"When Legends Rise" - Godsmack
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Channel: undefined
Views: 12,903,106
Rating: 4.8592591 out of 5
Keywords: Godsmack, Sully Erna, Shannon Larkin, Tony Rombola, Robbie Merrill, Rock, Hard Rock, Band, NFL, NFL FOOTBALL, NFL PLAYOFFS, FOOTBALL, 2019, WHEN LEGENDS RISE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 2min 56sec (176 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 11 2019
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Godsmack was my favorite when I was younger. Saw theb put on a hell of a show at UMass Lowell
Unfortunately it also features a lot of Godsmack music
I was never a huge fan of them (only a few of their songs), but I saw them live a few years ago with a few other bands and they were really good.
Remember that there are thousands of women right now around the age of 40 with Godsmack tribal sun tramp stamps.
Good shit
IIRC Sully is a pats fan
I might be remembering wrong but pretty sure they had a concert during halftime in the season opener in 2019.
This song is complete shit. This is what it sounds like to write a rock anthem and fail.