i think i think i got it no junior when you mentioned when you thanked me for the show yeah if you're still here junior i don't know if i did miss it from you or not uh shark fin at the eighth second hand oh god talking about influence and inspiration and everything there uh mark's saying can you let me sell mine first before you put it on your video might hit the value no it won't if anything the more you talk about something the more attention it gets and it's always for the positive in the watch space mark i i fully believe it it's it's more of a honestly it's more of a sub subject it's more of a subjective point that i bring across it's got nothing to do with breaking down the specs of the watch itself it's me criticizing myself and my falling in love with my own narrative and being someone who helped perpetuate the watcher's appeal in many ways along with so many others and it just ending up not being a watch that i want to wear it just doesn't you know it didn't stick sad really sad kind of heartbreaking um yeah save the ocean i all these little factors that i enjoy the way they've incorporated the whole deep sea idea with the blue transitioning to black the two different colors of blue on the bezel very stylish works well overall and the turtle i mean this is the 6-2 no what is it the 6105 the willard modern reincarnation and then we have some looms to enjoy great shots samurai fabian custo uh acousto does he wear one of these that's that's uh jokusto's grandson just designed this one oh my god you guys you guys know your stuff better than me gotta tell you reminds me of the aqua terra the dial over the horizontal slats yes the vertical slats where the first gen the horizontal is what they do now if i remember right um yeah just they do some good stuff the texture and everything there seiko with their dials they know what they're doing it's then the misaligned chapter rings and the movement accuracy that you need to worry about um but i do love the combination of colors here to save the ocean line i've actually looked at quite often as a perspective piece i'm still i shouldn't be saying this because i am kind of considering the new 62mas reissue with the silver dial and the black bezel i like it a lot looks looks like a good beta watch the issue is though accuracy i'm someone who doesn't join accurate watch and now we're talking about uh he designed it fabian cousteau proceeds went to the research on marine biology i saw a great documentary with him actually uh i think it was cnn or sky news and he was wearing a doxa like his dad or his grandfather god i don't know how many cousteau's there are now all right so next to tarek thank you samurai i love the loom shots it's stunning tarek sends in his three watch collection quite the different three watch collection that we would expect from most now don't crucify me here i didn't get any references i'm assuming this is a portuguese chronograph and this is a pilot chronograph and this is a moser endeavor let's have a look at them individually so focus on the iwc and the moser together very interesting set when we go into trios um there was something that i wanted to mention about moser earlier on when we were looking at megan's pieces and i've forgotten dumbass so it was something to do with like the we were talking about how moses reduces for the sake of just getting the simplest result possible not of everyone's street very organic that i lost that train of thought that was about an hour and a half ago so uh yeah i don't think anything will bring that memory back anyway nice looking model over both of them are great and i think we get some better shots of the chrono on the wrist i love the color combinations and the matching elements here so this is his three set of high-end pieces in this collection again very different i remember discussing tyrex collection very early on when we started this the series and it was all iwc if i remember portugueses some some were big pilots some were pilot chronos portuguese chronographs so i think he has trimmed down the collection a bit more i do love this aesthetic quite a bit there's some good balance going on here i would appreciate it more if the date window match the sub-dial but it's cream against white it's not the worst but it is so the balance here look at the the typeface on either side and the sub-dial arrangement and the the raised indices it's really sharp of course this being the call sign to iwc pieces it feels very 40s and 30s inspired i would say more like like 30s inspired than anything else but also has this modern flair to it also enjoy the sunburst great looking model um iwc n40 looks like a cold weapon due to the extreme case thickness oh yeah it's true i believe that too um best design is a flyback chrono moser dials and attention to cases here we can have a look at that now so first i want to have a look at the i hope i'm getting this right there's a portuguese chronograph iwc is another brand that i haven't investigated or put enough time into and the portuguese is a loved model i mean these were these watches were some of the biggest pieces made in the world back in the day built for the navy i don't know the full history of the portuguese don't eric bell probably does he's a navy man but balance again and you see type 20 again we could say when we look at the numerals next to the iwc chrono that we just looked at which is it's so funny right i mean this feels like something inspired by the 20s but modern in its case design and everything else we look at this and it feels like something kind of rooted in the 1930s there no i was mentioning eric that that you know your navy history i'm pretty sure that the the portuguese was was assigned as a navy deck watch deck not not the other word i'm pretty sure it was a deck watch that was used back in the day help me out maybe if anyone knows i do love that they've still kept to their aesthetic even though it's not for everyone today tyrex loves them and i think to break this was one of his most recent pickups to break that mold looking into moses as horterology in this region the text is not even on the second one you though the right is higher does that bother you hold on a second hold on oh wow i did not notice that at all oh that that really could drive ocd crazy you notice that is so funny so the chronograph automatic there and they've actually centered the shelf housing right in between these two points on the other side and iwc oh yeah that would drive me a bit nuts i guess the dial is kind of small enough that you wouldn't notice you know notice it from a at a glance but yeah that is it's kind of a deal breaker for me because i mean everything else is so well balanced you know