When They Found Out | Pastor Steven Furtick | Elevation Church

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i bring you greetings from valentine it's not  it's not technically it's charlotte but it's   not anyway i bring you greetings today wherever  you are in the world we know that god is going   to speak to you for the season that you're in  he is going to supply every need that you have   i don't know what you need today but god  knows put it in the chat god knows what i need   and some of the things you need you can't  mention you can't put those in the chat   that's all right god knows those needs too  and sometimes you don't even know you need it   in that right sometimes you don't even know  you need it and then god just bypasses what   you think you need to give you what you  really need that you didn't know to ask for   praise the lord well can you tell that i'm  excited and full yeah i'm full i'm full   i feel full i feel full today i want to  share a message with you you can be seated   i want to share a message with you from a  passage of scripture that god had me on a path   to study for quite a while um it took me a while  to find what he wanted to say in this passage but   wow when i saw it okay let's get to it are  you ready okay are you ready on yeah you ready   see the kids aren't running around you've got  them on e-kids youtube channel and all that   got them locked in the basement whatever  doesn't matter you got them on netflix   it doesn't matter just get rid of them for a  minute let's talk all right because you need   this you need this and you have to feed yourself  first or you won't have strength to feed others   so let's make sure before we start another week  that we really get what god wants us to have   this is an important word in mark chapter six the  miracle known as the feeding of the five thousand   is recorded it's not only recorded in mark chapter  6 but i'm going to begin there it's recorded   in all four gospels each account giving us a  different angle on who jesus is and what he does   how many know that as you go through life you  see jesus from different angles you see god   from different angles and it opens  your understanding the old hymn said   uh thou changest not and and he doesn't change  but the way we see him has to always expand   if we see him from the same point of view that  we saw him when we were 13 we're probably missing   something if we're 31 and in the process of  revealing himself to his disciples jesus was   very responsible not to give them too much at  one time and that was part of his compassion too   he was more than enough but he never gave them  more than they could handle as he ministered to   them he did so strategically in stages so when  he showed them in john's gospel for instance   which i'll reference a little bit later who he  was through what we call the i am statements   it was a continuation of the same thing that  god began to show moses when he said i am that   i am it left a blank that jesus would fill in not  through just what he said but what he showed and   what he did every time he demonstrated something  he declared something and he did that so that we   could not only hear it but so that we could own  it and know it and get it deep down inside of us   this particular miracle is connected with the  first i am statement of jesus that's in the gospel   of john and i want to read it to you from mark  because there's a phrase here that really really   really got my attention this week and i want to  see if you can find it it says in mark chapter   6 verse 29 we'll start with 29 on hearing of this  john's disciples came and took his body and laid   it in a tomb the apostles gathered around  jesus and reported to him all they had done   and taught then everybody say then then because  so many people everybody say so many people   were coming and going that they did not even  have a chance to eat he said to them come with me   by yourselves to a quiet place and get  some rest so they went away by themselves   in a boat to a solitary place  with no wi-fi to a solitary place   but many who saw them leaving recognize them  you remember when the kids were a little holly   and we used to wonder do they have a radar  that knows when we lay down to take a nap   so that they can start screaming and wake  up remember it's like they just knew and   they would just start the moment we were finally  starting to rest they would they would wake up   thanks guys um that was fun um that's the stage of  parenting you go through and the the hungry crowds   are kind of like my kids like they just the moment  that jesus is moving away they're already there   have you ever had a problem waiting for you and  you weren't prepared for it when you got there   did you notice that trouble doesn't  schedule an appointment when it comes how many of you bad things ask you is  this a good time before they happen   are you feeling rested because today we would like  to test your faith no no no the crowd was what   waiting when they found out jesus was leaving  to get away the crowd was waiting when they got   there and i don't know what's waiting  for you this week and neither do you   so you got to get this word right now i don't need  my stool today move this dude you got to get this   word right now right now right now right now  because you don't know what's waiting this week   i believe that's why you tuned in because god  wants to give you a word that'll last you all week   no matter what is waiting now watch this jesus  was the word and when he went to the place where   he was taking the disciples to get alone there  was a crowd when they went away many who saw them   recognize them and ran on foot from all the towns  and got there ahead of them and here's the part   of the passage that you may be more familiar with  when jesus verse 34 landed and saw a large crowd   he had compassion on them because they were like  sheep without a shepherd saving and teaching them   many things by this time it was  late how long did jesus talk so long this sermon was so  long watch how long it was   his disciples came to him and said  these people are about to pass out and there's no chick-fil-a and so you  need to send them away because this is   a remote place and it's already very late so send  them away so they can go to the surrounding cities   or the surrounding countryside and villages and  buy themselves something to eat but he answered   you give them something to eat they said to him  that would take eight months of a man's wages   are we to go and spend that that much  on bread and give it to them to eat how many loaves do you have he asked go  