"When Hell Was in Session" (1979) Jeremiah Denton Vietnam War P.O.W. Movie

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foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] now [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] eight dollars eight thousand six thousand [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] come on I am all right yeah sure come on in thank you I'll get it for you foreign there's a captain Brown he says he wants to speak to you we do ask him to please wait a minute bill he says it's important it's about Dad would you stay with Mary Beth Villa I'll be right I'll be right back [Music] foreign he's alive foreign [Music] [Music] I banged up my leg my leg I can't stand [Music] oh God be now [Music] all right [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] oh my God [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] thank you the independence is right here in the Gulf of Tonkin about 100 miles off the coast of North Vietnam now Commander Denton was leading the flight for here the tanwa bridge after this hit the parachute of into the ma river which runs right along to the president's speech secretary defends Robert McNamara just I'll get your hopes too high but you said there would be news of Jerry well we're not certain it was an unconfirmed report from Geneva that information and pictures to be transmitted in time for the evening news but which is not sure well I think it's coming up and earlier today we would promise photos a little closer to home this could be it photos issued by the North Vietnam news agency reportedly showing two captured United States Navy flyer shot down during an air attack on the 10-1 bridge near the port city of Haifa that we have just received those pictures the two officers were identity that doesn't even look like him he looks terrible GG William shooty the department of the Navy declined to release any further information about the two officers saying that it might be harmful or might be used against a captured what have it done to him we're going to have pictures for you sent back by the Mariner for Speed we're trying to get people into the camps now Red Cross amnesty get them in your father will be home and soon I don't want any of you to ever doubt that all right [Applause] [Applause] on your feet you're gonna see the officer I can't stand open up [Music] can't use my leg don't you see I can't stand lit up wait up wait up [Applause] foreign what is your name Jeremiah Denham Jr your birth date rank service number 15 July 1924 Commander 485087 what kind of plane were you flying what kind of plane were you flying what kind of plane were you flying Jeremiah Denton 15. you are being very foolish Amanda you realize what would happen if we turned you over to the civilians it would certainly punish you and if that punishment results in your losing an arm or leg they would dispose of you they would not plan to send home a you're threatening me aren't you and that's in direct violation of the Geneva Convention Denton you must cooperate with us do you understand what is your home base the name of your career oh Jeremiah then 15 July 1920s [Music] foreign [Music] thank you [Music] I know it's late but I have to talk to you I'm Nancy Judy Bill's wife [Music] you watch the news tonight four times every station so did I I've wanted so much to meet you we should have been friends before this what a terrible way for us to meet what are we gonna do I don't know I've wondered what would happen if Jerry was shot down we all have but I always thought if he were he'd be killed I I never thought about him being a prisoner but they're alive that's the main thing what I was thinking about Jerry what a terrible prisoner he'll make he's not going to be there that long neither is Bill they exchange prisoners all the time don't they of course they do and this isn't even a war I bet you they'll be home for Christmas I know they will [Music] laughs hello foreign can you hear me can you hear me I hear you who are you major Frank parent U.S Air Force who are you Jeremiah Denton Commander Navy how long how long you've been a prisoner friend I don't know let's be months he checked it out of an f-105 Frank you're the first one I've been able to talk to Frank just keep it real low this talk we're having is forbidden any communication between prisoners and you get punished real bad look Terry I'm in bad shape nothing to eat and I don't remember how long I've been in irons but it must be weeks in irons why I think it was because I was impolite and one of their quizzes I wouldn't answer their questions and I spilled a cup of tea all over the table I haven't had anything to eat since but they have to feed you the thing you have to know around here more than anything else Jerry foreign anything why be quiet no talk no talk this is Frank send Morris it's safer how many pows this camp no no who is senior officer who's sending lousy code foreign Commander Jeremiah Denton identify Lieutenant James Norton Air Force Lieutenant JG William Granger foreign welcome aboard are you all familiar code of conduct yes sir communication and code of conduct they will see us through yeah sure if you say so Mrs Denton yes I'm Lieutenant Hadley I talked to you yesterday from Washington yes come on in this is Mary Beth come on in sit down thank you for today sit down Miss Dunn as I explained to you yesterday on the phone uh there's some things we need to go over oh first of all I'd like to get some details on your mortgage our mortgage yes I was told you're on this house yes that's right Mrs Denton I hate to even ask but I just want to help I need to know what your interest rate is uh what your monthly payments are the monthly payments on your car and anything else anything that my husband would normally take care of yes I'm afraid that's right why it's the Navy Department taking care of its own isn't