When to Aerate Your Lawn Spring 2024

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[Music] [Music] [Music] so do you feel better now on the real M yeah I feel I I think if I use it one more time like I'm I'm comfortable with it now if I use it one more time I'll be good [Music] okay teaching them how to be a good redneck and then now just concentrate on your ladder and your footing right there is good now just throw it about a third gooo I'm exhausted we have been going all day pretty pretty much we're cutting grass we're doing ation we're putting out fertilizers and it was 27° this morning so on this video I'm going to explain how I can do an ation and why you shouldn't do it hey guys don't forget we cover a lot of this in the lawn guides the lawn guides are up they're free use them freear guide.com I just have to say this at the beginning of every video at the top of that website there's a link to the Bermuda La guide and the zoia LA guide go use them download the calendars there's product links every discussions about any problem you might have next I always say and I've always said in the past the time when you do a core ation is when your grass is actively growing because you want to be doing it during a time where it can heal itself you don't want to come out during a dormant period and do a core Iration however this is perennial Ry grass and it's looking absolutely gorgeous and even though it was 27° this morning we're coming out here we're cutting this with a real mower today we're putting down fertilizer and I'm using my special billy goat and my billy goat aerator if you don't understand a billy goat uh I can change out the spikes so I can use a core and pull cores or I can put a big spike or a small Spike today I'm going to use the small spikes on it you can't even tell that it's been air rated it's been air rated you can go right behind the airator and real mow it it doesn't pull up dirt it doesn't relieve compaction but it does allow water oxygen and nutrients to get in now I bought my Air Raider gosh what 4 years ago and I know I've used it probably 50 times so if you go 50 times $100 a rental at least uh that's $5,000 and I think I paid $2,900 for it they're a lot more now but uh they're really hard to find so when you do an ation typically you're going to do a core Iration but you're going to do it during Peak growing season or it's not Peak growing season when your lawn is actually growing the other tip I'll give you if you do an ation coming up you want to do it when your grass is short so the shorter the grass the easier it is to Aira because I like to pick up my cores a lot of people say leave the cores because it adds Nutri no they just mess up especially if you're real mowing if you're pulling cores out that are 2 in deep they're going to be full of rocks and so when you run a real mower over that you're going to damage your blades so if you do a core artion pick them up I use a leaf sweeper I've shown that before in my videos but I got to say um this just looks it just looks like a Golf Course out here so uh anyways I'll just run you through the day I got a bunch of weird stuff John came over uh we got a full day ahead of us and uh you'll see how we got to this point which is great looking all right so the first thing I need to do I think I'm going to aate this first but the first thing I got to do is pick up dog poo there nothing like slipping on dog poo out here let me do that and I'll get the air raater fired up go [Music] there [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] so if you're wondering this is not self-powered this is actually powered by the impact of the timeses that are actually sort of facing backwards a little bit so as you go along with one of these if you have a t operated one like when you're going downhill obviously it's wanting to go faster so when I go downhill I actually put a little bit of resistance on it I actually just hold back a little bit when it goes downhill but when it's going if it have to go uphill at all then I might put a little extra push behind it I want to keep it at the same travel rate the whole time now let me show you something so I just did this strip here I mean you can maybe see like that hole and that hole but the holes are pretty much completely hidden that's undone and done see the difference I mean and there's going to be thousands and thousands of these little openings for water and nutrients and everything to get into again an active growing grass um I would not do a core aration out here this time core ation is too early the roots are going to have to try and heal and it's a slow growing process you got that so that's why you want to do a core irration when your grass is actively growing that's when you want to do it it's also good to do it when the grass is really short so anyways continue on I will so last week we cut this it was so tall we had to cut it on a level four this week we're going to cut it on a level three with the ego people keep asking why we leave that door open why don't we use a side discharge isn't that dangerous we have never had a stick or rock or anything fly out of the back and even if so we're walking off to the side it's an electric push and the side discharge gets clogged even with with the door fully open four or five times during this cutting process when this grass is long and wet we have to tip it over and clean it with our hands I'm just telling