and see thank you lord when they found out   they said five and two fish then everybody say  then jesus directed them to have all the people   sit down in groups on the green grass so they sat  down in groups of hundreds and fifties taking the   five loaves and the two fish and looking up to  heaven he gave thanks and broke the loaves then   he gave them to his disciples and they set them  before the people he also divided the two fish   among them all they all ate and were satisfied one  version says they ate as much as they wanted yeah   and all the disciples picked up twelve basketfuls  of broken pieces of bread and fish the number of   the men who ate was about five thousand the title  i want to use comes from verse 38 part b put it   back on the screen please i want to talk to you  today about when they found out when they found out are there any parents in the room today  you got kids aaron lj's got kids how many d two   anybody out anybody here how many show  me on your fingers how many you did five   yeah chunks did five i don't know what he's  planning for the future some adoption in the   works or something like that holly if you hold  up anything other than three in your yeah okay   so i was talking to a couple on our staff  the other day who's having their first   baby and they were so excited and i know this  sounds bad but i get excited for people when   they're having their first kid and then after that  whatever you know because once you have once you   have one your life is all ready you know just so  but when it's there first i get excited and holly   always sends a gift to everybody on our staff who  has a baby but they were so excited i mean they   were so like first time fair and exciting and i  said you guys are sure excited and i'm not one   of these guys who says get ready they're going to  ruin your life because kids are you know obviously   the the best thing that that ever happened to  me 70 of time and i said y'all are so excited   and they said yeah and we're going monday  to find out what it is and i thought   no you're not you're not gonna find out  what it is monday i know what you mean   that you're gonna get some blue  or pink balloons and by the way   since i'm in my old man stage of ministry now  these gender reveal parties we didn't do all that   so i mean don't feel any pressure if you don't  have the money to to shoot a baby seal out of   a cannon to show everybody what people do this is  the crazy stuff i see our gender reveal party was   call my mom in the parking lot after the  ultrasound that was the gender reveal party   that's how happy we were to find out you were a  boy it's a boy that was it and then we went home   and saved money but but but watch this we're gonna  find out what it is just the way they said it   it stuck with me because we often think that  we're gonna know exactly what it is see the   doctor has this thing that he can show you or she  can show you uh maybe they can show you the gender   but you will not know what it is just  based on male or female you will not know   quote what it is just based on there  there is no sonogram that can show you   how much love you are going to have for this  human being who is going to rip your heart   out of your chest and carry it around with them  through all of their decisions of life there's   no way you can see that on a sologram there  is some stuff you can't see on your sonogram   we're going to find out what it is so i  nodded i was like cool this is great yeah   no you're not no you're not we often expect to  see what it is before we even bring it forth we we want to know what it is and they found out  it was a boy on monday but they didn't find out   whether the boy's eyes were blue on monday you  find that out progressively right it's progressive   being a parent is progressive you find out you go  oh my kid's so quiet i thought graham was quiet   for the first five years of his life i thought  he was quiet for the first five years of his life   he won't shut up now he turns 13 this month  he won't shut up he's making me take him to   great wolf lodge for his birthday that's torment  that only a loving parent would endure and i'm   doing it for him because i love him i didn't  know how much i would love him on a sonogram   i didn't know his personality just because  i knew whether he was you know blue or pink   or a boy or a girl you don't know what it is and  the challenge of life is understanding that that   you don't really know what is inside of you what  is inside of others what is inside of your gift   see they can tell you the the gender of your kid  with an ultrasound but they can't tell you the   gifts life has to bring that forth they can tell  you what it is they can tell you what it is on a   surface level but they can't tell you what's in it  see that's going to take time that's going to take   maturity that's going to take i was a punk rocker  when i was 14 i'm a preacher when i'm 40. my   mom didn't know what i was until i became it now  jesus did not become anything i'll prove it in the   beginning was the word and the word was with god  and the word was god somebody say he already was   he didn't become sufficient he  didn't become the word he already   was but they didn't know what he was until they  walked with them enough to see it in stages   and this is kind of the first stage of that  for the disciples where he is showing them   i am the bread of life he already was but they  didn't know it yet he already was already was so you know how this passage is like so familiar   how many sermons have you heard  about the feeding of the 5 000.   if this is the first time you've heard about it  you have never been within five miles of a church   and that's that's that's that's fine too how many  sermons have you heard love y'all so much but   how many sermons have you heard about  the context see the first verse i read   mentioned a man named john this is not john who  wrote the gospel of john this is john the baptist   who got his head cut off for confronting herod  and telling him you shouldn't sleep with your   your brother's wife that that john the one who ate  locusts and honey and prepared the way for jesus   that john the one who was born six months earlier  they didn't have gender reveal sonograms at that   point but but but they didn't need a gender reveal  because when the angel came to zechariah in the   temple he said you're going to have a boy and  you're going to name him john and zachariah said   it's not possible i'm too old for that and the  moment you start telling god what's not in you   the one who made you doesn't know what's in you   the angel said you're not gonna