that's the only downside is you've got cut off numerals but you don't have a date complication nothing to break up the dial except the typeface yeah that would bug me there has to be i mean what would have been better if i had the chance of redesigning international watch company use the old traditional cursive font on top of shelf housing not this this is their new language i mean keep it traditional you've got this entirely traditional inspired watch why why go the the modern way with your typeface yeah now that i've seen it you can't unsee it i know it's true right what a great nefarion i think you've ruined this watch for a lot of people bad boy it's good like i like it when there's a bit of discourse around these pieces we've been we've been pretty investigative is that the right word investigative over the last three hours so the endeavor it is the endeavor right endeavour small seconds we've spoken about moses to death we we do love them featured them at the beginning of the show and yeah i'd love to chat more about the the way i i look at these brands is that they they incorporate the classical with the modern but in moses case they do have this organic approach to how they they address their their cases their lugs the handsets feel something inspired by nature and there's no superfluous rubbish on the dial just just the name of the brand done right the tutor black bay is more symmetric yeah i'd agree tarik thank you for these we are coming close to the end before we hit russell's selection of pieces which are just all over the place there's no order to the watches that he sent in he just thought you know end of the year drop them all in um gotta love it though megan right um i'd love to experience mozar as a brand i think they are just going from strength to strength and it's nice to see that they are finally getting attention at the beginning of this year they weren't getting the same amount of attention that they're getting now and that's the thing getting back onto the theme of where of watch has taken you this year because so many of us have put more time into these things so we've thought a lot more about these brands and what we would like to experience and see opinion about bauhaus design on watches like a brilliant question how big is the moser i think it's 39 40. it's a 40ml help me help me rhonda okay going to tetley and we can chat about brilliant question about my thought on bauhaus design and watches uh so tina this is cool it's called a certina sirtronic hummer where do these watches come from these names sirtronics i'm guessing it's kind of like a bulova in a way it's got some fancy complication there to it yes and watchbox seems to suddenly be selling them they have definitely jumped on onto the bandwagon um would you rather have a moser or five unsellable pateks i i'll take the moser any day charton not even a question right my thoughts on bauhaus design with watchers now this is not uh for everyone i think uh mochello would probably agree he prefers he likes powerhouse it's it's an important movement but i think it's it's not it's not great on watches i mean realistically it's like saying i don't know what's a good example i'll look at guitars again because that's what i've been obsessing over for so long it's like saying you have a fender stratocaster gibson les paul es335 you've got j200 j45 acoustics you've got martin acoustics from all over the place and then you just decide okay we're going to make the most reduced simplistic guitar out there and the result is is just a body with no flare no character to it no style to it really it's just it's it does its purpose it's good but it's not exemplary in any way that's how i kind of feel about bauhaus influence on watches also the whole assigning of a name a designer's name to a watch i think is kind of irrelevant because there are so many beautiful watch designs out there that to to to say that a simplistic design is is the end all be all because it's bauhaus inspired i think is kind of moot considering just the variety of stuff out there i mean you look at the the funny thing is we look at the submariner the speedmaster they all follow about house principles right we've got i mean do i have a submariner i can pull out quickly why not since we're talking about it uh let's see hold on a second give me a moment um let's look at the kermit again oops come back this is actually a very good question i could focus a whole video around this so bauhaus was all about incorporating shapes shapes instead of numbers on dials you know and here we have triangles circles batons submariner icon bauhaus motifs similar to the speedmaster all rectangles so yeah it's definitely a point of contention but i just don't think it deserves i mean here is another example this is about house inspired right um right gonna and i see rasmus is leaving us i've bored you to sleep rasmus good to know thank you for joining us uh i have a telecaster nefarion yeah bauhaus looks lazy it's just it's it's good but it's just not it's not for me it's not my cup of tea um the middle of the street bauhaus i like um crosby stills nash bao house is a very very very fine house right so we um dealing with the sertina i love this watch it's called the ds2 centro centronic and it's just 70s flair i think it's from like 1974 or 1968 or something like that and we have a fumey dial and we're just looking at the streamliner a second ago holy mr c ten dollars no mr c no what have i done to you i what have i done to you honestly that that has never happened before in my time we've just broken a record mr c thank you so much for ten dollars i that's that's ten one dollars you could have saved that for so for so so many more super chats thank you really i appreciate it really um so doesn't mention you respect my opinion but but i disagree thank you for the effort oh it's my pleasure really and i mean it's that's the thing i love this course is great about these shows mr c you're a boss you deserve top rank because of that um zahera i think it might be a tuning fork movement if juan is still watching us he could probably tell us anyway i was going to say i'm talking about the moses streamliner and everything 70s inspired this is like the precursor to it we have a cushion case we have a fume dial we have kind of like a brushed foume aesthetic to it we've got the typical accents of red hands and i think this logo might rotate in the i don't know kind of like the captain cook we have typical stepped batons which is so true to 70s ideas you actually notice that there is a great gouge taken out of it and there's some three-dimensionality to it yeah it's great it's a lot of fun it's a lot of fun and tetley is no stranger to