When NBA Players SURPRISE Their Fans..

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showing up at a hospital to meet a fan working undercover as a Lyft driver and surprising fans with free cars these are the times when NBA players surprise their fans coming in at number 20 Steph Curry showed up at the dorm doors of fans attending his basketball camp and this was their reaction selling Girl Scout cookies hello there what's going on my man how you doing I got Domino's Pizza is it all right that is hilarious I love Steph imagine how hilarious it would be rolling up to your favorite pizza joint and this man is working behind the counter spicy red you 've got it all right oh everything all right all right Eric how's it going around going great going great how's your first day going man it feels great let Fernando know about her sauces remember they got spicy sauce we got pesto sauce got a little white sauce here so I mean I love spicy sauce but you're not might not be a spicy guy so and he even went out onto the streets to work hello Hi how are you all right what's going on man how you doing all right I'm Ryan oh what's going on how you doing sir how you doing I'm Ron hey what's going on man how you doing [Music] hello Hi how are you how you doing oh my God I'm Ryan nice to meet you blaze Right Now is offering a large shareable pizza here with real ingredients not frozen none of that Frozen crust all right so I want to show you some beautiful unique toppings that we have artichoke arugula you like that type of stuff that's for you all right oh no I'm wrong I don't know who LeBron is man you take a selfie come on come on you tell your friends to take you to Blaze Pizza telling Ron sent you okay all right put it there my God I mean come on who's gonna say no to getting the pizza from the excuse me Ron nobody can say no to a free car either which a player is giving away next I was blessed to be able to win a nice car from Kia all-star weekend as a reward from All-Star MVP and now we're going to go ahead and give it away to this special young lady so we're on our way now so let's go on the way inside the magic key the magic key [Music] how you doing Russell Hi how are you guys seeing you on TV I hear you graduating this year yes we're good as a part of my Foundation I want to be able to help you out and provide you with transportation to get to college so I'm here to give you a brand new car completely remarkable knew that she has such a good heart about her like she is so worthy so humble like she did not see this coming I didn't know what to say I mean no so you don't have to say anything and I knew that without question she was the perfect recipient for this tremendous gift you have the car here to show you outside I thought it would be such a great surprise for her and her and her two boys so I'm just happy to be able to to bless them with a new car I'm gonna take care of the whole first year of your insurance and your registration so you don't have to worry about that it's so touching and it's so amazing knowing that there's people out there willing to help the ones that are in need today was just like a good stepping stone for her and showing her that everything's gonna be all right continue to take care of your boys and your family every day something you never know what may happen I just keep doing what you're doing doing the right thing we're doing the right thing that is touching Westbrook is a great guy doesn't deserve some of the Flack he gets this guy likes to give out Flack pretty often at his halftime show on TNT and he goes undercover as a Lyft driver in our next clip and polarity ensues [Music] are you not entertained do not recognize what I've done as a Laker my name is my name is Charles nice to meet you Charles and saika what do you do no bracelets you make bracelets yeah we'll just call what's that called it's called the steam room my name is speaking no French look at this what's going on where you from I'm from Brazil we went there one time for singing competition singing oh you like basketball I recently got into basketball because of the Hawks a dead Hawk I don't know a thing about basketball nothing nothing you know about free throws your fingers out and then follow through watch your nails so do it 10 times three again four you know what you just learned from the greatest truth don't culture of all time [Music] when I was little you said Chase trains yeah so you can chase strings who's your favorite basketball player I gotta stick with Dikembe I mean no no no no no no no no no no did you block everybody shot nobody ever jumped it in his face before coming into tonight [Applause] you know my favorite movie it's a it's a movie it's a good no no it's everybody's favorite movie everybody man I'm wondering if you are Shaquille O'Neal now man oh man [Music] [Music] there is no way none of those writers recognize Shaq there this girl was thinking no way when Giannis handed her sneakers in the next clip thank you [Music] and then a local news station interviewed the girl to ask her about it Grandpa like points at me and like he said I think Janice is looking for you and then I turned around and then I had to see him like give me like pulling out the shoes and I was like my heart kind of stopped for a second so then um he picked me up because I thought that was pretty cool um they smell like Giannis to me to be honest be honest well when I smell this I think it's not bad but it's not horrible it's not amazing but I think it smells pretty good I mean Giannis is a Hooper but doesn't stand a chance against this Hooper at number 15 who was surprise signed to the Utah Jazz well thank you all for being here this afternoon is a really exciting time we wanted to announce our additional signing as part of the Utah Jazz team we decided we're a young team and we decided that we'd even go a little younger JP Gibson is the newest member of the Utah Jazz team for the day on this day the sixth day of October 2014 the Utah Jazz sign free agent J.P Gibson to a one-day contract in a sec we have a sub coming into the game JP Gibson has come into the game you got his wristbands on the whole work high five and check parade Murray who checks out came down to JP here he comes [Music] working through the big net Novak misses on the steal he goes by Epson gobert is there he slides by go bear he rises hammers right he gets it with a two-hand one [Applause] that kid has scored more than