speak until the  day your baby's born and that's what it was and   when they gave the baby the name the father spoke  he said his name is john they said there's nobody   in your family called john he said i'm not going  off of external i'm going off of internal this   is what god told me this is what god spoke  right that john when he died his disciples   buried him he didn't have many disciples left  because he gave all of his disciples to jesus   he told all of his members to go to another church  and they did he said i must become less he must   become greater when he found the messiah the one  he had looked for he said that's the one he gave   up what he thought was important once he found  what was really significant that john that john   who who died at the hands of herod's ego  who was beheaded that john when he died   the disciples brought the news to  jesus and jesus wanted to get away   when he found out what had happened to john he  he withdrew when he found out right but see john   and jesus had a special relationship because john  knew who jesus was before they ever met physically   when elizabeth was six months pregnant and mary  found out she was pregnant the first thing she did   was go find elizabeth her  cousin who was also pregnant   and elizabeth says the weirdest thing and you  only understand this if it's ever happened to   you and you don't have to be a woman to understand  this you can understand it on a spiritual level   she said as soon as you got here the baby that  was inside of me started dancing my my baby   started walking on water my baby started doing  the tootsie slide the moment i heard your voice   my baby started dancing on the inside of me so  it's crazy how sometimes you know things before   you should know them let me give you an example of  that some of you know right now that god's hand is   on your child but you can't see evidence of that  yet but you still know and some things can't be   shown they have to be known by the spirit of  god some things you know before you can show like i know this sermon is going to hit your  heart today but you don't know that yet but   god showed it to me and i know what's in me  before i give it to you that's very powerful   because if you wait on circumstances to validate  god's voice you might be waiting a long time   no no no faith says i know it before you show it  i know it on the inside before i see it on the   outside and whoever this is for today god has  shown you something that eyes cannot see that   ears cannot hurt that cannot enter in the heart  of a man but you know it by the spirit of god   john knew who jesus was while  they were still both embryonic this might not be good to you but it's good to me   because you've got to know that you know that you  know that you know that god is with you you've got   to know that you know that you know that you know  that he's spoken you've got to know that you know   that you know that you know that what he gave  you is enough so when you face a circumstance   that challenges your dependency and you  find yourself in a season of definite   deficiency you will know definitely that god is  with you give him a praise if you know he's good of course none of the disciples really knew what  jesus was carrying not only the purpose that he   carried to die on the cross for their sins they  didn't know that yet they found that out later   they followed him as he performed miracles  but only he really knew what he was carrying   the burden of it in fact the bible  says something interesting it says that   john's disciples came and  told jesus that john was dead   but it doesn't say that jesus told the disciples  he told them let's go rest he carried it alone   i want to speak to somebody today  who's carrying something alone   maybe you're the provider for your family   maybe you're dealing with something right now that  isn't public material to carry something alone   that's what i felt from jesus that that he was  carrying something like like mary was carrying him   now he's carrying something not only the news of  of of john's death but also the potential of the   ministry because in the text we read it said it  was going really good with the ministry of jesus   but the ministry of john ended and that made me  think about how you can be getting good news in   one ear and bad news in the other and learning  how to balance that is the essence of faith you carry on one on one hand sometimes a blessing  that's so heavy you can barely carry it you carry   with the other hand a doubt or a question and  and that balance is what what keeps you walking   straight jesus goes away the crowds find out  they meet him there surprise jesus we want to   be healed surprise jesus we're interrupting your  vacation this is like your in-laws and everybody   else you don't want to see showing up on your  vacation not only that but there's 5 000 men   and women and children and jesus looked up and  he saw them he saw he didn't see him as a crowd he saw them with compassion that amazes me that god knows exactly  what you've been going through this week because like to me i'm looking in one camera god  doesn't see a crowd on the other side of screens   he sees where you're hungry and he sees where  you hurt do you believe that i don't know if   you do i think a lot of people think that jesus  loves them like it's a a group insurance policy   like he just covers everybody with his blood no  no the power is that he sees the one we would talk   about the 5 000 but he would talk about the one  and one at a time he healed everybody that needed   healing and then although you know the story  bear with my folly a moment he says to them um   we need to feed them and the disciples start  calculating how many of you are over packers   over packers over packers of the world unite how many how many suitcases does it take us to  get away for three days right so many suitcases   and it's not her it's me i'm worse than her  so don't stereotype her okay this is me now   the reason i mentioned it is because  it would have been one thing if jesus   would have told the disciples we're gonna  feed these people before they got there when did they find out that he wanted to feed  them after it was too late to do anything about it have you ever felt like that with god it got y'all  are so fake today i don't know what's going on   did you miss me so much that you can't forget how  to respond to a sermon have you ever thought god   if you would have told me that they were going  to leave me i wouldn't have loved them so much   now it's too late for me not  to love them they're gone   and they took my love with them if you would have  