his 70s pieces he loves sharing them we've had a look at a lot of them in the past uh i agree with you buddy new record thank you for the super chat but i love your username too yeah i love that i love the discourse around bauhaus inspirations again the root of my argument let's get back to there's another shot he sent i think gorgeous the root of my argument is that bauhaus has trickled into virtually everything that we see today uh you know industrial design in general no point in listing all of it but to say that that the bauhaus watch is the end-all be-all when you could easily argue that all the rolex pieces out there are inspired by bauhaus amigas virtually every sports watch we see today that doesn't use numerals on their dials and many other things yeah there's there's lots lots to talk about and there was a good question about the op being a stripped down rolex without flair shaitan i like that too you can look at it as almost like the bauhaus of the brand in a way you know but it's also true to their language in many ways so right gorgeous model i love the way this dial plays in the lights the tobacco burst fumey effect stunning right almost finished ladies and gents so after these we're going to be jumping to russell's pieces i don't recommend you leave because we're going to have a look at everything high horology really a couple of outliers that we will enjoy next to tobias and would you believe i think this is the only speedmaster professional that we've seen uh since the beginning of the show in this format and just since it's joining us always a great show i'm putting you to sleep jacinta i'm sure uh agree with you buddy i love your username there's some really like inspired usernames that i enjoy is russell's leaving us oh god quarter past one what have i done oh is this a new record no it's not that's not how long have we been going for three three hours fifteen new records starts at four hours definitely won't be that long should baja see a proctologist then uh i guess supposedly i mean do they have problems with that this prostate gland right right so um this is a short tobias took of the three two one caliber next to a hesselite professional the last of the headslide professional on an uncle seiko bracelet i think it looks so good if i owned this watch this would be my my dream um not a fan of the the extended center link on these on these professionals i think hollow hollow bracelets just are so if they conform so much better to the wrist they're a bit more comfortable for me personally there are some debates i mean the explorer was insanely comfortable but in general i really enjoy an articulating center link gotta love a good articulating centre link russell says only joking well you know quarter past one what can we say awesome shot and just bear in mind that these watches have now been discontinued and the 3861 caliber coaxial is going to replace it it's still a manual wound but superb chronometric performance and a ridiculous price tag so it's good time is subjective it sure is i gotta agree uh whiskey is eternal okay i'm gonna jump on next thank you for this togas awesome seeing this watch the last one one of the last professionals that we're going to see on the show and uh ziraha i've just botched your name very badly let me try again your name is last zeraha i hope i got it right i really hope i got it right so this is going to take a bit of time for me to break through so i don't know what's going on in the chat good god uh norcal plumber thank you for the super chat and fleega you're still watching jimmy thank you so much uh too big for my chicken wrist 73 math that you guys are good 73 more okay we're going to get into this you can probably describe this watch a lot better and i hope i didn't butch your name too badly really and uh jimmy thank you for sending in the watches that you've traveled with over the course of this year it's been amazing i mean you've done it a couple of times and a boeing triple seven pilot is always good thought on japanese whiskey i've never tried at chaitan i'm afraid to tell you i'm afraid i've always been on the scotch at the moment the chats are going ridiculous hold on a second just because the watch is minimalist doesn't make a bar house i agree john it's a good point though okay okay let's get to this so the name of this watch alvessia right that's how you pronounce it i'm normally pretty good with accents alvessia it uses a unitas 6301n grandfather's wedding day watch it's a real old faithful from 1919 did i say already no 1950s i would imagine in around that time and it's a stunning little piece we talk about value finding watches for good money out there today um is it name of is is that the name of oh you're talking about helvetica yeah that's funny good three hours in and i'm still on the ball uh no that's how you pronounce it god don't even get me started you gave me a full description around this watch and i i definitely haven't been able to save everything i got the movement down which was which is pretty good but otherwise the nice thing about this is it has story it's been handed down from family member to family and it's just timeless in that way it's had so many experiences i think you mentioned in the uh in the email that your grandfather didn't wear this watch eventually because he wanted something more utilitarian so he put this away but there's always something special about an heirloom i mean hell i never got my grandfather's omega but he did have a rotary that he handed down and it just that's the way it is i watch brands have come and gone over the last 50 60 years jacinta thank you for the super chat saying uh for the effort i've put into the global watch community i don't know so much about that the difference i've made during 2020 i okay i'll be honest i've received some beautiful emails from you all uh thanking me for doing what i do whatever it is i don't know but uh it's it's been a hell of a time i'm gonna jump to russell's watches now and we can chat around this subject a lot more the next like 20 minutes it can be a bit of self-reflection talking about this year and uh the watches that we're going to look at it's real watch porn that we're going to look at for a while uh just send to thank you again really all of you who are still here there's 130 of you still watching and we're going to have a good time so xero is saying from the design point of view the subdial here is special it is good it's nicely sized for the size of the watch i think that's one element that should be addressed with a lot of pieces is that sub-dials often are too small not not good enough uh in this case for a 33 mil watch it's big enough that you can enjoy it it's also