me in the NBA a guy who barely scores in the NBA went undercover to surprise some fans he posed as a realtor what's up everyone the internet I'm Draymond Green here in Oakland California with realtor.com and we're about to prank some home bars what you think I make this look good welcome I'm here with my assistant Ray are you doing man he knows it well all right it's actually my favorite bedroom in the house number one I love this mirror though my outfit looks great right if everyone wants to step in here sure they've actually done some sound proofing to this room yeah and you can hear the sound proof this is there we can hear it no you it didn't block it out you look mighty familiar really yeah do you have a twin brothers do you want to like the Warriors they are bad they are bad yeah I am actually Draymond yeah oh my God my son is gonna freak out right now he's really tall his hands are really big he's totally buff and his pants are super short yeah looking like this no this is just for Ray I don't know if he actually surprised anyone there but it's the thought that counts these fans were definitely surprised when they looked over and LeBron James was sitting right next to them has such an impact watch the girl on the right she had no idea that's who's gonna pop out next door hey Mike you remember the video of the little girl who was so awestruck when LeBron James came in the building and sat down next to her well I wanted to find out uh tell me what were you feeling when LeBron came and sat next to you so I asked for these tickets like over three months ago because I was so excited I really was hoping that LeBron would break the record of this game I was like oh my God congratulations and I was so excited to come to this game and I was like ready in my brain I was like congratulations already and then when he ended up sitting down here I'm not that as tall as him obviously wait hold up LeBron is just sitting there like nothing is going on next to him I'm losing it I was looking through my mind it's just like oh my God the like greatest players all time in basketball was sitting next to me I want a premium ticket where you get to sit next to LeBron although that may make me look five foot five next NBA player Steph Curry kind of looks five foot five but when you see him surprised this high school team in the next clip he looks like a giant foreign [Music] what's up guys I got a uh I got a big game tomorrow I need to get some Shots Out can y'all help me out how you doing good what's your name I'm Zach Zach what's going on what's going on man how you doing we're gonna have a little competition right yeah a little horse game but we're not gonna play regular horse I got a longer game in mine it's called Uh cesco medallion I don't even know how to spell it all right all right we're going to the bleachers who's up [Music] hey come on you got it no pressure oh here we go [Music] Tim Duncan off the glass free throw eyes closed oh yeah watch out [Music] [Laughter] that man just beat down some kids Chris Paul likes to uplift kids on the other hand and in the next clip they came to visit an elite Hooper who only has one arm what really yes I'm serious and he is a beast [Applause] yo YOLO what up oh Chris you see that video I just sent you yeah yeah man I'm just saying it who is that he seemed like he nice shashawn Willis that kid could shoot man I think I might need to go out there check him out my man I'm in all right we about to make this kid's day yeah I know where's Chris Paul oh pigs I got next I heard you got some games huh what's up boss what's up what's happening nice to meet you nice to meet you man get up [Music] easy ever done to it relax you got home court advantage start it off you started off all right come on you can use your elbow get in get in come on man [Music] good game man what a great story some people think this next one is a bad story especially Thunder fans Kevin Durant had spent nine years with the Thunder formerly the SuperSonics can one MVP Rookie of the Year and countless other accolades with them he and Russell Westbrook made it to the NBA finals and lost to the Heat in 2012 and in 2016 they made it to the Conference Finals and lost to the Warriors so when he announced on July 4th 2016 that he was leaving the Thunder for the Warriors it felt like a betrayal he was leaving them for the team they had just lost to in the playoffs it surprised the whole world of NBA fans but not in a positive way Steven a uh the news again coming in moments ago Kevin Durant heading to the Golden State Warriors how are you viewing this move from Durant well I'm viewing it as the weakest move I've ever seen from a superstar plain and simple that's just how I look at it KD made an article thanking Oklahoma City for all they've done for him and this was the response from a passionate Thunder fan I just want to start off by thanking Kevin Durant for everything he's done for the organization for everything he's done for Oklahoma okay you know for you know for really leading this team you know for getting us to game seven of the Warrior series giving us a 3-1 lead and then don't get the last three games I want to thank you Kevin Durant you I want to thank you for saying this is your home oh and how dare you even in your little article say thank you that's like Draymond Green saying thank you Steven Adams nuts for being there now I'm gonna take your nuts is it out of respect you know it's not out of no respect lighter fluid is worth more than this jersey I don't want to waste the light of fluid I think that's important thing anymore let's go let's go rip it ribbon flash trash it's all it's all trash you're all trash you're all trash so yeah not a very happy moment for Thunder fans or for people who are fans of a competitive NBA what is Happy is the rest of this video we have players dancing with fans Kobe surprising fans on talk shows and Blake Griffin going undercover is a Taxi Driver coming up but first we have the Suburban gangster Jean marant giving away his shoes to a Super Fan got it started with a 13-point first quarter and closed it out in the fourth nine meetings overall with the Kings and a two games to one regular season series lead they will meet for a fourth and final time in the regular season well done John Moran so sweet next up we've got another sweet clip of DeMarcus Cousins gift in a free car I have a surprise I want a brand new car right now [Music] oh my God are you