told me it would be like this i would have made   preparations i would have packed sandwiches we  could have hired a catering company we could have   got some jersey mics to go bucks we could have  done this right why didn't you tell me beforehand   they found out about the need after it was too  late to meet it that's a fine time to find out why didn't god tell all of us preachers  that our churches weren't going to be able   to have people in them for 17 years  before we built all our buildings i could have built this thing  for less money a lot less money why didn't he tell me that why didn't he  tell you that your kid wasn't gonna want and   straight in their own path something you'd be  prepared why does the subject just go off-road   why did some stuff just he he he didn't watch  this he didn't tell them what he had in mind   but that doesn't mean he didn't know it come on you know you know this about god by  now he said i know the plans i have for you   subtext you don't this year the word of god over  most of our lives has been haha that's him laughing at everything  that we set a schedule for when   we do our year-end series this  year i thought i might call it   that's god laughing at everything that we said we  were going to do in 2020 and god says i get the   last laugh don't you think now i'm just asking  a question what do you think the personality of   jesus was i think jesus personality was fully  god and fully man enough that when he asked   philip in john's gospel what are we going to do  to feed all these people or rather he asked him   where are we going to buy enough bread everybody  say enough enough enough enough enough that's a   big word right now in pop culture it's a big  word everybody's saying you are enough but   but the problem with saying that that you are  enough on that level is just because i say that   you're enough doesn't mean you feel like you're  enough so so jesus first takes philip through   this process okay and this may be the process  you're going through he addresses the fact   that they cannot buy enough bread to meet  the need that's in front of them are you   there right now okay you can't buy enough philip  starts calculating phillip wants to be the cfo   philip wants to be the accountant philip wants  to plan it he said eight months wages that's   200 daenery that's a day laborers wage would  not be enough for each person to have a bite   a bite a bite if we took a half a year's wages  because he's calculating what he thinks they need   for the situation they're in and  most of us are pretty good at that   how many how many of you you know something  that you need from god right now now i want   to show you the verse in john because it's so so  powerful he said if we bought there it is more   than half a year's wages to buy enough bread for  each one to have a bite and then in verse 8 yeah   another of his disciples andrew simon peter's  brother spoke up verse nine here's a boy with five   small barley loaves and two small fish but how far  will they go among so many now now stay with me   this is where it gets good i have a philip  inside of me and i have an andrew inside of me maybe you'll want to find another church because  i have dual personalities philip is a calculator   philip's job this way does all the time to me he  starts counting all the stuff that i need that i   don't have yet what's going to take this and it's  going to take that and you don't have this staff   member you don't have that person you don't have  that thing you don't have that gift you don't have   that ability you're not good at this you're not  going to pass the devil started messing with me   yesterday because i can't play basketball when  has anybody ever needed me to play basketball   i was feeling good about myself one moment  and this is what i asked graham i said   when what was the point when you found out that  your dad was a bad athlete he said dad i don't   know for the long time i thought you were a beast  but he goes you're pretty good at lifting weights   like a consolation prize i said but when was the  moment that you knew see because you don't know it   all at once his revelation of his  dad grew when he was two i was lebron   i was lebron when he was two but he said dad it  took i realized how bad you sucked at sports in   stages it took me a while to realize how actually  bad you were at anything with a ball but he knows   now and i wish he didn't but he found out  if how many of you live your life in fear   that when are they going to find out that i don't  know what i'm doing when are they going to find   out that i don't have a clue some of you in your  job right now you wake up in the morning you feel   something in your stomach what are you feeling  is today gonna be the day they're gonna find out   you're not stealing money or anything you  just feel like you're stealing intellectual   space because of the fact that they think  they know more than you do you feel like any crazy how they didn't  find out until they ran out why would jesus do them like that once they  became empty and and i was studying the text   because i was like okay when they found  out and i was connecting that in a couple   different ways follow me when they found  out that john the baptist had been killed   they moved they retreated so that jesus wouldn't  be taken by force as king because he didn't come   for an earthly kingdom and he's got work to do  when he went through they found out he was going   to be there and we're waiting welcome jesus when  the disciples found out that there wasn't much   daylight left they tried to send them away because  there's not no door dash out here on this mountain   and the bible says something so powerful go  back to mark 6 38 i can't wait to show you this philip said this is what we need jesus asked the question  how many loaves do you have go and see when they found out when they when they found  out what they already had not when they figured out  what they thought they needed god doesn't need me to figure out how he just  needs me to find out what y'all better shout   if you don't know what you're doing because  it is good news some of you have no idea how   they did neither but when they found out what  was already there jesus did not become bread   he already was he didn't become enough  he already was you don't have to go get   peace it's already yours you don't have to become  righteous you already are you don't have to find   a reason to rejoice you've already got one when  you discover what god already put inside of you   so the moment of discovery is not the moment of  deposit it already was what it was nobody came   with five