When Should YOU Start New Game Plus? - No Spoilers | Starfield Handbook

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hey what is up Mumble here and today we're going to be talking about whether or not you should be going into New Game Plus in Starfield right away to put yetis before diving into this video I want to clear up that I will not be mentioning any specifics about the ending of the main campaign or any critical details leading up to it so you don't have to worry about that being spoiled have time stamped a specific section of the video where I mentioned one very important thing to consider regarding new game plus that's kind of a spoiler but if you've done even like five missions in the main campaign it won't be a surprise to you but I will warn you before that comes up so you can skip through it if you'd prefer to cover your ears to that info with that out of the way let's get started so you've made it to the end of the main campaign and as with many games like the soul series and Elven ring you're presented with the choice of either moving onto a fresh world to experience the game once again or staying in your existing playthrough world to tie up any loose ends in Souls games you often see an increase in enemy difficulty that scales with subsequent playthroughs while the rest of the main game remains otherwise unchanged unless we're talking about Dark Souls 2 which adds new enemy spawns to shake things up total sidebar but that is probably the most redeeming trait of what is often considered the black sheep of the franchise and I really wish more games did that Starfield is actually unique in a similar Regard in that you do have impactful changes take place in New Game Plus that may make you reconsider whether you'd like to the new game world or not when you move into New Game Plus Bethesda gives you the option of whether you'd like to complete the main campaign again in its entirety or in an Abridged form along with that you're also given a whole new set of dialogue options to experience with the members of constellation and other members of The Game World this aspect is probably my number one reason for why you would not want to push through into New Game Plus right away it's an inherently different experience from your original playthrough and you will not get to interact with constellation members in the same way you did the first time around if you're someone who really likes to play through every single dialogue option with NPCs then you're really going to want to exhaust those interactions before moving on while you retain all of your skills traits boosts from skill magazines research and certain benefits gained from the main campaign you lose just about everything else all of your items your carefully constructed outposts and ships surveys of planets travel routes quests and more are all gone you will not pick a new background or Trace when you move into new game plus you're stuck with those for the entirety of the existence of your character there are a couple ways to look at this with that in mind given that most of the dialogue changes I've seen have been tied to consolation members other characters related to the main campaign and a select few NPCs where you'll say something different but the responses you receive are the same you could consider powering through to New Game Plus after you've extracted every bit of information out of those particular characters and then do a proper playthrough of every faction and get your real outposts and ships decked out there doing this would alleviate the stress of having to decide whether they give up all the hard work that you put into your outposts and chips while the other side of the coin would be to finish every main fact in questline for yourself in the original playthrough get to experience all the game has to offer in its entirety and when you feel truly ready to move on you can enter the Starfield once again and do it all over alright big warning I'm going to mention a critical piece of information related to New Game Plus in this timestamp segment so do not listen to this if you don't want a minor part of the campaign's world again this isn't really a spoiler if you've played even a couple of the missions in the main campaign but if you want to be completely blind to this then skip through to the next chapter in the video okay so if you've paid attention to any of the campaigns you know that we're searching for artifacts and that there is power linked to these mysterious objects after visiting any artifact Temple you're awarded with one of the 24 starborn Powers which cost some amount of energy to cast in return for some positive effect when you cross over to New Game Plus you'll have an opportunity to collect all of those Powers again and also rank them up this means that if you're interested in any of these Powers you should collect them all before moving into New Game Plus otherwise you won't be able to progress them to their next rank in your next playthrough these powers can go all the way up to rank 10 meaning you need to play all the way up to New Game Plus 9 to cap everything up yikes that's a lot of work they do get progressively stronger with some skills being absolute dog at rank 1 but extremely good at rank 10. so you're gonna have to make a really tough decision on whether you want to consider speedrunning eight more playthroughs to collect all the 24 artifacts over and over and over before settling on your 10th playthrough to ensure you have everything capped out if you decide to take this one bit at a time you'll be giving up all those ships and outposts you built each time around or you'll have to accept that you'll truly have to make sacrifices if you don't want to make that enormous push to rank 10 right out of the gate it's a really tough call in my experience it takes around three hours of power farming the required campaign Quest and collecting artifact Temple Powers per play through so you're looking at at least 24 hours of additional farming before you get into New Game Plus 9 and can finally relax and collect your rank 10 spells and chill so that's definitely something to put into consideration you've got spells like personal atmosphere which are honestly s-tier starborn skills where you get unlimited O2 for a certain amount of time and when you have that at Rank 10 you pretty much get permanent uptime on it so if you really value having those powers and you want to see them ranked up it may be worth considering doing that speed run a hybrid approach to this would be to start a new game plus playthrough and only Farm artifact Powers until you have all the powers you actually care about leveled up in that playthrough and then push on to the next new game plus you'll probably find some powers to not be compelling enough to care about upgrading all right spoiler content over now back to no spoiler discussion this is easily one of the most conflicting decisions for someone to make during their Starfield journey and there isn't really a correct answer on how to approach it I can say personally that after playing through to New Game Plus 3 just to see what differences we might see I would say that I would 100 have just fully cleared my original playthrough to see how every story played out on the base game I mostly say this because I really enjoy seeing the outcomes of every dialogue option and I'd be sad to see them potentially change dramatically on a new game plus playthrough if I hadn't seen The Originals first In fairness though I speed ran through new game plus one and two for research purposes for you guys and I still have hundreds of save files pre-new game plus to fall back on which is another great way for you to not feel guilty about moving into New Game Plus right away there are some unspoken benefits that your character will receive in New Game Plus but I'm not going to talk about what they are for spoiler purposes without saying what they specifically are you would have to reach New Game Plus 9 in order to receive them all so if you're a completionist then this is something to keep in mind it's going to take a very long time to reach that even if you speed run through the Abridged campaign but probably isn't going to be a very attractive option to most players and there isn't a good way around this I even tried to console command the new game plus bonuses in just to poke around and see if I was missing anything but I couldn't even find help directory info for what I was looking for so you might be out of luck if you're a console command enjoyer until does get properly uncovered that said this could be a great excuse for you to actually do 10 complete playthroughs where you romance a different companion every time choose completely different dialogue options from the previous playthrough and focus on different core aspects of the game to serve as your primary source of leveling while it may not work as well for you hardcore role players who have an exact character type in mind I think this serves as a cool way for more flexible players to experience the game differently each time around without necessarily having to build an entirely new character especially if they aren't particularly interested in doing the full campaign again the really big bummer to this is not being able to select new traits or backgrounds which I think is a really big Miss on bethesda's part I know a lot of people who are really unhappy with the traits they pick but they feel obligated to stay in their character since they've invested so much time into it at this point so I hope this provides some context on the very difficult decision of whether to progress into New Game Plus right away and just know that there really isn't a right way to do this it's all up to what suits your play style if you found this video helpful and are interested in more no BS star film content then consider subscribing if you're looking for some useful tips that will save you tons of time in your Starfield Adventures then check this video out next I'll see you in the star field peace
Channel: UncleMumble
Views: 99,978
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Starfield, Starfield news, Starfield rumors, Starfield weapons, Starfield Outposts, Starfield Crafting, Starfield Story, Starfield Lore, Starfield Quests, Starfield Spaceships, Starfield Traits, Starfield Skills, Starfield Backgrounds, Starfield Economy, Starfield Research, Starfield Planets, Starfield Factions, Starfield Crew, starfield direct, bethesda, todd howard, skyrim, fallout, goty, star, field, premium, settled systems, handbook, constellation, bgs, starfield handbook
Id: 4Iz8YZtlJ9s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 8sec (488 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 07 2023
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