Where Do the Locals Go in Gatlinburg? | Spots to Eat, Shopping, Moonshine, Big Changes & More

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hello everyone and welcome back to wonderland explorers we are here in the beautiful foothills of gatlinburg tennessee we're gonna explore and see what is new because it's almost been a year since we've been here we're also gonna take you to a few of my favorite places that i love to eat i hope one of them is open because it's always like open and closed kind of personal hours snowboard hours but it's warm here so maybe they're here i hope it's open so that i can show it to you yeah it's going to be so much fun we're going to show you some gems of gatlinburg come along with us as we explore first up we're heading inside of the cheese cupboard check out the hofbrau house restaurant this is really a hidden gem here in gatlinburg within the village you're going to come here you definitely need to make plans to stop at this restaurant yes i took you there many years ago and we come back year after year i dream about this place oh it's so good it is a hidden gem it's very small yeah very small it's like weird you know like when you go on vacation you want to be like where are the local places that are amazing that nobody knows about but they have the most outstanding food this is one of them it is a sandwich shop but they have huge pretzels with beer cheese and a great mustard like a german mustard and then they also have a great one and the sandwiches are steamed steamed and reasonably priced because they're very big sandwiches but they're like anywhere from twelve dollars eight whatever you choose but and it takes a while yeah i will say it takes about like 30 minutes to get a sandwich but there's reasonings behind it because they thinly shave that meat to sheer deliciousness everything's made to order everything's made or the cheese is actually melted they're so gooey pretzel it's heated up so it's delicious depending on a little rack in there like as big as your face i mean it's absolutely amazing you can tell how much we like this place and they keep it fresh now again the hours you need to look on the village website because i think they're like snowbirds because they're like halfway open and they're not open but from june to october it's 10 to 10. yeah it's pretty long yeah and the restaurant when you walk in it's like up these stairs i promise you you're not going to get murdered or anything but it looks like it like where are they it's a whole another it's a very small shop yeah yes but once you get upstairs the theming of this again is so it's dark it's true it's like a little bavarian chalet oh it's so cool yeah it's cash only it's casual okay so make sure you bring some cash with you so yeah and there's not an elevator if you can't do stairs sorry but you could order it and then get it to go maybe but i find the funny thing is that this place was uh it opened in 1969. yeah so i guess that means peace love and reubens yeah okay now i know that was cheesy that was cheesy [Music] i'm so glad this little gym was open they have all kinds of steam sandwiches and oh their sheer deliciousness and as you can see there's several different types of sandwiches they're served with just chips and a pickle they keep it classic they keep it fresh and it is so good oh my favorite is actually the ham and cheese so i'm going to go with that tell me where the sandwiches are the lighting is pretty intense yeah it's like an interrogation where do you hide the german sandwiches give me the best i'm gonna actually get the reuben i'm excited to try the reuben so it's on pumpernickel it's got all the good fixings that you want they've actually sold it here for over 51 years so this reuben is the sandwich to get to come here 51 year old sandwich look at this sheer deliciousness could you share one yes do you have to share one [Music] this is the infamous horseradish chocolate they actually used to keep it on the table but you know covered things happen they also have an amazing spicy mixture this horseradish is so amazing i don't know how they make it what they do but so good i gotta put that on my sandwich first a little little goes a long way i feel like i'm close i'm putting it in the investigation area sliced like very thinly there's a lot of it we have that delicious milk cheese this is the cheese cupboard of course so it's delicious it's sweet ham it's not like too salty but it's not like oh really sweet it's just simply amazing five out of five absolutely love it look at that it's incredible so they actually like slice this by hand while you wait so none of this is like pre-cut everything is sliced to order oh my goodness it's steamed it's hot it's delicious you can smell the sauerkraut in here look at the ooey gooey swiss cheese pouring out look at that it's got thousand island on there like a proper reuben good it's so tasty the sauerkraut was cooked perfectly it's gooey it's gooey it's everything you want out of reuben this is the hidden gem of gatlinburg hidden gem of rubens you have to come here and get this this is a five out of five it's only like 12 dollars too you can't beat that fantastic deal lots of food you will not leave here hungry making our way outside of the hot brow house restaurant it never fails it never ceases to amaze i dream about those reuben sandwiches they are so good this is like one of the best sandwiches in all of gatlinburg yes it's so good perfection so amazing and i really don't have room for it no i cannot come here because we're not locals anymore no it's not like i could swing up here and get i gotta get it while i can get it and we're gonna head over it's literally right next door yeah it's the one wall yes these are two of my favorite places in galenberg especially like here in the villages if you've never been into the villages it's associated like little shops that are hiking food candles it's really cute it's so adorable yes themed amazingly definitely check it out