got that texture to it that you can read a lot easier okay i'm now going to jump to russell's pieces to end off and like i said uh russell has his own dedicated folder so so all of you who have submitted your pieces for the show cannot thank you enough we're now going to end with some outliers in the space some high horology in a couple of areas some pateks some lungers some ulysses are done let's have a look see what do we have right full screen and i'm gonna hold on a sec table of contents always get this wrong contact sheet table of contents some i you know you'd imagine it would be an easier way of scrolling through this but it never there we go right russell sent in a lot so now we can enjoy some really high res super zoomed in super zoom photography while we're and i don't know what's going on in the chats oh god here we go sub-dials and sizes chromatic effect gonna be hard to beat that moser i mean megan's moser did kind of end the show gotta say that is just ridiculous here we get to enjoy a hidden city for a little while and i thought this would be a good time for a bit of self-reflection and yeah what this year has been like i have gone through this parabolic phase with watches in many ways you know it's it's always been a great hobby it's been good to be a part of but i think it's so important for all of us to disconnect from it too we do end up obsessing around these very much yes this is a data graph i'm almost 100 sure it's a data graph and it's the lumen i think you might need to correct me there russell um so i've been in such a peculiar position because it's like you want to be creative you want to be on top of things but then you're also kind of down with what's going on but you also feel like you owe it to an audience to be creative and try and be as diverse as possible with what you put out and then you have to be perky and happy every saturday for live shows and everything there it's difficult it's very difficult so i've been battling a bit with how to balance and what saved me in the end is that bit of self-reflection it's always about if you feel down it's about getting away from it getting back into it and thinking about why you started it in the first place um that's been my my go-to in any way and i've just had this resurgence over the last couple of weeks of starting to write videos again but now getting deeper into the mentality behind these watches and why we love them so much and that's what i hope to expand on come next year as for being uh you know a bit of support for people out there that's that's really what makes the difference i think better what does it better russell no i don't remember his name it's three hours in i'll never get it right but yeah if i if i've been able to make anyone feel a bit better about themselves then i have succeeded i guess at the end of the day you know right gorgeous piece i mean where do we go this the longer movements we're also going to have a look at a patek movement in a second i think from the the 5270 no 51 sir goddamn i don't know i'm so bad with my references what i like about the way saxonia movements are done is there's this great heaviness to the way everything's been addressed i can't wait to get some hands on time when he's russell i don't know if you'll ever let me but you know what it'll be so good to meet up somewhere and just you know you can give me a full lesson i mean russell knows his stuff with all of these details column wheel data graph individually engraved balance it's just absolutely insane we're not done though i think the selection is a little bit arbitrary but we're going to enjoy here we go 5370 i think it is squiggly frank i love your name thank you for the super chat uh yeah i can say it's been a year and there's mention uh philosophical id guy yeah that's the plan eric i hope to dig in a bit deeper a little bit deeper and there was a good point uh tiger saying best quarantine watch crazy love your opinion what is the best quarantine watch fantastic question that should have been something that we started the year with no whoa so just getting back onto this what i find that divides the the german approach from the swiss approach is that the swiss movements are very fine very filigree where it's typical to german cars in a way they're much more heavy duty they're built with a bit more intent behind them so i would imagine that the patek has more parts and maybe the lunger has less but their parts are more solid you know what i mean email dials are the best very on yeah we can have a look at those now patek philippe seal this is a 5370 so it's a it's a split chronograph and it's just so awesome getting to see these elements on the dial platinum case this is his he his pride and joy we're going to have a look at it now going to get to it next right next shot up unless you not on freak this is something that's becoming quite popular i've seen watchbox talking about them a lot um so talking about quarantine watch champion gotta run a pleasure pleasure having you here to all of you who have been a part of the show who are leaving have a superb christmas next week i hope you all get to kick back and relax for a couple of days reflect on this year in a way the most unforgettable forgettable year in many ways right um so we're talking about the quarantine watch was a good one mention of g-shock i personally if it was me i need a watch that not only is aesthetically balanced but also something that has a lot of complexity to its style it's that's something that always brings you back to look at the extra details so a hell of a difficult question geez i should have made a video about that in the beginning of the year excellent though right at least you're not done freak i don't i think these are some of the originals in many ways and it's not a watch for everyone but the way they've done the complication here is great russell could probably give us a full story about this this peak i'm seeing clive saying super freak and i just bought it there this piece i'm sure you can give us more details but this is one of the early generations of this model i think and essentially the whole movement is assembled on the handset and it all just rotates i mean that gear is assigned to the the minute what i'm saying the rehort inside here and it all just rotates i think both hands are in a way there's just so much peculiarity to the way this piece is made i feel like it's platinum maybe maybe anyway gonna carry on gonna carry on we've been running the show now for almost three and a half hours so now this was a jiffy sent me of the watch loomed and the watch non-loomed sadly uh this i'm gonna hide this stupid bar always show you're gone um so this was actually