loaves and two fish at that moment  it was there the whole time but it took them   walking through the crowd you got anything  you got anything you got anything you got   anything you got anything you got anything you  got anything you got anything you got anything   how long are we gonna do this man nobody's got  anything and if they do they're not offering you   got anything you got anything sometimes you got to  walk around your life and take inventory you got   to walk around your own soul and take inventory  you could say oh my soul why are you discouraged   why are you downcast you got anything to praise  him for you got anything to praise him for you   got anything you got anything you got anything  somebody say in the chat have you got anything   have you got anything have you got anything  have you got anything have you got anything   have you got anything have you got anything  because you've always got plenty of something you know what's weird can i show you  something that only bible nerds appreciate it   only mike todd will love this point my this for  me and you why did john say in john 6 there was   plenty of grass in that place that's a stupid  thing to put in a story who cares about the grass   you can't eat grass maybe he wanted us to see that  you've always got plenty of something of something you've always got plenty of something when when you don't have a job and you don't have  plenty of money well now you got plenty of time   was laughing so much when everybody  who prayed for god to give them i   just need lord i need more time with  my family and then god gave it to you he gave you plenty how many of y'all moms  that are homeschooling are having plenty so   much so how much time so so much grass green grass  mark said green grass did you see that in the text   green grass why are you telling me that maybe  he's trying to call me back to the 23rd psalm   that the lord is my shepherd and i shall  not one he leads me besides still waters   he restoreth my soul he leads me  into green pastures so god said   what is your pasture what do you have that was  the question right is that in the text what do   you have go and see and when they found out i  wonder is this going to be the day you find out we don't find out usually all at once i should tell you that we find out in fragments you don't know why you're going  through anything while you're going through it   now most of the time even when you're  succeeding you don't really know you're   succeeding while you're succeeding  because you're struggling while you're succeeding well that's that's true of everybody  i watch all these um documentaries of classic   albums fleetwood mac rumors good music like  that none of this current crap that you kids   going around calling music that's real music vinyl  they asked mick fleetwood how did it feel when you   were making rumors he said it was terrible we were  all breaking up and fighting and we were high all   the time coming down and high coming high he said  it wasn't it wasn't until we heard all 12 tracks   that we said this is a pretty good  album it sold 30 million copies   how did it feel while you were writing the album  how did it feel while you were recording it   i'm raising world changers changing world diapers   that doesn't feel you don't know what it is you  don't know what change is while it's happening do i need to give you another example how  many people am i preaching to right now   one two three four five six seven eight nine  ten raise your hand if i'm preaching to you   this is only if you have felt like you  are not enough or you don't have enough   okay you do understand that i'm preaching  to way more people than i'm pointing to   you do understand that god is doing  way more in your life than you hold on who am i preaching to right now put your  name in the youtube chat your first name middle   initial and last name your government name  in the chat right now if i'm preaching to you   you see that i said it nothing  happened just going to take a minute let's get it we're going to find out what  it is monday it takes a while to find out   so so it takes a while between when you instill  the values or when you believe the promise   or when you sub it now here it comes here  it comes right now now i'm seeing check out   the chat on them check out how fast it's going  autumn created youtube all right autumn look at   all these people i'm preaching to now i saw who i  thought i was preaching to but i found out later   you're gonna fight lj mitchell b-flat i'm  preaching to more people that i can see god is   doing a great work within me there is living water  within me and i'm gonna go on so i can find out   what's on the other side of this valley i  got green grass i got still waters i got a   stepper bless the lord have you got anything  have you got anything have you got anything   have you got any grass have you got any loaves  how many how many how many how many do you have how many do you have how many do you have  put it in the chat how many do you have   that's not the message that is not my sermon  sit down because that's what jesus told the   people to do okay sit down how many do you have  hey i said five and two they threw in the fish   as an afterthought i think that's really funny i  wonder if they were saving those for themselves   who knows but i know this mark wrote  the gospel that peter told him to write   john wrote the gospel that he saw with his  own eyes thank you lord y'all got a minute   are you full no i struggle with portion  control when it comes to preaching i'm trying to preach these five hour sermons like  mike todd preaches man he's great i'm going to six   can i get a seven hey crazy ain't crazy that  the children of israel had to march six days   before they found out why they  were marching what's that about you know why i said pastor mike  todd he didn't become anointed when he got a great worldwide ministry just  one of the greatest voices he comes to see   me after his sabbatical he came to see me  unshaven yesterday we came in the weight room   i said let's work out we did one exercise  and talk the rest of the time that's right   the we we were strong in the lord though we  worked out our salvation with fear and trembling   preacher humor he didn't become  anointed when his platform grew that's when they found out elijah  didn't become talented when he   started making beats that was  in him now i'm just finding out i'm just finding out i hadn't even found out   yet i don't even know what the  three of you are going to do change the world or destroy it i want to find out  they'll ask him you're going to be a preacher like   you did shut