When Michael went too far

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this video is sponsored by hunt a killer i just want to tell you this you know just to let you know the gentleman you shot is deceased today's video shows the interrogation of a man who decided to play vigilante over a car parked in an accessible parking space on july 19th 2018 michael drishka stopped at a local convenience store that he was in the habit of visiting frequently when he parked he noticed that there was a car in one of the handicapped parking spots that didn't appear to have any handicapped tags people did this routinely and it was a pet peeve to drizzka because his mother-in-law and a former high school girlfriend were disabled and they were affected by not having access to those designated parking spaces as he had done several times he circled the vehicle to make sure he hadn't missed any tags that might not be clearly visible the windows were tented and he was unaware that the driver was still inside when brittney jacobs noticed the man's interest in her car she rolled down the window and asked what he wanted the conversation became heated with dreshka wanting jacobs to move her car and jacobs refusing inside the store jacob's boyfriend marquis mclaughton saw what was happening and rushed outside to stop the man he thought was harassing his girlfriend he knocked dreshka to the ground andrezka believing himself to be in danger pulled a gun and shot mcglockton without a warning um are they yours no eric's he's been cooperative with me though yes yeah that's fine hey we're gonna take them off you're gonna be cool oh gosh yeah yeah okay i don't know you i don't know i know what's going on i know you have my absolutely words detected yes you have my word detected uh is your watch here is it a smart watch or anything like that no it's okay no no smartphones no nothing okay what's this cigarettes is it the only thing i left in there what's in that brown bag as you saw yep okay what to do another one yesterday today citrus canada there what's that said i was up in citrus county yeah it was an unexpected trip that was that uh early morning thing right was that uh you went to the house i was up there on a fellaini thing oh okay completely unrelated okay because i i don't even know what happened i know they they fighted somebody up there yesterday yeah so thank you for being very professional that's what you paid to do and that's just me that i was gonna say that's not just the way i am yes sir there's no reason to treat you any different fair enough that's why i like dealing with sheriffs better than local all right i won't take offense today um you guys you want to sit out here wherever you are hanging out here actually we could probably cut you loose out of here okay and we'll hang on to the stuff there okay you need some water uh please okay here's holster and there's a magazine and i don't know just leave it in there okay just leave it in and i'll take it okay will you hang here and uh because there's a ton of people coming in all right all right let me find the ball okay anything else right now all right the same type we'll do as quick as we can okay so you're holding your arm does it hurt or something huh yeah it's starting to everything's starting to get sore where it hit me from behind oh and that's all everything is anything broken no torn no okay all right okay hey michael how are you doing no i'm detective upton uh left hand left hand okay sorry to have to meet you under these stressful circumstances a little bit as well yeah hey i'm not the uh this is detective shields i'm sorry nice to meet you sir i'm not the case agent in this i'm a detective in the same unit um the case agent and the assistant case agent um if that makes any sense to you are gonna come speak to you in just a few moments okay how many people who are brought in for questioning act calm because they think they can lie their way through dreshka is different because he believes he has done nothing wrong and has no reason to lie we'll learn more about what happened next after a quick word from today's sponsor if you're watching this video i think it is safe to assume you are intrigued by bizarre cases murders solving mysteries hunt a killer murder mystery games brings your average game night to new heights with creepy stories and unique ways to play i've been playing dead below deck and it has truly brought out the detective side in me the items in the box are realistic feel authentic and unique you'll want to keep them when you're done playing the game just like i did there's a whole team behind each game with actors writers and designers working hard to put together the most realistic murder mystery games you have ever played this immersive experience is perfect for those looking for a game story that really sucks you in there's also a huge spoiler free online community of over 100 000 members if players get stuck or want to chat about true crime go to bit.ly stranger stories capital h a k and use code stranger to get ten dollars off your entire order and thanks again to hannah killer for sponsoring this video of course before any of us speak to you and try to go into any kind of details about anything or anything like that um i'd like to read you your rights are you familiar with your rights miranda rights okay you know how to read and write yes what's the highest grade level that you completed 12 30. did you have any college yeah no okay all right so i'm just going to read these to you and i'll let you read along with me so you know this is exactly what i'm saying do you understand that you have the right to remain silent i'm going to need a verbal response do you understand anything you say canada will be used against you in the court of law yes do you understand that you have the right to speak to a lawyer and have him or her present while you're being questioned yes do you understand that if you cannot afford to hire a lawyer one will be appointed to represent you before questioning if you wish do you understand that you can decide at any time to exercise these rights and not answer any questions or make any statements yes sir okay do you understand each of these rights i have just explained to you yes sir okay having these rights in mind you wish to talk to us now yes sir okay i'm going to have you uh initial each one of these that you would verbalize yes to me as best you can there okay [Music] and then i'll have you uh if you will print your name right here and yeah signature right there if you will okay and today's date is july 19th 2018. the time right now is 18 12 hours which is 6 12 p.m and again i am detective upton and this report is going to be that's so 18 2 2 5 7 2 4. okay the reason we wanted to do that first you know of course we you know we don't want to talk to you about anything and again the case agents are going to come in here in just a few moments um it's my understanding that your your vehicle was still uh it's not a problem it's at the store right by my house okay that's fine okay oh we have it all cordoned off it's safe and all that kind of stuff yeah am i worried about the parking lot really i i never have that's my store i go in there every day you guys just live right around the corner right around the corner okay um would you be willing to give us consent to go inside your vehicle and just for documentation purposes and uh that kind of thing yeah okay yeah i have this i have this form right here um you said you can read write i'll let you you read this and if you fully understand it and i will proceed and i'll just get your signature and then i'll get the case agents in here in just a few moments okay you okay with that vehicle correct yes it's the vehicle that's for the vehicle only list your uh your vin number here your tag you do own a 2006 toyota ford correct you need any more water or anything you need to use a restroom no thank you okay all right just uh be patient with us and we'll get those those guys in here shortly okay all right okay thank you thank you bathroom come on let me uh let me just make sure that the uh this place is clear of all persons in here first okay yeah terribly okay yeah it's gonna be two other guys not quite as handsome as me but they'll be in here just a minute okay don't let them hear that is willing to allow them to do a search of his car which is presumably to look for other weapons dreshka doesn't seem to think that they will find anything incriminating and does not show any of the nervousness that some suspects do when confronted with a search they haven't had time to prepare for hey partner hey my name is george moffatt um you've been sitting here for a while you need to use the restroom yes please okay let me uh let me make sure you know okay just hang