transitioning from light to dark and we could have enjoyed the lumen a bit better but look at it i just i've said this a few times that when this was released this became a wallpaper watch for me and i just thought you know what there's something so nice about a data graph that glows in the chronograph the clothes in the dark um yeah sadly russell doesn't work i don't know why apple was so stingy with their preview program but uh i if it was me given the choice between the zeitgeist uh phantom and this i would take this any day of the week i love the fact that you can enjoy a chronograph in the dark it's just so impractical but just great you can time so many things in the dark why other watchers haven't done this already do not know uh yeah lumens are incredible watchers love this artwork goody two shoes is that me do you do i don't know what's going on we singing songs again i think guys guys are losing it worse than me right can i move on next oh how did i do that awesome okay now we're gonna have a good time no come back there we go how cool is that so you can actually manipulate the gif moving from left to right on the keyboard ah it works so how beautiful is this watch it's just great it's just so awesome the only longer i've ever handled is a data ah this looks so nice and how did you get this photo by the way russell i mean what is this looks like it looks like you took this on your gravel outside your house you know it's awesome this is so nice this is i don't know how you managed to get the shot either that's one thing russell when it comes to attention to detail he doesn't scrum i mean he's like macro focused the quality of these shots insane koi the problem is now oh i can switch great right now we are jumping to a five two one two this being one of the hype steel pateks from last year i think i think eric bell saying the winner is i don't know i mean it's difficult to choose one we've looked at everything um i'm missing again tag me in the chat if you want to get my attention i can't read all the lines going on here it's great it's great that everyone's still interacting so five two one two annual no it's a perpetual no it's annual calendar we've spark i've done a whole video about this watch i think spoken about it to death but as far as steel goes as far as representing the the modern mayan calendar in patex line very true to their 30s inspirations and everything in between a weekly calendar oops uh three hours can't blame me but it's great i do kind of like how we get to see every week i mean that's what this hand is for right you can appreciate every week of the year as it rotates through it's pretty nice it's just such a pity that they have a date window it kind of renders the whole idea of the the extended hands moot maybe three hands would be a bit ridiculous but i i do like the idea of it being all mechanical feels very true to that ancient you know layout awesome dial it's uh every week is one and one extra very on oh god help me here i think it just makes for such a great casual piece it doesn't look like a patek at all sings really nice also hand painted you know hand hand font hand scribbled right moving on now we jump to his wife's patex now you might need to help me with these references russell we just saw his and hers in the beginning of the show with an aquanaut and a woman's calitrava uh here we get to see a a pearl dial i'm going to say calatrava diamond set bezel help me out russell please if you know the reference off of heart we're going to have a look at a few there's also that the ladies nautilus is one of the most underrated in this category because it has a better clasp than the 5711 so this is called a 5980r you know what how you remember these references i do not know but one thing about patek is they don't scrimp on the details we can appreciate the hob nail insert all the way through it which i really like pearl dials are pearl dials are really only incorporated in micro brands nowadays don't you think it's it's funny how these big brands aren't doing it anymore and what pill dials are considered effeminate i don't know so much there's so much character to pearl and that was everyone's talking about 36 mil oh geez i've got to keep motoring russell next we're jumping to a i know your beloved will time rose gold i never get this reference right five one one something uh but this uh this took like three years for it to be made i think i remember right because it's rose gold i remember learning this that this enamel this cloisonne claisen dial is specific to the rose gold variant so we have north america south australia japan and some parts of the eastern side of europe and it's just awesome it's just awesome dig it a lot there's so many things about this watch the one there's no mention of patek philippe on the dial of this which i like that's only mentioned on top of the case maybe it would be better if patek was mentioned only at the back i don't know i'm picking it up tomorrow blue dial oh geez talking about this i don't know i'm jumping onto straws so it's a 5131 thank you russell for that this is definitely one of the cornerstone pieces of your collection as it rightly it would be 73 math it's so good having you i hope you have enjoyed the show it's half past one and you're still watching thank you um all the best for everyone again looking forward to meeting up we are definitely going to meet up next year absolutely it's one of my goals to do more meet-ups at the end at the beginning of next year whenever we get a chance whenever this world wakes up yeah gotta say awesome model but we still have more don't worry now we jump to one of russell's favorite pieces the tellurium tellurium i think i've finally after however many shows i've finally gotten the name right the usu now done teriyum so we have everything from a god solstice indicator to time and there's a full book written about this watch so i definitely i can't explain it fully but there's everything to it made in the 90s uh it's platinum set it's got it's got all the all the star signs and everything assigned to it the the whole dial rotates over the course of a day and it's just nuts it basically tells you if you're going into a summer or winter solstice on top of all the other crazy things it's just it's too much to explain really you know um i've got another cheese thank you richard saying thank you for helping you get through the panda absolute pleasure geez i mean if anything i hope there's been some levity i hope you've been able to just take your mind off whatever's been going on it's been a distraction for me too which i've enjoyed immensely so uh thank you richard really and james saying i have my tutor snowflake sub on a grey leather