When Should an Anxiety Disorder Patient Take Medication?

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when would you say a patient should take them I know it's a big question here and what are the difference is when the patient should take them is again when they are unable to fulfill their daily life when they can't go to work because of the panic you know somebody perhaps like teresita's patient who couldn't leave because of the trauma of the thing that happened you know and and she couldn't leave to get into her car well you know there's some point where medications are necessary and so the different medications would be things like the SSRIs you know like prozac or lexapro something like this and gabapentin you know medications that really target those neurotransmitters there is a place still for things like xanax and ativan and those are for very short moments in order for us to get these long-term medications onboard and for them to work which sometimes can take you know two weeks three weeks four weeks you know you've got to do something about the panic that the person's having you have to do something about the performance anxiety that they're having so small doses of these benzodiazepines can help so there is a place for them it's important to note that you can wean off these medications because a lot of people are sometimes just a little reserved but you can wean off well would I tell the patients and you know we work in tandem dr. Rohaidy we in the Care and counseling we work in tandem and you know you might just need it for a reason in a season not a lifetime like so you know if if you need to take some other medication like for your heart rate or something people are good with that so okay so you need this because something's going on and we want to address it in the safest way being managed by their psychiatrist and with the talk therapy and it can be done it can we don't have to be ashamed and we to fear it
Channel: AllHealthGo
Views: 88,480
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Psychotherapist, Psychotherapy, Psychiatry, Anxiety Disorder, Mental Illness, Mental Health, Stress, Life, Medication, Conduct, Daily Life, anxiety medication, anti anxiety medication, medication for anxiety, best anxiety medication, anxiety pills, anxiety medication experience, best medication for anxiety, antidepressants for anxiety
Id: 30WZDLg8tsg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 2min 1sec (121 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 19 2018
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