it [Applause] it's hoping and praying that Jerry was was going to come home by Christmas and now you're telling me he isn't when is he coming home I don't know no one knows and that's the truth isn't it no one really does know but one thing you do know you and the Navy department and the people in Washington it's going to be a lot longer than any of us ever dreamed it would be isn't it foreign [Music] we have superiors just as you once had still have and they expect us to achieve certain results you see Denton you have a very bad attitude and besides you are not being polite you're not supposed to communicate and yet you do it is so communicating is punishable Denton be polite Denton that is all we ask of you after all I'm a civilized man Before the War I was a professor of history and literature Vietnamese literature we are civilized people and all you must do is have a proper attitude and be polite cooperate with us Denton the prisoners who have a good attitude get warm clothes and very good food foreign [Music] foreign this is not enjoyment for any of us if you cooperate you will be back in your cell with extra rashes how long does it take to train one of your Army divisions foreign how long does it take to train one of your Army divisions I'm in the Navy that is nice you're talking to us that is polite now how long does it take to train a division oh takes weeks months for a couple of years it's good that is excellent Denton that is the first time you have ever answer a question see it is no problem why didn't you tell us that long ago that's all we wanted respect cooperation we're a man of our word you will be rewarded you will see what a small amount of cooperation will do Denton imagine has cooperated he's a very smart officer all of you should follow his wise example we will now bring him extra food reactions which all of you can also have merely by cooperating foreign you okay what'd you give them question how long train Army division answer weeks months years good going Jerry no victory for them if broken refuse favors back to hard line [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] it's not a Christmas present the independent stock last night Commander Denton's personal belongings take it inside for you yeah I'll take it let me get the door for you is there anything I can do Mrs Jones no I'm fine thank you you all right Mom what's that it's from the independence your father's personal belongings [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] I'm not going to finish school what you are no I'm not as soon as I'm old enough I'm going to join the Army you are not now I'm not going to let you that that is not what your father would want I don't know what he wants he isn't here to help me mom I have to dad's not getting enough help out there I have to try and do something you are going to finish school and you are going on to college as planned that is what your father would want and if anything ever happened to you I don't think I could bear it well how are you Denton terrible did you not enjoy the extra food he eats nothing you have copyrighted Denton there is nothing wrong with having food to eat I have some questions for you easy questions I hope you will cooperate what was the name of your carrier where was the carrier based how many catapults did it have what type of plane did he carry you must answer me Denton you must continue to cooperate oh oh purple [Music] it will be moved Denton you would not listen you would not cooperate now you will be moved and I assure you you will not like it so well as him he went away [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] you move a little closer so you can hear me but don't turn around just a couple of steps back that that's good real good I'm Alex vardus who are you Jeremiah Denton where are we now look Detention Center we'll call this place the zoo it's a lot worse here than Hanoi Hilton there's less food practically no communication they catch me doing what I'm doing now to take the food away for a week probably beat the hell out of me too with ranking pow Air Force lieutenant colonel Meredith but they took him into interrogation three weeks ago they've been torturing him ever since they took them out of here you can hear him screaming I don't think we're gonna ever see him alive again what's your rank and date Jerry uh Commander one July 1962. this is your lucky day it looks like you're going to be a new senior officer oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] content how much longer must this go on you will not be able to balance yourself much longer all we ask is cooperation this oppressive War goes on much too long now that is not too much to agree to as a dentist God as a humane I'm sure you would like to end this war as quickly as possible I'm sure you will do what we ask to help achieve that [Music] foreign you're the senior officer of the prisoners here I know how the other prisoners obey you and follow your lead then then look what you make us do to you it has been days since you've had any food or water you must stop causing other prisoners to resist why are you so stubborn we only ask for cooperation why is it so difficult thank you you're a stubborn landed but all you succeed in doing is to make me lose my temper now show us cooperation foreign you think you win but you do not your life the whole world is passing you by you do not help your cause by forcing us to do this to you why are you resisting why must you suffer I know you think you have suffered badly at my hands but if you had only Incorporated in any event you choose not I told you once we would break your will I have not done my job well no you will have to deal with a professional who takes pleasure in Breaking men this man will hurt you very badly maybe he will even kill you I will ask you to make a confession but it will mean nothing my government knows it is