tight oh there's anybody here right now i don't think he's going to be here right now nobody's doing this so we're good where'd you get the panther i was like oh my god that was 18 years old yeah you were 18 years old was the first one like i think for old school tennessee's where'd you get it oh my god um [Music] just to reiterate my name is george moffatt this is uh richie redmon or the finals fan sheriff's office yes sir i'm just going to put this on record so i'm going to write down hard things and stuff like that okay all right we're just here at the pinellas county sheriff's office north district station today's dates uh july 19th 2018. we just want to talk to you reference today's shooting uh that occurred at the 1201 sunset point road in clearwater florida to reference case number so18 approximate time [Music] is about 20-30 hours um just go through your your kind of day like right before you get to the store oh uh just kind of just coming back going home stopping at the store first yeah right around the corner where do you live at 11 16 charles street in the edgewater neighborhoods right off the sunset point there 1116 charleston street yes that's clearwater android yes what's the zip code 33755 and uh what's your phone you got a current phone number seven two seven five four three five one three eight that's your primary phone number only phone yes okay are you employed sir no sir retired okay good for you man well it never lasts i wish i was retired it never lasts i got to retire for about 13 years and now it's it's that time we're going to come back you know can you uh spell your first name is it common spelling common spelling m-i-c-c-h-a-e-l what's your last name d-r-e-j-k-a and what you did in person 8-5-7 okay you mind if i call you michael yes isn't that okay that's perfect okay and you can call me george um so just walk through you do you leave your house and you drive up to the store no i was coming back from the down on some missouri and rosary to get some cash and head home stop by the store boom oh okay so you get to the store tell me kind of walk me through what happens i parked my car and that's my story i'm there every day [ __ ] single and uh every day there's somebody pulled in the uh any gap spot they're just waiting on somebody okay no i have a pet peeve about it sure i you know said do you mind you know moving there's a spot next to her and there's spots out front and waiting on somebody and so there's plenty more spots there's a couple more small kinds yes and uh she took that as a front that i would speak to her that way started getting a little you know yelling and then so you walk up to her car actually i was walking around oh okay okay because i parked here she was here okay okay so i just checked with placards plain and simple and then she inquired about what was going on okay and that's when i told her you know about the handicapped spot what did you tell him i said it's not very polite to park here when there's other people who need to use this she says is it affecting you directly i said if my mother i'm all rolls in yes it will be so you know there's nothing there was none of that between us at all okay not nothing yeah just handed words that's all wow i was speaking to her i guess okay uh she said what do i have to do get my man i said well what's going to happen then and a little more arguing back and forth and i never saw what it would hit me unfortunately people without the proper documentation often take advantage of handicapped parking spots it can be frustrating and in the case of drezika his initial reaction to jacobs is reasonable he has loved ones who have been affected by other people taking advantage of the limited parking spots and he has developed a strong belief that it is wrong to take one of those spaces if you don't need know you didn't it anybody else on the car tinted windows almost dark hooked up and see-through all right so you guys are talking yeah exactly she's out of the car by this time standing next to it that's all okay and uh i got hit from the left side and throw it straight backwards in line with her car okay if you saw this if you saw the two white ladder lines next to the thing that's where i was standing okay so i went almost straight back after i got hit what do you mean uh i was standing like this talking to her i was hit from right here the shoulder was pulled in front of me and then i was oh okay then i hit the ground okay okay uh i'm pretty sure we'll get something to take pictures as well i'm not worried about that too much but uh i'm pretty sure i landed my wrist uh under my gun actually that's how i landed because that's hurting like a sun [ __ ] now so you laying on the pavement oh yeah okay i was on the ground uh so that time i had to put hand down to get hand out from underneath as i come out i start drawing my weapon as i start leveling off my weapon he makes his next step towards me and 21 foot rule i'm on the ground already right okay it happened so fast and that was that did you say anything negative not a word okay do you say anything to him no like back up no okay so you draw your weapon talk to me about that from from well the way i was able to draw it i couldn't even i couldn't level it with one hand so i had to eventually try and bring my left around for support okay and uh he made his step towards me and that was that how many steps did he make just one step okay and then that was that tell me talk to me about that what do you do from there i made sure there's no other threat around him because it spun him a little bit and he ran into the store media threat gone i did have her as a potential i mean before him before you fired the gun say ask me the question before you fired the gun yes once you pull the gun out yes okay you said he stepped towards you yeah because i don't know one more step right he made one more step towards me and then what do you know i didn't say a word it was already out okay what do you do fireman how many times you fired a long time sir okay so you fired the weapon and then basically just scanned uh i ended up standing up and so all the threats were cleared rehosted my weapon okay all right so he didn't come back at you again or anything like that after he left where did he go into the store okay did you strike him no no i mean with a gun no i i don't know i assume so yes because there was an ambulance there okay so you don't know if you i know i know nothing but i would assume so okay all right so what do you do talk me from there after you re-holster your weapon after i rehosted my weapon everything's clear uh somebody's screaming about her kids somebody screaming about her kids uh somebody thought they were in the car so i said everybody's inside you know see if you can get her to unlock your car and that was it all i remember screaming about kids okay what do you do from after you hear somebody talking about our kids everything so well i asked one person to go you know see if she can unlock her car from the inside and then i decided to extricate myself from the situation completely injured back to my vehicle and wait for you so i took my house i took my firearm out unloaded it locked it left it in the car wait what do you mean you like the back yes okay i'll go back waiting for you okay did you unload mag or anything like that or no just the one that was in the pipe okay um so where did you store the weapon at enter inside the vehicle oh it was in my holster okay where did you put the gun at felt right outside the center console okay on top of the center console what do you do from there wait for you okay do you make any statements to anybody negative okay on the parking lot other than telling people it's probably not a good idea to be in here right now because i've got a few customers pulling in now i spoke to no one else okay all right well i did inquire if he had his cameras on because i know he's got nine cameras in that place you inquired to uh the clerk through the door okay i'm pretty sure he was on the phone with someone okay so did you make contact with him you walked up to this army i i walked out to start through the door okay you know and he nodded yes that was the end of that i really want somebody look at those tapes that should have okay um i'm sure they do um so after all this happens uh deputies show up on the scene oh yes okay talk me about that what happens from there uh procedure deputy you know identified me i identified myself and from there it was it was straightforward me on the ground handcuffs okay all right did you have contact with deputies here or detectives when they brought you here uh is able to calmly walk the detective through the steps he took during the shooting he seems to think that most of what he did is standard procedure for the