When To Use Kanban Over Scrum?

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in the last video we discussed what is kanban i talked about if kanban is a lean framework or an agr framework and what are some of the guidelines to get started with kanban today i will talk about when to use kanban or more specifically when to use kanban over scrum now this is one of the most popular questions i get asked and the simple answer to this question is you can use kanban whenever you want that's right we can use ken ben for just about anything it is the most flexible lean agent approach that exists but if this is the case why is scrum the default approach in many companies and the reason for that is because the scrum is prescriptive in nature scrum prescribes rolls length of iterations and evens now this may be a little rigid from some people's perspective but this prescription allows the teams especially those who are fresh off the board from the water formation to slowly grasp the concepts of agile and become more disciplined over time now you might come to me and ask vibor disciplined in what disciplined in terms of finishing what is started working as a team to resolve team impediments regularly showcasing the work to the client and reflecting on what worked and what didn't work in the last iteration the team gets into this habit of continuously inspecting and adapting which is as most people say the backbone of being agile once the team develops this habit this discipline the team can and should adopt more flexibility by transitioning into canvas having said that let's have a look at some of the cases where scrum doesn't make sense at all and where can ban is clearly the approach to apply number one when the nature of the work is dynamic and emergent if you're working on a project where priorities of your work frequently change and you just can't wait for the two three or four week sprint to end you should not use scrum an example of this case would be a production support team where sometimes the team gets into this firefighting mode to keep the system running such teams often do not know what they might be working on the following day because the priorities may change very quickly ken ben is very effective and you need to repeatedly determine the next important thing to do second case when you shouldn't use scrum is when people are simply worried about the changes scrum adoption would bring when people are worried about the change of roles the number of meetings and other things that scrum prescribes we should not try to force crime the obvious choice in this case is kanban which is well suited to starting with the current system in place due to the lack of any prescription kenwin does not attempt to push any change you can drive slow and make changes when you feel comfortable in a more incremental fashion third case when scrum doesn't make sense is when the team is too small so if you have a team of two people i would advise you to use kanban all that process all those roles and all those events do not make sense in such a small team scrum is well suited for teams of a specific size but when you are below a certain threshold of small size for example 4 or less i would advise using kanban those are the three cases when scrum does not make any sense another question that i get asked often is if you can use both scrum and kanban together and the answer is yes absolutely large product teams often use kanban and scrum teams together for example in large products which comprises many teams the product development team might use a scrum but teams suggest devops and automation can use kanban the main thing to remember here is that in an agile environment you are free to experiment with anything except when the experimentation is prohibited by bureaucracy i do however recommend that you have a relatively mature and disciplined scrum team before you go and try kanban so if you are a really mature high functioning scrum team and you want to take things to the next level then kanban can be a great way to visualize your workflow and bring in new metrics so there you have it use these guidelines to decide when to use kanban if you like this video then give it a thumbs up subscribe and do not forget to provide your valuable feedback in the comments see you in the next video [Music] you
Channel: Vibhor Chandel
Views: 20,135
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Keywords: when to use kanban over scrum, kanban, scrum vs kanban, kanban vs scrum, difference between scrum and kanban, what is kanban, scrum vs kanban difference, agile scrum vs kanban, scrum and kanban, scrum kanban, introduction to kanban, agile frameworks compared, agile kanban vs scrum, agile kanban and scrum, scrum vs kanban comparison, difference between kanba and scrum, agile kanban tutorial, scrum or kanban, when to use kanban or scrum, wehn to use kanban, wehn to uise kanban
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 33sec (273 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 19 2022
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