throughout the season because they decorate it as well like we said it's kind of like this german bavarian sort of chalet feel like you're in an alpine village it's just awesome but the thing we like about the donut fryer is that it's open early so you can get here at like 5 a.m so if you're looking for breakfast i know you're on vacation who cares eat a donut it's good it's delicious and then you go next door and you have a delicious sandwich at the at the hof brow house it's just awesome and these are made freshly as well yeah everything's made fresh here and it's a family-owned bit both of these family-owned businesses not chains great places to come and check out and support so we're going to head into the donut fryer because you got to see these donuts whether it's dessert or breakfast my goodness folks [Music] oh my gosh oh the smell cinnamon delectable delightful i don't know what it is but again cash only keep it unreal but they do have an atm [Music] the smell in here is so incredible it smells like cinnamon it just spills every nook and cranny of this place oh my goodness and the donuts look fantastic they also have cinnamon bread here too which reminds me of dollywood and i actually asked these that's one of their best sellers but i think we're going to try something a little bit different like the cinnamon twist which is a little bit different than the dollywood bread because they said that's like their number one seller so let's see let's check one of those out and maybe get something else because i mean you just have to try these donuts they are so delicious beautiful fountains and dodos all around oh yeah with the cinnamon twist supposed to be their number one number one seller next to this bad boy he's still ugly they've always are this is their fryer special it's supposed to be a smiley face like we'll just take that off i used to come in well i had a my best friend just worked here and i would love it she'd bring me these occasionally and i would love her for it they're absolutely amazing and i'll show you because it's just pure sugar cheers temperatures cheers oh look at the inside coming from the north we had a lot of like cider donuts oh yeah let me just talk about this is like the shrink's up there some of the best cider donuts i've ever had oh yeah ah five out of five all around showing up fire the village oh i got you there it's my food but it's delicious it's messy it's just delicious it's sugary it's everything you want to have a doughnut they're fresh you can't say it enough five out of five star main award goes to doing a friar off house restaurant villages i love this i love this place you're just gonna just kind of love the villages and gallery there's no place like all right i just made the super donut vanilla frosting from the fryer special with the cinnamon twist [Music] oh my gosh i i just may not leave i don't think i'm gonna leave i'm not gonna go back to florida who's gonna sit here i'm gonna eat donuts all day long as we leave the villages there are two more like hot stops that you should definitely try out if you can the pancake pantry behind me which is a good breakfast but they also have some really different and amazing like burgers that you could try out you'll have to look up their menu for sure and see if you like it and then the other one is like the infamous stop the old smokey candy kitchen just go in and check it out you have that good salty taffy that's famous here in gatlinburg you can grab you a box or an apple oh so much delicious things to check out [Music] so all the candy here is made by hand in the kitchens which you can actually watch which i think is such a fun thing while you're on vacation you can either watch them indoors or outdoors so there's multiple viewing angles all around the kitchen itself so you can see where your taffy's coming from your chocolates it's just so much fun to be able to check out this stuff you like want an assortment box they have these little ones they're like about ten dollars and you get to see what's in here in just a minute but we used to get these as a kid we're so excited like for special little holidays they're like ooh if we get in our box we were so excited sometimes but i can't believe they actually still have them i mean like identical look just like this it shows how old she is nobody here's what actually they have inside the box so you get gummy bears you get salt water taffy they have rock candy i think it's like just about everything that little kids are gonna love pure sugar but hey you're on vacation who cares this is what they're known for the saltwater taffy that's the thing you gotta try you come here get the taffy it's so good and they have tons of different flavors too and i'm not even like the biggest happy fan but this is some good stuff so i was fortunate enough i got a sample i'm going to try out the vanilla i asked liz what's the best flavor that you think the mr candy maker he said vanilla so i got vanilla you can tell it's very as you're chewing like how you bit into it and you didn't lose a tooth that's a cool thing it's like soft it's so soft it's in a good way like not like break your teeth like i don't feel like if you have dental work done it's going to pull it out like usually taffy can be that bad this is like creamy it's sticky it's good it's everything you want minus the hardness this is like the best taffy i've ever had i used to get taffy out in north shore in rockport in massachusetts and there's a place called tufts and they used to make candy i thought that place was the best i don't know this is pretty darn good vanilla taffy here at the candy ketchup five out of five gotta love it fantastic so of course we couldn't leave the candy kitchen without getting a little bit of candy yes so they have some taffy that's sour flavored so i definitely had to try those out it's like a dollar fifty for these little ones which i thought it was a breakdown yeah i didn't want to carry a big box around so they also have like little