situation but doesn't grasp that he shot an unarmed man who he wasn't sure was any real threat to his life they come in got some quick information asked me if i needed any water i haven't seen anybody since all right did you talk to um i think they read your rights and stuff like that that's fine okay so you've been advised to your rights yes okay um i'm gonna we're gonna kind of slow it down a little bit and kind of because i'm gonna be asking specific questions about the about the incident and again just like you you know you were just be truthful with me um and just because we got kind of dot our eyes and cross our keys exactly what happened i know you kind of went through a little fast or whatever so we're going to just go back a little bit is that okay appreciate it appreciate it michael so you get to the store um where do you park your car uh directly next to the last parking space do you know north east southwest oh basically south okay so your your car is facing south yeah in the last door and the last spot it's kind of furthest to the west right okay and you're pointing front to the front you okay yeah it just swings in that's okay so you're pointing to the front of the store you're visiting yes what type of vehicle you drive sir uh uh 06 toyota okay what color is it uh silver okay so you parked there do you exit your vehicle to oh like you normally do go go inside the store do you always park up front light like that sometimes i'll park inside if there's nobody okay on the west side market there's two parking spots down past the uh handicapped spot right there okay sometimes like by the bathroom aaron you got it okay so you exit your vehicle right um like you always do and you're getting ready to walk in the store yeah and what what do you see from there uh no placard on the front of the car because i have to walk by the car now so you approached the vehicle yeah the front of the vehicle yeah okay um and your intentions on walking around the cars to look for placards always yeah okay well what are you doing you know okay you take pictures if you don't see no placards or you take okay or do you normally look for placards uh license plate uh windshield and the front focus see if there's a fine license plate or anything when you approached the vehicle was the driver did you make eye contact with the driver i couldn't see the job the windows were so dark okay i didn't know anybody was in the car right truthfully so her window wasn't rolled down the driver's side okay so you start walking around the car yeah i walked from the front to the back and then just back up again okay i took no pictures i just you know shouldn't want to go and keep going but then the window came down was the car running i couldn't tell it made it's so quiet okay these damn cars uh it doesn't sound anything like mine so then when you come back around is the window rolled down at that point no only after i get back up in front and she's on my way into the store and she asked me you know so she rolls her window down yes sir do you make verbal contact with her first or does she make verbal contact with me from time to time what i did i just asked me what i was doing of course okay so she asked you what what are you doing yeah and you said looking [Music] so when you when you when she rolls her window down she says uh hey you know what are you doing how far are you away from the car to the front of the car okay so you're standing at the front yeah about the front of the car which is right on the sidewalk yeah okay so you're on the sidewalk yeah i'm not exactly in front of it i'm on the sidewalk at the front okay so after you start talking to her do you approach the driver's side of the car yeah just uh of course i don't want to yell back right yeah that's understandable so how far do you approach the vehicle distance was approximately it's gonna be she's in a car let's say i'm i'm the driver so you can probably smell your breath yeah okay after a while it's not like i was leaning in her car or anything hopefully you can't smell my breath so how can you show me how far let's say i'm her how far do you come up to her by the window okay so a couple feet yeah i'm not going to encourage into her car all right so you walk up to her car and you say i was looking for handy handicapped placards correct and then what did she say uh what's it matter to you i said well it wouldn't matter to me unless my mother-in-law showed up right now and needed a place to park but it does matter to you because somebody's parked there at that moment yeah yeah sure so yeah and your mother-in-law wasn't in the car no okay she asked me what was the matter i gave her a hypothetical was there anybody in the car in your vehicle that was just me that's disabled or anything like that during the beginning of his conversation with jacobs dreshka probably believes he was being perfectly reasonable in hindsight it would have been best for him to go straight into the store without responding to her okay so you tell her if my mother-in-law was here right okay that's the way she was leaning right right that's awesome okay gave her an example was she a little heated very okay um so you guys started having a discussion back a little bit discussing back and forth definitely all right um so tell me a little bit about that that's exactly about the same thing we're going back about i know what exactly exactly what was said i couldn't even the thing i remember her saying is do i have to get my man and i said well what's that mean are we going to fight okay and [Music] well i guess so was her answer okay uh what were you saying to her though it's all about the placards okay um did you say hey i'm gonna call the police no i did not say that first time i'm gonna bring that up i thought a simple courtesy would do so you asked her to move courtesy yes okay and what did you say who are you talking to me like this who do you think you are kind of mind your own business you got okay did you say i'm on your own business because i don't want the words in your mouth okay um so basically you guys have a heated conversation right and you're standing that close to her car um and she mentions her man because again no man in the car i don't know of any man okay whatever all i hear is he mentioned do you want to you want me to get your man that's exactly what she said no she said do you want me to get my name my man i'm sorry yes that's exactly what she is okay um let me ask you a question mike um at any time and point because we all know parking in a handicap spot without placards is illegal correct yeah but that's not why i ask people i can't sure right right and i get that um but at any time in point when you saw the vehicle you checked the vehicle for handicapped placards of course okay you didn't see no handicapped blackness at any time and point when you notice that why wouldn't you pick up the phone and contact law enforcement here she goes wait a minute um i can't even remember what she said there okay because all we were having was a verbal argument only two people right i didn't know about a third person okay i was literally blind why would you look to the ground right but wouldn't it wouldn't it be best you think to call law enforcement say hey there's somebody illegally parked it's not going to help she'll leave okay well she may not always do well she may not know that you you called if you walked away right very true i mean this was an argument i'm not putting words in your mouth i'm just i'm asking you you know a question um so do you agree with that yeah okay um so you guys are bickering back and forth um next thing you know you get pushed i'm blind push nothing tackled i'm blindsided dude okay i'm on the ground hard so he shoved you pretty good no he for what it felt like is he come running at me okay like full force haven't been hit like that since i was in my 20s okay all right so he shoves you to the ground you fall to the ground correct okay slightly dazed not very slightly okay do you hit your head don't know don't feel anything okay i don't know so you don't know if it's sideways like this i know this landed under my wand and my gun okay so i landed on my wrist on my gun okay had to reach over to extract my hand to push yourself back push myself up off of that and as i'm reaching and pulling around he's standing in front of me as i come up he's taking a step towards me okay now let's discuss that um if you don't mind could you sit on the ground real quick for me that's where i was i don't want you to hurt it no no no okay so you're on the ground right i'm on the ground like this okay how far is the guy away from the car he's at the front of the car in front of him so he's on that sidewalk kind of curb area no he's in front of the car off the sidewalk okay