When I Lock Eyes With You - Maverick City Music x UPPERROOM
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Views: 4,797,900
Rating: 4.929502 out of 5
Keywords: UPPERROOM, Upper room, upperroom live, upperroom dallas, upperroom worship, upper room worship, live worship, spontaneous worship, upperroom moments, upperroom prayer, upperroom music, upper room worship moment, worship, worship music, music, tribl, tribl upperroom, mav city, maverick city music, maverick city upperroom, upper room, when i lock eyes, upperroom when i lock eyes, maverick city when i lock eyes, brandon lake, Elyssa Smith, Chandler moore, take it all away
Id: 5xvCY0_vaDA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 18sec (858 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 27 2020
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