up she's nine you're gonna be a  preacher like your dad you do a sonogram on my   daughter to try to find out what's in here  before it's had time to grow and you know   people people think they don't love their wife  anymore because they stop being curious so they   thought they needed another woman but they didn't  even find out what they had in their own house people might leave a church for  that reason because they didn't   find out what was there you  will send something away and not even find out don't you want to  find out i do oh come on man i've wanted   to quit many times on everything important  god gave me i want to quit every monday but i just want to find out what god would do  i want to find out don't you yeah say it in   the chat i want to find out i want to find out i  want to find out i want to find out what god put   in me mark twain said there's two important days  the day you're born in the day you find out why   find out why i want to find out why i want to find  out what comfort he's going to minister out of the   comfort he comforted me with with the hell i went  through i didn't go through the fire to smell like   smoke i came through the fire to burn off what  was binding me when i went in in the first place   i want to find out i want to find out why you  gave me this gift i want to find out let's find   out let's find out when we're going to open the  church again the church is already open well when   are you gonna have the people back in there i  don't know i'll tell you when i find out i look   like the governor to you does the governor wear  a baggy corduroy short sleeve three-quarter inch   shirt on the no i'm not going to win we'll find  out together we'll find out i'm going to find out   i have another point but i got to  stop there don't you want to find out   you want to go through everything you went  through and then not even find out why   you want to come all this way through the  valley and then turn around and die there   you don't want to find out what god could  do you want to find out what it could be when they found out what they had the miracle  began now i got to say this right because if i   don't get this right i'm going to be so mad at  myself the way the lord showed it to me he said   because i thought that was the sermon it's like  cool when they found out what they had and and   people need to find out what they already  have okay what what gifts do you have what   talents do you have what passions do you have  what resources do you have what time do you   have stop focusing on what you think you need  that's phillip eight month wages what i did i   asked i didn't ask you how many months wages i  just said where are we going to get the bread go see what you already have five love two fish so i thought the  miracle began when they found out what   they already had and god said no that's  not that's not it that's not the message   he said that's when they  found out how many they had   five and two you can count that  they found out how many by counting put john chapter six verse nine back up  again you ready you're not full are you when andrew said here is a boy with five small  barley loaves and two small fish barley is the   cheapest grain and two small fish when  they found out what they already had   how many and drastical question how far will they  go among so many you ready they found out how many   they had by counting they didn't find out how much  it was until they put it in the hands of jesus you've been thinking how many god wants to  show you how much and there is a big difference   there is a big difference how many and how much  how many you can count that one two three four   five and one two two this is how many i have this  is what grade i uh dropped out of school in this   is how many this you can count that down to the  cent in your bank account you can count how many   but god doesn't want to show you how  many he wants to show you how much   and you don't find out how much by counting  you will not figure this out with a calculator   watch this they found out how many by calculation  they had to find out how much by faith and here's how i know here's how i  know because the bible doesn't say   that it all of a sudden became enough   it was five and it was two and it wasn't enough  until they came back to jesus to get more it wasn't enough all at once and see that's  how we want it to be god i want enough   you're giving me enough enough enough that's  the problem with our concept of enough   we think that enough happens all at once  enough happens here you go you ready peace bye   peace peace by peace he did not  give them their next direction   until they took inventory of what they had  right now why would god show you what to do   next when you won't do what you have been called  to do right now what do you have that's how many   what can it be that's how much and the only  way to find that out is to put it in his hands i'm not done yet i'm not done yet i want  to break this all the way down just so you   can't say when you get to heaven pastor ferdick  didn't teach me about this i went to elevation   i logged on i subscribed to the youtube channel  they never taught me this put them both on the   screen how many how much how many how much  how many calculation five and two you can   count that how much this is the beautiful thing  you still don't know the answer to this one yet   how many this is all the crap that you've  got to worry about coming up this week   they knew how many people were in the crowd  about five thousand how much that's something   that you can only find out in fragments  shows you the purpose of your life in pieces   so he did not perform a miracle where it became  enough all at once and he's not going to do it   in your life either what he's going to do is to  show you that every time you come back to him he will have what you need for right now   i needed this word i i got a phillip inside  of me philip is really really prominent in   my personality he's always telling me how many  i need but he never tells me how much i have god said he wanted to show  you how much how much how much   how much the only way for you to find  out is to take it one piece at a time i'm so sorry if i'm not getting this  across the right way how god showed   it to me was so beautiful he said you think  it's going to become a buffet when i touch it   i'm not going to make it a buffet all at  once because i want you to come back to me i'm not going to give you every answer i'm  not going to give you the five year plan   i'm not going to do it because if i turned  it into a buffet you would worship the buffet bite by bite peace