right on the edge you got it so how far do you think he's away from you i might have been right at the edge of the back of the front door of the car correct okay all right so he's up by the front tires he's up by the front tires no further than that man further than this further than that okay i was back further about he had to be further than that okay so he's about this far yeah maybe even further and as i come up this way because i have to come up off my hand all right i bring the gun out with me and as i'm coming back this way it won't i can't support it so i hit this okay and then what does he do he that's as i come out i guess he's taking it has just admitted to giving no verbal warning to mcglockton or even giving him a chance to stop once he realizes a gun is pointed at him at that distance there was still time for mclaughlin to stop yeah okay taking a step taking his steps towards me okay how close does he get to you before you fire the gun maybe to the front tire so show me where tell me when to stop stop okay so right here yeah okay um was he charging after you two steps running okay well he was you're saying he was running well it would have been running when he got out of behind the car okay all right i gotta go okay yeah i don't want you to hurt so what did you think like saying what did you think when that happened i've never been in that situation ever i thought kicks were coming okay so you thought he was doing it i thought kicks were coming or this tv on top you need help okay so you're thinking he's gonna come kick you i'm thinking he's coming to do the rest of it did you see him with a firearm no sir i didn't see him without anything okay what do you mean the rest of it whatever beating was coming after that so you thought he was going to beat you and stuff you're not kidding okay all right so if he can't hit me that hard to begin with from blindside from the get-go what else should i expect okay all right so you're on the ground you said he was running at you but he only took like a step he would have if he had cleared to you know cleared that and come around towards me again right second foot okay so he only made one step he barely made the second step before i pulled the trigger okay what kind of gun do you get uh glock 23 okay all right that's uh oh 40 count i'm not a gun guy so i can't keep cheering so you know how many rounds you had to mag stuff like that uh yeah sure do there should be 13 left in that bag right there so it was fully loaded one in the pipe okay all right yeah 13 14 14 rounds okay what what do you think the guy's gonna be because i just got blindsided out of nowhere why what else would i think oh i'm just asking just now i've never been in that situation before first thing i think if i'm getting hit like that somebody's coming at me for more okay what did the female do at that point uh female just started screaming was she in the car around out of the car okay she's she's screaming that you just shot him or i'm pretty sure yeah okay you just hear her screaming okay oh my fantasies because i moved away from her she's not a threat to me anymore okay all right uh let me ask you a question you mentioned early that you asked mustafa about video and stuff like that correct that there were do you think the video would show him charging it or run okay there should be an angle right on that parking spot okay what happens if i told you that i looked at the video and in no time and point does he come running up towards you he actually takes a step back i would disagree okay i'm just asking okay i would disagree in a heartbeat okay all right so you said after he runs in the store and stuff like that did you see me get hit oh yeah yeah absolutely where did you come from if you don't mind me asking where are you going yeah we'll get into that but did did she uh she walks around the vehicle does she go anywhere do you see her go anywhere she went to the front of the store she was inside for a while then she got in and moved her car okay so she came back outside the store she did did you guys have any discussion the only thing i said to her was somebody's trying to see if you've got keys for your children okay all right okay that is all but after after our show no no okay not to me not like you start swearing out our argument was totally about the handicaps before she runs in the store did she make any threats or i wouldn't no i was trying to assess my own situation sir okay did um when the gentleman before you fired the gun did he make any threats towards you i've never heard a word okay so he didn't say i'm gonna kick your ass i never heard a word of anything continuing to dig himself deeper dreshka says that mcglockton did not threaten him if he didn't say anything and only took one step then he couldn't have been much of a danger to dreshka once i got hit the only thing i heard was her and i never heard him until he was hit until he was shot and then he started saying what did what did you hear her saying screaming no no beforehand before you shot you said you heard her say something oh no okay so no okay but you didn't hear him saying after he showed you did you hear him say anything just pain which is why i assume he was hit okay what do you mean can you use how okay yeah and then back to the store okay because to me it looked like when i shot he was spun a little bit and his mommy just kept going with his momentum and went that way okay let me let's kind of back up because i'm just trying to understand excuse me before um you you shoot him okay and he had already shoved you right you said you thought he was going to come kick you and basically finish the job uh yeah okay did you hear him make any statements negative he never made a word okay like i'm coming up i never said a word until i fired but then i never said a word when he dumped me either right so you never said no okay so you guys don't have any type of i barely even saw the man no i mean after he pushed you you were on the ground there's you're trying to get to your sidearm no talks between us okay at all you don't ask him what the hell dude why'd you push me no um he doesn't make any statements i'm gonna come kick your ass no negative okay so he made no threats that he was going to come finish his job it was an assumption definitely okay so you just assumed he was going to come do that uh any smart person would yeah i mean okay i get it i understand that so and then you shoot them um just one time correct one time sir okay um neutralize and then just neutralize it neutralize and then that's it there's no reason to what do you mean can you elaborate what do you mean neutralize utilize the immediate threat okay and then that's it i don't know reason to go overboard anyway sure okay i get it and then he runs him i shoot to save my own ass and that's that okay and then he runs in the store um and then by that time fire rescue okay you unload your gun you have contact with deputies correct how often do you go to that store you said every day every day okay um do you ever have any type of issues with people parking in that one seven that's it okay what can you kind of talk to me about that oh yeah that was a business a big old septic truck okay how long ago was that many weeks okay i don't know like a month maybe okay can you just kind of talk to talk to me about that we had an argument what's that we had an argument because he didn't like me walking around the chop taking pictures too where was the truck parked in the handicapped spot okay um was it tank truck facing the store as well basically the same as a young lady's car except his was easy they're a local company sure all right so you walking around the vehicle doing the same thing just took pictures that time okay then he got out and confronted me okay talk to me about that and wanted to come at me wanted a piece of me did he say that yeah then the boss then i called his boss and then that was over that was it anybody make any threats you know right okay did you say that back to him like you're raising two he's about four foot taller than i am oh jesus um so you said local company what do you what do you mean by that double a they're uh right up and down eating okay and their drivers do that on more than a few occasions this is a phone number on the side of the truck sure that's one of the bad things about putting the phone number on the side of your chair do you think why it was called did you take a picture of the phone number or something yeah definitely all right so you call the company you said hey okay talk to the boss all right yeah what did you tell the boss man tell the boss man where's jobless parked all this and how his employee was acting after i took pictures out and such and that was that he said you work it out with his man i said