humiliating for you to make a confession even if it is forced for me I hope the humiliation will make you more reasonable that's all you have everything to gain nothing to lose you get food your trip will improve in all ways please them erase them [Applause] you're here to learn cooperation [Applause] [Applause] foreign [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] foreign foreign am I glad to see you I thought they'd killed you for sure this time of course they broke me I promise I'd make a confession to me Ranger you know other guys are broken too that I'd die before now you can't die that's an order yeah you're gonna clean me up and show me off the press I don't know what I'm gonna do you can't take any more of this [Music] welcome [Music] [Applause] good afternoon Amanda Denton my name is Ito comora I am a reporter with the Japanese news service I am going to ask you some questions the camera will be operating and you should please answer truthfully I will answer your questions um to the best of my ability good very good administration building I haven't said you should watch the news just like that just like that the film only came in from Japan about three hours ago Naval intelligence hasn't even seen it yet they just know it's going to be on the news tonight news agency well this is it local out of Hanoi by one of their cameraman included in it are portions of an interview with an American prisoner of War Commander Jeremiah Denton now Commander Dutton was interviewed at Hanoi where he'd been held prisoner for more than three years since being shot down in July of 1965. Commander Denton as an American pilot we know on the North Vietnamese Mainland yes it is to re-evaluate your action what is your feelings towards your government's bombing policy Commander Dutton I asked what are your feelings towards your government's bombing policy I don't really know what's going on in the war now because the only sources of information I have North Vietnamese but whatever the position of my government is I support it and I will continue to support it for as long as I live this isn't with his eyes to notice anything sure the poor guy's been on a vitamin A deficient diet for so long his eyes can't take the life what you're really saying is he's blinking a lot the safety say that okay now watch it carefully and what those are Morse code quick blinks dots long bling stashes [Applause] your right Denton sending Morris okay that's t o r t Q r the over and over again torture that's what he's sending a message to us Admiral Paulie please must have been strange seeing Jerry like that I keep thinking what if it were bill did you see what he looked like what they have done to him who knows what he's been through and now that he has defied them like that by by saying that I I'm afraid they're really going to kill him now and the awful thing is that he is going through this terrible Hill and I can't help him I feel so helpless all the time I can scream go ahead scream why don't we all scream at the top of our lungs Nancy we have been quiet too long I'm going home to call the others a whole group of powys can apply a lot more pressure than just the two of us [Music] bye goodbye [Music] foreign [Applause] [Applause] ER with all the best music in Southeast Asia before we get to that I've got real news for you you all know Jeremiah Denton well his conscience has just gotten the best of him and he has just voluntarily confessed all his crimes all you other war criminals could do yourself a favor by doing the same thing now in case you fellas have any doubts here's the war criminal himself I am an imperialist hi I apologize to host human at the North Grand race people or the crimes I have I have occurred that was the voice of American war criminal Jeremiah Denton now you criminals all think about it for a while and also think about making your own confessions and therefore we feel we've been quiet for too long something has got to be done to bring our husbands home and we mean just as soon as possible Mrs Phillips I assure you I assure all of you that the president in fact all of us are not unsympathetic to your husband's plight we've evaluated all the information available to us and we sincerely feel that the best thing we can all do as hard as it is is nothing now once this terrible war is over and then I'm sorry Mr Williams if we wait until this war is over and who knows how many years that's going to be if we wait that long I think most of our husbands are going to be dead my name is Jane Denton I imagine you've seen the newsreel film of my husband no matter what the North Vietnamese say my husband was tortured Jerry was tortured he would never get up in front of the media like that and now that he has said what he did I'm not even sure he is still alive none of us knows what's happening to our husbands one letter every year or two is all any of us ever get six scribbled Lines no more no less of anything the North Vietnamese will let them send the more our government builds this up as a public issue the higher the price the North Vietnamese will demand for the release of your husbands and you always run the risk of even worse retaliation against them have you considered that husbands are being tortured and starved to death what more can the North Vietnamese do to them if you can't help them we have to any way we can together [Music] foreign I'm truly sorry I had hoped we could begin a new hero of cooperation but no you persist in your Communications as soon as we break one code you devise another we have decided no matter what we do you will not stop your foolish resistance your insistence in this code of conduct you try to maintain that is why we must deal with you once and for all that's really not going to stop anything you can kill me we are not murderous Denton well whatever it is you're gonna do to me won't change anything the next senior