by peace sufficient is  the day for its own trouble today has enough   trouble god didn't promise to give you enough for  tomorrow he said give us this day our daily bread   so is enough for now thank you lord i  got enough for now wait i'm gonna need   more later but i got enough for now and  i want you to get this revelation i am   the bread of life did you catch it i am enough i  am so he didn't say i will be he didn't say i was   do you remember when they were in the wilderness  and they ate manna how much did they get enough   for today you know what happened if they tried  to save today's mana for tomorrow's hunger   it would get maggots in it you got maggots  in your mind from worrying about tomorrow   oh my god that's nasty you got maggots in your  mind because you're trying to save it for tomorrow   enough enough it's enough right now it's enough  for now i have enough strength now for now i   have enough resource now for now i'm not saying  don't save money i'm not saying don't plan ahead   but when you find yourself in a situation and  you didn't find out you were going to be in it   till you were in it trust this he's enough for  that he will not become breath he is bread he   will not become enough you will not be enough when  you get through this stage you will not be enough   at a time in the future you're enough right now  for right now you are enough now you are enough   today for today you are enough 40 for 40. you're  enough 30 for 30. you're enough single for single   you are enough g 90 for 90. you are enough you  are enough right now for right now it's enough   for now i am the i'ma preach this all the  way to botswana i'ma preach this to bamberg   there is an anointing on this message today  to tell you that you keep counting how many but you don't know how much until you break it off piece by  piece i think it stayed five and two   i don't think it ever got more five  than two not one gospel writer said   and then it was seven and then it  was twelve and then it was fifteen that's because the real message has nothing to  do with when they found out what he could do the real message was i am the  bread of life when they found out   who he was it would be enough for  any situation they would ever face when they found out give me  my title when they found out   when they found out how many  they had the miracle began but they found out how much every time  they went back you mean there's still more it's not running out what's going on i made it through another day  some of y'all that's too much i made it through   another hour some of y'all that's too much  i made it through another minute do you know   i've had some times that were so violent in  my life some storms that raged so hard that   i had to take it second by second because i  didn't know if i was enough but i found out   i was enough all along and he showed it to  me in stages i found out i was enough for now   please don't ask me about tomorrow i  don't know yet but he's enough for now   and you're enough for now because he is the  bread of life do you know he told the crowds   he said you came to me because you ate something  and had your fill but unless you eat my flesh and   drink my blood you have no part in me what's  he talking about you got to get it in you you've got to get it in you how many that's what  you have around you look at it again look at it   how many that's what's around you that's what  you can count how much look at it look at the   thing on the screen i'll put it up there for  you how much that's what's in you that will   never run dry if you keep coming back to this well  you'll thirst again but if you receive what i have   it'll always be it'll always be it it'll always be  enough i will never run out of bread from heaven   i will never run out shout it i'll never run out  i'll never run out cause i know where the bread is   i know who my father you think he's gonna  feed a worm and let me die i have a father his name is i am and he is enough  thank you lord thank you lord   for everybody who needed this message  whether they knew they needed it or not   i needed it so much how much did you need  this so much because i got so many questions   and i got so many needs and eight  months wages wouldn't feed them all but you said you are the bread they found out what you could do  and then they found out who you were   and that means you can do it again so i  speak it over the life of every person   who needs to hear it today i thank you  that your word will not return to you   void but it'll accomplish that which you  sent it to do i thank you that you are the   bread that came down from heaven and you  are not manna that disappears every day but you and me are enough my sufficiency   christ my all in all peace by peace  thy faithfulness oh god my father this is a bad key for me can we go down great is thy faithfulness see it's  not how many notes you can hit   it's how much you mean them when you sing them  i'll sing it with one note there is no shadow of   turning with thee there's there's truth  in it i need one note i only need one so god's gonna supply for me i felt i  felt the spirit on that i only need one   one is enough trust me one is enough one is enough one verse says uh all i have needed thy hand  has provided i was just thinking about that   when they put it in his hands  they saw how much it was   do you know i have john mayer's guitar you've seen  it israel houghton gave it to me what's up israel   i went to see john muir play in concert he had  the same guitar it sounded different in his hands six strings like mine same  knobs same color in his hands   lift your hands lift your hands lift your  hand in his hands it's enough it's enough   summer and winter and springtime and harvest  vinyl dear presence to cheer into god   strength for today that's it right now  strength for today now 10 years from now   strength for today not november strength for today  and bright hope for tomorrow blessings all mine   how much do you have blessings on mine how many  how many blessings all mine with ten thousand   beside count them all one two three four five six  ten thousand ten thousand how many miracles one   two three four five six seven five five and two  seven the number of completion how many how many   how many blessings on mine with ten thousand  besides i can't even count them all how many   pardon for sin bring me the bread pardon for  sin right now hurry please pardon for sin   you got the bread come on i know there's  bread here somebody say i know there's bread   here i know there's bread here i know  there's bread here i'm waiting for it   i know see he was ready to bring me the  bread