fair enough okay any discussion about you having a gun or anything like that i didn't know god that there's no gunshow okay did you have your sidearm on you that that was at my side okay you got a ccw almost correct okay all right there's nothing wrong with that no i'm just asking i've been carrying my whole adult life yeah i mean you can't afford that sure i don't blame you do you go shooting a lot not anymore now okay was the last thing he was shooting years all right what kind of firearms training do you have before you you got your ccw and uh well besides my father was a steak up for 20 years so i've had to drill i heard about you you you personally what kind of yeah i've got a dive train with my dad a little bit training with other cops at the range but uh as far as uh affordable training now any part military anything like that no negative personal enforcement i wasn't allowed to be a cop he said he broke my arm 20 years of [ __ ] working [ __ ] your dad said that yes what kind of drill do you want the handicapped spot is a hill drazka has chosen to die on or at least kill on he has a history of confronting people and turning them in so it was almost a matter of time before something like this happened he has a legal license to carry although he doesn't practice at the range but if he was a hunter he was well within the range of being able to make the shot three one two three one two three one two three you know i mean you ever practiced from your back or anything like that in the past you were practice shooting from your back in a position where you're on the ground or oh i've practiced sitting before i've never practiced laying on my back okay but i knew city would always be come into play at some point in time all right besides the fact i was a driver for uber so okay all right i've never been on my back before no all right let me ask you a question um you mentioned um that you you go to the store all the time and you had that one incident with the uh septic company any other incidents prior to that do you ever have any discussion with the owner of the store yeah and he saw me that day no no i mean about about this handicap somebody parking in the handicapped spot yeah i talked to him the day of the september okay was that uh mustafa is that his name i don't know his name because there's another guy too oh can't keep straight what did you tell him same thing he saw it parked out there i gave him the phone number and you can see the company logo on the side of the truck okay that was that there's there's no reason he he doesn't have any reason to come out and stop people from parking did you did you ever have a discussion with the owner and stuff saying hey you guys need to enforce this no okay it's his prerogative well i know but i mean clearly there's an issue with people parking there wouldn't you say oh well yeah okay i'm not always there all right so trying to get in arguments with people either you know right absolutely when they see me doing stuff like that they automatically think hey what's this guy trying to do [ __ ] me right and wouldn't you think that a little bit if somebody can't take pictures around your car well that's exactly what i'm trying to do exactly but if somebody can't take pictures around your car you probably think the same thing right i'd ask a question first instead of going with the mouth well let me know better let me ask this that that parking space and this is just that parking lot in particular there's actually other like empty parking spaces that are probably closer and have better access to the front door that's the only one that has access to that ramp and in this particular situation though if somebody can park right next to the ramp walk around to it doesn't really matter all that much i'm not sure where this is i mean wouldn't you instead of an argument because you have no argument right you know a discussion agreeing with what he just said okay but don't you think um instead of putting yourself in that type of circumstance that it may escalate because people are crazy i mean right there's you have road rage incidents you got people getting shot all the time all kinds of stuff right so hear me out wouldn't it be best instead of putting yourself in those circumstances to contact law enforcement and have a deputy come out there or clear water please well clearwater police and i don't get along we have some fourth amendment issues what what is that what do you mean fourth uh please illegally search my car well okay yeah how long ago was that last summer so they took it upon themselves to go through my glove box when all they had to do was replace something back in my vehicle what was that my fire okay so they took your firearm out of it always okay all right but again back to the question just i mean wouldn't you think it would be better instead of putting yourself in that type of circumstance that could escalate what does this have to do with i'm just asking i'm leaving it on my back and that that does you told me you were on your back and stuff but i'm just saying don't you think that it would be best to notify law enforcement you said you don't like to argue you said you don't like to have confrontations when we take him but okay we're straying a bit of course i think no we'll we'll get back to that but i'm just asking you a simple question do you think it would be best to call law enforcement and have them address that issue you'll never make it okay because the person what they leave okay i'll never make it all right so it's unless you guys are literally parked there do you really sometimes sometimes go close right but you're not going to drop a an important something for sure okay why bother you with stupid things like that okay i'm sorry i'm not after i'm not after being a justice kind of guy but when i just say something to a person about being part drazka isn't enthusiastic about the idea of calling the police about the parking lot and it is true that it isn't a high priority call and nothing will likely come of doing so but for a civilian it is the safest option of course no one thinks that asking someone to pull out of a handicapped spot if they aren't disabled will lead to a major confrontation but people have gotten into altercations for less ultimately though even if dreshka had good intentions they don't make him the sheriff of the parking lot i don't expect it to go where it went so that's why you don't call because by the time you call it they'll be gone they always are okay i'll ask a related question though when you take the pictures what are your plans with the pictures what's what's the purpose and taking that's treasure balls do you take pictures of other people's cars though no actually you i didn't want to take a picture of their cars no reason to i'm not going to turn them into anybody i just want to ask them if they think it's right to be parked where they're parked okay do you do you understand that i mean do you does it ever go through your mind that when you're going up and talking to these people and informing them of them being part of a handicap spot that they might not take that right this might go sideways a little bit well sure but that's why i take precautions as well like what kind of precautions oh i'm a very careful person and i have a permit okay do you think you'd not been these people's or i shouldn't say nothing yeah i don't think you could go confront anyone like you said it's it's approaching so we use the term approach instead of in front okay but it is up to the person who's in the car to actually confront if you go up to somebody and approach them they can take that as being confrontational you can't really interpret how they're going to make them confrontational but if if you go up to somebody and you approach them about being parked in a handicapped spot um do you think you'd be willing to do that and take that risk if you didn't take these precautions because you don't have a husband to react i've been carrying it down most of my adult life so i i can't really answer that uh in a way that would satisfy you would you approach these people if you didn't once again i i don't know i would have to say yeah okay but i wouldn't know because like i said right you always carry i've always carried fire okay since how long how long you carried it i was 22 how old are you now 48 47 sorry i'll be 48 in august me too so um we'll go dive back into the whole him showing you and stuff like that i think that's weird oh live sure end the video and everything like that um if let's say on the video i watch a video or whatever and he he doesn't approach you or make any steps towards you like you indicated exactly what i saw though okay so you saw him come towards you yes sir okay what happens if he if he didn't come