officer will simply take my place that's all if you get rid of him the next man will take his place perhaps [Music] oh this is yeah hello this is Francis Parker and my husband is a prisoner of war in North Vietnam [Music] is we'd like to set up a petition signing Drive outside your theater we're trying to get as many signatures as possible so we can send them to the North Vietnamese to let them see that the pows have not been forgotten yes we have City permission that's very good of you the number is five five three thousand yes thank you very much Jerry I didn't know anything about fixing um mom can I talk to you a minute I signed up for the Army today I'm going to train for helicopter Duty now Mom I know we've talked about it and I know how you feel but it's what I want to do that's what I have to do Jerry it is just too much it is so unfair but look at you and what you're doing now if I didn't try and something bad happened mom please understand me please [Music] there's someone on the line that wants to talk to you about setting up a booth at his theater [Music] yes next Wednesday will be fine [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] how do you like your new home Denton no one can live in a place like this no one and your leg eye and stay on all the time you have finally arrived Denton home [Music] [Music] [Music] Commander Jay Denton to senior officer no seniors here in Alcatraz just us Die Hard war criminals identify Lieutenant JG Michael Bryan this is vardus I'm glad you're alive how are you lousy I think they're getting to me hang in there we've got to be going home soon like hell we do this war lasts forever nobody cares about us they don't even know it was still out here [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] died and went to hell what hell was like it's like this place you okay yeah sure I'm dying never going home never going to see my wife and kid again for that everything's fine virus you are going home all going home can't give up Jerry you're a religious man you're always praying pray for me pray I die I I can't go through any more of this virus hang on please don't give up Jerry please pray for me thank you very much thank you we too appreciate it if you sign our petition one I mean your husbands are all officers aren't they yes but the petition is for the release of All American prisoners in North Vietnam why doesn't it just say stop the war there watch your stand on that that's what it's all about isn't it we're talking about people my husband's a prisoners and they're suffering terribly and we would like you to help us get them home safely now from all the information we can gather this is all they have to eat every day taste it it's the North Vietnamese recipe called pumpkin soup the ride of the pumpkin boiled that's all they have to eat every day yeah I guess I do have a pretty tough [Music] [Applause] artists you read me [Music] foreign ERS please listen we've come so far we've been through so much all of us you can't give up now keep communicating got to keep trying to stay alive [Music] Jerry I have a little baby girl Cindy I lost track of how old six maybe seven if you ever get out something got to do for me go see her Jerry [Music] hold her and kiss her for me consider it done [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] foreign [Laughter] [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] God we commend the spirit of Alex artists to your eternal love and care he was a good decent man he suffered so terribly now never to see his wife and daughter [Music] let's prepare this [Music] we've knocked on all the doors we can we've had as many petitions signed as we could fill out but it still isn't enough everybody's kind to us and they care at least they say they do yeah face it it's not a subject people want to hear about in the whole War excuse me police action bugs us look what happened to Johnson our husbands are where they are going through what they are because our country sent them out there I think we just have to reach more people a lot more more than we can by ourselves for instance the newspapers yes wire service copy maybe magazines really go public yes now I mean public and that means you Mrs Den uh you'll you'll all be part of it but you're the one to kid on your husband's the one people saw and read about prepared for that yes okay I want to know what it's like for you how it feels what it takes to be mother father whole thing I think you can give me that sure thank you I hope you can say that a few months from now because once you go public no pulling back I mean you become public property understood understood [Music] I guess I'm going off the deep end Jerry you know what I was just thinking about an ice cream soda how did you know me too chocolates vanilla before we talk some more about your organization and what it is you're trying to do there's one question I'd like to ask if I may and it's interesting to me because both your husbands were shot down at the same time that was again July 18 1965. it's almost six years ago that's a long time yes it is and in all that time have you never I mean looked at another man well after all it is a natural question what I think the viewers would like to hear about we love our house and we miss them and that's why we're here to get them back home of course well I'd like to thank you ladies for being with me we haven't finished oh you don't understand we have to go to a commercial you don't understand we are the commercial I know a guy just a minute let's go to the phones I'm sure the people out there have a lot of questions they would like to ask you good evening I will hope and hell what I mean is those people are animals just animals don't you agree last month our national group sent several representatives to the North Vietnamese delegation in Paris it wasn't easy but they did get in and present our