you that's just the way really long rye grass or really long Fescue or however that is so this is that test stripe you can go ahead this is that test stripe we've got with the DGL fertilizer and we cut last week and it's twice as long as the other grass you can see it and hell you can see the stripe here so there's there's the non-treated and right in here is the [Applause] treated and you can see because of the blade rotation the grass throws off to the left so you walk off to the right of the mower when you do this and everything even if a stick were to go through there it's going to throw off have you ever been hit by hit by anything mowing this mowing that other crap you would no but there's nothing here really a question always comes out about pre-emergent if I do a core ation the the the basic synopsis of that is when you're punching Cor fours you're may be opening up what 5% of your whole surface area so there's just not enough penetration barrier to worry about weeds so don't worry about it put down your pre-emergent and then later when your grass starts to grow do a cut it down short do a nice core irration open it up core irration is more beneficial than a spike irration a spike spreads the dirt and a core ation pulls a plug so your dirt can uncompact got it but it's like on golf greens most golf greens they do a spike ation cuz you can just roll it and continue on play so I've got today I am using the 2024 mlan Series this is the LC low cut series I link to this on the website uh on the page below this will cut from 116th of an inch I believe it is 116th of an inch up to 1 and 3/4 so for the average Bermuda owner that wants to keep their grass fairly short this is a good mower Bermuda zoa anything that you want to keep short uh if you have a taller grass or you don't want to keep your grass that short then go with the regular gr series got it before I start this let's go let's go see how Jon's doing yeah it looks pretty good I do have a lot of extra clippings that's for sure that looks really good [Applause] I will say this about this unit I don't think I've ever had a unit run at such a low RPM and be a comfortable Rock rate I mean it's just just like just above idle it's really quiet and when you run a mlan because everything is controlled by that lever it literally is a two finger or three finger moow that's it you can just do it with one hand two or three fingers just let the mower do all the work it's actually pretty [Music] nice [Music] he's learning how to real mow and it can get confusing so here's the way I'm teaching them when you get to the end of your row when you get to the end of your row just let go of everything when you get close just let go of everything then it's a one two and three everybody one turn two and then three you go he was also worried about he he was missing he he was missing a little stripe in between these rows and that's because he wasn't overlapping enough it's hard to see out here today cuz it's cloudy so uh I told him to overlap more you can overlap as much as you want when you're real mode man this this is nice this is short it's nice but you can see now I've Spike air rated this I've Spike air rated it and cut it look at it isn't that great so do you feel better now on the real M yeah I feel a lot better I think about you use it one more time I'm I'm comfortable with it now if I use one more time I I'll be good with it okay and that's I was just showing them the manual feature if you leave the wheel up and then squeeze the handle it doesn't move but the blades are growing so like if I have to go around here go around those rocks or maybe go around a tight curve or hit a corner in that fence what's going to happen is if you're Mo going with the wheel you're going to feel panicked because the mower is still going and you want to stop so if you know you're going to come up to an area like a corner just stop lift up that wheel squeeze the handle get the blades going and then you can just push it into a corner push it just like a reg just like a regular reel mow just like a regular mower gas mower you can just use it like a push mower so like if you want to go around those bricks cuz if you run if you run these bricks full speed out here you're going to hit one of them and it's going to knock it off so but this looks great so what we're putting down now um I've done a bunch of stuff out here but this is actually gorgeous I mean this looks like a golf course right now it does so I'm switching over to pgf complete which is your based fertilizer for almost all lawns all season long pgf complete you can do stuff with green chocker and DGL and whatever you want but that is your base fertilizer so I'm going to put some out here today so one of the things I love green Chalker and I hate green chocker the only thing I hate about it is that it's solid black and you can't see it now you saw the fertilizer coming out the pgf complete you can see white and green particles you can't see anything come out here you won't see anything so this is a matter of understanding how far this throws picking your line and sticking with your line that's why right after you cut is a good time to do it or in the morning when there's de on the grass you'll see your Wheel tracks so I was telling telling John we know the green shocker is going to throw about 36 in or so and then 36 on this side but when you come back it's also going to throw another 3T