When Jon Snow met Jeremy Paxman

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now 25 years in any job is a long time as I often say out loud to nobody in particular for Jeremy Paxman the Grand Inquisitor it's about enough and he wants to go to bed at much the same time as most people his era at the helm of the closest thing the BBC has to Channel 4 News has seen huge changes and how interviewers approach politicians he is said to want to go out without much fuss we felt this was wrong so Jon Snow went to make a fuss of Jeremy Paxman back so stuffing Grand Inquisitor alright what you've just told us the answer is no it's inescapable he's a Titan at the tapas table of all media furnishings and tonight Jamie Potter can it really be gone no more 14 times repeated question I did not overrule him I did not overrule Derek if you threaten to overrule I took no more beautiful irreverent yet vital queries you don't pray together for example no we don't pray together Jeremy now no more snooty views of necessary yet bog standard information eastern parts will mainly avoid the rain except for those that don't western areas will be cloudy with rain except in those places that don't have rain I got it to the inner news night sanctum this evening there he was but I was too what do you think is going to happen to news night what's gonna happen to our sort of programs um what's gonna happen to news now well I hope it's gonna go on for years the other dudes do you think that line longer form television Carolina's nightly as a guy hope it'll go on yeah I mean note no program has a god-given right to exist forever of course and nor should any program presume such a thing everything has to live or die by whether it delivers an audience or performs a function the two are not necessarily the same thing I suppose but um ya know I I hope it goes on I think you will go on why are you not going on because you know there comes a point in the life of old codgers when they've got to give up John you've know this feeling I'm sure you must have wrestled with it quite a bit you've come to the wrong decision right no I think I think if you are still having fun and yes still works but is the audience what that is a thought I could ask you you say you look in occasionally I do look in occasionally but obviously not when I'm doing it go on are you gonna miss it oh of course I'll miss it yes of course I'll miss there's something very exhilarating about live television I think the thing I miss most of all I suppose is actually working with lots of clever and talented people and having a laugh having a laugh that's the most important thing about going to work isn't it yeah but you see I'm not sure quite stacks up that you therefore just want to jack it in and go I mean let's be candid you could have another five years if you wanted but I don't want to get to the point John you'd recognise this of course when they're sitting around in the office saying I wonder if that old bug is going to get the wrong end of the stick tonight there's a suspicion - you're up to something oh I do something about it we're going off somewhere else to do something else where do you think that is a very interesting question I mean your program is the home of crackpot conspiracy theory so I'd be very interested to know because well there's even a crackpot theory that you might be coming to channel 4 well I'm aspiring to such a thing I mean I use enter there is very very ain't no no no it makes some documentary something safe Oh far away to me I don't know that's a very non non-committal Michael Howard kind of an answer what about a comeback you do think your mom make a comeback I hope so yeah then it might you a comeback yes where what could be here or California's you know he could who knows why do you think it's gonna happen to the BBC with all these resources I mean look at this place I mean I'm just I hate this place but I'm not a great I'm not a great advocate for this place what about it we're done jolly well for you I mean you've been in it all your life I'm not criticizing the institution I love the institution I admire the institution like the building it's a noble noble ambition and enterprise and you should recognize that I do I do and I don't have it consumer and I don't I will I believe I would go to the ramparts to defend it I don't think they'd ever want to employ me but that would I no matter you know something is it's fun being a slightly larger fish in a very small pond that the older fish in a very small pond Pat what's wrong with Twitter why haven't you Twitter yeah mom you come on board the old social networking are you on board it I am I I am I'm I'm disappointed I think it heralds the Golden Age of journalism it's the opportunity to lead people to water you have drunk the kool-aid and holo holo it really is it's al-amin she's talking about it's an opportunity to lead people to really fantastic I don't want to lead anyone anywhere I want to find things out well you can find things out but you can by monitoring time sharing and I agree but I have no thoughts that I want to share with people people would like to follow you I don't want anyone to follow me do you want people to follow you what we've got something a Messiah Complex I mean it's ridiculous if you have lots have gone with interesting conversation with people on Twitter do you you can pick up a lot of interesting stuff that wasn't my question my question was do you have lots of interesting conversations with people patient might be good as far as I can see this is an activity for people who've got nothing going on between their ears but not all nothing going on in their lives I was asked to tweet once by some previous editor of this program I could think of for tweets I think I tweeted once about how I was going to have a cup of tea and I couldn't decide between the digestive biscuit and a rich Texas misunderstand Twitter oh is it no I mean the key is is actually to send somebody a link to something which is a value marvelous well I wish you joy of it I don't get it I wish you joy Jeremy went Fei LLL be hos an old codger like you to tease me no I'm not teasing yes you I'm admiring trying to be you know with the beat well no no no I I'm trying to find out what makes you tick you don't love tea talk to them no it isn't I don't want to lead anybody I want to find things out that's what makes me tick and you know I that's all that's a sufficient that's sufficient for me find things out inform people and let them make their own judgement but I don't want to lead them Jeremy Paxman thanks for talking to it well I'm sorry I've been so unhelpful to you and then his honor just time for a quick look at some morose newspapers The Daily Mail goes with pack so stuffs the Beebe the Telegraph headline is pack so gone BBC dead that's about all we've got time for tonight until tomorrow night night night it wasn't very nice Oh God Oh
Channel: Channel 4 News
Views: 323,666
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Jeremy Paxman, Jon Snow, Jeremy Paxman Jon Snow, Jon Snow Jeremy Paxman, Jeremy Paxman interview, Jon Snow interview, Paxo, Newsnight, Jeremy Paxman Newsnight, 4News, Channel 4 News, Channel 4, news, latest news, breaking news, news today, BBC, Jeremy Paxman Channel 4, Paxman Channel 4
Id: xy5hf8UZMHo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 8sec (488 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 18 2014
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