When This Wild Elephant Gave Birth, She Delivered A Surprise That Hadn’t Been Seen In 40 Years

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when this wild elephant gave birth she delivered a surprise that hadn't been seen in 40 years with more than 1,600 elephant's under their care Rangers at Amboseli National Park in Kenya are no doubt accustomed to welcoming new calves into the world but when Peru gave birth in March 2018 she delivered a once-in-a-lifetime surprise this particular type of birth was so rare in fact that staff hadn't seen anything like it for nearly 40 years Amba Celie National Park in the south of Kenya is one of the most visited parks in the country and it's easy to see why the 150 square mile wildlife Haven boasts a breathtaking backdrop of Mount Kilimanjaro Africa's tallest mountain and it's also one of the best places in the world to get up close and personal with free roaming elephants elephants aren't the only creatures that call Amba Celie their home though the protected Park actually encompasses five different types of habitats from woodlands to wetlands that provides the perfect conditions for a whole host of wild animals such as Masai giraffe cheetahs lions and spotted hyenas as well as 600 different species of bird despite the diversity of wildlife at Amboseli however elephants are nonetheless the main attraction there around 1,700 of the gentle giants currently living free in the park making up in the region of 60 different families and when it comes to family these huge animals are some of the most fascinating of all while males tend to live largely solitary existences female elephants known as cows are extremely social beings a typical elephant family consists of anywhere from 3 to 25 mothers auntie's daughters and granddaughters who form very close bonds with one another elephants value their families so much in fact that they often live together for much of their lives no land animal stays with members of its own family longer than female elephant calves choose to remain with their mothers in many cases more than half a century what's more elephants are capable of highly complex thoughts and emotions according to experts much like humans they can feel happiness compassion and even grief elephants have been known to gather at places where their loved ones died to mourn for instance sort of the animal kingdom equivalent of visiting a but perhaps no emotion is stronger than a mother's love for a child and when it comes to motherhood elephants are pretty remarkable they experience longer pregnancies than any other animal in fact which lasts for nearly two years and if that wasn't unusual enough mothers usually have to wait around half a decade after giving birth before they can have another calf unfortunately though these lengthy waiting times somewhat complicate matters for Elephants particularly for those in Kenya such as paru despite poaching having been illegal in the nation for decades these majestic mammals are still killed in the tens of thousands every year and such slow birth rates makes it tricky for conservationists to increase the animals declining numbers given that the wild populations are at risk then any new elephant arrival is surely cause for celebration but when 39 year old Peru gave birth at Easter 2018 the news was even more special than usual indeed her offspring left of the staff at Amboseli feeling overjoyed and the unusual occurrence made headlines worldwide that's because when pregnant Peru and into labor at the end of March 2018 she didn't just welcome one new arrival you see the mother elephant actually delivered a double delight twins and given that the last time an elephant in a Miceli and welcome to calves at once was back in 1980 it's easy to understand why staff were so astonished twins are so rare in fact that they account for only one in every 100 elephant births the surprise arrival at Peru's pair of calves one male and one female was undoubtedly an extra special occasion then but the remarkable news didn't stop there while the chances of elephant twins occurring at all are extremely slim unfortunately it's also very unlikely that they'll survive for very long once they're outside the womb mortality rates are much higher in to an elephants and many don't make it thankfully though Peru's twins seem to be defying the odds once again now six months old the delightful duo are much to the delight of the staff at a Miceli thriving this is a very unique scenario in terms of conservation particularly in the elephant population Kenneth Elena shoe senior warden at the Bark explained to odn so as it turns out the precious pair of elephants seem to have had some luck perhaps it was the abundant rain prior to their birth that helped these calves out by creating plenty of green grass or maybe it's simply thanks to having such a seasoned mother as Peru to look after them the special siblings now named cachito and Nora have joined a herd that's among the largest of the reserve and apparently the whole family have been chipping in to help look after them according to an Boselli the twins older sister Padula is a particularly keen babysitter Ambus Ellie's Rangers have been closely watching the twins - and are doing everything they can to make sure the animals continue to thrive in the wild we're really proud and we are now monitoring and we are ensuring that the babies are in good health olena Xu told odn thankfully the brother and sister are in very capable hands the MS Ellie Trust for Elephants happens to run a well-established elephant research program since 1972 in fact its members have been studying these majestic mammals and learning as much as they can in order to continue to protect them other than Nora and Cuttino there have only been one other set of twins born at Ambus Ellie and that was 38 years ago Peru's offspring joined equinox and Eclipse in the record books two very special calves born in June 1982 matriarch Estella and today against all odds equinoxes and eclipses are also thriving they're all grown up now and have children and even grandchildren of their own let's hope that Peru's adorable twins are able to follow in their very special footsteps
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Keywords: CreepyWorld, HappyWorld, AnimalsWorld, viral, viral videos, viral stories, videos pictures, stories videos, 2019 videos, 2019, top videos, videos, laugh, stories, very, facts, world, information, wierd, real, did, you, know, amazing, space, aliens, smart, creepy, Strange, unexplained, mystery, bizzare, top, video, top10, top5, truth, anomaly, When This Wild Elephant Gave Birth, She Delivered A Surprise That Hadn’t Been Seen In 40 Years, Wild Elephant, Elephant Gave Birth, She Delivered A Surprise
Id: E3zg5785phU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 16sec (376 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 24 2019
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