When Tested See Which Repellents Keep Mosquitoes Away Best?

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[Music] I'm on a shopping spree going down the aisles buying mosquito repellents the mission find out which repellents work and which don't next stop the USDA mosquito and fly research unit in Gainesville Florida headed by dr. Olli premier are you sure you all want to get bitten by these mosquitos even with the Zika virus out there absolutely can't wait to do this mosquitos here are Zika free three volunteers including Inside Edition producer Charley Mackel ray V are about to expose their arms to hundreds of hungry mosquitoes even if they're Zika free I'm a little hesitant here we go the first product to be tested is the chemical DEET it's the active ingredient in many spray repellents we dried off cutter and repelled and they all work so far so good no bites that worked pretty well huh like he got no bites another popular product is mosquito repellant made from natural plants she's got lemon eucalyptus oil on her arm that she just applied this repellent should work very well another round of success no mosquito bites here either next we tried these anti bug bracelets which claim to repel mosquitoes by releasing a natural plant-based ingredient called geranium this is ready here keep bugs away we'll see what happens look mosquitoes start sucking away that's one two three four five so you got at least eight from what I can see our experts say they both failed did that go well no in our type of testing we would consider this product not to be protective against of the mosquito bite lots of homeowners swear by citronella candles especially for outdoor cookouts the scientists released 500 mosquitoes into this special outdoor cage to see if it really works I'm holding this candle right here fumes coming up in my face and yeah you've got one on your nose you have it on your forehead got one your beard you got a shirt on a scale of 1 to 10 how effective is this candle of course it's gonna give us better one experts say citronella can be effective getting bit as we speak but one candle just isn't enough and can you believe there's even an anti mosquito app for your phone which claims to repel mosquitoes by emitting a high-frequency sound I don't believe it's gonna work in your brave man for doing this I'm not so sure if this is a good idea but let's see what happens Shirley is eaten alive I can't even how many mosquitoes you have on you right now yep they're sucking away the app is on and it is not working Charlie looks like you got at least two higher bites you think 100 bites at least gosh get these things off of me please well as for the wristbands that we showed you the company that makes them disputes our testing methods and results saying that their products are effective and have millions of satisfied customers [Music] you [Music]
Channel: Inside Edition
Views: 15,739,874
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: inside_edition, deet, inside edition, mosquitos
Id: DaJeg3f8jFk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 4sec (184 seconds)
Published: Thu May 12 2016
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