assortments as well i might come back for a bigger box later but for right now and they were really good about samples so if you saw one you're like i don't know about that flavor just ask them they were really nice about it and they told us in the afternoons they actually make like moonshine flavored taffy that sounds wild there's so much moonshine here now and it like now it's in candy it's italian yes and they offer so much flavor assortment as well so if you you can buy them like pre-assorted or you can customize and make your own boxes happy because some of those flavors might not appeal to you and that's sometimes like a nice gift to bring home to folks it's just something a little bit different and kind of unique here to gatlinburg yeah it's a nice memento but i think now we have to keep moving on so we're going to check out a few more spots here in gatlinburg today let's go explore so up next we're going gonna be stopping into the mountain mall which this is an absolute must when you're here in gatlinburg it's one of the first things you're going to see entering into the strip downtown gatlinburg there's a little bit of everything in here so for tourists if you want like t-shirts even like a bottle of hot sauce and pepper palace to take home they got you covered there's even some like obscure places that you just wouldn't expect to find here like the tobacconist they make they make their own tobacco there they actually have like vintage smoking pipes that are just really fascinating to look at their little works of art just cool stuff like that let's go in here and check this out quick stop here at the mountain mall in gatlinburg it's kind of towards the end next to the aquarium it's inside mall so if it's raining or if it's very hot or actually very snowy it's kind of a fun place to visit as a local we didn't really come here a lot because a lot of the shops here are more for tourists like the pepper palace t-shirts for goutenburg maybe some shops and things but they kind of updated them over the years so now they sell all leather goods sporting shops and things like such i would say for architectural features this is the craziest small i've ever seen but i love it i love the details that they put into it um fyi there are escalators and there are elevators you do not have to climb all those flights of steps okay just look for them but going down you'll have to go elevator or the stairs down but just so you don't like kill yourself going out there are two options but let's go ahead and i just want to show you some of the fun architectural features that this mall does offer that you may just want to come in and look at [Music] do [Music] and i stopped into the gatlinburg which is a tobacconist this is something you don't really see around too often anymore i always love to check out antique pipes they have things here from like dunhill and even nording and they have some specialty custom pipes which are really fascinating and just seeing like somebody by hand mixed tobacco for for like you know pipe use it's just it's kind of cool and the smell in there like it's just amazing it's just all the collectibles we just love checking this kind of stuff out this is gallenburg 1969 this is where you like enter goldenberg and you can take the split takes you down by the river um this is like where the aquarium would be this is uh where we're at actually we're in the mall that they have there but look at the difference no space needle look at the mountains no cabins we have time north now we're looking at gutenberg 2002. again this is like where you come in this is the the mall which we're out the river street now the aquarium is there look how much has been added just in 2002 from that time difference i would love to see an updated photo of this today like what does it look like now 2022. so they also create these very fun water wheels there's one on this side but on the other side of the mall it stretches all floors of the mall which is kind of from a through f it's a real like i said even if you're not interested in the shops maybe that are in here come and check out the mall itself something new i'm noticing right here on the strip that finally opened up is the guy fieri chicken guy location i have to say i love this spot much better than the one in disney springs there's lots of indoor seating here which is what i know disney springs chicken guy absolutely needed so this is going to have to be a place to come back and check out ray next door is an arcade with tons of brand new games lots of favorites some new games i've never even heard of before so i think this is like a really cool spot a hot day to go in play some arcade games get some chicken guy this looks awesome i think the biggest thing i'm taking away from today is just how much gatlinburg is changing and growing and improving there's so much stuff going on here been away for like a year since we've moved to orlando and it's just wild there's so many new locations places to eat candy stores parking's getting crazy i always kind of was but still like just so much going on here in galenberg can't believe it i even see they're bringing in like a new exotic car experience so the uh the tone everything gatlinburg is definitely changing it's definitely changing lots of places to go sample moonshine and wine like that was like that before there's even more which is just this is this place is a lot of fun man there's a lot of stuff to do here in a very short little strip of land [Music] they love the samples they're here for the free samples do you have a sample no i don't really look it up in the grill do you have a sample no no he doesn't next up we are stopping into sugarland's distillery it says it's the number one thing to do in all of gatlinburg so they say but anyway there's a story in every jar we'll see what kind of stories they are [Music] one of the things i'm noticing now at sugarlands is that they're featuring a lot of the celebrities if you could say that from the moonshine