nato i think it stays here now i'm enjoying omega i absolutely love it james still the 57 i need to do another video about it i'm going to carry on through though we've had a look at the tellurium oh geez this one was a win a couple of years ago the first perpetual naughty lie naughtiness in the category gonna talk about this for a sec so yeah i'm loving the 57 still i've had the watch for like seven months now i think and the charm hasn't worn off in the slightest everything about it the size the wearability i wear it over the weekends i generally wear my other pieces over the course of the week but it's amazing it's something about a watch that just sticks to you and that one after reviewing the explorer the seamaster and the tudor together it almost reaffirmed my choice and why i like the 57 so much more i guess it's down to character in a way you know and similar this watch here in the pa in the nautilus line speaks character in many ways i think there's there's such a good layout and balance here blue shirt is joining us gee welcome blue shirts just gotten home no worries sir you've got a lot to catch up on it's been a great show we've had an awesome time talking about all sorts um someone's saying well this is a good question asking about erotic watches what do you say would you showcase an erotic watch if someone sent it to you for a wrist shot week i would i would um maybe i would blur out some of the the bad things but no i would definitely showcase it i love honestly i love erotic watches i love when the the details are on the back i think it's a bit gaudy having it in the front on the back though i think it's nice i do enjoy them it's like think about think about like greek vases from back in the day they had all of that printed on the karma sutra all of these they're variants it's it's a version of art in many ways you look at renaissance artists and baroque and everything there going back to ancient times it's always been something illustrated so why not have it on your watch it's a completely different but uh similar oh dig it i would totally share it so if anyone has an erotic watch out there go for it and i might not even blur out the details could just have a good time so yeah this perpetual at sunset it's stunning i think it's white gold the only perpetual nautilus they've ever done and it's the most balanced it's the most hardcore that they've ever made in this line and it's clean it's just got the symmetry right next we've got more zeitwerk phantom i featured this a few times talking about a highlight reel you an erotic automaton there's so many of them have a look go onto google type in erotic watches you can learn a lot yeah i love them and they're great fun and would phallic hands count as being erotic yes i mean we talk about the speedmaster we definitely i mean you look at the 12 on the speedmaster you've got a phallic element there there are a few i mean the rs 65 that i have that has a phallic hour hand in many ways uh yeah for sure um did i see the erotic watch featured on jenny h no i didn't listen um i don't watch watch content much at all really uh when i get the chance i like to escape from watches as much as possible because it's all i do apart from you know consulting work and everything else so it's it's difficult to uh front or back taika this is so good right so we just be jumping next got some more pieces from russell i think oh okay i've never seen this before russell is quite the collector of you know accoutrement that comes with these pieces and here we have the 40th anniversary nautilus with cufflinks okay i love that though uh so we're talking about front or back erotic watch i'm more of a fan of of back don't read into don't read into me um preferences that way i just think back for an erotic is more subtle you definitely don't need to see pile driving on the front of your watch in a restaurant with someone you know it's just not necessary it just kind of kind of ruins the vibe starts giggling no i'm not i'm not gonna start giggling i've had a lot of whiskey but i'm pretty sober it's bad thomas i'm so glad you're still awake with us it's been it's been a time man i'm gonna send you a message later and hope everything's okay and you're dealing with the cold and the wet up there um so yeah looking at these i i find it so funny looking at the cufflinks that are nautilus inspired like what do you reckon do you think it's kind of kitsch in a way seeing those elements there anyway moving moving aside from cufflinks this is what's amazing about this watch is that these are baguettes on the dial and the way that patek addresses baguettes some of the best in the industry if you can do this get past someone who doesn't notice that these are actually not loom full they are just diamonds set i love the subtlety that's when diamonds i think are addressed the nicest when they are there but not noticeable to the everyday person and to correct me if i'm wrong i thought this would also have so this is white gold platinums always have the little diamond at the base i think but i do like this this must have come as a set i don't know russell you could explain the story there but we've got more i think this was when he was in switzerland somewhere and this is the 40th he digs this watch i think it's the same model i see the batons there it's great 57-11 uh there's definitely point of contention around a lot of areas in white gold it's more substantial you know ah geez are you talking about la yeah yeah eric it's all good laughter is not gonna happen though love it thank you for the funny my pleasure taika yeah man i mean i'm i'm very i'm a very loose guy in the real world i have to be kind of politically correct when i run the channel but trust me as a as a real as a real human i'm much more down to earth than most would believe so uh it takes a lot of people by surprise actually so yeah like it's a gorgeous it's a gorgeous watch i think the way they again the way they've done the baguettes on the dial is simply sublime barcelona is it spanish steps see i'm not from europe you can tell thank you russell i'm i'm not from this part of the world i'm from africa where we just have sand and bush yeah more innuendos coming so we now have uh violet i'm not much of a horticulturist but maybe someone can tell me what these flowers are very pixelated but again we have another shot of the dial and it's just stunning with the baguettes it's beautiful really really really nicely laid out and disco eric it's all good so nice looking piece stunning i don't know why i have so many of these saved i think what i loved about it is that it's the presentations are just so good are there lilacs really though um presentation's so nice