on this side so you're going to want at least a 6 seven 8T space in between here so what I'm trying to teach you to do is pick a line and go to your line slam your handle down down is off right down is off turn and then take one two steps in turn and we'll see if the two steps is enough to leave that six foot space okay that's why I like these small bags because I don't have to open a big bag and worry about storing it one of my favorite fertilizers it's a LoveHate relationship because it's one of the top performing fast ex acting but because it's like black salt you can't see it going out we call this almost a granular liquid cuz as soon as you if you put this on in the Dew you can actually go to the Dew drops on the grass and see these particles turning into liquid that's how fast it is so as soon as you that's why I like to put it down on De covered grass then run my irrigation right after that and goes right into the ground it's almost like a liquid look ahead of you look ahead of you follow that line he's looking down at the line like he does with a real mower okay so you on this line uhhuh so you want probably about 8 ft so go down another line right here uh no I want you to go one more down right there and you see how the the difference is don't look down at the line just sort of look ahead at the line and just walk the line all right go ahead you cannot see that stuff come out all right so you're on this line so go about 3 feet 3 feet stop there you go now what are you doing doc so let me explain a couple weeks ago I was putting up a shelf and it fell and I hyperextended my arm and so that tendon that's at the end of your bicep got sort of strained and now because it's been so long I think I have a hairline fracture on one of those bones in there so I'm trying not to lift anything with my left arm arm I'm trying to be real gentle so John's going to load up the corn that I would normally load up and we're going to go back we got to fill feeders for the deer cuz we feed them all year here teaching them how to be a good redneck pull that off on throw it on your shoulder and then now just concentrate on your ladder and your footing right there is good I just throw it about a third there you go many you want put two of them uh let me feel it uh actually that's good for this one I'm going to throw a bag out here cuz they're used to feeding up here quite a bit so I'm just going to I'm going to open up a bag what I usually like to do is I'll keep one bag open and I'll scatter like a third of a bag at each feeder and then plus the feeders will be going off to so we're tired we're tired of cutting grass and fertilizing now we're going to go be rednecks and put out some corn feed man how many game cameras I got out here you probably don't even know I don't I honestly don't know how many I have I think I got 1 two 3 4 4 + 6 is what 10 and then I've got two more motion tracking cameras well that was a nice surprise that's two in a row I didn't even bring my camera down here I didn't think I was going to catch anything but this little corner down here seems pretty hot down here all right so I'm going to do something which I will probably regret and that is I'm going to run my irrigation system for the first time since what the fall uh one of the problems with starting up my irrigation probably unlike yours is that I'm on a well and when you have a well over time when you just let it sit you can actually suck up a lot of debris and sand and dirt so I may end up having to go around to all these damn heads and pull them up and clean them out but I don't know if I have oh okay there well I got water let's see let's see what we got going on I'm actually I'm actually kind of impressed oh crap I got one of these heads that's covered up so just remember that when you put down fertilizer you want to put fertilizer down on dry ground that's one of my number one rules and then uh feel free to water it it's not going to start to work your fertilizer is not going to do anything until whatever it is starts to dissolve and until those nutrients actually really reach the root system so you got to put water on it so that's why I'm watering it we haven't had rain in several days we had that huge rain event we had that huge rain event you know uh a week ago but now it's starting to dry out again but I got to get some water on this the interesting will be to run that pond cuz I haven't run that pond in a long time so the first run of an irrigation system is always interesting we'll let this run for a while and then I'll go run the pond so anyways guys hope this video has helped you out a little bit if there's any confusion drop a comment down below and smash that like button talk to you later [Music] go
Channel: How To with Doc
Views: 58,333
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: lawn care, lawn aeration, lawn aerator, spring aeration, spring lawn care, aeration, aeration lawn, aeration machine, billy goat aerator, when to aerate lawn, when to aerate your lawn, when to aerate, when to aerate bermuda grass, howtowithdoc, #howtowithdoc, core aeration, how to, lawn tips, spring lawn tips, early spring lawn care, core aeration and overseeding, core aeration clay soil, core aeration vs spike
Id: YAc9XliL7mk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 16sec (1276 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 21 2024
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