When Someone Requests Tennessee Whiskey and This Singer Steals The Show

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thank you I love those are the capital country yeah really cool oh thank you yeah I feel like once you're here does the car's job for attempts donations contributions and everything gathered tonight will be donated to the gas fund very nice one thank you all right uh it's five till seven I have a question to the sound people do we have someone else playing after me we do okay and when do you start while you are you just you want to eat okay okay when do you when would you like to start it's like that good box do you sing you're just I'll put something together like you know like two three parts yeah yeah like Look at Her Like She's definitely a singer she has a guitar like come up we'll figure out what we're gonna play come here um yeah what do you know that's like uh that I can Loop that's like three four chords two chords or whatever something something that's right okay first question what do you do what do you play what are some of the songs I knew like a mashup of henna James um [Music] yes yes that's perfect so tell you what I'm doing a little bit and then I'm just gonna you can hang out here I'll just like catch you the mic and you just like take over and what's your name what did I introduce you guys Kayla thank you so much okay so you know how somebody requested in Orlando Kayla does like a mashup of like Tennessee whiskey and Etta James and we're gonna do it so get it up with Kayla okay and I'm just gonna like a little bit together I'm just gonna do the beat and then we'll get this Android microphone and then magic happens from there okay okay why not okay [Music] foreign [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] foreign [Music] follow me back [Music] [Applause] [Music] baby baby [Music] thank you [Music] something told me it was over [Music] when I saw you and the girl talking [Music] something deep down in my shoes [Music] [Music] I would rather I would rather go [Music] then I see you walk away from me [Music] whiskey [Music] you're sweet [Applause] [Music] [Music] I've never played music with this person before in my life you don't like magicians do like magic tricks like well every little bit no we haven't you know so this is one of those situations that's fantastic
Channel: DØVYDAS
Views: 4,375,129
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Dovydas, music, guitar
Id: 0XOzdlh8MCs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 48sec (588 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 02 2022
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