such a great contrast of colors and everything and how they work together i don't think they're lavender maybe i know there are lots of lavender fields around where we are based russell so spanish steps are in rome no man you guys you guys are pulling my leg right okay i'm officially throwing up my arms see what i mean i haven't traveled europe that's that was going to be the plan for this year by the way just got a freaking passport and now i can't use it so it's kind of kind of moot right so let's jump to the ladies nautilus quickly i can never get this reference right lilacs are those flowers i think so thank you uh paprice um so the ladies nautilus has a few hidden features that the males version doesn't have the 5711 the clasp is so much more substantial and hidden and better done and more solid russell gave me a full like lecture the other day explaining about it and it's great so diamond set bezel nice and subtle also enjoy the the way the batons are done here a little bit more organic a little bit more rounded uh not so staunch and bauhaus in a way you know it's a little bit more free-flowing having the 12 there does it work so well i don't know definitely separates the watches from from the standard double bat on layouts that we know so much yeah i think we have more hold on yes we do oh this is the king what a beautiful shot enjoying coffee with i don't know why i've saved so many of these i just i'm quite enamored by how this watch has been done beautiful dial love the baguettes i'm not so much of a fan of the anniversary text on the dial very much it'd be better if it was on the back like so many other things in the world but the color is there and again very stylistic oh cool i'll be jumping to movements i don't know how this was saved but uh this is these artwork phantom that i think we have featured before and it's just great uh lunga and their movements it's amazing what we've been able to discover over the course of this year and in my case i've learned so much i've seen so much in this hobby even though we've had so many restrictions i've been able to get out and visit a few people and hang out and learn a bit more about their collecting philosophies and it's i can tell you what what's more fascinating about this this hobby over the watchers is trying to understand why people collect what they do and what what the reason is i think this is the most complicated movement that lunga makes spoken about it enough times before that it's got all the bells and whistles so many parts to get an analog display that reads digitally very difficult to do i feel like this is one of the last note we've got a few more another shot of the toy sand dial movements are like artwork they really are mark there's no no comparison yeah world time gotta love it a real archive piece also enjoy the way they do the the crown guards here i find the deco i don't know why the mouse isn't there we go i find the deco inspirations really clean works nicely they correspond so nicely with the way the lugs flow there's this organic feel to them overall oh and here's another i mean this is russell's pride and joy i was asking him a question about if he um had the choice of choosing one watch in his thank you nevarion again i am so stupid with my cloisonne okay that's how you say it i need to print it and put it on my wall cloisonne next to a quote just to remind myself every morning when i wake up i love that i love it um so yeah let's talk about this for a bit this is a 5370 no um being a enamel dial so i asked russell about this watch which would he choose if he had the chance and he pretty much said that this would be the one he would go for many reasons you'd think he's a longer collector but he does have quite a a good set of pieces in the in the patek line he's more of a patter collector he told me there's nothing to really criticize about this watch it is unreal enamel dial beautiful movements you've got a flyback it does a flyback complication as well as being split chronograph uh the balance is there you have the offsetting of the subdials which is so clean and sharp i just like the little touches like they have included hobnails here at the base where they didn't have to include anything just tightening up where you would see the four and the eight sadly nothing over here they could have just added like a little notch of a square or something but there's just so much attention to detail i think does that say yeah it does say email so what they do is they put this on the dial so that you know when you turn it over they've got the patek email address if you want to reach out to them on the back of the watch no it's french for enamel i've learned that the hard way by a few enthusiasts but it's just everything you know it's the breguet numerals it's the it's the loom yeah and the size is also fantastic it's like 39 mils and yeah russell has quite a specific genre of pieces that he goes after he likes them pretty small in size that are easy to wear as dailies that thing connects on to instagram jamescon yes it is it's fully network capable that's great i love it so you can see i mean this aesthetic pretty much sums up russell's taste for these pieces oh wow we're not done yet how many watches did i save we were running for now three hours 45 minutes come on we can't hit the four hour mark i'll just be wrong so the odysseus on orange now lots of contention can we push four hours q maestro i i'm not going to i'm going to stop at that point uh blue dial i've we featured this watch like 10 times during the live show i don't know aesthetics are awesome very longer still even though it's a sports watch in the category love the orange i think this it just makes the watch sing so differently in this area um if you're dutch you'll probably love it even more and i think he sent in another shot of the yes of the case back with there we go no way email's french foreign yeah that is apparently i mean you can maybe correct me i'm not french i don't speak french i can partially understand dutch and you know i speak the bastardization bastardized version afrikaans but otherwise so this being the automatic i mean there's very few automatic lunges out there and 120 meters water resistance i think we featured this watch last show overall but again that's it's the steel sports watch in lunga's line that seems to be getting quite a lot of traction and attention and last but not least i know this is the last one it is a i'll never get this right but it is linked to the the five seven one two it uses the same complication which is the the asymmetrical what is the name of this reference it's okay i can't ever get i cannot ever get these references right with these models uh it's