towards you would you still fight around there's no reason to if he's retreating then i don't need to use my firearm what if he's just standing still i'm still going to use my firearm all right did you see when you saw this guy after he pushed you do you see anything on his face you've seen facial expressions negative all i saw was a man trying to do me what were his hands doing i have no clue okay were you able to see him see the guy's hands i didn't see his hands per se and i didn't see his face at all i don't know what he looks like could you see his legs his feet anything like that i might have seen his legs i know he was a black guy that's it way to be his arms i'm not sure could you see anything he was doing other than watching his feet watching his hips all right so if he was standing still you would have seen no reason to no trigger okay if he hadn't twitched i never would have pulled that trigger when that gun was out did you make the decision to shoot when you pulled the gun out or was that afterwards negative decision i made as soon as he moved okay did you remember having time to think and process the other time to think but you know that gun was out that the twitch goes that's it okay but you said you actually pulled the gun out before you made the decision to shoot right there's about well i'm not pulling it out with the intention of pulling the trigger okay okay if i come up on target and it's i need to shoot i'm shooting if you would have pulled that gun between the time you pulled that gun if you had been on your back and you pulled that gun and you had it on him if he would have been standing still do you think that trigger would have gotten pulled no did you have time to really look at him and tell that he was coming towards you the feet said he was coming towards me and so did the hips what kind of twitch was it the hip twitch right foot comes around this way like he's going to come right past that car thing and that was that how much time you think it was between when you pulled that gun out of my game i don't want to pull the trigger i don't know how much time did it seem like it seemed like a split second okay all right michael um we'll be right back you got to use the restroom or anything no i'm good you need more water partner okay we'll be right back all right we gotta look at a few things to see kind of placing together a little bit telling us all right the questions are designed to get drishka to break down and admit that he was too quick to shoot it doesn't affect drejka because in his mind he made all the right choices and is willing to stand by them michael yeah how you doing sir all right so uh we spoke before i'm detective shields of the sheriff's office um we're here to do a buckle swab which is a swabbing of your cheeks if you consent to it we're going to go over a consent form here and then we're going to do some overall photographs of your injuries and overall photographs of you and well it's just the swab is just to collect any dna or anything like that that might go along with this incident here let me grab let me grab one that's not written on already and you need to be taking my dna why sir you need to be taking my dna why well i'm going to go over the form with you and if it's a consensual buffalo yes sir just because you're involved with this incident we want to see if there's any um dna that comes up with matching on the gun or what you know all that good stuff i hope not that was a dover delaware cops gun sir i said i hope not that was a dover delaware cops gun oh really all right let me excuse me for one moment george yankee alpha 175. the other gentleman left out here okay thank you um all right today's going to be july 19th 2018. location is going to be here at our north district station um [Music] we're going to go over consent for a buckle swap hi print your name here agree to provide a buckle swap to detective i'm going to put my name in the pinellas county sheriff's office i understand that the law enforcement personnel will take this buccal swab of my saliva and have it analyzed i also fully understand that the results of the analyst analysis can and will be used against me a court of law i have been fully informed that i i am under no obligation to provide this sample and i can refuse to consent i and then know your name acknowledge that i am freely and voluntarily providing this written consent for law enforcement to take the buckle swap law enforcement personnel have not made any threats or promises of any kind to induce me to give this consent i have the had the opportunity to ask questions and consult with a lawyer if i so desired having been fully informed i authorized law enforcement to take my saliva samples which is the buckle swabs from my person on or before then today's date if you agree to that are you agreeing to that what happens if i don't you don't and we don't collect it yeah i don't think there's any reason really okay yeah seriously so you're i mean i'm already already know i'm involved with this yes of course but which is what you've explained that this would be forward yes sir so if you already know then i don't think i need to do that okay do you want time to consult with an attorney tonight that's not well no i'm not saying tonight i'm just saying before you can sometimes or if at all possible to consent to it yeah i always love that okay so you're refusing at this time yeah okay we'll do everything else if there's anything else i mean there's no question that i am who you know sure so we have at uh 9 17 p.m yes sir it turns out it's necessary okay i'm just putting on here at 9 17 p.m you refused and i've signed it as a witness and my badge number okay all right um now we're going to do some overall photographs of you sir and of any injuries that you may have okay stand up right here for me sir these are our forensics technicians uh forensic specialists that work here at the sheriff's office and they're going to get some over freshka refuses to take the dna test because he doesn't understand why it is needed he has given them the gun and isn't trying to lie about shooting mcglockton so it is understandable to see why he thinks it is an unnecessary step until proven otherwise hmm so um right here i'll just take some overall photographs of you actually would you one second would you be able to put this shirt back on because you had that on at the time oh yeah if we just did it that's all right i'm just gonna get one of your face it's gonna be a bright flash okay now if you're trying to face the wall just gonna get your side and can you turn and face the back so i can get your back thank you all right and yep thank you okay i'm just going to see where were your injuries yeah you can take the shirt this is this is basically it as far as noticeable injuries everything else is just muscular and on the inside okay so as far as the only visible one that's it okay you can take your shirt off and everything changed next to it i'm going to take a photo of your tattoo as well okay one under the sleeve okay under this sleeve okay feel up to that casey did this right here too the abrasion right now oh okay okay i didn't see a separation back here okay and then we'll just go to his legs okay do you mind lifting up your pant leg here so i'm going to put it this side oh that's okay okay that goes together what does that say in your tattoo madness and sadness you just uh heard her her initials were sad mine or meds jimmy on your back that's right okay do you feel like there's any injuries on your back or anything no no just his shoulder where i landed and obviously actually do you have any marks on this shoulder on the shirt probably just the shirt yeah can we just go ahead and take a peek and just lift up your there you go i don't think i can just to make sure yeah i don't really see anything you have a scar on your back okay okay thank you all right so what's on your hand right here uh that's gonna be from the handcuffs okay we'll just go ahead and document that also yeah okay yeah we'll just document that as well sorry it's okay do you have anything on that wrist no okay let's do this one okay can you flip it over for us oh yeah there's a little mark right there technicians have come in to check all of dreshka's injuries this helps to prevent later claiming that their injuries were worse than they were in other cases it also shows defensive wounds that may have been made by a victim before they have a chance to heal thank you okay go ahead and have a seat again thank you i'm just going to actually check your shirt out and see if there's a mark on the shoulder area that was just some um scuttle marks right there oh it's right there yeah do you want me to get this better okay would you mind doing me a favor and standing back up and