petition to them it had over half a million signatures on it what makes you think they can even read thank you for calling let's take the next question am I on you're on I'd like to get back to that question you raised Tom a lot of us out here feel lonely for a lot of reasons and I for one would like to know how you ladies I think we've pretty well answered that excuse me I I would like to talk about that I haven't seen my husband for six years I don't even know if he gets most of the letters I write to him I wish we were sharing something other than this terrible ordeal but I think we are sharing it and helping each other in spite of everything we've always been a team there are times when I feel he is so close to me so close that he can feel my love for him and the children's love if I didn't feel that I would have given up a long time ago I hope that helps you [Music] foreign is that where I think it is you bet it is we're bombing targets around Hanoi not technically that sounds like big stuff B-52s I don't believe it leave it [Music] hello oh Jane it's it did I wake you no no I couldn't sleep out I was sitting here reading what is it well it's good news the story just came in Kissinger is going over to Paris to take personal charge of the peace talks and the North Vietnamese delegation is discuss release of the pows oh it maybe that means they'll all be coming home soon I hope so but don't get your hopes up too high when you tell the others I'll try not to but it won't be easy well it does look good but we've been there before just remember that gotta go bye [Music] thank you [Music] prank Jerry [Music] oh my God [Music] Ranger Commander I'm Ranger sir [Music] all right yeah [Music] right where's that fella over there what [Music] come with me you stay [Music] [Applause] [Music] sit down Denton [Music] this is a request Commander not an order would you care for some tea please I insist it is good to you foreign enemies and have tried to destroy each other each in his own way I other officers many of our guards in our age we have allowed our angers to lead us down paths that are not in keeping with our civilized Vietnamese tradition I have been required to make public self-criticism for my mistakes and have promised from now on prisoner treatment will be humane my future deeds will prove that my words are true please drink your tea Denton we will begin a new era of understanding once you and other prisoners are well and healthy again then all things are possible I have not said this before because we're enemies but you're a man to be admired Denton I want to hold a religious service a formal religious service for all the men you're a stubborn man Denton [Music] yes may the Lord bless us and keep us may he make his countenance to shine upon us and give us peace now and Evermore amen [Music] and the Lord said to Satan see my servant job a perfect and upright man who reveres God and turns away from evil and Satan answered all that a man has he will give for his life to save let me put forth my hand now and Crush job's flesh and Bone and he will curse you to your face and Satan smote job from the soul of his foot to the crown of his head most cruelly and job fell to the ground and worshiped the Lord saying I have received the Lord's blessing see though I have delivered my servant job into your hands to take him finished yet and bless him with all the rest of the days of his life [Applause] the coming of the Lord [Applause] his truth is [Applause] Glory Glory Hallelujah [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] every Glory Hallelujah Glory Glory Hallelujah [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] mom you're gonna be late you gotta get to the airport now the refrigerator is full of food if you need anything just go down go down again lock it and you can get anything you want house I want everybody in this house by 11 o'clock all right what about me I'm grown up you two in the house by 11 o'clock now you take care of yourself I'm married we your father and I will be back in a few days [Music] foreign [Music] look wow that is the prettiest bird I ever did see I'm not gonna believe it till I'm on board I'm not gonna believe it till it's up in the air [Music] [Music] hello Jerry hello Bill well let's uh long time since we flew that last mission seven and a half years foreign [Music] you don't look like you've been to a picnic either that's funny we got shot down together we don't see each other for seven and a half years and here we are together again foreign [Music] [Music] thank you guys [Applause] foreign [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] foreign [Music] [Applause] to have had the opportunity to serve our country under difficult circumstances we are profoundly grateful to our commander-in-chief and to our nation for this day God bless America [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] thanks for watching if you'd like to help us produce more compelling historical content like this please like comment below and share this video with fellow history Buffs and of course be sure to subscribe to help keep history happening
Channel: LionHeart FilmWorks
Views: 143,398
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: hanoi hilton, when hell was in session, jeremiah denton, hal holbrook, north vietnam, south vietnam, viet cong, vietnam (country), vietnam war, vietnam war documentary, vietnam war footage, pow, prisoner of war, medal of honor, air force, navy pilot, viet nam, vietnam war (military conflict), pow vietnam, hanoi hilton documentary, vietnam war movies, north vietnamese army, vietnam war footage interview, hanoi hilton vietnam, 1979 tv movie, veterans day, memorial day
Id: RZ8DOqktNdA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 97min 46sec (5866 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 12 2022
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