moonshiners tv show here we have mark rogers american peach who's also tickled too so if you guys ever watch this show you'll definitely probably know some of these faces it's uh it's pretty neat but we have uncle jim tom's jim tom's signature we used to watch this show so it's kind of funny now to like see how much the moonshine boom is really going on here in gatlinburg and it's all these people because they're not they're they're from pretty close by they're from like kentucky east tennessee mountains area so it's very suiting to see all the stuff in here it's a lot of fun it smells very boozy lots of things have definitely changed here in gatlinburg you used to be able to go and try a lot of the stuff for free it's like free samples of moonshining i know quite a few places got in trouble for that because i think folks were really really taking some liberties so now the majority of these locations do charge for sampling so here at sugar lands it's five dollars you show them your id and you can go do the moonshine sampling but like i can't say it enough there's so many of these places and lots have come and gone and you can tell like where other locations even have been bought out just down the road used to be davy crockett's moonshine that got bought out and i think now it's uh old smokey mountain moonshot so sugarlands and old smokey are the big big players here in gallinbrick still and definitely you step inside these buildings and they totally totally show that i mean they have lots of merchandise huge collections of moonshines of all different flavors people are packing in here it's it's these little things are a lot of fun so these are some kind of fun additions i've just spotted as they call it sipping cream so it looks like you add it to your coffee they're like different the cores this one right here is a dark chocolate they also have like an orange flavor man these things they look pretty good i have to say like these lines have definitely gotten way more extensive so if you want a little bit of something special in your coffee you don't have to get the white lightning anymore they have they have specialty liqueurs this one may be really awesome i just found three like kind of unique flavors one is peanut butter jelly another one is blueberry muffin and maple bacon i don't know what do you think maple bacon or peanut butter and jelly peanut butter and jelly may actually be really tasty i don't know i think i think the blueberry muffin nuts that's probably which one i would go with i think i may have just found like the most florida version of moonshine they have here so that they now have a sugarlands shine pina colada this this one might have to make it back in the suitcase to florida i mean look at the graphic on there too let's see a little coconut in the beach this does sound pretty good on a hot day it's a real talk here as cheney would say after living in tennessee this is not real moonshine this is properly regulated it's very good you're not going to keel over go blind you can feel safe drinking this stuff but i will say if i was if i was to let you know like what my favorite moonshine is that i've ever tried not specific just the sugar lens but apple pie apple pie moonshine oh my gosh there really is nothing like it it's the best moon fat i care anybody the flavor it's it's dessert and fun in a bottle i just found this in the gift shop here so if you're not into drinking i mean obviously there's like plenty of things to look at in the store they have t-shirts they have lots of merchandise but this is like a really cool thing i think to take home to remember your trip here to gatlinburg of course we are surrounded by the great smoky mountain national park lots of trails lots of day hikes lots of fun to be had for free up in the mountains and this is a really cool way to remember them like these are what the actual trail signs would look like so if you go to elk mont or trema you're gonna see these signs they also have like the actual trail signs so this is what you'll see along the trail letting you know like how far you are from the trail of choice it's a fun way to think like i think back of your uh your vacation i mean they look exactly like the park signs i think this is so cool another brand new addition here at sugarlands is they have a bar area out back at the stage so there's actually musical performances here and you can come out get yourself a cocktail to enjoy you don't just do the samples so if you love what you drink you can come back here they'll make you a cocktail using sugarland's uh moonshine or even liquor this place has it all i mean you can come just here just just come to triggers you only have to leave it's just another fun thing that you can do here is actually take a distillery tour if you've never done one before you absolutely have to they're tons of fun it's free and you can see how all the moonshine is made so you can go you can see how they make everything come out have a sample see which ones you like go in the back have a cocktail take them home with you it's just fantastic well everyone i think that does it from a very fun day here in gatlinburg tennessee galenberg is always a fun time and we haven't even gone that long and i feel like so much has changed it's crazy it's ever evolving and growing so much going on new new stores new food new merch definitely a place you want to come and check out and then look at the scenery behind you the beautiful mountains to take all in oh yes so much to do so little time so grateful and we enjoyed meeting so many new people today too yes i do it's been a blast definitely you guys like the video hit like and subscribe and as always until next time friends bye [Music]
Channel: Wonderland Explorers
Views: 27,727
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: _KGDut0zGsk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 46sec (1486 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 15 2022
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