putting this back on if you can document it as you are wearing it please thank you sorry okay we'll start with the front and we'll work with oh the tearing there sorry and that is something new from today sir the rift yes it is a very good shirt okay all right turn around oh and then sleep okay thank you thank you um let me consult with detective moffitt take the shirt because so i don't know if you guys talked about that we did and we also need to do a gsr of the hands and um michael we're just gonna observe your clothing for any possible blood if there's any possible blood on your clothing then we're gonna have to collect that as well okay all of it uh whatever it may be we we'll give you that all right if you want to stand up again for us sorry we can just go back against the wall thank you okay can you just put your arms out by your side for me was this closed like buttoned or was it hanging open no it was not buttoned don't know if it was hanging open but it was not buttoned okay okay let's see little something right there we'll get that it's a hole okay could you turn and face that wall for me okay can you turn and face this wall over here to my right okay all right i'm gonna have you um just photograph this little area right here yeah oh that's actually a hole oh yeah it's a little hole okay it looks like a little before you stretched it it was like a little red mark yep okay i don't see anything that's popping out at me right now other than just the marks on his shirt from where he fell okay um you can go ahead and have a seat again thank you we're just going to do this gsr kit okay michael were you wearing that hat at the time of this incident yes it was okay and we'll just grab a couple photos of that yeah the inspection of dreshka's clothing is meticulous every spot and possible hole are carefully documented the stains and patterns of tears will help to determine exactly how dryshka fell and if he was in the position he claimed to be when he fired the shot now i just ask you a bunch of fun questions what's your full name middle name included michael andrew d-r-a d-r-e-j-k-a [Music] and are you right or left-handed right have you washed your hands since the incident unfortunately they didn't tell me quick enough in the bathroom when i went here the first time i have it and i almost got the loss of them but we didn't we stopped and just threw the water off my hands okay see there was water on it but no soap or anything okay just on the inside okay okay and what's your occupation retire your time and what are your hobbies uh i don't i can't afford hobbies anymore okay all righty and what have you done like what are your activities since the incident and now uh i've been involved with you folks okay did you call 9-1-1 no i didn't you didn't okay and i imagine that was taken care of very quickly okay okay and did the did you ride in an ambulance or anything were you injured okay they just brought you straight here oh yeah after sitting there for a while okay after sitting out there yeah i didn't go anywhere okay okay all right right hand first you just kind of want to hold it up like this that's better you know i just need to get your palm i know if it hurts i can just it's okay yes you said you're retired michael what kind of work did you do lime clearance tree children means i cut trees around the power lines so i spent many many weeks here in florida before i finally moved here where did you live prior to living here delawarean i'm raised if you can believe it a little tiny statement right next door first one to ratify the constitution you know they document the physical injuries and prepare to check for gun residue which there will be even though dressing got his hands wet i'm tired get all sides like the shoe we did earlier please thank you very good embarrassingly dirty hats are always dirty is there a size or anything no it doesn't matter one size fits all oh okay okay okay okay and that was a no on the buckle thank you michael thank you michael hang out for a few thank you thank you hmm hurts sorry man you good on water or stuff like that okay i've been people just here so i mean all like we just want to talk to you and kind of uh seal up a few things and go over a few more things is that all right just to go over just kind of clarify things all right if you don't want me asking um kind of what type of activities do you do do you do any like karate or anything yeah okay i am definitely not that active and i am not in that good active either um what you what your health issues are you got uh i've got gerd i've got some uh some breathing problems from my smoking over the years and uh that's really about as more serious because cholesterol was okay that's a good thing how long ago did you retire 2007 2007. we're from if you don't want me as aspiring tree expert asp say that again i'm sorry a-s-p-l-u-n-d-h tree experts what what is that for aspirin no i mean what what they are the original company that started trimming trees for power companies back in 1928. you're brave man you would climb trees and stuff like that holy crap and that's you retired in 2007 2007. my mother died and i'm sorry to hear that yeah me too it's not the way you want to get it no um but in regards to your your medical status stuff like that i mean you're in good shape for the most part uh it's just the breathing i you know i've been smoking for so damn long you know i can't get up still smoke yeah almost two packs a day so what i mean are you take asthma medicine and stuff like that or not you're not asthmatic no i am not okay you're suffering maybe a little pre copd but not asthmatic okay has asked questions about his health from what he describes a physical altercation would not have put him in mortal danger like it would have done with someone with heart related or similar problems this will weaken the defense further when they try to claim he was fearful for his life um do you do anything since you've been retired i mean you do any activities uh we used to go boating and then we sold the boats we used to go motorcycling and i was on motorcycles and now it's basically just time for me to go back to work and she's still working okay well what do you do on a daily basis just saying now doing one i'm sorry packing putting me back you may have to move okay you mind if i ask you why you gotta move ah yeah these uh our neighbors our landlord uh he just had a grant of our grandson okay and he's taking our house and folding it into his business which is based right next door at his house okay so yeah we knew this has been coming for a couple years now all right we've been there almost eight years you understand the area or we can't can't afford to okay yeah pinellas counties it's tough yeah well we had to help a deal so in regards to the incident at the store um you had mentioned early on when i was talking to you about after he shelved you okay and you fell to the ground nothing well i mean a shove is somebody standing in front of somebody and pushing their arms out sorry this felt like i was running and tackled okay all right so after he tackles your or whatever in your words um you fall to the ground correct eric okay cause i wanna put words in your mouth um and then you know you're working on getting your firearm out because of what reason i lay down that when i fell okay but you're working on trying to get your firearm out i had to drag it out from under me for what reason though if you had just been blindsided with no idea who was attacking you would your firearm be out next move you made probably so i mean i don't know it's hard for me to make that that's exactly it's an opinion okay so i know you thought that's a training okay when you looked up and you see him what are you what's going through your mind what's going through my mind is is he coming back at me again okay to do what what what did you think he was going to do thinking he's going to finish what the hell he just started okay and and to you like what do you what do you mean kind of elaborate a little bit on the finishing i have no clue because he didn't do anything right i can't elaborate on something i don't know about what do you think he was going to do no clue come after me again that's about it what he would have done is just pure conjecture did you think you think he was maybe going to get physical with you sure okay in a fair fight you think you can take him negative i do not fight never have been a fighter never never ever ever i didn't even fight in school what kind of work you're gonna go back to doing uh it's gonna have to be indoor and sales something like that unknown as far as what whatever i can get do you still do any activities now or no like the boating and stuff like that no we have no boats we have no motorcycles left all