serious oh my God come here Marina come here oh my god oh my god daddy can't get in yeah he got called Mommy I can call my mama can you hear me you good you deserve you deserve I'd be dancing around if I got a new new car like that for free in our next clip the sun's players started dancing with a young fan and surprised him foreign [Music] I want those players to come out dancing with me this young kid at number six was even more surprised when one of his favorite players showed up my name is person and and I'm six years old and I have epilepsy epilepsy is a break in the neurons in your brain and so when they don't communicate fully with each other that's when a seizure happens the function of the helmet is protecting his head as much as it can both of you guys you guys reached out to the NFL and the NBA in the hopes of getting signed memorabilia you received items from I'm going to list off some here Tom Brady Odell Beckham Jr Russell Wilson Joe Namath that's just to name a few well we wanted to help you guys out a little so we called a couple of our friends wait [Music] [Applause] [Music] just want to say wait a minute because I'm I'm looking over here and you I think you're missing an item for one of my good friends hold on let me give him a call hello hello is this you okay listen how you doing I'm good you know I I I have a request for you I I you think I sent you something you could maybe sign it for me I could do something better than that I could actually come out and sign it right now [Applause] all right I have to say thank you thank you for the New Jersey very welcome very well that's so nice of Kobe what a great guy he was another great guy who surprised the world with this announcement is up next thanks Gary I think everyone knows exactly what the circumstances are right now in terms of my decision not to play a game of basketball in the NBA reasoning being I've heard a lot of different speculations about my reasons for not playing but I've always stressed to people that have known me and the media that has followed me that when I lose the sense of motivation and the sense of to prove something as a basketball player it's time for me to move away from the game of basketball MJ went on to play baseball for two years semi-professionally then in 1995 this famous announcement was made hey Mikey we like it not a huge surprise but clearly one of the great comebacks since Burt Reynolds hairline it came in a two-word statement which is now just begging to have a Nike campaign built around it quote unquote I'm back that's all Jordan said on Saturday that was really all Jordan needed to say as his 17-month retirement came to an end he will be back on Sunday when the Bulls play the Pacers and probably not so coincidentally the game is on national TV it was made in a short statement made by his lawyer then he went on to lead the Bulls to three more rings in 1999 he retired again I am here to to announce my retirement from the game of basketball it won't be a another announcement to baseball or anything to that nature I want to say thank you to both of the gentlemen here to stern and Mr reinsdorf for presenting me with an opportunity to to play the game of basketball then MJ went on to return again three years later this guy really couldn't step away he joined a new team the Wizards and had less success than before but he was still Elite I mean he was 38 years old he played until he was 40 then retired again talk about surprising fans he was one of the greats some people say the greatest Blake Griffin not so great at taxi driving and at number four he disguised himself as one you know where we're going I do not actually I do yes I do I got it I know this city like the back of my hand dude that's a total one way yeah it's okay you can go this way you guys need to go there I'm gonna take you there I don't care about signs or little kids [Music] New York unique New York you guys can do it too again unique New York New York the arsonist had oddly shaped feet I want a quarter pounder with cheese well you just look so familiar you look like that dude in Jimmy Fallon though I know you dude you you know for real look like the dude so much dude if you're gonna do the Just for Laughs you should do impersonations they can be like I'm that dude are you here's a tip oh yeah but thank you I appreciate it imagine you catch a cab and Blake Griffin is your taxi driver I can't imagine what's even more unimaginable is having a chronic disease Kevin Durant visits a fan in the hospital with a chronic disease in the next clip so nice of him I was on Twitter before my game yesterday and I've seen pictures of you know him wanting to meet me and with all this thunder gear Thunderstruck and you know so I didn't know he was in Oklahoma and then you know one of my guys called me yesterday and you know I told my one to meet him as soon as possible how you doing sir become bearing gifts well I can't see my board of Marcus I heard he was a big fan and um you know so I just wanted to come out here and wish him a happy birthday um you know so I see all this thunder gear here so it makes me feel good and I'm here just to see him so my day is made that's my first All-Star Game Jersey right here I just thank you for taking the time out of your day to come visit myself people who don't need donations are NBA players but we're flipping the script in our last clip the players were surprised by the president of the United States [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] super rare opportunity to meet a president what's even more rare was this .9 second buzzer beater by Damien Lilly and Shaq actually make it a free throw click this video to see more one in a million moments [Music]
Channel: Timeout
Views: 941,047
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: nba, hoopflix, hoop flix, rebound, basketball, lebron, lebron james, lakers, jayson tatum, paul george, russell westbrook, giannis, giannis antetokounmpo, game winner, michael jordan, bulls, nba playoffs, nba finals, playoffs, anthony davis, kevin durant, warriors, james harden, shaq, steph curry, lebron blaze pizza, undercover shaq, draymond green, sitting next to lebron, carmelo anthony, chris paul, 1 armed basketball player, ja morant, kobe, obama nba, kobe bryant surprise
Id: d9K1UVp2AKc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 39sec (1539 seconds)
Published: Tue May 16 2023
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