When life gives you blueberries | Vittoria de Sanctis | TEDxICS Zurich Youth

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[Applause] let's talk about happiness or better yet how to be happy because you know it's not like anyone's everever tried to do that before so before we begin I think it's important that we Define what exactly happiness is so for that we're going to ask Chachi Chi everyone's bestie when asked what is happiness and how we obtain it Chachi responds with happiness is a subjective state of well-being and fulfillment that is attained through a combination of positive emotions meaningful connections purposeful prits and contentment with one circumstances doesn't that tell us so very much but absolutely nothing at the same time as much as it's great to know all of these big words of What happiness is it doesn't tell us how to be happy luckily for you I have the solution happiness is blueberries now for those of you who are allergic to or don't like blueberries I'm so sorry but you're just never going to be happy it's not personal and if you're a remotely sane person I really do hope at this moment you're probably questioning why we're talking about blueberries we all know that you should eat healthy and nutrition is super important and having a balanced diet of food is great but why blueberries well that's what I'm here for did you know that in 2023 there was a study release that showed that people who ate a 3/4 cup of blueberries a day had better cognitive function and lower blood pressure and this is because blueberries contain something called anthocyanins and the purpose of anthocyanins is to make sure that endothe cells work as productively as possible and the purpose of these cells is to regulate blood pressure and blood flow so if you have regulated blood pressure you have the lower likelihood of having a heart attack or stroke and if you have better blood flow you have better blood flow to your brain which means higher cognitive function so in other words anthocyanin are super and they make you stronger with your brain and heart or blueberries make you a genius now I do hope that you all are wondering why I am so personally connected to blueberries so I will tell you a few months ago my art class was struggling from a very big moral decline we were not bothered to work we had zero productivity and my art teacher was sick of it so he suggested that we swap our delicious Red Bulls for a pack of blueberri let's just say none of us were really happy with that statement we liked our chips we liked our energy drinks but to entertain my crazy art teacher we did try to do this so for two weeks we all ate a packet of blueberries a day guys I've been taking this art class for seven months I had yet to have started an artwork I ate blueberries for two weeks and I not only started but I finished my first IB diploma artwork so in other words blueberries made me Picasso but they didn't just make me Picasso My Sleep Quality improved and my skin looked way better but mostly my friends did mention I was slightly less unpleasant to be around for those two weeks so so at this point I was wondering what drugs did my teacher put into these blueberries there has to be a secret that I don't know so I did a little bit of research and that's what put me on the blueberry kick and it's what's going to put you guys on this blueberry kick so let's get back into all the nutritious facts about blueberries in 2021 there was a study that showed a correlation between lower chronic inflammation and eating blueberries and this is because blueberries contain the highest quantity of polyols than any other Berry and the purpose of polyols they are phytonutrients that has anti-inflammatory properties so if you eat a lot of blueberries your likelihood of chronic inflammation lowers and so if your likelihood of chronic inflammation lowers your likelihood of chronic disease also lowers because the biggest driving cause of chronic disease is chronic inflamation so in other words polyols make you less sick and there was a study that showed how if you eat bluberries you have a lower likelihood of having heart disease type two diabetes and um cognitive decline I know there are still some skeptic people in this room but if you eat a plet of blueberries away a day the doctor stays away so if you are here and you're sitting and you're thinking okay this is great blueberries are awesome but what type of blueberries do we eat I will tell you there are three levels of processing that I'm going to discuss in food today and the first one would be any fresh fruit that you get at your local supermarket these have barely been tampered with with if they have to be washed it's actually even better because then you know they're just as dirty as when they pick them so please wash your fruit before you eat it but try and aim to eat this type of fruit your second level of processing is a little bit harder to picture when you think of it in blueberries because it would be the equivalent of pre-cut fruit to eat and snack on since we can't really cut blueberries just imagine it as a bowl of pre-rut fruit that you could buy to go this is a good alternative to nothing but it's still not what we're going for because these tend to have added sugars because if they have added sugars people want to buy them more often and they sometimes do need preservatives to increase shelf life so it's better than nothing but don't aim for these and your third level of processing would be the equivalent of a blueberry muffin or dried blueberries I know blueberry muffins are amazing but they're not going to give you the nutritional vitamins that you need to have all of these health benefits so if you eat drink a blueberry Red Bull or a blueberry Fanta for 2 weeks weeks and you don't feel your life has changed don't you dare come complain to me about it because it's not my fault I know that I have my Skeptics in the room and you guys are my gym Bros you're sitting here thinking but I need protein I need the muscular gain I can't risk my life with fructose now I think blueberries are great but they're not great for protein but they are great for something else if you are someone who's very passionate about working out they have great anti-inflammatory properties which is what we discussed before which means that you have a faster workout recovery and this is because there was a this was shown in a study where athletes took um did 90 minutes of workout a day and they also ate a cup of blueberries and they had a way lower inflammation than those who didn't so in other words if you need the gains you need the blueberries guys and for my athletes in the room who probably sit at home stressing about that broken bone that you're worried could kill your career the blueberries have got you back they contain something called vitamin K which is essential for bone strength now guys if I still haven't gotten you on this kick I have one more thing to really win you over I know that at some point in this talk you all have sat there and said wow she's a genius thank you I appreciate that I am but you probably thought a she didn't think about the expense don't you worry I did so if you bought a packet of blueberries a day at your local migros you would spend 3 Franks 90 I know that's a lot that is a lot it's crazy but there was a study that showed that women on average spend 2,327 on coffee a year and Men spend a little bit less $1,934 a year this is not a great statistic for the women in this room but I am going to help us get it down don't worry if you were to buy a packet of blueberries for 3.90 a day for a year and we're going to assume it's a leap year so you guys don't get to me about that extra day that makes all the difference you would spend roughly 1,427 Franks point4 and just to make you guys a little bit happier we're going to convert this into dollars so that it makes more sense so you're at 1,563 $3.49 who remembered the earlier numbers I have them here for you that's quite the jump that you would save and I know you're going to be there like I can't live without coffee but secretly you all do know that deep down coffee is really bad for you it's not good it's a it's a crazy dependency to have so swap out that cup of coffee for a cup of blueberries because when in doubts blueberry it out now in conclusion guys I really believe in blueberries and I think that they have so many health benefits to bring to you but they are just a pack of blueberries so please don't actually depend your happiness on them but that being said when life gives you blueberries please do eat them thank you [Applause]
Channel: TEDx Talks
Views: 3,996
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: English, Food, Happiness, Health, Nutrition, TEDxTalks, Youth, [TEDxEID:57576]
Id: TeYFU_FrvEg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 17sec (557 seconds)
Published: Fri May 17 2024
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