right do you go out and do activities or anything no we can ride a bicycle area yeah we can't afford it okay i'm at home with my dogs did you when you looked up at this gentleman i know you it was so quick um did you see his physical build or did any of that go through your mind medium height person okay so you didn't like think go through your mind holy [ __ ] this guy's huge he's gonna okay so anybody can be anything sure absolutely huge has nothing to do with it right no i agree absolutely without a doubt um but it goes through your mind that he's coming to finish his job very correct okay i mean what do you finish the job what do you mean he started i have no clue what he started and what his endgame was right okay i was in the dark about that so that makes me believe to myself i need a force multiplier because i don't know what's going on what do you mean a force multiplier what exactly what you know what a force multiplier no sir i don't if i did i i don't i really don't wow a force multiplier is a sidearm anything other than your hand okay all right i got you some type of web force multiplier okay you know terminology that we don't want i learned yes what kind of stuff do you read everything no but this is like tactical stuff like that oh no no no not specifically no i literally mean whatever i can get my hands on i read okay about firearms or no anything okay all right i know less about firearms and a whole shitload of other things in my life but i've always been a reader what's your thing that you know the most about i've outdoors just because i grew up outdoors coming up you know but i can't do it anymore it sounds like a casual conversation but the detectives are fishing to see if dresden has any violent or weapons oriented interests which can then be used to say that he is a dangerous individual drejka believes his answers will be taken at face value and does not understand the implications he sees law enforcement as being on his side do you need glasses or anything is your favorite i have i i just started with readers that's it okay so you just need that power reader yeah so your vision is is done with the wheel anything past here i'm good okay um what type of medication are you taking i am on xanax for anxiety and two types of uh what they call effexor uh that was also for anxiety and tries to go for sleep because i hardly sleep okay when you uh go to the store you said basically on a daily daily basis i go pick up a couple of drinks every day and just to say hey well like water no i get the monsters the white monster oh okay the energy drinks yeah i mean those are drinking today two okay and you just buy yeah it's like the nice thing to do during your day it's just the one constant things like two for four points for four yeah two for four this is the one constant you know that you do every day it's your routine sure absolutely um do you have a discussion with your wife about this about this incident no i told her what happened and that was that and what did you tell her i said there's been an incident up here at the thing up here at the corner did you say incident or did you say i shot somebody or pretty sure i told her i shot somebody okay what she said oh my god i'm on my way she was going to come up to the store oh she she passed around a couple of times but she wasn't able to get it and talk about it yeah just chaos right she's outside now i think um the detective has big news for dreshka in three two one i just want to tell you this you know just to let you know the gentleman you shot is deceased mcglockton has died from his gunshot wound thank you for telling me nobody else would give me word on that so um i did ask you got any questions for me or anything uh other than the standard crown thing and i did exactly what i thought i was supposed to be doing at that time considering what was happening to myself no sir i don't think i have anything else to say okay all right approximate time is about 2200 hours interview will be concluded with michael pronouncing him draco i didn't want to say wrong that's okay man my whole life doesn't matter all right mike could you uh hang on real quick i'll be right back you good bathroom where you go man appreciate it okay all right hey mike are you sorry man it's been a long time i get it um i got no complaints man okay we're gonna have nothing here's your wallet back for this open yeah it's fine um your keys and car keys um here's what's going to happen horrible and again this i apologize it's been so long we're conducting a thorough this investigation is going to be ongoing okay we're not done with the investigation there's a lot to this to place all the parts together review things and so on and so forth the video collection all that stuff takes a while okay it doesn't happen overnight it's not like you see on tv okay um no kidding okay so however with that being said as part of the investigation we're going to keep some of this stuff okay as evidence and process and stuff like that including your green shirt and your black shorts okay we unfortunately got to take that stuff we'll throw this on [Music] i can call your wife she was here yeah she probably she left and i tried to catch her before she left to let her know sorry it's taking so long wow whatever she does you know everything about daddy yeah so um you can call her um or i can call her my phone we have your phone we're going to keep your phone unfortunately um what's that i'm sorry that's my only former communication i i get it but it's part of evidence okay how phones are huge now everything leads back to phones everything leads back to electronics technology it's crazy any investigation we work there they're huge you'll get your phone back we're not keeping your phone but as of right now it's going to go into evidence okay i don't know i'm going to thank that might take um hopefully not hopefully yeah hopefully there too um hopefully you're a day or two and i'll call you and let you know in regards to that okay no problem we're not going to sit on this first yeah that's that's that's the other one thanks man you guys already got overall photos [Music] we just want to photograph take your shirt off um because we want to get this whole upper side you never know it may be bruised up now yeah i don't know what's going on with this sore zelda man and i know definitely i landed right here between the gun and concrete all right well you may want to get that looked at okay camera okay okay michael we're just gonna have you we're gonna step out and you're gonna just rub your shorts under there and then just change into this little um jumper okay just stay oh that's gonna you can keep that okay okay thank you the interview is concluded although the investigation will continue witness statements will be gone over and drashka's cell phone will be searched to make sure he had no previous contact with the victim as well as if any violent statements or statements that could be construed as violent depending on the context were made in texts or on social media platforms michael dreischka was not charged in the murder of marquis mcloughton for a month a decision that drew much criticism dreshka tried to invoke the stand your ground law which is to be used by people facing deadly force or imminent danger mcglockton was unarmed and video evidence shows that he tried to retreat right before dreshka shot him these facts caused the defense team to push for self-defense but the case was too weak to succeed in 2019 michael dreschke was convicted of manslaughter and sentenced to 20 years in prison in 2020 dreshka was attacked by a fellow inmate in retaliation for his crime the inmate stuffed a combination lock into a sock and used it to strike dryshka dreshka received five stitches and was transferred to protective out of concern for further attacks thanks again for watching don't forget to like the video and if you want to support the channel even more there's a patreon link in the description below stay safe and i'll see you in the next video
Channel: Stranger Stories
Views: 382,389
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: true crime, crime psychology, stranger stories, full interrogation, police interrogations, jcs, jcs inspired, confession tapes, crime, psychology, police, footage, jcs like, true crime documentary, forensic psychology, crime documentary, documentary, investigation, criminal psychology, interrogation, short documentary, case analysis, interrogation analysis, the interrogation of, the case of, crime master, self defense, interrogator, jcs case, jcs interrogation
Id: Z0jByPAIUro
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 94min 24sec (5664 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 05 2022
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