kind of a vintagey here we go this one is gone five zero eight five thank you russell so i've handled a 57 one two with the offsetting it's not for everyone but it does have some good character too it's power reserve over here sub seconds date moon phase kind of reminds us of the newly released 5000 and it's the 6006 6007 yeah i mean we've had our fix of watches today i think right still made it to the show bs you did we've just about to wrap it up though tritium loom yes probably looks kind of yes it does look like it's faded quite a bit um definitely a a watch of its time the way it's been done this patek looks a bit like a gp i mean this aesthetic uh the whole whole rounded nature of the numerals running around it kind of modern neoclassical i don't know how how best to describe it but hell it's been a good show it's been so fun i i always enjoy these i always enjoy chatting amongst all of us again come for the watches stay for the the conversation going on behind the scenes and just before we hit the four hour mark i am going to close this off at 10 to 10 minutes to the four hour mark unfreaking real uh 240 micro rotor also naughtless 5712 so the same movement caliber it's funny how they are they managed to use the same movements in virtually all of their pieces uh i don't think the acronym uses it though you know a bit of bauhaus to it oh that's when we start closing off the word bauhaus has just been i honestly think it's a word that's just so overused today honestly it's kind of been a bit of a loss a dismissal of what the word truly means to an extent it wasn't all just about being dogmatic it was also about being creative and fun and out there with their approaches love it to all 108 of you still watching thank you so much for being here for supporting the show the channel supporting me in many ways i've had the most beautiful emails sent to all of the extent from all of you and over the last couple of months and you know you share all sorts of things with me about your backgrounds and about what you've been going through over the course of this year and the fact that i have done what i've done i don't know what it has been exactly i can only observe from a first-person perspective um it really means a lot that i've been able to you know create a bit of levity to just make this a more fun journey for all of us and hopefully next year even though i'm feeling quite inspired to work i can't think of any good topics at the moment i'm literally on a blank so over the next two weeks i'm going to start like listing some ideas down and thinking more about how to get more into the philosophy and more into the design much deeper going deeper and deeper into the into the area i think that is one of the usps about this channel is we can start trying to address more about the person behind the watch not so much the watch definitely do that but i do love the thinking around it too and yeah do squaley oh i'd love to i would love to and burst out laughing while i'm doing it guys thank you for the super chats mark um i can't wait to connect with you mark next year be so good to meet up and so many more of you i mean i have a lot of you on email i have a lot of you on whatsapp so yeah we're going to make a plan to have a get together maybe it'll be so so good and 2021 the next time you hear from me no that's not true next uh next week i'll put a video up but the next time we do a live show it'll be i'm thinking january 2nd nothing better than killing a hangover than watching a live show and me putting you all to sleep that'd be a good time uh i've got a bit of a surprise and it involves a lot of work from my side but it's a bit of a highlight reel doesn't require any input from you it is just me sharing uh what you have all shared with me over the course of this year some of and the idea is basically so all the 98 of you watching uh the best wrist shots that have been sent in over the course of last year so think of it 20 folders 100 plus submissions and i basically have to choose between 8 and 10 from each folder they don't have to be the best pieces in the in the higher horology space they can be the most beautifully photographed yeah we're going to have a good time i think it'll be a lot of fun to do it's just going to take some time to curate and it should be a joy so i'll call it something like the highlights of 2020 wrist shot week whatever we'll work it out when we get there but uh just in in closing reading with megan's message wishing a merry christmas to all of you yes stay safe looking after yourselves looking after your families um taking care of yourselves mentally i think that's what i hope that this page has managed to do is to just keep you thinking about other things instead of this hobby as a whole it's nice to think a little bit more away from the consumerism the pure rampant consumerism around watches and more about what about these things speak to you and what is it about the hobby that brings you back to it all the time and yeah going to evolve on that subject a lot more over the course of next year so it's going to be a joy nick and to all of you again who are sending in your messages to me it's absolute pleasure thank you i can't another way of just thanking you all from the bottom of my heart from over the course of this year what you've been able to contribute the support i've received it's humbling boy it is so humbling um pretty amazing i gotta say it's it's such a pleasure doing this and i really hope you have enjoyed the time and we are like what six minutes away from four o'clock so i am most definitely going to close up but uh ladies and gentlemen look after yourselves have a superb christmas with the family and we will be catching you again the next live show will be in january 2021 and uh anything's better than this year right so yeah ladies and gents taught scenes taiko good to have you here everyone else look after yourselves cheers for now love you all see you in 2021 hasn't
Channel: IDGuy
Views: 15,138
Rating: 4.7808218 out of 5
Keywords: IDGuy Live, Wrist Shot Week, Rolex Explorer, Rolex Explorer 2, Zenith El Primero, Grand Seiko Whirlpool, Tudor Black Bay, Lange Saxonia Thin, Lange 1, Lange Zeitwerk, Lange Datograph, Patek Aquanaut, Oris 65, Rolex Oyster Perpetual, Rolex Day Date, Hamilton Khaki, Speedmaster Professional, Cartier Santos, Breitling Navitimer, Moser Watch, IWC Pilot, AP Royal Oak, Seiko Alpinist, 214270, 126610, 216570, A384, 116500LN, Seiko Turtle, Patek Nautilus, Omega Speedmaster, Panerai
Id: j-ZZLsL_2t8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 230min 48sec (13848 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 19 2020
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