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at Rapport International we're frequently Asked is AI or automated translation going to put you out of business and it's not so I have two videos coming up this is where AI is doing a really good job and you can use automated translation the other one you can go look for it is we not to use AI so it's just becoming more complex so the top 10 places to use AI number one it's fun try it out put something in in a language play around with it see if it validates and then for fun take it and translate it back and see what you get if you're playing around with friends and you want to know how to say something great number two for an unsolicited email okay if you get an email and you don't know what it's about and you're trying to figure it out go ahead and pop that into chat GPT or Google translate which is now using AI to figure out what it says and if it's something important that you actually need to deal with or whether it's just junk and you can delete it personal communication is number three one of the best stories I heard was a husband and wife didn't speak the native first language and there'd be something sometimes one of them would want to get across to the other so they'd pop it in try to get the gist of it and then they could uh with their language skills manipulate it to get across what they want so if you're talking to your friends go ahead and use it it's a load of fun number four is in your Uber lift taxi any of those you're trying to travel and you're trying to communicate it's fine it's a lowrisk area to do it it's pretty factual so you can use it there and it's going to work great number five now we're getting into some more complex issues say you have a large amount of data or a large amount of content and you're trying to figure out what it says to narrow down to the important stuff this is a good place to do it put it in see what the general gist is get down to what you want and then you can focus on that we had a client once that sold a toy and it was going gang busters in Japan and he wanted to read the description of the Japanese website to see how they were positioning as to why the sales were going crazy and he wanted me to translate the website and I said that's crazy it's going to cost a ton of money and you don't care about the rest of the stuff I said go pop that into Google translate find out where your toy is talked about and then come talk to me and so he translated in Google Translate he found out and in it it's said it was tickling the ass part of the brain and so he didn't know exactly what that specifically was referring to so we could get a professional translator in to do just the area that he wanted it he could adapt it for the English marketing and his target audience and it worked great that was a nice way to start the project um the sixth place that you can use it is in lowrisk materials AI automated translation you can use it for inter internal emails when you're sending it to something although there is research that say that foreign Nationals who speak English as a second language are spending 60% of their time trying to figure out what English speakers are sending to them an email or uh saying in their reports so sometimes it is helpful to have somebody to facilitate those but it's it's a perfectly fine use for it use Ai and automated translation for internal emails for quick Communications anything where mistakes can actually be lack at and not hold you liable another really good place this is would be number seven is on your online engagement so your website that's your first Vision to your target audience so you want that to be really good that's your welcoming area you want it to be high quality but if you have customer reviews that are left in there like on Airbnb or Amazon put some Automation in there you can build it in and then your customer reviews can be automatically trans ated so people who don't speak their language can read all the reviews they can get a general gist as to whether somebody saying this was awesome or this was terrible so online engagement particularly in reviews number eight is repetitive and simple text that you use over and over again so if you're doing something over and over again you can build a memory for it so we actually in the industry call it a translation memory so you don't have to pay for material to be uh translated over and over again you capture it in a memory so this this takes a little bit more sophistication because you've got to have somebody that's managing it number nine you're more likely to have success in using AI in a high resource language pair so for example if you're doing a lot of English Spanish translation on Simple Text it's nothing creative nothing that takes expertise confidential propri or that could hold you to a liability then you might be able to get away with it if it's a low resource language pair like Mandingo and English that's a language that's spoken in Africa you're going to have more of a problem with that because there's not as much of a an llm a language learning model that it can go and pull from and see what's most frequently used so high resource languages you're going to have better luck and then number 10 is if you want to build a proprietary llm so large tech companies are doing this because they've got the technology sophistication and the Personnel to manage it um but you've got to have a million words over a million words of a language pair in a specific subject and people who have enough subject matter expertise that they can manage hallucinations then you can develop your company llm so this takes a lot of sophistication a lot of management and a lot of expertise to actually do it but for all those other things it's a great tool it's fun to use and it's amazing technology that's been in development for decades maybe I'll do a a video on um the history of that because it's actually fascinating that goes back to World War Two so certainly look for that one and watch my other for my other video where I discussed the 10 places where you absolutely don't want to use AI for your translation hope this help hope it answ some questions thanks for watching if you enjoyed this video please like it and share it or you can keep watching and don't miss out on New posts by subscribing to our Channel and if you want to talk to Rapport International about all your translation and interpretation needs or about growing your business into new markets use the link below for a free 30 minute consultation
Channel: RapportIntl
Views: 7
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: translation, interpretation, multilingual marketing, marketing translation, global, AI, Tech, Technology, Machine Translation, Rapport International, Rapport Translations
Id: T37gK_c-a7U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 49sec (409 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 08 2024
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