before you even knew i needed it   come on you need to glorify god this is a holy  spirit moment somebody is receiving the bread   lord speak the sustenance of your word right  now pardon for sin how many cents how many sins   and a peace how much peace and a peace  that endureth and a peace   a peace   every time they came back another piece every  time they came back another piece and the peace   a piece it doesn't look like much  but it endure it it's gonna last   it's not gonna run out just keep coming back  thine own dear presence that's all i need   i found out he was bread and everything i  need is in his presence god i want this word   to go deep in you so the next time you start  thinking how many you can find out how much how much only way to find  out is to keep coming back how many miracles did the disciples see  jesus do give them the wide shot please   in the back i want them to see this  online how many miracles did they see   when did they find out how much he  loved them it was when he gave his life   for them and when his body was broken like  the bread and when his blood was spilled   they realized they found out how much how much  does he love you how much he showed you that   already haven't you found out didn't he make  a way wasn't he there when no one else was   didn't he do what you didn't even know to ask him  for the real miracle wasn't when they found out   what they had it was when they found out who  he was the bread of life is in your living room   the bread of life is in your kitchen the bread  of life is in the hospital the bread of life   is in the place of your greatest knee and  peace by peace moment by moment day by day yes lord i'll show you one more  thing because he wants me to show you can i give you one more yes um how many that's plural how much that's singular you don't say grammatically how  many shoe you say how many shoes you don't say grammatically how much shoe you  say jesus said i am the bread of life singular let me give you a minute think about first  corinthians 10 17 put it on the screen   please i saw this i saw this this morning  because there is one loaf we who are many are one body for we all share in the one  loaf let me tell you something today i don't   know your situation i don't know who left you i  don't know what you need god does one is enough   if you have him you have enough just keep  coming back piece by piece step by step prayer   by prayer day by day he is more than enough  oh yeah you're leaving with leftovers   oh yeah you know that part hey their biggest  problem when they got to the wilderness   were we don't even have a bite their biggest  problem after jesus touched the bread was we   don't have enough baskets i am telling you  child of god you're leaving with a different   level problem you're not even gonna know you got  so much joy i got so much peace i got so much   so much so much how great a salvation  how firm a foundation so much so much he loves you so much that he sent  his son for god so loved the world   that his body was broken on the  cross right now there's someone   who needs to begin a relationship with jesus  christ i invite you in this moment to pray   with me there's only one loaf there's only one  name there's only one way it is by grace through   faith that we are saved and what if god sent me to  preach this whole message for you he sees the one   and if there is one that's enough for me to  stop right now and give you this moment because   when you have come to the end of yourself  it is the beginning of grace so right now   the scripture says that if you confess your sin  he is faithful and just he'll forgive your sin   cleanse you from all unrighteousness that if  you confess with your mouth that jesus says   lord and believe in your heart that god raised  him from the dead you will be saved he is enough   he is your bread he is your strength he is the  door he is the way the truth and the life he   is the resurrection he's all of that and he longs  to come into your life so bow your head and close   your eyes if you need to put your life in the  hands of god today i promise you it can be so much   more in his hands than it can in yours and right  now this is your moment to turn it over to god   remember he can do a lot with broken pieces it  doesn't matter where you've been or what you've   done but right now if you're ready to give your  life to jesus christ i want you to repeat this   prayer after me out loud heavenly father i  believe that jesus christ is the son of god   and the savior of the world today i make jesus the  lord of my life i believe he died that i would be   forgiven and rose again to give me life i  receive this new life i am a child of god   in jesus name if you just prayed that i want you  to put right now in the chat i just received jesus   we're clapping the angels are clapping you know  what the bible says there is rejoicing in heaven   over one sinner there are thousands right now  who just came into the kingdom of god come on   put it in the chat i received jesus i received  jesus i couldn't buy it i couldn't earn it   but he did it and he is enough come on  let's give him 30 seconds of great praise   we see let me know in the chat how this word  minister to your soul we love you we're praying   for you we're here for you and he is enough and  you are enough and god's got you in his hands   and he will never let you go give him praise if  you believe it hallelujah i found out i found out   i found out thank you for watching  the elevation church youtube channel   don't stop here join the e-fam our online extended  family and join us live every sunday subscribe to   this channel so you don't miss a single video  or live stream and share this with a friend you   can also support the ministry by clicking the  give now button to help us continue to reach   people around the world for jesus christ  thank you again for watching god bless you
Channel: Elevation Church
Views: 609,552
Rating: 4.916173 out of 5
Keywords: elevation church, pastor steven furtick, when they found out, when they found out Steven furtick, elevation church sermons, steven furtick sermons, steven furtick, 2020 sermons, steven furtick elevation church, preacher, preaching, feeding the 5000, I will never run out, how much, how many, provision, faith, different angles, I have enough, piece by piece, carrying weight, perspective, who Jesus is, bread of life, God knows what you're going through, sermons about provision
Id: lW916Mcl1Ow
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 69min 1sec (4141 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 13 2020
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